A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 282 - 262

Chapter 282: Chapter 262

"Hey Girls." I greeted Artoria and Raikou who were sitting on the couch watching TV.

Surprised, they turned from the cooking show they were watching.



They both perked up upon seeing me portal into the room.

I stretched with a yawn, taking an empty seat.

"Have you finished with what you needed to do with Yasaka?" Artoria asked.

"Yes, I'm curious about the Nurarihyon here as well." Raikou sounded just as interested.

"Yeah, we were there pretty late. They were celebrating and we got swept up into it and only left when Kunou couldn't keep her eyes open. So I stayed the night over at Yasaka's." Fluffy tails were always nice to sleep between. "Good news is, things are probably as good as they can get between both factions and from what Yasaka told me, the festival is going to start at the end of the week."

"I look forward to partaking in the festivals." Artoria smiled warmly.

"It feels so nostalgic." Raikou looked wistful. "And how was the other Youkai leader?"

"He's.....an interesting character. And I can say for a fact that he's sandbagging around me and is much stronger than he lets on. His ability is terrifying and he snuck up on my several times without me being able to notice."

"Master, you should be wary of him regardless." Raikou warned, perhaps leaning more on her own experience.

Yeah, I remembered she said that our version could hide from the world if he chose. Time had no effect and such if he desired it.

Fucking terrifying.

Thankfully, I think this Nurarihyon is nowhere near that level.

"And there were no problems that occurred?" Artoria asked.

"There was, but it's not something that needs immediate action." She needed to know, but I wanted to make her understand it wasn't her fault that this was happening. "Oh, I almost forgot. I also met with Sun Wukong."

".....the Monkey King from legends?" Raikou tilt her head.

"One in the same." I nodded. "Long story short, apparently my actions have caused Indra some manner of...annoyance since his clairvoyance isn't seeing me properly."

Kind of funny considering he's Raikous father.

"You are not showing any signs of panic, so I assume that it is not a immediate problem?" Artoria asked while Raikou looked worried, but silent.

"Pretty much." I scoot closer to her. "With every Patheon up and about, he can't really send his people over here to cause problems. Oh, on a side note, Cao Cao was one of his apparently, even if he had no hand in what the idiot was doing."

"....I am not surprised." Artoria sighed.

"Oh." I perked up upon remembering. "The Monkey King also gave me this as an apology." I took out the Peach.

"I-is that what I think it is?" Artoria crawled over to where I was, and even Raikou was up on her feet, only a few inches away from what I held in my hand. I couldn't fault them it was a very tempting item I acquired.

"A peach of Immortality." I nodded. "Granted, it's...a little defective, but it's about half as good as the lowest level one in legends."

".....A-are you going to eat it?"

"You're drooling." I pointed out.

"I am not." Said the Servant with drool falling down her chin.

I quickly put the Peach away as I feared it might enter the abyss that was Artoria's stomach. She looked depressed once it disappeared and I couldn't help myself. I moved in quickly, my lips claiming hers with my tongue sneaking into her mouth.

"Mmmfh!?" She made a surprised noise before relaxing and enjoying the moment.

"Tasty." I grinned at her as we finally parted. I did so love seeing her get so flustered. I glanced at Raikou who had been looking at us. "You're next." I didn't give my Servant a chanced to respond before pulling her down to me, taking her just as I did Artoria.

Having her sink into my arms always gave me a warm feeling.

"Master~" Raikou cooed when herlips were freed from mine.

"Just a nibble?" Artoria, uncharacteristically pouted, wiggling into my side as Raikou occupied my arms.

"I have a plan for it, and you'll get to enjoy the taste still."

"Ooh?" Her eyes sparkled.

"I'm going to see about adding it to a batch of materials and make a wine." I explained. "I know you're not a big drinker but.."

"I do not mind wine." Artoria responded. "I have enjoyed wine much in the past and have a preference towards it."

That..... made sense. Yeah, not everyone who enjoys alcohol liked harder liquor.

"It's a work in progress, more a thought really. I don't actually know anyone who has the knowledge on how to make wine from an Immortal fruit." Maybe I should ask Izzy for advice?

"By the way – " I kissed Raikou's nose. "How was meeting Izanami for the first time?"

