A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 151 Oasis Spice Traders.

Archer pressed forward while Teuila unleashed her sword on the approaching zombies. Ella continued firing her arrows, targeting the undead with lethal precision.

Ashes swirled in the wind as Archer neared the creatures, but he choose not to engage in close combat.

Instead, he unleashed a barrage of powerful spells: Eldritch Blasts, Element Bolts, and Plasma Missiles.

Explosions erupted in all directions. The guards of the caravan were shocked by the sudden help.

The horde of zombies and ghouls surged toward them, their relentless advance instilling a sense of panic in the guards.

As the undead creatures drew nearer, Archer took a deep breath and unleashed a stream of violet flames that engulfed the horde.

In a matter of seconds, they fell to the ground, their bodies consumed by the flames, leaving only ashes behind.

Meanwhile, Ella showcased her remarkable Archery skills, consistently hitting her targets with her light-infused mana arrows.

Teuila fearlessly defended herself and Ella, ruthlessly cutting down any undead that dared to get close to them.

Sera flew in graceful circles above the trio, showering the undead with her beautiful red flames that proved just as deadly as Archer's fiery breath.

Archer started using his tail, swiftly swiping at the legs of nearby zombies and ghouls. Together, the three of them fought relentlessly until the tide of the undead began to slow.

The ground was littered with lifeless corpses, prompting Archer to incinerate them further with well-aimed fire bolts.

Sera landed gracefully on his shoulder as the caravan guards cleared a path through the carnage.

After the chaos settled, a plump man approached the trio. Ella put away her bow while Teuila cleaned her blade with water magic.

Archer casually brushed off the clinging ash as the man stopped before them. He glanced at the three and introduced himself.

"Thank you, young ones. You arrived just in time. I am Omar Finch, the owner of Oasis Spice Traders, a small merchant group based in Akhetemhat, a border city of the Zenia Empire," Omar greeted the trio.

Archer, addressing the older man, introduced himself and the two girls before walking away. "I'm Archer, and these girls are my fiancées, Teuila and Ella. It's a pleasure to meet you, Omar."

As the three of them started to walk away, Omar called out to them, halting their steps. "Would you like to travel with us? I can speak highly of you to the Nomarch, and he may reward you."

Archer turned around, retrieving the medallion given to him by Emperor Amkhu Sharifi from his Item Box.

He showed it to Omar, whose eyes widened, immediately bowing in reverence. The three of them felt a sense of confusion, yet they refrained from expressing it.

It was Ella who leaned closer and broke the silence. "Let's join them on their journey, Arch. Making friends in different places can prove valuable in the future," She whispered.

Archer chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Alright."

With their decision made, they turned back to Omar and accepted his offer. However, before Archer or Ella could respond, Teuila spoke up.

"Yes, we will accompany you. Which direction are you heading?" She inquired.

Omar shifted his gaze to the blue-haired girl and replied, "We're heading back to Akhetemhat City. We've just completed a trade mission to the south."

The three nodded at the man who smiled and guided them to his carriage, he spoke as they walked along. ''My wife is in the carriage with my two children. If you girls want to join her she has tea and snacks.''

The girls turned to Archer who nodded at them so they entered the carriage and he jumped up on the roof to relax.

He found the gentle swaying of the carriage to be soothing, creating a sense of relaxation. Sera nestled on his chest, and he gently stroked her, eliciting a contented purr from the small dragon.

Omar watched this and was confused, as he clearly could tell the boy was strong but he didn't act like it.

Shaking his head as he motioned for the caravan to continue on, hours passed as they traveled through the jungle.

As the sun began to set, the decision was made to press on until they reached the Khemra Sands where the Everflow River flowed through.

The girls checked on Archer but soon noticed that he and Sera were fast asleep. Amused, they chuckled at the sight of him tightly hugging the little dragon, who seemed to enjoy the embrace and wrapped her tail around his arm.

