A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 281 - 261

Chapter 281: Chapter 261

I admired the amount of power that was being put off of this Youkai. Though, I didn't know if he was intentionally letting his Touki flare so violently, or it was just a sign of being at a lower threshold than Yasaka's because even before unlocking her Aura, Yasaka was noticeably stronger.

Around us, a barrier flickered into existence, covering the center area that was designed to be our stage. Based on their personalities, I wouldn't be surprised if they had infact made this whole room with the intended purpose of having people brawl right in the middle of it.

I rolled up my own sleeves, and locked eyes with him. I'd admit I was a little enthused by this turn of events. I did love a good spar and I hadn't had a good fight in too long....

Dammit, Scáthach corrupted me.

In more ways than one.

"Careful." Aotabō intoned. "My Flames hold the grudges of everyone who died at my birth." He gave a word of warning before said flames enveloped his fists more thoroughly.

And they were not normal flames, even with magical senses/sight. They held a baleful aura to them, with almost a gray shimmer.

I could feel it prickle against my skin.

"Interesting." I couldn't help but grin, raising my arms up, ready for him. "Show me what you got."

He didn't speak again, but he stepped forward and his massive fist swung down. The Touki around it exploded, and the flames around it roared.

I raised my arms up to block, my Aura flaring up protectively as he made contract. I felt it and my feet skid across the wooden flooring as I found myself several feet back from where I started.

He looked proud of himself, raising his fist up again.

I clenched my hand a few times and looked at my Aura where his flames attacked. They hadn't burned, they eroded. His flames managed to erode away a small portion of my Aura on contact.

How fun.

"I thought you were just a scrawny Magician." He grunted. "Guess you got some kick in ya."

Did he not know I fought Susanoo or was he just goading me, wanting me to go hard?

Either way.

I kicked off the ground, my own fist covered in my Aura. He copied me, raising his arms up to block as I slammed my fist into his guard. He went sliding across the ground, sliding a couple more feet further than I did.

He slowly lowered his arms, his glare making it through. There was a slight red spot where I hit him.

I don't think this was so much about fighting as 'proving' myself.

His Touki roared to life again, his massive body moved faster than it had any right to. Within the blink of an eye, he was already infront of me again, his fist flying down.

My Aura-clad left arm swiped up, knocking it away and I followed up with my own punch right towards his face.

He spun his body to the side, rolling with the blow, taking no damage. Instead of immediately turning back and throwing another fist, he continued in his motion, pivoting on his foot, his leg coming from behind, his heel aimed at my temple.

It was an impressive display of maneuverability for someone his size. Right at the moment he committed to the attack, his cursed flames enveloped his leg.

I ducked under the kick, the cursed flames corroding the air right above me and sailing off, slamming into the barrier.

"RAAAH!" The large Youkai let out a roar, regaining his original footing, a flurry of punches rained down on me.

I didn't back down, my Aura burst out to meet the intensity of his Touki as I also began to throw out my own punches to meet his. They weren't mindless exchanges like what I had done with Susanoo to prove a point. No, we each sought the other's openings, deflecting and parrying any blows that would be critical.

Within these exchanges I could tell that he was superior to me in unarmed martial prowess. I would admit it wasn't something I could claim mastery of or even much familiarity with. However, My Aura and physical prowess were able to offset that advantage without pushing further into my own abilities.

Just when I thought he was going to force a new opening, he instead jumped back, gaining distance. "You fight well, Devil." He spoke a smidgen of respect present. "Hmph, I should be offended you're not at your best but I've been enjoying this too much." There waw the making of a smile forming on his face. "This has gone on long enough, take my strongest blow."

I chuckled at his words. "I'm better with my sword and Magic." I freely admitted. "Come, let me see your best, I'll meet it head on."

"Well said!" He raised his voice along with another explosion of power. His Touki was erratic before, but now, it was running rampant. His cursed flames also started lashing out uncontrollably. The Tattoos on his arms – some sort of mystical enhancement or something – glowed with a monochromatic light. His Touki and his Flames suddenly jerked and were forced together.

Behind him, they formed an image of a skull and it let out a roar before it dispersed and gathered around his right arm.

"Damn brat, you're going to make me put effort into this!" I Heard Nurarihyon groan and felt the barrier around us intensify in power.

I looked at his Cursed flames that were condensed around his arm, enhanced and empowered by his Touki. Frankly, it reminded me of my own Power of Destruction, a similar concept at their base. His corroded, mine destroyed.

