Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.318 Next steps

CH.318 Next steps

During the next few days, Lady Janina kept roaming the Factory and challenged a multitude of Divine-Beast monsters to fights. For her score, she is doing quite well.

She of course managed to defeat every Sacred Beast already. For the Wicked monsters, she defeated both The Wicked Avatar and The Wicked Eraser with relative ease, but struggled just a bit against The Wicked Dreadroot. I guess Dreadroot being a 4000/4000 monster that halves Lady Janina’s offensive and defensive power is quite a challenge even for her. I also find it interesting that Lady Janina can take Eraser's nuke effect, whereas Agunan cannot.


Against Obelisk the Tormentor, she was able to beat the Divine Soldier. Though if Obelisk used its effect to gain infinite attack, the fight between the two would end in mutual destruction. So even infinite attack isn’t enough to beat Lady Janina.


Outside of the Divine-Beasts, Lady Janina did also play with the Blue-Eyed dragons, especially Shining Dragon and Dragon Master Knight. Neither of them could actually beat the divine dragon, but Shining Dragon was actually able to ‘kill’ her, if Shining used its Shining Nova suicide attack.


I do find it interesting that Lady Janina never really struggles against monsters that have effects that let them gain attack. Like she was able to defeat The Wicked Avatar quite easily, but then she struggles with The Wicked Dreadroot. 

I wonder how she would match up against Slifer or Ra? I don’t have either of them yet, but they also have effects that let them gain power. So would they be easy for Lady Janina to defeat? Or challenging? Somewhere in between?

And what about Armityle? Sure the TCG version of Armityle gains attack, but the anime variant attacks with its effect, so technically, it always has the statline of 0/0. And my cards do seem to follow the anime rules, most of the time. So maybe Armityle would be a challenge for Lady Janina.

At the same time, I’m not sure I want Lady Janina to fight Armityle. Sure we reinforced one of the rooms to the point where Lady Janina and Exodia’s clash would hopefully no longer take down the entire Factory, but we haven’t tested it out yet. Well, it was the fighting ground for all of Lady Janina’s fights, so it could at least take the infinite attack Obelisk vs Lady Janina, but Exodia might be different.

For some not so Factory news, Lua was done with her mission in the dhampir village. Out of the 46 residents, 33 now knew True Blood Magic, and that was satisfactory to the System. 

That meant a little reward for her, so let me show you her updated status. The main things that changed since last time would be a level up to her Unique skill, as well as the Language Comprehension Aulis added to her teacher mission. Even her Card Summoner leveled up, as she has been summoning Vampire monsters on a daily basis to help her with her teaching mission. She had also both gained levels, as well as had used Level Up, so some of her other skills are also higher compared to last time, but Card Summoner, Dhampir Princess and Language Comprehension are the most important things. Too bad she still has no Holy Magic from her Saint title. We really should visit the big church that was in the Hero’s country and see if we can obtain Lua a teacher that won’t be yelling the fact that she is a Saint from the rooftops. Maybe I should just kidnap one and lock them on HomeBase, forcing them to teach Lua Holy magic. That was a joke, by the way.


Anyway. Since we were done with this village, we would soon be moving towards the next village. Or for me, to the capital. 

I probably should have headed there a while ago, because I’ve been tasked to meet with the King, or at least some high ranking person in the capital, about the TinaWood dungeon. Sure it got delayed a lot, as I was able to meet Prince Elias, so there was literally no rush, but I still should eventually show my face in front of the nobles of the capital. 

And with HomeBase getting more and more done each day, we could soon bring people over to there. Mainly dhampirs. Lua won’t have to commute to a dhampir village, if we can get the dhampirs to temporarily live on HomeBase. And as the furniture orders I put in are starting to be done, we have quite a few furnished rooms ready to accept people. And of course more and more avatar dolls are being made, so I do have personnel. Food is still a bit of an issue, as outside of me cooking with Mystik Wok and of course us having access to near limitless amounts of monster meat, we don’t really have it. Grains are the real problem. Some vegetables and fruits can be harvested from the HomeBase dungeon, so while they are limited, we do have some. Some monsters are also basically oversized vegetables, so they can fill in that role.

But we don’t have grain, so I have to buy it all. Sure money is no issue, but purchasing food for potentially hundreds of people could cause some problems with the supply chains. I did learn a bit about that when we liquidated the Blanken Company after all. Don’t mess with supply chains. It could cause chaos. So I really need to look into getting my own trading company up and running. Or at least getting an employee whose job it is to go around and purchase stuff like grain for us to use. As long as we pick that stuff up from multiple places, we won’t cause a shortage anywhere. And my Storage will make sure it will never go bad, so I can hold big stockpiles of stuff.

But yeah. Back to us moving towards the capital. We had a plan to do so, and we also had someone who wanted a ride. Or a group of four people to be specific, but we agreed to give them a ride, because of one person in particular. I’m of course referring to Mariina’s group. They were heading towards the capital, from where they would continue to the Hero’s Country. And I had promised her a ride to the capital when she told me about the process of submitting the flight plans.

I left Alice in charge of scheduling our flight, so I would be free to do what I want. She would also be submitting the flight plan, even if it wasn’t as necessary, as we probably wouldn’t land in the capital, but would instead beam ourselves to the ground some ways away from the city and go in carriages from there.

While Alice was busy with that, I of course had too many projects running, so I was also busy. The main thing I was focusing on at the moment was getting HomeBase to the state where it can accept visitors. I mean, it can as it is, but still some work to be done on that front. But because everyone needs a break, I decided to do a little pack opening.

