A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 152 Horde.

When they entered the tent, Ella took charge of preparing a meal, allowing Teuila and Archer to unwind and relax.

As they settled down, Teuila surprised Archer by moving closer, their shoulders touching. Her mischievous ocean-blue eyes locked onto his, radiating playful anticipation.

With a gentle touch, her hands caressed his ears, sending waves of pleasure through his body.

She leaned over so their lips met in a tender and passionate kiss, igniting a tingling sensation that danced across their senses.

Her touch was both gentle and electrifying, her fingers entwined in his hair as his hands rested on her hips.

In that stolen moment, their lips danced together, deepening their connection with each blissful second.

Teuila and Archer reveled in the enchanting experience created by their intertwined playful gestures and the sweetness of their kiss, delighting in every moment of it.

When they finally parted, a lingering sweetness remained, reminiscent of perfectly ripe fruit. 

She smiled at Archer, a gentle expression of affection, and drew closer to him, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting embrace.

He reciprocated, holding her close. As time passed, Archer and Teuila engaged in lighthearted conversation, accompanied by distant howls from the forest and the gentle rustling of the tent in the growing wind.

Their conversation was interrupted by Ella's call, signaling that she had finished their meal. With empty stomachs grumbling, they eagerly approached the table.

Before them lay three steaming bowls of hearty soup, generously filled with succulent chunks of meat.

A plate piled high with fluffy bread awaited them, completing the delectable feast. Taking their seats, they prepared to indulge in the mouthwatering spread.

Archer expressed his gratitude to Ella, saying, "Thanks, El. It looks delicious."

Unable to resist, Teuila took a spoonful of the stew. Her eyes widened with delight as she turned to Ella and asked, "What's this called El?"

Ella smiled warmly and replied, "It's Stonefire Stew. My mother taught me the recipe when we lived in the castle. She said it belongs to the Dwarves."

Archer and Teuila nodded, savoring each flavorful bite of the food. It surpassed their expectations, leaving them feeling satisfied and content.

After finishing their meal, they settled onto the sofas to relax. As he lay there, Teuila posed a question, "Arch, what are we going to do once we reach Zenia?"

He smiled at the blue-haired girl, about to respond, but before he could utter a word, screams and shouts erupted from all over the camp.

Startled, the trio exchanged glances and swiftly rose from their seats. They hurriedly made their way outside, only to witness a chaotic scene.

Guards were locked in combat with zombies and ghouls.

These creatures towered over them, their pale skin contrasting with piercing red eyes. With their elongated arms and sharp claws, they mercilessly dispatched the defending forces.

Reacting quickly, Archer unleashed a rapid barrage of light bolts, striking the creatures with his precise aim.

Ella and Teuila swiftly joined the fight, using their own skills to help drive back the attackers.

Archer's bolts proved deadly, dispatching dozens of zombies and ghouls with each shot. Ella's arrows rained down upon the creatures, finding their marks with deadly accuracy.

Teuila's swift and graceful movements allowed her blade to slice through the creature's neck with ease.

However, their efforts seemed futile as more and more emerged from the direction of the jungle, their numbers growing exponentially.

The situation turned dire as the guards succumbed one by one, overwhelmed and swarmed by the relentless onslaught of zombies and ghouls.

Archer realized the harsh reality in front of him. Although he wanted to save everyone, the scattered positions of the humans made it impossible. His priority was to protect Teuila and Ella.

With urgency, Archer entered the tent and gently picked up Sera, placing her on his shoulder. She nestled into his shirt, seeking comfort.

Leaving the tent, he quickly stored it away in his Item Box. Looking around, Archer's heart sank as more zombies appeared, overpowering the remaining guards.

They needed to retreat due to the gravity of the situation and the number of zombies, ghouls, and other creatures that appeared.

The girls sprinted towards the carriage, as a harrowing scene unfolded before their eyes.

Hundreds of creatures were launching a ferocious assault on the guards who stood as the last line of defense for the merchant and his family.

Their eyes locked onto Archer, and in a voice filled with worry, Teuila shouted, "Archer, save the family!"

