Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.373 Not so great Captain

CH.373 Not so great Captain

And so, a few days passed and I was going to meet with the Captain of the Royal Knights, Marquess Gallos. And because he had asked for it, Alice was coming with me. 

And I know what a few of you are going to ask: “Where has Alice been again?” Well, simple. She was delivering letters and seeing if some people were worthy of getting invites to HomeBase’s grand reveal. Naturally she took the letters to both her own parents and her grandparents, but there were a few others I got acquainted with at Thomas’ birthday party that I was considering, so I had her visit them as well, and decide if they were worthy of getting an invite. Sure I ended up delivering the letter to Viscount Kramer myself, as I ended up there thanks to Molly and Cina, but I didn’t visit Viscount Yuva nor Duke Burch, so those two were for Alice to decide.

I’m not so sure about Duke Burch, but I do hope Alice gives Viscount Yuba his invitation. Every time I’d have interacted with him, or more so his business, I’ve had a good experience. And I do somewhat want to take both Wilma and Karl there, same as I took Molly and Cina to the horse ranch. I mean, taking dwarves to a mine just sounds like something that could be cool.

But that is something for later. For now, Alice and I will head over to the Royal Knight barracks. I would question why there, but I have a feeling I know. I mean, if this was just a meeting, the Captain wouldn’t have asked for Alice.

The meeting place was within the castle’s outer walls, so that meant some security checks for us. Because of that, today my carriage didn’t have a horse, and I was driving it myself.

But when we arrived at the gate to the castle, I realized that that preparation was for naught, as a pair of Royal Knights were waiting for us and we got through the gate with no check at all. Again, this place’s security is super questionable.

I was led to an area of the Royal castle that I’d only seen from HomeBase, the barracks for the Royal Knights. As well as their training area.

We stopped the carriage closeby and got out, and our escort knights guided us to a building near the training grounds. Oh and in case you wondered, I took my carriage into Storage.

We were led inside the building and into the office of the Captain. It was nothing that special, other than the big display cabinet filled with weapons, mostly lances. I guess the tip of him liking lances was really true.

As for the man himself, well, he wasn’t quite human. Not that I expected him to be, but still. In general, the nobles of this country are more often than not humans. He was a winged lizard-folk of some kind, at least that is what I think based on the almost dragon-like wings on his back, but I know he isn’t a dragon, as he doesn’t have true dragon scales. I would know the difference, as even my ‘dragon scales’ that appear when I use Dragonic Body are somewhat different from the real deal, and they are a lot closer to the real deal than some lizard scales.

“Welcome. Please, take a seat. Let’s talk for a bit first.” The knight captain said to us.

I didn’t argue against him and just did as asked, and Alice followed my lead.

“So, you are the two that take down SS-rank monsters with ease. Honestly speaking, you don’t look much, but I suppose the exterior can be deceiving.”

“... if you asked me here to say I look weak, I’m leaving.” I told him, not caring at all that it isn’t customary.

“Come on. Don’t be like that.” The captain quickly said. “It was meant as praise, not an insult.”

“Didn’t sound like one to me.”

“... I see. I’d like to apologize.” The captain said, but it didn’t sound sincere at all.

“And I’m not accepting your apology.” I responded. “Alice, let’s go.”

God this was a waste of time. I could have been working on something actually interesting, but no.

As Alice and I were already halfway out of the building, the captain seemed to finally realize that I was serious, and rushed after us.

“Are you really going to leave like that?!” He yelled. “That’s treason.”

I turned back to face him and coldly told him: “Is it? Because from my point of view, this is just me not entertaining your sorry ass. And if you really want to say I’m guilty of treason, then perhaps you should have a chat with the Prime Minister. Go and tell him that because you are a bigot, you might have just cost this country everything. See how he feels about it. I guess you can extend the same to the Second Prince as well. I’m sure both of them will be very happy with how you acted today.”

I let the words sink in a bit more, before I took Alice’s hand. I’m just using HomeBase’s emergency teleport to take us home. “Good bye. I hope we never see each other again.”