Night fell as the caravan emerged from the howling jungle. Just as they crossed a wooden bridge spanning a gorge, they were suddenly ambushed.

Groups of cannibals pursued them, engaging in a fierce battle with the caravan's rear guard. Ella jumped out of the carriage and swiftly shot down those who managed to get past the guards.

Teuila shielded Ella while fearlessly killing attackers on her own. The sound of projectiles jolted Archer awake, still cradling Sera in his arms.

He placed her on his shoulder, and he started casting Element Bolts made from thunder that struck the cannibals, causing them to stagger but not give up on their assault.

The cannibals poured across the bridge, driven by an eerie silence. The guards formed a defensive line between the intruders and the caravan.

Ella's arrows claimed many lives, but their numbers seemed endless. Teuila managed to kill a few dozen and kept a watchful eye over the half-elf.

Archer unleashed Eldritch Blasts into the group of cannibals, tearing them apart and sending some flying through the air.

After a fierce battle, the cannibals eventually retreated into the darkness, dragging their fallen comrades and the slain guards into the dark jungle.

Ella and Teuila caught their breaths, with Ella massaging her hands and Teuila stored her sword after cleaning it again.

Archer hopped off the carriage and spoke to the girls. "Would you like to rest in the domain? It will be peaceful there."

They exchanged glances and shook their heads. Teuila spoke up, "We wanted to spend more time talking to Mariam. She was telling us about the Zenia Empire."

Archer nodded understandingly, and the girls smiled before giving him a kiss each. Sera, observing the affectionate scene, began licking Archer's cheek, prompting a smile to spread across his face.

He leaped back onto the roof and patiently waited for the caravan to regroup. Omar passed by and spoke to him. "Archer, thank you for your assistance. Once we reach the Khemra Sands, we'll set up camp."

Archer looked down at Omar and replied, "No worries. I'll keep watch, so don't worry."

The man glanced at the boy, impressed by his dedication, before walking off to organize the guards for cleanup. Though they had lost five guards, they still had 131 remaining.

After gathering the fallen guards' equipment, the caravan resumed its journey until they reached a vast desert grassland that extended as far as the eye could see.

He sat cross-legged atop the roof of the swaying carriage, Archer gazed out into the vast expanse of the landscape that mirrored the enchanting allure of Egypt back on Earth.

The moon cast a gentle radiance, painting the sandy dunes with a silvery hue, while countless stars adorned the velvety sky above.

The rhythmic clatter of hooves against the desert road provided a soothing melody, lulling Archer into a state of tranquility.

As the cool night breeze tousled his now short hair, he got comfortable on the carriage roof and allowed his gaze to wander.

The undulating waves of sand stretched as far as the eye could see, shimmering under the moon's tender glow.

Each dune seemed to tell a tale of timelessness and whispered secrets of ancient civilizations.

A symphony of desert sounds filled the air. The soft rustling of trees mingled with the distant hooting of an owl, creating a serene ambiance that embraced Archer's senses.

The distant flickering lights of a nomadic camp added a touch of warmth to the nocturnal panorama.

Archer envisioned the bustling marketplace of an ancient Egyptian city, bustling with traders and adorned with vibrant fabrics and intricate artifacts.

The scent of exotic spices seemed to dance in the air as if carried on the desert winds. Lost in this captivating reverie.

The rich history and timeless beauty of Southland's landscape enveloped him, stirring a sense of wonder.

Shaking his head, he reluctantly tore his gaze away from the captivating view. He reached into his Item Box grabbing some chocolate.

As he savored the sweet treat, he absentmindedly stroked Sera, eliciting a contented purr from the little dragon, who stretched out lazily on his lap.

Before long, the caravan reached a peaceful riverbank, where they began the process of setting up camp.

Archer joined Teuila and Ella as they stepped out of the carriage, ready to bring out their own tent. 

After a little while the tent was fully set up, and the three entered, seeking peace from the outside world.

Sera flew off his shoulder, gliding across the tent to settle comfortably on a small sofa within the tent.

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