A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 294 - 273

Chapter 294: Chapter 273

The bleak sky shuddered.

The aurora of baleful and necrotic power dispersed at the mere mention of the words.

A torrent of Holy Power swirled above. No, it wasn't mere Holy Power anymore, it was something more intricate. It was the very light of creation manifested from the Biblical God's Authority.

The Antithesis to this realm.

Where one promoted and nourished life, the other corroded it all away and subsumed what was left.

It descended from the sky, rejecting everything in its path. It denied what these Monstrosities had built, tearing it away from their greedy claws.

The world turned absolutely silent.

The Wailing of souls ceased.

The few wayward wraiths high above were the first to receive the errant gift. The necrotic magics that held them together were seared away without even a semblance of resistance. It continued downwards, and the vortex of souls, as if sensing something was wrong, tried to disperse, but it was too late.

The purging light slammed down upon the desolate plains. Enveloping every wayward soul, every undead creature.

The uncountable number of souls that had been giving me a headache were cleansed within moments of the light descending.

There was but one sound that pierced the silence, a singular scream that came from within the amalgamation

It was drowned out by unyielding light, pressing on further without reproach.

The Obelisks alighted with baleful runes that appeared down the side, a plethora of necromantic effects burst out, but they were all shunted upon colliding with the Light of Creation.

The Light was both destructive and welcoming. I felt safe within the pillar that descended from the sky, just as I knew that Thorum too would be safe from the wrath of life that was called upon this monstrous plane of existence.

The Light lasted but a blink of an eye, though it felt like an eternity.

When it finally began to fade away, I felt my wings flicker briefly, as if they were losing strength. I could tell that the Balance Breaker wouldn't last much longer. Much like my first time with Ddraig, so too was this one.....forced and as such took a lot more out of me than it would otherwise.

I slowly descended to the ground.

Upon lookign up, I noticed, The sky was empty.

A lifeless void now hung above where the baleful array of colors used to be.

So too were the vortex of souls no longer rampant, though not quite gone.

The Spear vibrated in my hand, and it erupted in another light, sucking in all the cleansed souls into it. I had to brace myself as thousands upon thousands of listless souls shot into the Holy weapon. They poured in to the point where when I was having trouble coping, and I think eventually the spear was reaching the maximum amount it could handle. Whatever was going on it with, i doubt it could continue to just suck in souls without consequences.

I noticed Thorum off to the side, a downed Durnehviir infront of him, that same baleful energy wafting off of his body as he returned to normal. Or atleast as normal as he was before, and he didn't seem to be in that good of shape.

As my feet touched the ground, my eyes locked on the singular existence still clinging to form.

Barely held together as a nondescript humanoid.

It trembled in place, the energies that held it together were visibly falling off of it. Every so often, its body would distort and a soul trapped within would burst away, unable to be contained any longer.

I wasted no words as I approached it. Its blank face seemed to contort in some unnatural manner. But I again paid it no heed, instead I leveled my spear once more.

With a quick jab, I pierced the amalgamation.

It let out an unholy wail, Holy Power started to fill its body. Its own Necrotic energies fought against my own, but that just served to further destabilize everything that held it together. My Spear began to drink in more of its essence, the souls that held it together and the seams that seemed to bind this thing into a solid shape began to unravel and it started flickering in and out of existence.

The false body burst in various places, others had Souls forcibly cast out before being suck in. Holy Power cracked and fissured others.

My own Holy Power was starting to run dry, but I pushed on until it appeared that I started to hit bedrock.

Its humanoid form collapsed, and I finally pulled my spear away.

All that was left was a flickering – albeit powerful – soul amongst what remained. Though, I could tell that even this much was so far beyond a normal human's soul. There's no way I got every soul out of this thing. How many more were eaten and fully subsumed to keep it existing?

"Then lets – " I paused, feeling the Halo above my head crack. I took a deep breath, reorientating myself. Better not dally any more.

I hefted my spear up one more time.

"Stay your hand." A voice filled the newly cleansed area. As if walking out of nothingness, another amalgamation appeared just a couple feet behind the one I had defeated.

