Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.374 School isn’t Scary

CH.374 School isn’t Scary

“Quick question Alice. Why did we never visit the school before His Majesty asked us to? Doesn’t your brother live here?” Lua asked Alice as we were riding towards the Royal Academy.

“... our relationship is … awkward.” Alice admitted. “He was always what I wanted to be. … no. What Father wanted me to be. But despite that, he was the one getting to go out and hunt monsters, while I was stuck at home studying.”

“Oh right. I remember Diamond Sword taking him out to hunt monsters.” Lua said. “... we were a bit jealous of those quests because they paid so well.”

“Wait? The overprotective father that is Brandon was willing to send his son out into the world to fight monsters? What did he eat that day?” I asked.

“Remember that he is only protective about me.” Alice reminded me. “Sure Danny was important because he is the one to take over the title, but not like me. Even if he died, Father was just going to have me marry someone who’d take over.”

“And that is why I hate noble politics.” Lua said.

“Not everyone is lucky enough to find someone they truly love, noble or otherwise.” Alice said.

“I did. And not just one.” I said, before giving both of them a kiss.

“Welcome to the Royal Academy.” A teacher from the institute welcomed us. He was a younger man, not much older than I am, with silver-white hair and a pair of what I think are wolf ears coming out of his head. No tail though, so he is like Valoa in that way. Wonder why they don’t have a tail? Will they gain a tail when they evolve? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a tail?

“Thank you. I believe you wanted us to take part in some special magic lesson. Could you fill us in?” I requested. I knew a bit of the day plan from a letter I got, but it wasn’t fully planned out at that time, so I wasn’t fully in the know.

“Yes, of course. But please, let’s head inside.”

While showing us around, the wolf-man explained a bit to us. For school reasons, our visit was written off as two great witches from the Sage’s tower coming to show off some magic. I mean, they do need an official reason in the books, and thankfully both Alice and Lua got recognized as great witches.

And while that was going to happen, there was another thing that was planned. Mainly me showing off some monsters to … I know I said scared last time, but maybe I should say that we are trying to convince the students that S and SS-rank monsters are scary.

The ‘class’ we were holding was fully optional, but highly recommended for anyone looking into magic or monster hunting. And because they advertised that Alice, who had gotten some fame in the capital for the two times she took down an SS-rank monster, was holding it, it got a large audience.

The initial part of our ‘lesson’ was held in a large auditorium, where I would be using the Dungeon Founder and Storage combo to show some nice visuals to our audience. And from there, we will have a short break before the second part where I summon a monster to scare the absolute bejesus out of them.

“Nervous?” I asked Alice before we walked out there. Lua seemed relatively calm, probably thanks to all the times she has acted as a teacher in the dhampir villages, but Alice was a bit tense.

“... Somewhat. What about you Brian? Have you ever done public speaking like this?”

“A few times before … I founded TinaWood. It was part of the school I went to.”

“Were you nervous?” 

“I guess. For me, I always want to give my presentation quickly just to get it over with. That way, I can relax later. Of course it doesn’t always work out for the best, but who cares. As long as you don’t, it will be fine.”

“But what if I make a fool of myself?” Alice asked.

“Alice. We are discussing ways to combat SS-rank monsters, or mainly how to not die while waiting for someone stronger to come. If you think anyone will see you as a fool when you are one of the few people alive that can take on SS-ranks. Well, do people like that even exist? Admittedly the answer is probably yes, but still. Just relax and go with the flow.”

“And if anyone gets noisy, just use a small spell to shut them up.” Lua added. Does she do that when she is teaching people?

“... I’m not so sure that is a great idea.” I told her. “It might work in the villages, but this is a school.”

“You say that, but we know the monster you are planning on summoning.” Lua commented.

“I actually changed my mind.” I told her. “I know I said I was going to summon The Wicked Dreadroot because of its aura of oppression, but I think it might be a bit much. I don’t want someone accidentally having a heart attack or something.”


“Agreed. Let’s not accidentally kill anyone, even if we could resurrect them for show.” Lua said jokingly.

After the students were all seated, one of the school’s regular professors, who we ran our lesson plan through while we waited, started the special lesson. He rambled on for a bit until he said:

“And now to welcome our special guests. Sir Brian Wood, Miss Alice Watchman and Miss Lucia.” The professor announced us, so the three of us walked in.

As we did, we got some looks and I also heard some murmurs. Mainly about how young Alice looks, and who the heck is Lua. Interestingly, I didn’t hear anything about myself, but then again, my hearing is only good, not super good.

We stopped on the stage next to the professor and looked towards the audience. They were still having heated discussions, so I loudly clapped my hands together to get their attention.

It worked alright, but I do wonder. Should I spread some mana on my palms and then clap? Would that make the clap louder? I should try that out at some point.

“Thank you.” I said to the audience as they quieted down. “As you already know, I am Honorary Baron Brian Wood. And I’ve been asked to come here today because apparently some of you have some grand goals. And because someone cares about you, I’m here to absolutely stomp on them and tell you all that you are foolish.” I began, making sure everyone was paying attention to me. Because they’ll be mad after I say that. “But all that aside, we are here to tell you about the true horrors of facing SS-rank monsters. I’ll tell you this, don’t do it. You will die.” I quickly turned things serious. “But to tell you more about what you can do, I’ll let the one you know has defeated SS-rank monsters take over. Alice, if you would.”

“Thank you, Brian. As he said …”

As Alice went on a speech she practiced for half of yesterday, I focused on bringing up the infographics Laura, Tahlia and Kekri put together last night. They mostly focused on the reports we had from Alewatch, as what happened with the Behemoth there was a perfect example of how to buy time until help arrives. During that time, no one died, and while there were some injuries, and a few of the cards I had given to people living in Alewatch were lost, no life was lost. And that is honestly all most can wish for with SS-rank monsters.