"She was pleasant." Raikou responded with a smile. "I can see why you are fond of her. It was amusing to see a Goddess try her best to appear non threatening."

"No longer hesitant about me being friends with her?" I questioned. Izzy was a good friend of mine and I didn't want any contention there between them if possible.

Raikou cutely shook her head.

"It was enjoyable seeing Rin stammer around her." Artoria giggled. "The others also seemed to enjoy her presence."

That's good. I wanted my women to get along with my friends.

I did want to talk about other things, but for the moment, I opted to start exploring their bodies with my hands. And the looks they gave me certainly showed they had no problem with what I was doing.


"I do not know how you convinced me to do this." Artoria huffed, stepping through my portal.

"My charming smile." I offered as an plausible explanation.

"I believe it was the thing he was doing with his fingers." Raikou giggled.

"D-do not mention that! I was swept up in the moment." Artoria turned a very bright red.

"I think your face was cute." Raikou smiled. "And the sounds you made were also adorable~"

Raikou teasing Artoria, I didn't know I needed this is my life until now.

Artoria could only just cover her face in embarrassment.

"But in all seriousness, you said that Rin was doing things in her Workshop all day and you wanted to come along with me during my errands."

Though, maybe there was some truth in Raikou's words. I didn't think she'd be bold enough to show off her panties to an audience when I got a little handsy. It just goes to show how comfortable Artoria had become with my other girls. She didn't mind me doing some light touching and letting another person hear her little moans.

And Raikou, well, she had almost no issue doing lewd things with me if others were around. Well, others as in my other girls, I don't think she would appreciate being shown off to random people, not that I would want that either.

Hell, that whole thing with Scáthach, she was very into it.

"Must we see...her." Artoria huffed once more, seemingly calmed down, if still a little red.

"I like her." I shrugged. "I think we're becoming fast friends."

"Very well." Artoria breathed out. "I suppose I do not.....despise her."

"Who are we visiting?" Raikou asked. "You merely said you were running errands and asked if we wanted to accompany you."

"A Servant in Artoria's War." I always was hesitant to reveal the identities of servants to other people, it was a personal thing in many circumstances. To know another Servant's name meant you knew very intimate things about them by way of the Grail.

"Caster." Artoria said dryly. "She is.....eccentric."

"...I believe can I feel a similarly to my own Caster." Raikou sympathized.

"But why did you not deposit us at the temple where she resides?" Artoria looked at me curiously.

"Well, I wanted a nice moonlit walk with two beautiful ladies." I shot them a smile. "And admittedly, I do have things I need to reveal that concern us that Yasaka and I learned yesterday."

"I fear a sense of dread approaching." Artoria's expression turned serious. "You danced around it, I can assume it involves me in some way as you have taken glances towards me."

"It does." I wouldn't hide it nor sugar coat it. She was an adult, and I wouldn't baby her. "The Pendragon incident had unforeseen consequences."

"Of course it did." Artoria groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I am still dealing with issues that are accompanying that mess. Please, just be blunt about it I wish not to be held under bated breath."

"The Fae had been moving since then." There was no more blunt way to say it than that. "Nurarihyon told us he discovered several Faeries that had replaced some of his people in secret. I assume that Yasaka is talking to the others and asking for help. Scáthach should be knowledgeable on their ploys and magics to find any spies."

Atleast, that was what I got from our talk before.

"But why would –" Artoria paused, a realization dawning on her. "It's my fault. I used my Noble Phantasm – both of them so blazingly."

"Perhaps, but no one's blaming you." There was no denying that her actions were likely what led to this, but it wasn't her fault in the way of blame. "And if I see you start sulking, Yasaka gave me permission to spank you."

"I am doubtful that Yasaka told you to do such." Artoria gave me the driest look.

"You wanna bet?"

"....I retract my previous words." There was a little bit of amusement in her tone, so I suppose I did my job correctly. "Ignoring my sword for what it is, Avalon may be the more pressing issue. It is not only my greatest defense, but it is also a metaphysical link to the reverse side – to Avalon that resides within the Fae Realms."

"Yup, I thought so as well. There is no doubt that they noticed a new pathway that opened up to their home that also just abruptly appeared with little to no reason."

