A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 296: Interlude 18

Chapter 296: Interlude 18

Sasaki Kojiro POV

What a wonderful day.

How long has it been since I'd left the Temple – the festival not withstanding. Though, that was quite the event as well. I was able to cross blades with such renown figures and even held my own. As confident as I was in my sword, it's good to know that even my existence as merely a wraith was acknowledged through battling more Servants.

And that one young man who arrived in the middle of our fight and jumped right in. He shouted happily even as he got a thorough thrashing by Scáthach.

It's nice to know that such people still exist in the modern era.

The festivities themselves were relaxing as well. I could scarcely recall attending an event like that even in my life if I pushed past the false idolization that the Grail forced into this vessel.

A world full of Youkai, how amusing.

I would very much like to go visit it again some time

Really, I enjoyed all these new experiences. I had no complaints on how I spent my life atop that mountain, perfecting my sword, but to see new places had its own charm that can't be compared.

"Are ya deaf?"

"Hmm?" I was broken from my idle muse as I looked at the people surrounding me. They wore some rather impressive looking armor, but they were splattered with dry blood stains and I could guess that it did not come from any game they hunted.

"We said, take off them fancy clothes."

".....I apologize, but I do not find men favorably in that light." It was flattering that they were so forward, but I simply prefer ladies.

Well, I didn't think they took my rejection well, because they got angry and charged me with weapons drawn.

"We'll carve up your body and take all your money from your corpse!"

I stepped back, a blade narrowly missing my neck.

"Oh!" I realized my error. "You are bandits, I apologize, I thought you were trying to bed me." Another angry shout reverberated behind me as I ducked under an axe that swung past me. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

"Die!" The remainder of them charged at me, a large variety of weapons in hand.

"Honestly, you should be flattered." I said as I finally decided to draw my blade. With a flick of my wrist, I knocked an oncoming arrow out of the air.

Tilting my arm forward, I turned my blade and thrusted out, stabbing a man running at me with a large Warhammer in his hands. I pieced right through his throat, a small spurt of blood flying out as I pulled my blade free in one swift motion.

"You bastard! You killed Bord!"

Another arrow came sailing towards me, and I plucked it from the air before it could touch me and threw it at the one who had just screamed and entered a murderous rage.

"My first assumption wasn't that you were bandits, but merely flirting. When I picture bandits, I don't think of a well armed group of individuals such as yourselves." I hummed thoughtfully, jumping into the air to avoid two more individuals who swung at me simultaneously. With gravity following my movement, I whipped my sword down and flowed through the movement, beheading both of them in a single slash.

I calmly flicked my blade, flinging the blood off of it before sheathing it behind my back. I knelt down, picking up a discarded axe, giving it an appraising swing to get a feel for the balance. I held it up at eye level, looking at its curvature and edge.

"What good craftsmanship, and it looks like the other weapons don't lose out." I couldn't hold back my admiration. "Are all weapons here so high quality?" Was it because this was still the Age of Gods that such crafts were more openly studied and accessible?

Well, regardless.

I turned to look at the last bandit who was running away down a dirt path.

I tossed the axe up and caught it with a small smile. "It's good to experience other cultures." I raised the axe up, closing one eye to get a good measure of distance. "I've never used an Axe as a weapon before, lets see how this goes!" I planted my foot forward and threw it with all my might.

The Axe broke the sound barrier, flying towards the running Bandit. He turned at the last moment, most likely surprised at the sudden thunder clap, and his last sight was that of the axe infront of his eyes.

He was picked up off his feet and followed the moment of the axe as he went cartwheeling off the edge of the nearby cliff.

".....perhaps I put too much strength into it." I said quietly, with a tad bit of embarrassment.

I did like how the axe felt in my hand. Maybe I should give other weapons a try for some amusement?

I can't say I've ever tried using a Bow before, not to mention a Warhammer like the first bandit who charged used.

"Oh." I blinked in realization. "I can take everything with me."