That was what I really wished, but of course that wouldn’t be how it went.

The very next day, I had gotten a total of three apology letters from different people about how the Royal Knight Captain acted. 

I got one from Elias, one from Nevelle and one from the Prime Minister. Well, only the PM’s was really an apology, both Nevelle and Elias were just explaining some things, like how both of them went ahead and complained to their father about the treatment I got.  

The Prime Minister’s one was a bit more important. Because of our talk about the fissures, he probably understands just how important it is for the kingdom to stay on my good side, so he was quickly in massive apology mode. I mean, when a threat of SS-rank monsters randomly appearing is a thing, and the only one that can stop them from appearing is me, it is kind of like me holding the detonator to a nuke that could be anywhere in the kingdom and no one can find it. And because of the talk I had with the Prime Minister, he likely understands that I’m at least somewhat serious about just abandoning this country if they do decide that I’m the bad guy in this situation. 

In all seriousness, I’d probably just let a few SS-rank monsters run wild, while still closing the fissure. I mean, my deal of closing the fissures is with the Goddess, not some kingdom. I don’t care about borders or any of that crap. And I’d still defeat the SS-ranks if they appeared close to where someone I actually care about lives.

But enough about my ‘bad guy’ act. The Prime Minister had asked me to appear at the castle today, and since he hasn’t pissed me off, I’ll do as he asked.

Like yesterday, as soon as I reached the castle gates, I got myself a VIP escort of royal knights. I wasn’t as happy with them as I was yesterday, as their captain really did leave a sour taste in my mouth, but I won’t complain yet. It isn’t exactly their fault that their captain is a jerk. 

Inside the castle, yes they did take me to the castle itself, not some outbuilding, I was guided to a room that reminded me of the one where I waited before my meeting with the King. A pile of sweets were set out on the table, but honestly speaking, I didn’t want to partake, so I just left them be for now.

Not long after I sat down, someone came into the room.

“Oh? Good morning, Elias.” I greeted the second prince. I wasn’t in a formal mood because of yesterday, so I just instantly went to casual mode.

“Morning. I heard you had a day yesterday.”

“It wasn’t that bad. But I do think you should better teach people holding important positions.”

“Don’t worry. He is being dealt with.”

“... then why am I here?” I asked.

“Can’t I ask you over for a chat?”

“You wouldn’t ask me here if you just wanted to chat.” I pointed out.

“... perhaps. In truth, Father wants a one-on-one chat with you.” Elias admitted.

“... okay. I guess that’s fine.”

I then remembered something that wasn’t really that important, but something I could do now.

“Hey Elias, do you mind if I take a few measurements of you? I kind of need them for what I promised last time.” I asked. I could have estimated his measurements, but having accurate ones is better.

“... Sure? May I ask what you are going to make?”

“And ruin the surprise?” I asked.

“... Let’s go with no then.”

“I can show you what I made for the jerk, I mean the knight captain.” I offered. I was somewhat excited to show off the Fenrir fang lance, since the person it was meant for clearly didn’t want it.

“Would you? I’d love to see.” Elias agreed.

I cleared some space on the table by showing the stuff on it into Storage, and then brought out the lance, setting it on the table instead. It was quite imposing, with the silvery fang having the light blue of mithril giving it a nice accent. Or maybe that is just me liking blue and white.

“... Did you have this in a box or something when you met him?” Elias asked.

“No. It was in my Storage.” I answered. “Why?”

“... I have a feeling had he seen it, he would have been kneeling at your feet.”

“... Is he really that much of a maniac?” 

“No. Most people would prostrate themselves to you if they got something like this out of it.” Elias said.

“... do you want it? I mean, I don’t really need it.” I admitted. 

“... No. I’ll take what you are making for me.” Elias said. “It will feel more unique.”

“I hope it won’t disappoint.” I told him, but as I did, the door to the room opened and two people walked into the room.

One of the two was the King himself, so I didn’t want to look too sour, but I really didn’t like the fact that with the king, the a-hole lizard that held the position of Royal Knight Captain came with him.

