A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 280 - 260

Chapter 280: Chapter 260

Yasaka and I walked into the main hall where Nurarihyon held court.

The Monkey King had left already after we chatted for a little while. It was....odd seeing another God acting so nonchalant around me. Izzy was one thing, Meridia another, and even Pandora was an outlier due to my status, but he genuinely seemed like a good guy. I had a feeling he was like that to everyone unless you ticked him off.

Well, I guess he's a Buddha, not a God, but that was mere semantics as far as mortal standards went. He was an ascended being far above a regular person.

Definitely not how I pictured a Buddha to act, but at the same time, it's exactly what I would expect from the Monkey King who retired.

The room itself was very.... traditional. Nurarihyon sat at the top, elevated slightly above the ground to denote his status. There were many more spots set up all around the room, leaving the center as an open area. There was another spot at his side for Yasaka, I presumed, as a means of proper respect to a foreign leader.

And Kunou was playing with the old man.

Reminded me of when Kunou was with Zelretch.

"Have a good chat?" The Youkai leader glanced up at us.

"It was.... productive." Yasaka exhaled.

"Stupid Monkey, he told you already, didn't he?" Nurarihyon grunted.

"Unfortunately." Yasaka nodded, walking over to her spot, and practically collapsed into a sitting position on her mat. "I feel like I can't get a break." She sighed.

"It's not the worst thing we've had to deal with." Nurarihyon also didn't seem to happy. "I still think the Devils and their Evil Pieces being created can't be topped. How chaotic did things become back then?" He casually pulled at Kunou's cheeks as she giggled, suspended in air infront of him. "No offense." He glanced at me

"None taken." I took the seat next to Yasaka as she gestured. "I wouldn't bat an eye if their faction collapsed. I'm only talking to.....one other devil." I shrugged, thinking of Venelana's smile the last time I saw her. Was it too soon to shoot her a message? "Nor do I like those Evil Pieces, too easy to abuse."

"Abuse?" He snorted. "Let's not pretend like they took anyone else into consideration when they were made."

"Yeah, that's a fair assessment." Frankly, someone as smart as Ajuka Beelzebub, he couldn't have not guessed how they would be used.

I've actually read a few papers published by him. Surprised to find out that there is a sort of Magical Academia out in the open between all factions. Obviously, everyone kept secrets, but research was sometimes shown off for various reasons.

"Had to remove too many of those annoying bastards when those things were first made. Came running all around here trying to fill their peerages." Nurarihyon barely held back the disgust in his voice. "Lost too many of my men because they got one of those things forced into them and I couldn't do anything about it."

"So you hate Devils then?" I hope that didn't extend to me.

"Devils as a whole?" He rubbed his chin, spinning his finger in the air, and Kunou who was floating in place mimicked his movements as she started spinning. Her giggles filled the room, making it hard to take the atmosphere seriously. "I don't know." He rubbed his head. "I'm not one for just painting them all with the same brush. I don't like the Devil Faction, but I can understand not all Devils are bad. I don't start off having a good impression of any Devil I meet, and they gotta earn my respect more than most."

"Probably more than they deserve from you, based on everything I've heard. Just banning any Devil from your territory would be something no one could fault you for if I'm not guessing wrong."

"Well, I do got a couple that come around that me and my boys like." He adopted a wide grin. "But I don't talk to the higher ups there, don't care about negotiations or settling any grudges. What's done is done, and I don't want anything to do with their government."

"And that means they come to me." Yasaka signed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "They think I'm the easier one to seduce with their false promises and what-not."

Nurarihyon grinned happily at the sulking Yasaka.

"Huh, how many have tried to get you to join their peerages?" I asked her.

"Way too many." She said dryly. "But atleast that should mostly stop with you around." One of her tails reached out to me like it usually did.

Yeah, no other Devil was touching my woman.... except maybe Venelana. If any idiot even thought about forcing an Evil Piece on her, he's going to be eating every single one of them.

"Speaking of, one Devil and his peerage come around every now and again." Nurarihyon spoke up. "I think you're related to him, have a few things in common too. That Bael brat that got kicked out of his family because he couldn't use their bloodline or something."

I blinked in realization. I haven't thought about him in any capacity. "Really, he comes around here?"

"It was a couple years ago that he came wanting to learn Touki. We, of course, denied him and everything. He knelt infront of my home for two weeks until I agreed to teach him." The Old Youkai laughed. "He's been welcomed by me and my boys ever since."

"Respect where respect is due."

"Respect transcends all races." Nurarihyon nodded in approval as well. "It's how that old Monkey and I became friends. I snuck into his home and stole his pipe when I was younger." He flicked his hand, revealing an intricately carved pipe. "Managed to leave India before I was caught. We became fast friends afterwards."

