A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 153 Akhetemhat City.

''Thank you for your assistance, young man. I am Captain Thutmose, in charge of the City guard." The stranger expressed his gratitude before expressing his curiosity.

"However, may I inquire about your identity and purpose in the Zenia Empire?"

Archer maintained eye contact with Thutmose and replied as he took out the medallion, "I have come to meet my fiancée in Alexandria and continue my journey north. Could I be granted entry into the city?"

Upon catching sight of it, the commander's eyes widened, prompting him to bow respectfully. This action left Archer perplexed, and he couldn't help but question the man's reaction.

"Why are you bowing to me? Even the merchants did the same."

Thutmose gathered himself and provided an explanation. "Well, the medallion you carry represents the imperial family, specifically a prince. However, I couldn't help but wonder since you don't bear any resemblance to any member of our royal family. Could you please clarify?"

Archer raised an eyebrow, contemplating the man's words before responding. "I am betrothed to Princess Nefertiti, and the emperor has asked me visit to Zenia as I journeyed north."

Thutmose smiled as he mumbled to himself as he remembered something. ''So it's him, no wonder the Counselor sent out that message about a white-haired boy with horns.''

The captain shook his head and smiled as he spoke. ''Okay, Prince Consort you can enter. Enjoy your visit.''

He nodded and approached the city and entered through the same door the man walked out of, when he entered he saw a beautiful city in front of him.

Before him, an Egyptian-like city emerged, adorned with majestic structures and vibrant colors that seemed to defy the harsh desert surroundings.

The sun cast a warm golden glow on the city's sandstone buildings, highlighting intricate carvings and hieroglyphics adorning their walls.

Towering obelisks stood proudly, reaching towards the heavens, while grand temples with impressive columns beckoned visitors.

Archer's gaze swept across the bustling streets filled with people dressed in traditional Egyptian garments.

Men and women adorned in vibrant tunics, linen robes, and detailed headdresses moved about purposefully, engaged in various activities.

The air was filled with the fragrant scent of incense and the distant melodies of traditional music.

The city's architecture reflected the rich heritage of the Zenia Empire, with elaborate shops and residences lining the streets.

Lush gardens and fountains provided a contrast to the arid landscape, offering a serene oasis within the bustling city.

He took in the scene before him, he marveled at the blend of ancient traditions and modern life.

He spotted a square further down the road and made his way toward it, eventually coming to a stop when he reached it.

Opening a portal, he stepped through, vanishing from sight. Within moments, he reappeared in the exact same location as the carriage in the domain.

Approaching it, his hand gently rested on its side and teleported it to the square he was just in.

Archer and the carriage appeared out of thin air, nearby onlookers were startled, their faces displaying a mix of surprise and confusion.

Onlookers were captivated by the unexpected sight. The grandeur of the carriage and the elegance of the horses left them shocked.

With a graceful motion, the carriage door swung open, revealing Ella and Teuila inside. Their faces lit up with joy as they caught sight of Archer standing nearby.

Filled with excitement, they approached him swiftly, their smiles shining brightly. Sera flew out and landed on his shoulder.

"Hey, Arch, is this Akhetemhat City?" Ella asked, her eyes scanning the surroundings, taking in the sight of the sandstone buildings.

Teuila remained silent but her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she absorbed the atmosphere of the city.

Meanwhile, Omar and his wife Mariam stepped out of the carriage, accompanied by two adorable little girls who resembled their mother.

Omar approached him with a deep sense of gratitude, bowing respectfully before speaking. "Archer, I cannot thank you enough for saving my family. Your bravery has brought us relief."

After exchanging a nod with an older man and saying his goodbyes, the trio embarked on a quest to find the guild.

However, despite their best efforts, they couldn't seem to locate it amidst the bustling streets of the city. He approached the first guard he came across.

Approaching a guard that was stationed at a corner, Archer addressed him. "Excuse me, could you please direct me to the guild?"