His flames certainly had potential to reach greater heights.

"Impressive, got a name for that attack?" I questioned, mentally touching upon my spark of divinity deep within myself.

"Name?" He grabbed hold of his right arm with his left hand, as if to keep it in check. "I've always called it my Cursed Fist."

.....better than most names I've heard lately. Especially since there were phantom skulls floating around his fist, as if screaming in agony.

"Showing me something so interesting, I'll meet you in kind." My Divine Lightning crackled forth. The first time I had done this since gaining my Divinity. My Lightning Armor enveloped my arms, the dense collection of the lightning element with my new Divine Lightning.

"Don't die, punk!" He let out a shout, and a fully formed smile donned on his face. He flashed forward, reeling that mass of negativity in the form of a fist back, and swung it forward as he neared.

The Curses and Grudges were released and flew at me along with the massive pressure of his Touki wrapped around the corroding flames.

I raised my arm up, and I caught it.

My Lightning shuddered, and the surroundings around us were blown apart, the barrier fluctuating from the shockwaves.

His eyes widened at my unmoving body, my Lightning crackling and tearing through the corroding flames they came in contact with it.

Despite their different natures, his flames were still nowhere near the level of Karna's flames. They stood no chance again my Divine Lightning

Within that moment, I swung my free hand up towards his chin. A thunderclap sounded off, a shock wave erupted from the blow as his head was knocked upwards and his eyes rolled back. In another swift motion, I placed my palm on his chest and twisted it. My Aura gathered around my Divine Lightning and all discharged at the point of contact.

He went sailing off into the barrier with a following burst of Lightning.

Once the stray bolts of lightning faded, and the dust settled, Aotabō shakily tried to push himself up, only to fall back to his knees.

I walked over, his hesitant eyes looking up at me. I dismissed my lightning, my Reinforcement, and even my Aura settled down. And I offered him a hand with a smile. "That was an impressive attack."

I wasn't trying to assuage any bruised ego he might have. I'd never seen a Grudge used in such a way and was impressed. He was a Fire spirit – a Youkai who utilized the means of his own birth, the Grudges and Curses he was birthed by as a means of attack.

The Youkai looked at me, letting out a sigh and a small chuckle. "It wasn't enough." He accepted my hand as I helped him back up to his feet.

I flipped my hand over, producing a Health Potion, offering it to him.

He blinked, staring at it curiously and took it after a slight hesitation. Though he did pop the cork off and down it without a second thought. "Oh, that feels better."

"Your defeat wasn't unearned." I blinked in surprise as Nurarihyon stepped between us and I hadn't notice him. Aotabō seemed to slump down until the older Youkai slapped his chest with a smile. "Even I would have a hard time dealing with Divine Lightning."

"D-divine Lightning?" He repeated, looking at Nurarihyon then at me with shock.

I just whistled, looking away.

"Go rest, it was a good spar." The Old Youkai chuckled.

Aotabō nodded, shuffling back to his spot he sat out.

"Now!" Nurarihyon roared, silencing murmurs and whispers that had started since their comrade's defeat. "You all know how I like to do things. We respect strength!" He thrusted his fist up, earning a roar from the room. "But that doesn't always mean having a strong fist. Sure, most of us are great at punching things really hard." He quirked a smile, followed by laughter from everything. "But what we pride ourselves on most is strength of heart, and strength of will!"

There was a round of nodding and acknowledgement.

"Wilhelm here is a Swordsman and a Magician." He gestured towards me. "He met Aotabō in a fist fight, and we all saw how that went. I think he carried himself exactly like one of us should, what do you all think!? Is there anyone who disagrees with his placement? To make him an honorary member of our little parade?" He swept his gaze around the room and there were no more glares. "Good, you all know the tradition then!" He held his hand out, and pushed a cup of Sake into my hands.

"Let's welcome our newest member!" He raised his own glass, everyone in the room following suit, even Yasaka. "Kanpai!" They all shouted, downing their cups.

I laughed, raising mine up too. "Kanpai." I held it high, before downing the sake in one gulp.

"Alright, alright." Nurarihyon started to settle everyone down again. "You know I'd usually make this a party and we'd celebrate, but we do have some things to talk about."


"Who said that!?" Nurarihyon growled. "Slap whoever said that!"

"Oww" A Youkai in the corner cried out.

I took that as a cue to move back to my seat.

"Did I do good?" I whispered to Yasaka, sliding in next to her.