It sounded just as distorted as this one I had defeated, however, it also felt more.....contained. Was it stronger than the one I just fought?

I looked at the newcomer. I wondered why it finally chose now of all times to appear. Simple coincidence or did it wait until its peer was left in this state. I reached out with my hand still clad in the Boosted Gear and clutched the Soul in my grip.

"Have you come to negotiate?" I slowly formed a smile on my face.

The entity was silent for a moment, its expression was impossible to read. "Release our brethren and leave this realm hence forth. We shall pursue this matter no longer."


I felt a tingling on the back of my neck as I turned my head to see another one standing near Thorum.

Were they subtly threatening me?

If they were anything like this other one, they didn't want to expend any unnecessary energy.

Did I want to fight more of these things? I couldn't hold the Balancer Breaker much longer, but I too wasn't without options to continue. However.....Thorum was my main concern as of now, and I didn't actually come here to fight but to free Serena's mother.

"Your power fades." It spoke again. "Leave, and never return." He commanded again.

I clenched my teeth and forcibly pulled on the Spear's Power just little bit more. I felt a pain in my chest as another burst of Holy Power erupted from within. My Wings that were dimming suddenly arced back with renewed vigor, and my Halo mended itself and shined with a bright glow.

"You were saying?" I quirked an eyebrow.

I guess it was betting on me not wanting to stick around because I would be vulnerable soon?

"Creature of flesh." It intoned. "Take the mortal and retreat from this realm. Our brethren has been thus punished sufficiently for any slight."

"Punished? It tried to devour me, I'm fairly sure I should respond in kind."

"You invade this realm!"

"We sought to rescue an unwilling inhabitant." I crossed my arms.

"He is diminished beyond words. Reduced to a mere flickering remnant." It replied.

"And I'm sure this pales in comparison to what it would have done to me if the roles were reversed."

"Our realm is scarred due to your action." It seemed to ignore my indignation. "Leave, and do not come back." It added some power to its words.

I didn't waver under its tone. "I wonder, did you not interfere before because you were hoping that one of us would fall and you could clean up the mess? I've already seen through you lot, Necromancers who munched on too many souls and became this." I gestured to them. "What a perfect opportunity to redistribute the pieces so to speak, yeah? With this one how it is now –" I shook the soul in my hand. "—I'm sure you'll be getting a much bigger portion of whatever comes along with the other one."

I was shooting in the dark here, but by the lack of a reaction or denial, I felt I was pretty much on the mark. Perhaps its continued existence was paramount, but it being at full strength was unneeded. The others wanted a bigger piece of the pie.

"Our brethren suffered its own arrogance." It said rather flatly. "A mortal creature you are not."

Hmm, was it judging me based on both Ddraig and the my Spear in hand or just based off my Divinity? Regardless, I can more or less guess it would have jumped at the opportunity to do the same if It thought it could get away with it without suffering any noticeable consequences. As it stands, I can assume its content with just taking a portion of what's left after I reduced the one in my hand.

"And you've all but admitted that this one is integral to your continued existence in some capacity I assume. Be it a pillar that holds together this realm or something enticing enough to not get upset at what I did."

Yeah that attack did a number on this realm, scared is probably an apt description considering the hostile concepts that still persisted.

How long and how much effort would it take to 'clean up'?

I did not like these things, this whole place for that matter. But...I didn't come here for this purpose.

Perhaps it's best to take a step back....for now.

".....speak your demands." It finally spoke again.

I stopped myself from smiling. "Myself, Thorum, the dragon and the vampires. You will relinquish all claims or perceived claims and seek no retaliation. We will leave without issue."

"Those who trespassed may return freely. Those who are imprisoned shall remain here." It replied.

So, it doesn't want to give up two immortal souls, huh?

"You will foreswear the vampire and the dragon as well." Stabbed my spear into the ground and instead held out a single finger to the soul clutched between my fingers. A spark of my Power of Destruction manifested, and I held it right above the Soul.