"Perhaps I should –" Artoria was abruptly cut of, her face pushed between two very large breasts.

"I don't want to see you depressed." Raikou hugged her tight, without any prompting from anyone else. "No one blames you."

Raikou being affectionate with other people was wholesome.

"Y-you made your point." Artoria managed to get out while suffocating in the best way.

Raikou set the shorter girl back down.

"I don't think she did, you should kiss just to be sure." They both slowly turned towards me, seemingly confused. "I don't know why you're surprised I would say something like that." I shook my head. "You should know what I'm about at this point."

"D-don't make it sound like we're in the wrong!" Artoria squeaked.

"Master is being naughty." Raikou blushed a little.

The thought of them making out was hot though.

One day.

"Feel better?" I bumped into my beautiful knight.

"I am mortified, confused, embarrassed and still.... Aroused." She added the last word very quietly. "I do not believe I have room to feel depressed or upset right now."

"A job well done then." I said proudly.

"You are ridiculous." She huffed, barely hiding that growing smile of hers.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll be as ridiculously as you need me to be." I stopped my teasing and took her in for a hug without any lewd thoughts. She sunk into my arms happily, a content look on her face.

"Thank you." She said quietly. "However, I believe we should meet the Witch before she gets impatient and moves to us."

"That's.... a good idea, she'd probably be irate if we just lingered while not heading her way." Medea didn't like being forced away from her home.

I snuck my hand over to Raikou's interlocking our fingers. I didn't want her to feel left out. I was being affectionate with Artoria because I knew she would start self-deprecating otherwise.

Though I could tell by the look on her face that I might have been overthinking things.


"Well, I didn't expect to see you again so soon." I recognized the voice of Assassin as we approached the steps of the temple. "And the little Lioness."

"Sasaki Kojirou." Artoria adopted a smile. "It is nice to see you well."

A respect between former enemies.

"And a new face." He looked towards my Servant. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman."

"My woman." I clarified, feeling a little possessive.

"Unfortunate." He gave up easily. "Sasaki Kojirou, Servant Assassin." He held out his hand in greeting.

"Minamoto-no-Raikou, Servant Berserker." She took his hand politely.

"It's a pleasure to meet another from this country." He smiled. "Perhaps we should spar at some point."

"I would not be against such a thing." Raikou nodded.

She wasn't quite the battle maniac like some of us were, but she held a high opinion of martial prowess and honing of ability. If she could help it, she wouldn't fight, but a friendly spar would be something she could enjoy every now and then.

"Caster in?" I asked.

"She is." He nodded. "Do you wish.....to pass by." He had that same glint in his eyes.

"Really, going to do this now?"

"I am the guardian of the gate." He chuckled.

"You know, I could have just teleported right to the Temple." I pointed out.

"That is a fair point." He rubbed his chin. "I shall let you pass if –"

I took a Jar of Sake out and tossed it to him.

"Have a nice evening." He quickly stepped to the side.

He was easy to please. Honestly, he would have let us go regardless, and I would have given that Sake to him regardless, but it's just a little game we played.

"This is a pleasant temple, however, there is a lingering stench of resentment in the air." Raikou scrunched her nose.

"An unfortunate happenstance of our Grail War. An Evil God lingered within the grail and attempted to manifest upon granting a wish. Its...filth left scar upon this town. It is worse when approaching the park in the city." Artoria was the one to explain.

"That's one way to put it." Medea's voice echoed out, standing at the peak of the ascending stairs. "Little Artoria, you came back~"

"Caster." Artoria groaned.

"And a new one." She visibly gave Raikou and up and down look. "My....I have so many ideas looking at your figure. I would love to get my hands all over you~"

"That sounded lewd." I stated.

"I know." Medea smirked.

"And he calls you a friend for a reason." Artoria sighed.

"My body belongs to my Master." Raikou replied to the Witch.

"Fufufu, how delicious." Medea didn't seem dissuaded in the slightest.

"Can we come in? Got some stuff I wanted to talk to you about." May as well get this underway.

"I suppose." She shifted demeanor quickly. "My Husband is inside, so behave yourself."

"Fiancé." I corrected. "And I always behave myself."

She puffed up with a huff but didn't correct me.