I should thank Wilhelm again once I see him next. This has already been more fun than I've had in a very long time, outside of the festival.


"Hmm, is this the place?" I saw some large walls coming up ahead.

Wilhelm told me a destination to find this 'Ebony', but.....I got lost.

Oh well, I would let the winds of fate guide my way.

Though, I would appreciate it if someone here could guide me to something good to drink. While I much preferred Sake, the Ale and other alcohol they have here weren't too bad.

Getting closer, the place looked.....not as grand as I had pictured. The walls looked more like they chopped down some trees haphazardly to quickly fortified the area.

Actually, there's a lot of land that looked scorched.

Ah, I did hear that Dragon attacks have been causing such things. Dare I to hope that one may be nearby for me to find?

I would love to hold it over that Rider's head.

"Are you daft, old man!? We said no entry!" I almost stumbled in my steps as the two guards at the gate shouted at a man in a full black armor.

The person in Black Armor grunted and walked to the side under the shade of a tree. Though he seemed to perk up once I approached further, I glanced at him as his head seemed to be staring at me. I don't know what kind of face he was making as he was covered head to toe, including his face.

"No Entry!" One of the guards scowled upon my closer approach.

"Pardon?" I replied.

"Another daft cunt? I said no entry!" He growled. "I'm pissed off as it is boy, don't make me draw my blade."

"I...apologize, but I am new around these parts. Do you mind explaining the situation to me?"

"Do I look like –"

I reached into my Kimono, as if I were pulling something I stored within when in fact I withdrew a few of these gold coins and tossed them to the grumpy guard. I did not know if such Mystic Codes were common, but I would say it was better to be safe and not cause unwanted annoyances.

The Guard caught the gold with ease, his temperament changed immediately. "Alright, I guess I can spare a moment." He spoke, quickly pocketing the coins. "What you need to know, outsider?"

"Would you mind explaining what's going on here? And What happened to the town?"

The Guard's shoulder sunk ever so slightly. "Dragon attack, much like everywhere else in Skyrim. One of the first places to be hit. Riften was never the ideal place to live for common folk, what with thieves and murderers running rampant, but it was home for many of us. Then along comes a Dragon and burns most of it to the ground. We barely recovered this much in the months that passed." He let out a sigh.

I.....would not hold his previous attitude against him. It seemed that everyone had their own problems.

"And why can't I go in?" I questioned.

The guard sighed again. "Tis not my fault. The Jarl commanded that the city be sealed, no one in or out while we search for those Thief Guild bastards." He growled. "Heard they robbed somethin precious from the Jarl and got her in bad mood."

Riften, huh?

"How unfortunate, I have not been able to find a bed after a day of traveling." I sighed to myself. "Do you mind showing me the way towards the nearest town or village where I can rest?"

"Ah..well...the nearest village is more than a day's travel back the way you came." The guard awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "The nearest city is about the same distance north if you want somthin bigger."

"How unfortunate, I suppose I shall head north then. Thank you for the information."

"...wait." He suddenly called out. "The Jarl should calm down in a few hours if you be wanting to wait. This is not the first time the Jarl has been at odds with the Thieves Guild."

I rubbed my chin in thought. "That doesn't sound too bad, I don't mind waiting, thank you."

The guard mumbled something about 'polite strangers'. "Ah, well, think nothing of it."

Hmm, shall I look around, find a nice spot for a nap maybe? There's no better time to nap than under the evening sun while it's high up in the sky.

"Stranger, a moment."

My idle musing ceased as I stopped my steps and turned towards the owner of the voice. The man covered head to toe in that black armor was addressing me. "Greetings, how may I help you?"

"You wear strange garb, and a sword the like of which I've never seen before." He looked like he was inspecting me.

"Yes, I'm aware my appearance may seem abnormal to people of this place." I wasn't put off by his observations. It was simply the nature of people to look at the differences that we each compose. I'm sure I was sticking out like a sore thumb.