He looked over to the girls and quickly cast Crown of Stars which instantly activated and started taking down creatures.

Archer used Blink to grab a hold of their waist, then cast it again and appeared next to the carriage.

He released the girls from his grasp and directed his gaze toward them. "Go inside and ensure the safety of the family. I will transport you to the domain for now. I'll contact you when it's safe to return."

Teuila and Ella nodded in understanding, quickly making their way into the carriage. Their sudden arrival startled the family within, but they reassured them as they boarded.

Archer touched the carriage, and as he did Sera emerged to join the girls inside. With a burst of mana, the entire carriage was transported to the domain.

Now alone, he took in the grim sight around him. The remaining guards were being overrun by the relentless creatures.

As the fallen soldiers rose, their bodies transformed, adding to the ever-growing ranks of the undead. In a whispered tone he uttered to himself, "Draco."

In a majestic display, he transformed into his dragon form, standing tall above the horde of undead. Their attempts to harm him with teeth and claws proved futile.

With a powerful beat of his wings, he ascended into the air, hovering high above the once-serene plain where their camp had stood not long ago. From this vantage point, he surveyed the scene below.

Drawing in a deep breath, Archer unleashed a mighty roar, accompanied by a torrent of flames that engulfed the undead, reducing them to ash.

He continued his fiery assault until the entire horde was consumed, the billowing black smoke obscuring the night sky even more.

Satisfied with his work, he took to the skies, flying for hours until he caught sight of a distant city.

However, something seemed amiss as  his eyes widened in disbelief. An army of undead marched relentlessly towards the city, their intentions clear.

When he got closer he swooped down toward the back of the horde and flopped down on them.

He swiftly stood up and drew in a deep breath, releasing a powerful burst of fire that engulfed the horde.

Archer kept breathing his flames to burn away the undead until he arrived in front of the city and came to a stop.

The defenders of the city were shocked as they laid their eyes on him. However, his moment of admiration was interrupted when he was struck by an acid spell.

Turning his massive head towards the source of the attack, he saw a tall figure with pale white skin, jet-black hair, and an imposing presence.

A certain name came to mind. 'Necromancer.'

Archer quickly cast Eldritch Blast at the man who dodged them and return the attack with his own.

Acid balls flew at him as he used Blink to dodge, he quickly used it to get behind the necromancer.

When he did he cast Plasma Missiles that sped toward the man as he tried firing more acid spells at the incoming spells but the missiles avoided them.

They collided with the Necromancer with great force, sending him hurtling backward until he crashed into a nearby sand dune.

Without giving him a chance to recover, Archer pounced on the fallen man. The man gazed up, his eyes widening in fear as he found himself face-to-face with the menacing jaws of a dragon.

With a swift motion, he devoured the necromancer, ensuring that he would no longer pose a threat to him or the Zenia Empire.

Standing amidst the aftermath, Archer felt a rumble in his stomach, but it quickly subsided. He let out a mighty burp, releasing a puff of green smoke.

Returning to his humanoid form, he opened a portal leading to the domain and stepped through.

Inside, he came across a distressed yet amazed family of four gathered beneath the treehouse in a peaceful clearing looking around.

The girls were engaged in conversation with a jovial, red-haired woman whose voice carried across the open space. Omar, with a heartfelt embrace, held onto the two children.

He saw Sera flying around and went off to hunt somewhere. Spotting him as he approached, Ella greeted him warmly with a smile.

She walked up to him, pausing in front of him before asking, "Are they safe? Are you near Akhetemhat?"

He nodded, confirming, "Yes, once I'm there somewhere with space, I'll summon the carriage."

Creating another portal, Archer stepped through it again and emerged outside the city, making his way towards the towering gate.

As he reached the imposing gate, the entire assembly of Zenians directed their attention toward him, their eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief.

A distinct clicking sound captured Archer's focus, drawing his attention to a small door embedded within the gate.

Designed for a single person, it opened in the corner, revealing an older man who stepped out, halting in front of Archer.

With a scrutinizing gaze, the man studied him intently before finally uttering his words

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