"Master, it's not good to lie." Raikou chastised.

"Yes, Wilhelm. Please don't say such false statements." Artoria agreed.

"Fufufu, you both are definitely welcome in my home." Medea smiled brightly.

"This is for the kissing thing earlier, isn't it?"

They didn't answer, but followed after Caster as she entered the temple. Her home as she called it, even though there were other monks still living there.

She led us through a few different rooms until we came to an area that was obviously her own. Sliding a door open, we were greeted by the sight of another person siting at a table in the middle of the room.

"Hubby~" Medea ran to his side, draping herself over him. He didn't even react to her shenanigans, calmly drinking his tea.

"Caster, we have guests." His voice was very even. "Please prepare spots for them."

"Of course, hubby!" She sprang to her feet, preparing more tea apparently.

The three of us wordlessly slid into the opposite spots of the table from him.

"Master of Caster, it's been awhile." Artoria was the first to address him.

"Yes, Saber." His reply was simple. He didn't seem like a man of many words. "How is my former student?"

Artoria's expression softened. "Rin has been doing well after graduating. She is attending various magical schools and continues to pursue her education."

The way she worded it was specific.

"Good. She was an intelligent and well behaved student." He nodded in approval.

If I remembered correctly, he was Rin's teacher at school and happened upon Caster and became her Master.

Talk about an awkward start to a relationship.

"Tea is served!" Medea placed us individual cups, plopping down next to her Master after she finished.

"I suppose I should introduce myself." I wouldn't want to be impolite. "Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg. This is my servant." I gestured to Raikou. "And I'm currently dating Artoria."

He blinked briefly at that but just accepted it. The faintest of red appeared on Artoria's cheeks again. I swear, this girl was far too easy to get flustered considering her past. But it always made me feel good when it happened.

"I am Minamoto-no-Raikou." She said briefly. I noticed that while her Mad Enhancement was gone and she wasn't dismissive of everyone but me, it still took a lot for her to care about other people outside of our circle.

"Greetings to your honorable self." He bowed his head slightly, an act of respect towards her. "I am Souchirou Kuzuki"

Raikou looked pleased with that introduction, a little smile forming on her face as she gave him a polite nod.

"And I'm Medea of Colchis." Medea sipped her tea. "Now, introductions are out of the way, whaddya want, brat?"

She was clearly talking to me. "I wanted to extend you an invitation."

"You're finally getting married!? Oh, I have so many wedding dresses for Saber to try on!" She exclaimed.

"Caster!" Saber squeaked. "W-we are not getting married!"

"Then I lost interest." Medea deflated. "Just spit it out."

"Over in my birth world, there's going to be a celebration – a festival – in a sub dimension created for the Youkai. I wanted you to come over with your Fiancé and have fun."

"....You're inviting us to a...party?" She questioned.

"You can look at it that way."

"Why?" She looked at my skeptically.

"Well, first off, you're my friend." I held a finger up, and she scoffed with an arm cross. "Second, I wanted to give you a.....inroad towards Atalanta if you wanted. I know it's been an awkward situation to navigate and from what I've understood it hasn't gone anywhere. And I don't want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong – already did that not too long ago and caused issues – so I just wanted to present the opportunity at the very least."

"And this is you not sticking your nose where it doesn't belong?" She snorted.

"This is me being a concerned friend." I retorted.

She huffed. "I don't need your help."

"Medea." Her master interjected. "Behave."

"Mou~ Hubby don't take his side!" Medea whined.

"You have spoke of both Wilhelm and Atalanta on a few occasions." He closed his eyes, sipping his tea. "Don't dismiss them out of fear."

Huh, she told her fiancé about me? That made me happy to hear.

"When?" She grunted.

"End of the week." I smiled much to her annoyance.

"Will it be safe?' Kuzuki asked. "I am not knowledgeable about many things. But I do not have a good opinion of Youkai based on stories."

"The leader there is Yasaka – a Nine Tailed Fox, she's also my woman. Not to mention some other familiar faces will be up and about. If some idiot attacks or does something stupid, I can't speak for them. But for the general populace, there are plenty of humans that walk around with no issue."

"Acceptable." He replied bluntly again.