"You misunderstand me." He shook his head. "I may not know you nor where you come from, but I can tell you're strong."

"Oh?" I quirked an eyebrow. "Are you maybe looking for a spar?"

The armored man paused briefly. "No, not a spar, stranger. I wish for a true fight, if you would indulge me. I challenge none that could meet me equally, thus I do not force these terms. But I wish our fight to be one to the end if you accept."

I blinked at this frank admittance. "You wish a duel to the death? Did I do something to wrong you?"

"Nay, stranger." He visibly shook his head.

".....Before I consider this, please properly explain it to me." I'm not against killing by any means, those bandits found that out quickly. However, I am hesitant to raise my blade against someone who was so forthright and had done me no wrong.

He let out a tired sigh. "I have done all that can be done, stranger. There is nothing left. No quests to be undertaken. No villains to be slain. No challenges to face."

"....You want a warrior's death."

"Yes." I could almost see his eyes lightnen up in expectation through his helmet. "I can only seek out strong warriors to face me, to give me a true death worthy of heading to Sovngarde with honor."

That was something anyone who dedicated themselves to battle could understand. Any who raised a weapon with the intention to make it their lifelong companion. Only with blade held in hand and were defeated after they gave their all could they consider it a good end to a good life.

However, I was curious about something.

"I have heard of Dragons in these lands, have you not tried seeking them out for battle? Would falling to such mighty creatures not be a worthy death?"

"No, I would accept such a thing as well. I have even slain such a beast in weeks past, but finding a monstrous beast that can traverse the skies is difficult at the best of times. I came upon this city after hearing it was plagued by such foul creatures, but even with such rumors, I have yet to lay my eyes on another of the beasts."

Ah, that made sense.

And it was impressive that he managed to slain a dragon all by himself.

My own pride forced me to answer him. "Very well, if it is a duel you wish, a duel we shall have."

I saw no reason to not fullfill his request. To cross blades with a strong warrior in these lands, it was one of the reasons I wished to come here. And one thing was for certain, this man was powerful.

I didn't quite know how much, as many strange things existed here, but my instincts told me he could put up a fight.

"Do you have a name, stranger?" We both instinctively took positions opposite each other, several feet apart.

"In my culture, it's polite to introduce yourself first." I grinned, gripping my blade from behind my back.

I briefly glanced at the guards at the gates, and they didn't move to stop us so I didn't bother with them anymore.

"Hahaha, very well. I am known far and wide as the Ebony Warrior. I have long discarded my true name, stranger. But from one warrior to another, it is simply Sadr."

"Sadr then." I nodded. "It may sound strange to you, but from the lands I hail, I go by Sasaki Kojiro." I drew my blade, holding it to my side.

"Yes a name that my tongue is not used to speaking, however, it will forever be etched into my memory. For how long that lasts..." He drew his own weapon, a greatsword that was also behind his back. "WE SHALL SEE!" He let out a roar as he charged at me.

My eyes briefly widened at the speed his produced, even hampered by that encompassing Armor. His footsteps dug into the ground with each step he took, and he accelerated to speeds that would leave a normal man with no manner of retaliation.

I could not stop the smile from forming on my face. I watched his movement with ease, and swung my sword to meet his overhead slash.

The colliding of steel echoed out and the grown beneath us was cracked at the force.

"You blocked my strike?" He spoke aloud with a surprised tone. "Yes! I have not been mistaken! You are a warrior that makes my old blood boil!" He laughed merrily as he followed up his first attack. A speed that again was unnatural for the weight of his weapon and armor.

A flurry of strikes were unleashed as I moved to block and deflect each one.

My hair and clothes fluttered at the sheer momentum behind each of his swings.

"Interesting." I mimicked his laugh, stepping to the side as I thrust my sword forward. He jerked his body to the side and my Blade sparked against his impressive armor.

I raised an eyebrow, seeing that his armor remained unscathed from an admittedly casual strike, but still my sword was not normal.