"Cease!" Its voice boomed out, shaking the realm, though I still didn't react to its attempt at intimidation. Did it know what this was, that I was able to fully destroy this amalgamation of souls? ".....We will abide." The presence that flared up had simmered down again.

Called its bluff.

It was pretty clear that this Ideal Master I held was unfathomably valuable to them.

It held up its hand towards Durnehviir, and a large vortex of Necrotic Power was pulled out of its body. The already haggard Dragon shuddered and roared under the action. I could imagine how painful the process was.

"It is done." It said plainly. "Those that have left have been released. Now, Leave!" It boomed again, The echo of a million souls roared the words, almost making me stumble at the sheer presence.

Definitely stronger than the other. And without the Spear being just an absolute counter to whatever it could do, it would be a tougher fight, especially with two of them together and me protecting Thorum.

It might seem strange that I'm trusting them, however, there was one reason for me to do so in this situation.

They didn't want to fight me, that was made all too clear.

"Don't make me come back." I replied, tossing the remnant towards the other Amalgamation.

Well, I never said I wouldn't actually come back later.


"Thorum!?" We heard Serana's shout as I pulled all of us through a portal right where we entered at. She came running over, wrapping her arms around the big oaf.

"I am fine, Serana." He chuckled, happily accepting the hug.

The look on her mother's face was....amusing.

I glanced at Durnehviir who looked up at the sky. I guess it would captivate one who had been trapped in the soul Cairn for so long.

Though, he was not in good shape.

I opened my mouth to say something, but all that came out was blood. My Wings dispersed with a flash of light and the Halo above my head shattered.

The Spear fell out of my hands as I covered my mouth with my hands, feeling blood start flowing out my throat.

"Wilhelm!?" Thorum rushed to my side. "What's wrong, my friend!?"

I coughed blood a few more times before waiving him off. "I-I'm fine." I reassured him.

I guess, even with the Spear letting me use its power – it's still Holy Power and I'm still a Half-Devil. Perhaps forcing that last bit at the end pushed me over the edge?

I'm not burning from the inside out, so I know this wasn't intentional on the Spear's part. However, this Holy Power left traces and It's running around my body. I would have to sit down and deal with it later.

"You are substantially in my debt." I whispered, putting the spear away in my ring.

'Acknowledged' The voice entered my ears, but it felt even fainter than before. I'm guessing it wouldn't be active for awhile, either using too much power or needed to digest everything it just gained.

"I'm fine." I squeezed Thorum's shoulder. "Just pushed something harder than I should have." I wiped the blood away from my mouth.

"W-what happened?" Serena finally asked as I steadied myself.

"Yes, how did you escape from one of those beings?" Valerica added.

"My friend here defeated that supposed Ideal Master!" Thorum boasted.

"What!?" Valerica shouted in shock. "How is that possible!?"

"Aye, he also demanded the release of Durnehviir and yourself from the other's grasps." Thorum smiled rather proudly.

"That's impossible." Valerica breathed out. "The Ideal Masters would never negotiate with someone beneath them. Let alone one of them being defeated –"

"He speaks the truth." Durnehviir's voice rumbled, if a little haggard himself. "I have been freed from the grasp of my previous master, so have you. I watched as one of my wardens was brought to the lowest point before being erased, only saved from its brethren's interference."

Valerica's expression changed, I could imagine the kind of relationship her and Durnehviir had, spending so much time together in the soul cairn. A friendship that amounted out of a shared loneliness perhaps? Regardless, she looked at me with a strange expression. "Then.....Harkon is also gone...." She said quietly.

"Yes, mother." Serana said warmly. "We're free. No more Father, no Ideal Masters, and no threat of a looming apocalypse that we have to hide away any longer."

"I –" Valerica's mouth abruptly clamped shut as she began speaking. Her eyes widened in terror as everyone else also turned towards someone new who had just appeared.

Even Durnehviir looked terrified upon the new presence.

I think Thorum too looked timid.

Really, I was the only to smile brightly as she took a few steps forward. The others slowly stepped back, giving her a wide birth.