As Alice kept up her speech, she focused a lot on how to divide the attention of powerful monsters, how to look out for AoE attacks, how to avoid said attacks, and most of all, how to stay at a range where you won’t get trampled. Of course not all of it will work with every kind of SS-rank monster, but it is good general knowledge. 

After a while, it was time for Lua to take over. She took over with the goal of telling the importance of first healing and how to make sure someone badly injured doesn’t die. And in situations like that, the very first healing done is the most important. 

This part was clearly less well received than the initial part with Alice, but that might also partly be because of my infographics being less battle focused.

After Lua, it was time for some questions before we move onto the ‘show’ part of our lesson. And boy did we start off with a good one.

“How high leveled should someone be to face an SS-rank monster alone?” Was the first question asked. The asker was a younger student, probably 14 or 15.

“There is no correct answer to that.” I told him. “In truth, facing an SS-rank monster alone won’t be easy no matter what level you are. But if you really want to face one fully on your own, you should be at least level 200.” I answered truthfully.

I mean, I just took on an S-rank mithril golem the other day, I wasn’t alone, I’m over level 150 and it still wasn’t easy and ended up with the golem blowing itself up. And that was just an S-rank monster, not SS-rank. 

“Then how come you can do so?” The same student asked. “Don’t think we would believe you if you said you are over level 200.”

“True, I’m not.” I agreed with him. “But I said about doing it alone. If you have paid any attention, neither kill on an SS-rank monster Alice has done has been done alone. She always does so with others by her side, be it the people of Alewatch or summoned monsters. These make all the difference as they allow her room to breathe between attacks, or have already weakened the monster beforehand.”

With that question answered, we got some more. Some of them were personal questions like what level we are, some even dared to ask if Alice and Lua were single, which I shut down with an angry glare, and also some questions about our weapons. Okay, the weapon one I actually answered gladly. I do love showing off my weapon collection. 

And of course there were questions on my summons, but that was to be expected. While I skated around a few issues, like how my cards are made, I did tell everyone about the Card Summoner skill and how they could potentially try to get it, but I’m not sure the professors liked me for it. I just feel like this school will want to have a field trip to TinaWood now.

Eventually the questions were brought to an end by the school bell and we had our break. And the second part would be happening outside so I could scare people, I mean show off my summons. I mean, I guess both.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Lua asked to confirm. Over the lunch break, I told her and Alice the monster I was planning to summon. 

“Oh I know for sure it is a terrible idea. That is why I’m doing it.” I told with glee.

“... if you know it is a bad idea then why are you doing it?” Alice asked.

“Because it is funny and I can blame the Prime Minister for it.” 

“...” The two of them didn’t look that amused.

“At least be glad I’m not summoning the Five-Headed Dragon. I actually considered that one as well.”

“It honestly might be better.” Alice said.

“Nah. This is more Divine, so this is better.”

After a while, one of the professors came to me and said I was free to summon what I was going to summon. 

“Alright. Let’s do this.” I psyched myself up. “Marrons, step up.” I called out to the three Outstanding Dog Marron that I already had summoned in preparation. I need three tributes and those guys go straight back to my Collection when they hit the GY, so why not use them.


“I tribute the three Marron.” I began the summoning process before I started off with my summoning chant.

“Roaring titan of justice and judgment.

Hear my prayer from beneath the pavement.

Punish those who hath done wrong.

Crush their heart and show who's strong.

Show them all your strength and might.

Rise and bring me victory in this fight.

Obelisk the tormentor!


 With my chant complete, my monster was appearing. Rising from the ground, the Exodia sized giant was quite the sight. And in all honesty, it looked like it would have left a giant hole in the ground when it appeared, but there wasn’t even a small hole under Obelisk’s feet.

But the effect of seeing him seemed to work for the students. They were now staring up at the fifty meter tall Giant Soldier like it was the downcoming of the Goddess. … okay, maybe not that intensely. 

And of course with Obelisk came his aura. I think it has something to do with his effect that makes him untargetable by card effects, as monsters with those kinds of effects are generally the ones that have the most powerful auras. Well, the worst aura of any of my monsters is still The Wicked Dreadroot with its aura halving your Strength, Defense and Magic stats, but that is a different thing. Dreadroot’s aura is oppressive, while Obelisk’s is more mighty/all powerful. 

I let the students gaze at Obelisk the Tormentor for a bit of time, until I decided this was enough and unsummoned my Divine Beast.

The attitude of the students before and after Obelisk was quite interesting. Before seeing it, they were still sometimes rude and arrogant, but after it, they were quite humble when interacting with us. Some were outright terrified and I think at least a few of them soiled their pants, but thankfully they were the minority. 

Some questions were raised about my God monster, like are SS-rank monsters really that terrifying and also asking if Obelisk is somehow related to the Golden Giant aka. Exodia. I half lied telling them yes, even though that isn’t true. Obelisk is much worse than any SS-rank I’ve run into, but I wanted them to think all SS-ranks are that bad, just in case they somehow run into one. It will make them feel braver when they face the SS-rank monster. For the part about the two being related, I told them that Exodia and Obelisk are rivals that push each other to be stronger, even thought that was also a lie.

We spent a bit more time at the school, mainly me making sure both Daniel and William got their invite letters to HomeBase’s grand reveal, and answering more questions the students had.

But eventually, my little return to school came to an end and we returned home. Now I’ll just have to wait for the PM’s letter telling me I overdid it.

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