"My new friend, you will have to do more than that if you wish to land a wound upon me. This Ebony Armor of mine has been tempered through numerous battles!" He stomped on the ground and swept his long blade at me.

I stepped back, taking the moment to pull my own sword back to deflect the strike again. The strength left behind it another notch from his previous strikes.

Hmm, he should be a little weaker – physically – than when the Witch used those magics to enhance her Master.

And did he say Ebony?

.....would it be impolite if I acquired this armor of his after I defeat him?

I didn't dwell on it. To get distracted with my foe while fighting honorably, it would look poorly upon myself.

I stepped into the strike, sliding my long blade against his overextension as I moved forward. I pushed away his large sweep and slammed the hilt of my blade against his should, causing him to buckle under the blow.

Pivoting my feet, I spun my body, fully swinging my sword around and slashed at his mid-section.

He scrambled to bring his sword up to block, but it was haphazard at best, as the force of it knocked him off his feet and he tumbled to the ground. Quickly, he sprung back to his feet and charged at me again.

I took a deep breath, grasping my sword with both hands and held it infront of me. With another step forward, I slashed upwards, destroying his guard once more, and I channeled a good amount of my Magical Energy into my blade, continuing the movement as my blade dug into his arm. His armor shuddered and my blade ever so slightly pushed into the strong metal.

He let out a roar as his body became enveloped in a glow in a shade similar to his armor. A magical force fought against my continued slash, not letting me push any further.

He tried to swing his sword at me, but I used my opposite hand to reach out and grab hold of his arm before he could finish a motion.

"Well, this is awkward." I let out a laugh.

Both of us slacked our arms, slowly pulling our weapons free.

His armor was very impressive. I could see why Wilhelm recommended me Ebony, it would be able to battle Noble Phantasm from what I had gleamed thus far.

Blood of a God? I could believe such a myth have some truth to it.

I struck at what should have been the weakest part of the armor with a strong blow on my part, and I barely pushed through.

"Magic?" I questioned shimmer of energy around him. It reminded me of a spell I'd seen Wilhelm cast.

"Yes, does it offend you?" He replied.

"Not at all." I smiled. "If you are skilled in such arts, then that means you studied and trained them just as much as I have my blade. I cannot fault someone for seeking skill where they have talent."

"To hear such words from a young man such as yourself....." I couldn't make out his expression, but I believed he was happy. "A different time, I would have enjoyed a friendship with you."

Silently, we both agreed to take a step back. Such things happened sometimes, if you couldn't find the humor in such a situation, then there was no point in having a friendly duel, even if the consequence was death.

"To overcome my greatest pride, my Ebony Armor, in a single slash." He inspected the minor damage. "I am awed beyond words, stranger. Truly I have chosen the most wonderous opponent for my potential final battle. However....." His tone shifted. "....You dishonor me by holding back."

"Ah....you noticed." I breathed out.

"I am usually the one holding back my blows, it is humbling to be on the other end for once." He muttered, shifting his stance. "I ask for a true duel, please defeat me with all your strength."

"Apologies." I closed my eyes for a brief moment, centering myself. "I was enjoying a good fight, I instinctively wished to continue it as long as possible."

The armored man let out a chuckle. "I suppose I can't fault you for that." He shook his head.

"In recompose, I will show you my strongest technique that I spent my whole life creating." I slowly shifted my stance bringing my blade up towards my head.

"You....." His shivered. "I feel the touch of death if I take a single step forward." He let out a hearty laugh. "Yes, I believe this will be my final moment, and I will see with my own eyes what you consider a worthy technique."

Allow me to send you off, Warrior of another world.

"Hiken – "


We both stopped abruptly, a thunderous roar that shook heaven and earth. Our heads snapped to the source as a Dragon came over the mountains, a rage in its eyes as it bared its fangs right towards the town.

"DRAGON!" A shout immediately went out as bells rang, and people scrambled to attention.