For today’s pack opening, I decided to go with ten packs of both Enemy of Justice and Power of the Duelist. They are the only sets I haven’t fully completed yet, so they are what I open. packs first.


 Nothing that crazy here, as I have all of it already, but Bountiful Artemis did give me an idea. It could be good for Lua. Alice is kind of the full power, almost glass cannon mage, and Lua is already more of a support mage with her healing magic, so maybe she could focus on disruption spells. And for that, counter fairies would work quite well. Sure they might be a bit challenging to use, but I’m sure Lua would learn how to if she wanted to. But I’m not sure how well they would go with what she already has.

Well, maybe next pack will give me better ideas.


And that is all repeats. Not that Herald of Green Light is bad and of course Dimensional Fissure is useful. Macro Cosmos would be a lot better if I actually had Helios - The Primordial Sun, but that thing is promo only, so I need to unlock a promo trade for it.

Next pack.


Hmm. Guard Penalty could maybe be funny, but because most people cannot use the ‘Draw a Card’ cards, it probably isn’t that good. But maybe if installed, it could do something interesting.

Icarus Attack also is a good card. It just is a card I’d never use, because I can use something better, but maybe it is something I could give to someone. 

Next pack.


Well, Herald of Purple Light is new, so that is good. Also, maybe I should reverse engineer Searchlightman so I can make some searchlights. Sure I can just use magic lights, but that could give me some tech that might be handy.

Next pack.


OH? Hero Flash? Nice. Didn’t have that yet. Sure it is … well, it could be better, but I still like having it. Also, if I reverse engineer Batteryman D, I could use batteries to power my searchlights. I could make an electric flashlight. Then just make a device that turns mana into electricity to recharge batteries and we would be good to go. Another thing to think about.

Next pack.


That is all repeats, but Grand Convergence is still cool. And Diamond Dude is literal diamonds, so I almost want to break him apart and steal his diamonds. … Do diamonds even carry any value in this world? They might not. But they do look pretty. I still shouldn’t look at my monsters as materials, but it cannot be helped.

Next pack.


Got a Super Rare. Too bad it is a repeat. Well, maybe the next one won’t be a repeat.


… D-Time, really? Who translated that? Was it the same in Japanese, or was that pun added in the translation?Yes. That pun was already there in the Japanese card.

At least Celestial Transformation is kind of cool. It sounds like if I install it into myself, I might gain a new race to change into with One of Every Race. Maybe I’ll ask Laura to look into that. 

Next pack.


Elemental Absorber is actually kind of cool. It just has a ton of utility, as I can just block an entire attribute of magic from being used. But let’s be honest, the real pull of this pack opening is that Victory Viper XX03. I finally have a great alternative for Gradius. I’ll install a few cards into it later to make it great, but just having one is already great.

One more Enemy of Justice pack, then I’ll swap to Power of the Duelist.


Well, it might be a repeat, but the Ultimate Rare Herald of Green Light is still nice. Also, I don’t know if I ever considered this, but Elemental Recharge does look interesting. Could I use it to make some sort of a healing tank? Another thing to look into.

But now, it is time to change sets. , you are next.


Well, Dark City is a Field Spell, so new Factory room. Flying Saucer Muusik'i is … something I might use. It is another spaceship, but it a bit too Alien.



A second Dark City is fine, so I have one for the Factory and one for the road. … well, more like the Collection. But the real nice stuff is the Chrysalis Dolphin. That was a joke, but it is interesting that the baby Dolphin is in the same pack as the Super Rare Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin. Sure Aqua Dolphin might be just a bit weak, but it is cool to have.

Next pack.


Another Neos is nice. Cyber Summon Blaster is somewhat cool. Maybe I can use the Decoy Roid loop to burn an SS-rank monster to death. But there is also Dogma. I know I spoke about it previously, but I’m not the biggest fan of Destiny HEROes. They just have too many gimmicks. I like decks that summon out monsters that have big attack and beat the opponent, and Dogma fits that quite well. I mean, 3400 attack and it halves your opponents LP. That is nice. A great addition to my Collection.

Next pack.


Another E-HERO Neos and Neo Space. Both are fine to have. Neo Space might actually be necessary to have a lot of copies of, because I might have to install Neo Space or Instant Neo Space to all the Neos fusions, so they won’t have to return to the deck after just a short time.



That is all repeats, but I guess having a spare Ambulance Rescueroid is good.



Well hello there, Chimeratech Overdragon. Yes, I have one already, but I don’t mind having a second one. Especially as this one is an Ultimate Rare. Cyclone Blade is also decent. Maybe I should show it to Wilma so she can make a weapon that can cut magic?



A spare Cyber Summon Blaster. Maybe for some install bs. Or maybe something else. Don’t know yet.



… what is this pack? Both Overdragon and Overload Fusion. And the Overdragon is an Ultra Rare. These Power of the Duelist packs have been giving out Ultra, Super and Ultimate Rare cards like they are nothing.

Two more packs. Maybe with this luck I can get one more SR or UR.


You know, it might not be a UR, but Future Fusion is quite nice. Well to me it isn’t that necessary, but I do still like it. And it might be able to do something funny when used 'in real life', but I'd need to test that out.

Last pack, let’s go.


One more Ultra Rare was clearly in the packs. Another Neos fusion. Sure I don’t have Flare Scarab yet, but eventually I will get it. 

All in all, a fantastic pack opening. Those Power of the Duelist packs really did hand out rare cards like it was nothing. Still, the best from the opening was probably Victory Viper. Just having another space fighter will be great. Let’s install a few cards into it and take it for a test ride.

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