"Your ability must be really impressive." I furrowed my brow in realization. He snuck into a Godly domain and stole from Sun Wukong himself.... "I couldn't even tell you were there, only that something was wrong."

And he said the effect was weakened due to shielding someone else along with him.

Though, now that I had an idea about him, I might be able to counter that with some effort.

"Bah, I was stronger when I was younger." He stood up, stretching his back. "This old body of mine can barely even keep up anymore. I was even discovered by you when I was only shielding the Monkey and Myself. If it was a few hundred years ago, you'd been stripped bare before even realizing I was there." He laughed.

That's actually a scary thought.

I wondered what the limits of his ability are. Raikou mentioned him from back home, I should ask her again and get more details, because I'm starting to think this Nurarihyon isn't as limited as I first thought.

I had the sneaking suspicious that someone was sandbagging.

The Youkai waved his hand, and Kunou floated down to us.

"Aww." She pouted once it was over.

"My little fox, come sit between us." Yasaka gestured to a small seat beside her.

Kunou wasn't new to things like this, so I guessed she realized that play time was over.

"Thank you for looking after our daughter, Lord Nurarihyon." Yasaka politely stated.

"Lord, huh?" He propped up his chin. "I guess we're getting into our roles then." He slumped back into his spot. "And 'our'?" He grinned.

I patted Kunou's head. "Yes, our daughter." I confirmed.

"Hah, just what I'd expect from a Devil. If there's one thing I admire about you lot, it's that you don't dance around things you want. That Bael Brat knelt infront of my house for so long and I'm sure he would have died there if I didn't say anything. You saw the little Princess and decided to be her Dad? I don't even bat an eye at it."

"That's not....untrue, though Kunou started it." I rubbed my chin. "I do try very hard for things I want." Kunou called me 'daddy' and I decided that I wanted to fullfil that role.

Was it abrupt in hindsight? Sure. However, I didn't regret it at all.

Nurarihyon smiled, taking out a fan from somewhere, which made me quirk an eyebrow because I didn't sense spatial fluctuations.

"Let's get this party started then." He slapped it into his open palm.

"Literally or figuratively?"

"Yes." Yasaka said helpfully.

"So helpful" I deadpanned, running my hand through her tail's fur. I leaned in slightly. "Any thing I should be prepared for?"

"Nothing bad, but just go with the flow." She whispered back. "The Old man won't let anything bad happen but...they're a quirky lot. He took in the more...abrasive Youkai, the meatheads, the hotheads and everyone in-between. They idolize strength and are probably going to challenge you."

"A bunch of my boys are upset that Yasaka is finally off the market." He commented.

"Well, I guess I have to prove myself then?" He leaned back a little. "And being a Half-Devil probably doesn't help things."

"Most certainly not. But you're also welcomed by the old man and you're also my man." Yasaka smiled brightly towards me. "Play along, but if anyone oversteps, I'll deal with them." Her smile turned feral.

It did make my heart skip a beat, seeing how protective she was of me, even if I was stronger than her.

Nurarihyon swung his fan out again, and the doors slammed open. Many different figures began filing into the room.

Every single one of them Youkai and noticeably powerful compared to the average that I'd thus far seen in Yasaka's Kyoto.

They were laughing and chatting as they took what appeared to be assigned seats around the room. However, I saw many taking glances at me, some not holding back the annoyance on their faces.

Now that everyone was seated and I got a good look around the room, it reminded me of a Yakuza gathering. And Considering the age and history here....it's probably where the whole Yakuza cliches came from.

Following them, more people came in, plates of food were distributed along with jars of sake. The atmosphere lived up a little as they started enjoying themselves.

I just looked around the room some more, trying to figure out what kind of Youkai they were. I saw one Tanuki, surprising considering they weren't known for being the physically strong kind. Maybe I misunderstood what they meant by 'strength'?

A lot of Youkai don't have a type. Some are just created out of human imagination and other various emotions and brought to life. Some are inanimate objects that gained sentience over time or for some other random reason.

Though many of the ones here did, or I noticed some feature atleast. Along with the Tanuki I saw a Tsuchigumo – a Spider Youkai. A Kamaitachi, a sort of Weasel with wind manipulation in its folklore. And even a couple Tengu.

And that was just scratching the surface, because there were a few dozen Youkai sitting in here along with us.

After awhile, Nurarihyon stood up, everyone quieted down at his sudden motions. "Alright, everyone's fed and decently drunk." There were a few cheers in response. "So we all know it's that time of the year and Lady Yasaka from the other end has come over again." He gestured to her. "And don't forget the little Princess." He then gestured towards Kunou.

Funnily enough, Kunou got more cheers than Yasaka.

No one can resist the cute fox.