It came in fast, soaring through the air towards the susceptible city, a maw of fire bellowed out upon the first victims.

A house wasn't merely burned, but turned to ash amidst the torrent of fire.

I turned to look at the Ebony Warrior, he nodded at me, another silent agreement to put our fight on hold.

It seemed our honor both dictated a certain action.

Without a second thought we shot off the ground towards the Dragon that was hovering in the air only a few dozen feet above the Gate. The Guards ducked for cover, a few upon the walls were brave enough to take up their bows, but the arrows harmlessly cracked against the Dragon's scales.

"FAAS RU MAAR!" The Dragon made sounds I couldn't quite understand, but an invisible source rippled out.

The Guards that were about to engage suddenly trembled and ran away in fear as if a mental affliction overcame them.

The look on the Dragon's face, it seemed to take great pleasure in the fear by the terror it let loose.


I was the first to arrive, the dragon not noticing my presence.

I channeled a significant amount of Magical Energy around my blade as I jumped up onto the top of the wall, then pushed up, leaping into the air as I ascended towards the flying beast.

It looked surprised at my sudden appearance, my blade flashing out. It instinctively flapped its wings, allowing it to moving backwards, but my blade still sliced its underbelly, drawing a line of blood at my passing.

The Dragon roared, either in pain or anger, as it became disoriented at the sudden wound. It fell down, crashing into the wall, destroying a good portion of it.

It quickly reorientated itself, glaring right at me as I landed not far from it.

"FO KRAH ZIIN" More strange sounds spoken as a torrent of cold air was unleashed from its massive maw. I dashed to the side, its torrent of icy breath turning everything in its path to a frozen wasteland.

"FOUL BEAST, CEASE YOUR DESTRUCTION!" The Ebony Warrior roared as he slammed into the beast's back, his Ebony Sword slicing right into its body.

The Dragon's back arced in an unnatural way before whipping around, throwing the Warrior off its back.

He rolled on the ground before sliding back onto his feet.

"Stranger, do you have a plan? This Dragon seems to wish the destruction of the common folk." The Warrior quickly reorientated himself. With a motion, he withdrew an Axe made of the same material as all his other armaments.

I suppose such spatial items were not as uncommon as I thought.

"My Technique requires that I get close." I lifted my sword over my shoulder, flashing him a grin. It was nice to have someone to fight next to.

"I see." He nodded. "I shall give you an opening then."

I could best this Dragon in pure power, but I didn't trust my blade to hold up. I would end it in one blow then.

The Warrior spent not another word, retrieving a shield as well and bashed his Axe against it. "Cowardly Lizard, dare you fight this Warrior head on?"

"Sahlo joor, zu'u bahlok, yah hin dinok" It spoke in response, intelligible words, if spoken in a language I didn't understand.

I don't think either of us understood it, but we took it as a challenge.

The Ebony warrior dashed to the side, drawing its long head to follow along. It opened its maw again, the strange sounds erupted out followed by a torrent of flames as the Warrior held his shield up and fended them off.

To even hold up against Dragon Fire, impressive material.

"Stranger!" The Ebony Warrior shouted.

I smiled lightly as I took my steps forward.

I pulled my sword back as the Dragon's attention now turned to me.

"Watch closely." I turned serious.

I never thought I would use this technique against a Dragon. I admit in my heart, I wanted to prove that I could reach such heights with nothing but my determination and will. I had no true Noble Phantasm, merely my sword that accompanied me on that lonely mountain.

This was the fruits of my effort.

The uncountable days that I swung my blade with a singular purpose.

As I stared at this beast that descended from the heavens, I only had one simple thought.

Dragons are just bigger swallows.

"Hiken – Tsubame Gaeshi."


Originally, I meant for this to be a bunch of different POVs with everyone going about doing random Skyrim things, but this turned out much longer than expected, so i'll do more later at some point in a much larger Interlude.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.