"Why must you always return in such a state?" Meridia said softly, walking up to me, ignoring everyone else.

"It's not as bad as it looks." I smiled. And it was actually true this time, just some minor issues.

She rolled her eyes, producing a cloth from somewhere as she began cleaning the dried blood from me. "Hold still." She let out one of her adorable huffs.

"....people are watching." I said quietly. She doesn't usually let herself be seen like this.

"Hmph." She didn't stopped doting on me. "It is no secret any longer. I shall act how I wish."

"I'm not a child." I grumbled as she continued 'cleaning' me up.

"Then do not act like one and let me cleanse you." She let out another cute huff.. "You have dry blood on your face. I will have you presentable."

I rolled my eyes, but didn't stop her. How often does she take the initiative to act like this? "Did I do good?" I asked, knowing she had been watching over me.

"Yes." She held the smallest of smiles. "That wretched place will take awhile to repair itself. And that abomination will be suffering for many years to come."

"....Should I have dealt with the other ones?"

She paused in her actions. "No, I believe you made the correct choice. As much as I abhor those upstart Necromancers, they have support from other places."

"Support?" I blinked. "Hmm, I suppose I did consider something like that."

"They pay tribute to other Lords. If pushed further, they would have sought interference." Meridia explained.

"That makes sense." I nodded along. "Otherwise, why would they have been left alone for so long? They were in no way close to your level of power and I assume the others by extension."

"Hmph. Of course." She puffed up happily.

I let myself lean into her bosom and I could feel her fingers run through my hair. I could tell she was really happy right now.

"You have some of this Light still within your body." She whispered. "It is being eroded away without going too rampant, however, I can remove it immediately if you prefer."

Ah, well that certianly fixes that problem.

"That would be appreciated." My Meridia is so cute~

I loved when she worried over me.

There was no visibly phenomena, but I felt a little strange for a brief moment.

"It is done." She said gently, slowly removing herself for me. "I only stepped away for a moment. I must return."

"Mm, then I'll come visit you after dealing a couple more things."

".....very well." She tried not to react I think, but there were the makings of a smile forming on her face. "Before I depart.." she turned her gaze at the very quiet dragon that was trying very hard to make itself seem small. "You." She addressed it.

It was kinda funny to see a Dragon bow its head like this.

"Child of Akatosh." Meridia intoned. "Your body is deteriorating. You will not last past a few more days. Five Hundred years of servitude, and I shall mend you back to your former state."

It must have been a good offer, because Durnehviir actually appeared enthused even if it took a moment to contemplate. "Five hundred years and I am free?" It asked.

"My word is beyond reproach." Meridia said firmly.

"I accept." It bowed once more.

"Very well." Meridia waived her hand and the Dragon was consumed by a burst of light and disappeared.

"Is he...?"

"I have taken him to my realm. He will mend through my own power and be reborn anew. Not some monstrosity that those Ideal Masters tried to turn him into." She crossed her arms with a scoff. "And I am on good terms with Akatosh, I would not harm one of his without cause."

And Five hundred years isn't that long for beings like that.

"Dragonborn." Meridia snapped her head towards Thorum.

"Y-yes." Thorum's body jolted to attention. "Lady Meridia?"

"...Receive my blessing." She didn't give him time to answer as a beam of light slammed into his head, disappearing into his body.

Thorum just blinked, apparently confused as to what just happened.

"Vampire." Meridia practically hissed, not even deeming to cast her gaze towards Serana and her mother. Which might have been considered a mercy on her part. "Payment is rendered." She said very bluntly a hand extended and the Elder Scroll now filling it. She pushed it into my hands. She cast me one last warm look before disappearing.

"....what just happened?" Serana's Mother finally blurted out.

"What do you mean? Me beating one of those Ideal Masters, Durnehviir being whisked away, Thorum getting a blessing. Or do you mean the fact that Meridia, the Daedric Prince, is my lover?" I asked with a wistful smile.

Valerica just made a confused noise in response, unable to formulate any real words.

".....I think you broke my mother." Serana groaned.


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