"But we got a newcomer this time around." And then all eyes were on me. "Let me introduce him to all of you – Wilhelm Schweinorg. I'm sure many of you have heard some rumors and such. Well, he's here under the status of Yasaka's Lover and Kunou's father."

And now, they were glaring at me.

I couldn't blame them either, Yasaka was a wonderful woman, but she was mine.

Nurarihyon glanced at me, and Yasaka sent me a look and I realized it was my turn.

"Anyone got a problem with that?" I spoke up for the first time, sounding a little arrogant if I said so myself. Based on what I was told, I figured it was better to come off strong.

"Oho." Nurarihyon grinned. "You all gonna let him get away with that?" He swept his gaze around the room.

Roars and shouts erupted, words thrown at me, but only one person stood up. And he was the biggest guy in the room. His skin looked a toasty brown, with long white hair and a scared face. It gave the impression of a life full of fighting.

"Yeah, I got a problem with it!" He stomped forward. "You got a lot of nerve coming in here and saying something like that! We already letting you be even if you aint worthy of Yasaka, but you trying to start something? A scrawny Devil like you? I'll show Yasaka you aint a good fit." He slammed his fist on his chest.

"Got a response for that, brat?" Nurarihyon laughed, looking towards me. Almost everyone waiting for me to respond.

"Well, it looks like someone's calling me out." I stood up, loosening my tie. "How about we make it a little more interesting?" I offered.

Nurarihyon quirked an eyebrow, still smiling wide. "What you got in mind, brat?"

"Nothing much, just a small request for the winner. Of course, if I win, it comes from you." I stated.

"Interesting, I accept." He slapped his fan against his palm. "What do you think Yasaka, can your man win against my Lieutenant?"

Yasaka actually looked....bashful. I think she was enjoying this all too much. The fact that I was defending my spot at her side probably made her happy. "I have no worries, my man is strong~"

"Beat him up, daddy!" Kunou shouted, making the room go quiet before laughter rang out.

The big guy looked.... deflated at the words. Kunou scored hits even when she's not involved

Well, I didn't mind playing along like this. I wanted to get into Nurarihyon good graces, make an ally hopefully and help things between the two factions. This felt more like a formality that the old man set up than an actual calling out.

I rolled up my sleeves, meeting him opposite in the middle of the room. "Rules?" I asked.

"No weapons, no Magic, no nothin but our fists!" He smashed them together.

"Alright, I want a clean fight then. This isn't to the death and we aren't making enemies here. A friendly brawl over some drinks." Nurarihyon poked us both with his fan before turning back towards everyone. "Settle an old man's curiosity, what're you going to request from me if you win?" He asked, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Keep in mind, it's only a small request."

Did he realize I was going to win? So it was just a spectacle then.

"If I win..." I looked at him. "I want to become a member of the Hyakki Yagyō- – The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons."

I was met with silence.

"You..." The big Youkai raised his large hand, pointing at me. "You want to join.....why?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I quirked my head. "I grew up Japanese, I've heard the stories, I lived the stories. Why wouldn't I want to join when I am presented with the chance. Call it....a childhood dream." My mom did tell them to me when I was little, among other ones. It's very popular folk lore in this country. While I was never quite as fascinated like with other things, I still thoroughly enjoyed them. "Can't say I'll be around all the time, but I'd love an honorary position."

Childhood nostalgia reared its head again. It would also make good inroads with the group after proving myself and getting accepted. Should help Yasaka too in that regard, so it was killing multiple birds with one stone.

"Boss." The Big Youkai's posture changed. "Let's change the rules."

Nurarihyon's expression changed, though he didn't seem displeased in the slightest. "I feel the same way."

"I'm gonna use my Touki and Youjutsu. Use whatever you want." The Big Guy stated, looking much more serious that he was before.

Youjutsu, huh? It's the power inherent by Youkai, like how Demonic Energy is inherent by Devils. Yasaka doesn't use it much, specializing more in Touki than the former.

The Big guy rolled up his sleeves, revealing many tattoos up his arms, and they began to glow. His Touki visibly engulfed his body as well.

"I'm Aotabō. I was born a spirit from a fire that ravaged a town three hundred years ago." He introduced himself. "I'm Third seat to the boss. If you want to join, you're gonna have to get through me."

It sounded domineering, and maybe even meant to be said to dissuade me. However, the look on his face, the anticipation, well, I believed he was expecting it.

I rolled my own sleeves up, Aura flaring and Magical Energy filling my body with Reinforcement.

It was a chance to see a Youkai's abilities up front, and a powerful one at that. I thought this guy was atleast in Ultimate Class, if barely.

"With Pleasure."


No, this isn't a crossover with the Nurarihyon series, I just barrowed a few things here or there like this guy's name.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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