I quickly turned to the King and greeted him.

“Your Majesty. It is a pleasure.”

“Honorary Baron Wood. I do thank you for your swift response.” The King responded, and I could see the Knight Captain’s eyes open. At first I thought it was because of what the King said, but then I realized that it was because he saw what I had placed on the table.

“Of course I will. Your Majesty’s orders are absolute.” I answered the King, even though I think we both know that is absolute BS. While I said that, I paid attention to the Captain and noticed that his body was almost twitching.

“I think we both know that isn’t true.” The King said. “I know you answer to a higher power than I.”

“... perhaps I do.” I answered honestly, and as I did, I noticed the Captain taking some careful steps towards the table.

When he was within a reaching distance, the Captain slowly extended his hand towards the lance, but I wasn’t going to let him put his inferior scales anywhere near that weapon, so I grabbed a not so gentle hold of his hand with Telekinesis. He likely could overpower my skill if he really wanted to, but I think it will have the desired effect.

“Who gave you permission to touch that?” I turned to face the Captain and asked.

“...” The Captain didn’t answer, but I felt the pressure I had to use to hold his hand lessen.

“Did you make that for him?” The King asked.

“I did, yes.” I confirmed. “I was planning on giving it to him yesterday, but I think we know how that went.”

“You … You ..? Giving this to me…” I heard the Captain mutter.

“I was planning to, but that plan has passed. I’d rather toss that thing into a volcano than give it to you.” I told him honestly. 

“P-Please! Don’t destroy it!” He cried out in desperation as he tossed himself on the floor.

… okay? I guess Elias wasn’t wrong. 

“You think I’m a fool?” I asked. “I wouldn’t destroy something Wilma worked hard on just because I happen to not like the person it was made for. I’m not you.”

“I … I … I never meant it that way.” He carefully said. “I meant it with all honesty.”

“And I’ll give you a tip about honesty. When it comes from someone with a higher perceived authority than you, it doesn’t sound like honesty.” I told him. “It sounds like you are trying to downplay the accomplishments of someone you see as below you.”

“I … I’ll strive to do better.”

“Good. Because if you didn’t, you’d be nothing but a lizard acting as if you were a dragon.” I told him.

I know what I just said might very well piss him off even more, and in all honesty, I wanted to see if he would. But the Captain stayed quiet so I’ll let him off for now. He is still not getting that lance, not now, and probably not ever.

“You have a way with words, Baron Wood.” The King complimented me.

“Thank you, your Majesty.” I turned towards the King and bowed.

“Perhaps you’d give me a bit of your time. I have some questions about what you told the Prime Minister.”

“If that is your will.” I agreed.

I ended up spending a bit of time with Elias and the King, just recapping what I told the PM. The Captain was … removed from the room, as I really didn’t want him there.

Our discussion eventually led to the HomeBase invite I gave to the PM, and that led to the King asking if he would get one. I really wasn’t sure if I should invite a literal King, but since he asked, I gave him an invite. And I guess I had invited her Majesty, so inviting the King isn’t that much more. Not that I was expecting the Queen to actually come.

In the end, the King promised he would have someone teach the Captain how to speak to people below him properly, which I liked. But then he also had a request to me.

“At one point, I wished you could have trained my Royal Knights, but that isn’t something I can request of you now. But instead, would you be willing to visit the Royal Academy and perhaps give some special lessons there?”

“... I think I could. But I’m not sure I’ll be a good teacher.” I admitted.

“I won’t expect perfection. Perhaps just show them how powerful S-rank monsters can really be.” The King said. “I heard some worrying things from my little Nevelle after she visited the school and some delusions might need to be squashed.”

“Please don’t tell her Father said that.” Elias requested. “We barely see her here already.”

“I won’t. I promise.” 

But that is an idea. Summon a massive dragon to scare a bunch of children. … That sounds so wrong. But hey, if the King wants me to do it, who am I to say no? 

And you know me. I love an excuse to summon one of my dragons, especially at places where people can see them.

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