"Fine, I guess we're going on a date then." Medea rolled her eyes and tried to sound annoyed, but it was failing horribly.

"Also, how would you like to get in a research project with me and some other people?" It would be very beneficial if I had her help with our research.

"Research project?" She tilted her head. "What do you need my help with, boyo?"

"Well, it's complicated and would take awhile to explain. There are a few other people who will work at it from different angles, but for now, I would like your help crafting a Mystic Code with dragon parts."

"You want my help to create a Mystic Code with legendary materials?" She said dryly. ".....I suppose I could lend my aid since you would at least be working with something acceptable." And she wasn't totally salivating at the idea of working with Dragon Materials. "The Gods know you could use some real magical guidance." She added with a rather haughty tone.

Oh, so that's how it's going to be, huh?

"Souchirou Kuzuki." I looked towards him. "Permission to give your fiancé a purely platonic hug?"


"Granted." He replied.


"Get over here." I stood up, arms open.

"Get away from me you brat!" She squeaked with a flustered look before teleporting away.

"There is no fighting it, Caster." Artoria calmly drank from her own tea, an amused smile on her face.

"Thank you." Kuzuki's tone still never shifting, but there was a hint of appreciation to it. "Caster pretends to be annoyed, she simply has difficult expressing her true feelings." He had the faintest hints of a smile forming on his face.

"It's my pleasure." I grinned happily, opening portal to where she teleported to.

Real Magical guidance, huh?

Gonna bully a witch.


Noncanon Omake – Gaining a 'System'.

"You know, Ddraig, it's days like this that really make me appreciate life." I laid upon the grass lawn of my house, basking in the sunlight.

[Ah, lazing around, those times are always enjoyable. Not a care in the world.]

I closed my eyes, letting myself drift off. I think I was about to fall asleep until something suddenly collided with me. I felt a sudden pain in my head, like someone jammed a lego into my brain.

"What the devil!?" I shot up, looking around.

[What? What's wrong?"]

"I don't know, something suddenly hit me.



[The hell was that?"]

[New host found. Synchronizing system.]

[Installing updated]

[Loading setting]

[Greeting, User! You've been chosen to be the next host to System 1.2039]

I opened my mouth and closed it again, seeing floating blue panels infront of my face.

"Yeah, no." I narrowed my eyes. "Fuck off."

[Perhaps the host doesn't understand the opportunity he's been given.]

"Uninstall." I commanded, seeing if that worked.

[Uninstall initiated, countdown to full removal in 30 seconds]



[Uninstall paused]

[System asks Host not to make any hasty decisions. The System can provide

the host with any number of boons.]

"Oh?" I quirked an eyebrow.

[This sounds sketchy as fuck] Ddraig stated.

"Yeah, my thoughts too, but let shear it out." I waived my hands about. "Oh 'great' system, what exactly can you do for me, hmm?"

[The System is glad you asked. Do you crave power? Do you know that

you walk amongst the supernatural? Gods exist of every religion and

mythology! Step out from beneath their shadow! Don't be a helpless

chess piece in their games! The System will make you strong!]

"...I've killed Gods. I'm pretty damn strong. Hell, the dragon in my soul can hear you."


[Do you wish to explore all of creation!? To go beyond the mere

stars, to seek out other worlds that exist beyond your own small

world? With the System's help, you can visit other worlds, worlds

completely different than your own. The System can take you to see

things beyond your wildest dreams.}

".....I already do that."

[The System doesn't understand.]

"I am a master of the Kaleidoscope, the operation and manipulation of parallel worlds. I've gone to many different worlds at this point and continue to do so." I explained.


[The System has more to offer! Do you desire women –]

"Let me stop you right there." I interrupted. "I have a harem that I care very much about."


[Legendary Weapons?"]

"I have tons of Divine weaponry and other such things."


"I can call upon The World Tree through my own created spells. Not to mention I'm a user of Primordial Runes."


"Learned to break the rules of reality by swinging a sword from an expert."


[System uninstalling resumed.]

"Yeah, thought so." I laid back on the grass, closing my eyes. I ignored the count down, and continued to enjoy my lazy day.


Wrapping up some things over the next few chapters, doing a small stint in Skyrim, then onward to DxD canon, or what's left of it.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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