The guard glanced at him, before pointing down another street, providing clear instructions. "Sure, just head down that street. Keep walking until you reach the end, and you'll see the guild."

Archer and the girls thanked him and walked down the street, Teuila voiced her curiosity. "Arch, why are we heading to the guild? Are you planning to take on a quest?"

Pausing briefly, Archer turned to them and answered, "Most likely, we'll take on a quest. But the primary reasons we're going there are to enroll both of you."

The girls grinned and nodded in agreement. Resuming their walk, the trio soon caught sight of the impressive guild building ahead.

Archer, accompanied by Teuila and Ella, entered the bustling adventurers guild. As they stepped inside, the room fell momentarily silent, and the gazes of every adventurer turned toward them.

Whispers began to ripple through the crowd as they took in the sight of the two stunning girls by Archer's side.

Archer could feel all the eyes on him, but he remained composed. Teuila and Ella exchanged glances, seemingly unfazed by the sudden scrutiny.

As they approached the guild's counter, whispers started to fill the air.

"Check out the guy with two stunning girls! His lucky"

"He's a dragon-kin, and the blonde is an elf. The blue-haired one looks human."

"I wonder who they are. They're fresh faces in this place."

''He's got a little dragon on his shoulder. I wonder what beast it is.''

The murmurs continued, swirling with intrigue and curiosity. Archer couldn't help but overhear their conversations as they made their way to the counter.

Reaching it, he exchanged a polite nod with the receptionist, who seemed to be aware of the whispers circulating around the guild.

Undeterred, Archer focused on the task at hand, ready to register Teuila and Ella as adventurers.

With her blonde hair, pink eyes, and brown skin, the woman behind the counter politely requested his guild card. "May I see your guild card, please?" 

He handed over his card, and the woman scanned it with a device, her eyebrows lifting in surprise.

The woman at the counter directed her attention toward Archer, clearly curious. "According to our records, you have some quests that are still pending. Why haven't you marked them as completed? The guild system indicates that the bandit group you pursued hasn't been spotted since."

Archer was about to respond, but before he could say a word, Teuila interjected, coming to his defense.

"He was involved in the Aquarian war and was held up due to that. The Zenian Imperial family can confirm his participation and the circumstances surrounding it."

The woman behind the counter wore a skeptical expression, but her doubt vanished as Archer produced the Zenian medallion. Her eyes widened in recognition.

The woman smiled, her gaze briefly resting on Archer's horns before she responded. "Not a problem at all. I am well acquainted with the war and the dragon's role in it, as well as the Emperor's choice to betroth Princess Nefertiti to the dragon. I must confess, I feel a twinge of sympathy for the dragon. The princess can be quite a handful, and numerous suitors have faced the consequences."

Two giggles emerged from behind him, but he paid them little attention as he focused on the woman's voice. "Anyway, my name is Rania. How can I assist you today?"

Archer greeted Rania. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rania. These two would like to register as adventurers."

Rania responded with a nod, displaying a smile. She searched for something on the counter as Ella and Teuila approached.

As they neared, Rania retrieved two forms and handed them to the girls, instructing them to fill them out.

After a little while, they completed the forms and returned them to Rania, who proceeded to stamp them.

She looked back up, her pink eyes meeting their gazes. "Please wait here for a moment. I will go and process your cards."

The three nodded and waited for Rania to return. Ella turned to Archer and asked. ''What are we going to do after this?''

He shrugged before speaking, "We'll take a quest that's in the north and continue our journey. We can report the completion of the quest in the next city."

Both girls nodded, and they continued their conversation until Rania returned, holding two amber-colored guild cards, which she handed to the girls.

Rania looked at Archer and said, "I assume you'll explain the rules to the two of them?"

Archer nodded at the woman as she stamped some papers and wished them a good day.

They then made their way toward the quest boards. He began searching, focusing on those located in the northern regions.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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