"Oh honey, you did wonderful." She purred into my ear. "I'm going to be able to ride this windfall for years to come."

"You all know my thoughts on other races. I don't normally care who comes here as long as they don't cause trouble." He crossed his arms with a huff. "Someone broke that trust. Or should I say, some people." He raised his hand, pointing towards the Spider Youkai. "Joro was the first to notice what happened and we managed to sweep them all up. These outsiders snuck into our territory and replaced some of our people, trying to infiltrate our home."

There were shouts of anger, auras erupting at his words.

"Don't worry, I did a thorough sweep of our territory, there aren't anymore here right now." He raised his arms up, trying to clam everyone down.

"Boss, who dares!?" Aotabō slammed his fists down, cracking the floor.

"Fairies." Nurarhiyon scowled. "Most of you lot don't remember when they were active some centuries ago. Not a good group, annoying and vindictive. They hold grudges more than any other species in the world. Specifically, they were Elves. Damn good at disguising themselves. Don't know why they were here, and I don't care. They're no longer welcomed. I'm declaring open season on any Fairies that come through!"

There were more cheers, a clear fire in their eyes with venom spat out in hate.

"Boss." A calm voice carried over the crowd. Everyone turned to see a Youkai in the far corner.

"Zhu Bajie, speak." Nurarhiyon addressed him.

Zhu Bajie? Wasn't that the name of the Pig Demon from Journey to the west? I highly doubted that this was the same pig, I supposed some descendent?

A Boar or Pig Youkai. His fingers were interlocked, arms propped up. He gazed off into the distance, a serious look on his face. I didn't know who this Youkai was, but he had an intense pressure about him. "Are they...Hentai Elves?" He asked with complete seriousness.

Silence filled the room, everyone look at him in disbelief.

".....Drag him outside." Nurarihyon said slowly. "Strip him and beat him."

"Boss, please answer!" The supposed Zhu Bajie squealed as a couple other Youkai grabbed him. He grabbed at the ground, literally squealing as he was dragged outside. "It's a man's romance, boss!"

"Beat him until he cries for his mom."

"Boss.....do we have to? The last time we had to beat him up, he.....made it weird." One of the Youkai dragging him out said embarrassed.

"Dammit, Zhu Bajie." Nurarihyon face palmed.

"Mommy, what's 'hentai'?" Kunou asked, and everyone in the room heard.

"Execute him." I said without a second thought.

"Why does something like this always happen?" Yasaka sighed.


"We'll talk later, sweetie. It's not something to talk about in public." She atleast got Kunou not to bring it up for now.

"....Zhu Bajie?" I hesitantly asked.

"Descended from his namesake." Nurarihyo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Even the Old Monkey wants nothing to do with him. And to make it worse, he's loyal and trustworthy. He's literally put his body on the line for his comrades and almost died a few times."


" I suggest we move on." I offered an out.

"Excellent idea." Nurarihyon shifted back to his earlier temper. "Fairies!" He clapped his hands. "They're running around in our home and causing trouble. And right as we got our yearly festival coming up. So I wanted everyone to know about the potential threat while we're all out having fun. I need everyone to be on the lookout this year." He turned towards Yasaka. "I'll pass it over to our esteemed ally."

"Thank you." Yasaka gracefully smiled, standing up and making her way next to the old man. "Not much is changing this year. We'll have the Arena set up again and do the whole song and dance you all enjoy so much. So no fighting in the streets unless you got a damn good reason, and you will explain your reason to either myself or Nurarihyon." She glared at everyone, most of who looked rather sheepish. "And as The Old man said, be on the lookout, but I also got a few extra hands helping me so also be sure to enjoy the festivities. Besides the new threat, we all had a run in with those cultists not that long ago. Be on the lookout for them as well, I don't suspect anything, but it's better to err on the side of caution."

"Damn bastards." Nurarihyon growled. "Set up a bunch of bombs around our home just to distract us from helping you lot."

Sounded like both ends got a kick in the side from those Tamamo-no-Mae cultists.

I leaned back as Yasaka continued on. "We have a few more details to work out, and the sooner we get them done, the sooner we can start the celebrations."

It was fun seeing Yasaka in her element, being a leader. Watching her capture the attention of everyone, captivating them with her charisma. They weren't even her subjects, yet they hung onto her every word.

I'm lucky to have such an amazing woman.

And I was getting excited for our 'date' that was coming along with the festival.


If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m. / astoryforone

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