Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.317 Lady Janina in the Factory

CH.317 Lady Janina in the Factory

“... So, I just go there, and you will follow me?” I confirmed with Lady Ami Janina.

Since I promised her I would guide her to the Different Dimension Factory, she has been reminding me of it every time we train. I pushed it off a bit, just so I could get the returning of the slaves out of the way, but now was as good of a time as any, so I used Gradius to fly over to the dragon coast to meet up with her real body.

{Yes. That is the simplest way of explaining it. Also, do not block me in any way, or I might use too much force.} Lady Janina responded.

“... alright. I won’t.”

I took a seat on a couch Lady Janina had brought out for me. She did have her own magic version of Storage, and it had some … interesting things inside of it. I do wonder, why does she have a storage cave, as well as a magic storage? Does she need both, or is one for things she needs more often, while the other is for things she needs less often? Or is her magical storage somehow limited, so she also needs a giant cave full of stuff?

Sure I could ask, but it doesn’t matter so I won’t. Instead, I’ll just close my eyes and head into the Factory.

“... should I go to one of the rooms?” I questioned, as I materialized in the Factory. 

By default, I always materialize my avatar on the Factory control platform, but this area is fully private, and other than me, only Alice, Lua, Laura, Tahlia and Fantasia can get to the platform. Well, Mia and Kekri can as well, but only if Lua/Alice is with them, so it is more of a permission by extension.

Anyway, the reason I was wondering if I should enter one of the rooms was Lady Janina’s size. Her real body is massive, so she would take quite a bit of space in the ‘hub area’ of the Factory. She can fit in here, just not that well. Well, if she appears in a humanoid form, like Agunan always does, it won’t be a problem. Maybe I should have asked her to turn into a humanoid form first? Actually, I’ve never seen her humanoid form, only her avatar form. But as an avatar, she doesn’t have scales, wings or any other draconic features. She just looks like a human.

After just a bit of waiting, a strange feeling came over me. It was clearly some sort of magic being used on me and it reminded me of the first time Agunan came to the Factory. It actually feels a lot like the Scan spells do, while still being just a bit different.

I know what the feeling is coming from, so I’m not panicking, but I have to say, I was expecting Lady Janina’s magic to be more … oppressive. This is actually extremely gentle.

After a bit more, an avatar began to take shape in front of me. Luckily, it seemed human-sized, so no issues on that front. After a bit, I began to actually see her under the censorship lights that covered her as her avatar was forming. By the way, that is just a normal Factory thing I implemented at some point. Privacy is important, and if I didn’t, Fantasia might end up flashing some of my monsters. And I do like how her clothes changes look like magical girl transformations, because for just a second she is covered in light, before reappearing in a completely different outfit.

Anyway, back to Lady Janina. Her Factory avatar was what I somewhat expected, her but in humanoid form. … should I call it dragonkin form? Or maybe Draconic Body form? Well for me it is similar to the form I take when I use Draconic Body, except that I don’t have wings, a tail or horns yet, but I can cover my body with dragon scales.

So yeah. Lady Janina’s draconic human form had the same face as she has when she is in the dragon avatar. Like in the avatar, her face looked perfect to the point where it almost felt otherworldly. Actually, she somewhat shares that quality with the Goddess. Just being too perfect to the point of not looking natural. Her body was covered in bronze scales, just like her dragon form, while some parts also had more gold looking scales. Her hair was gold in color, and unlike her avatar form, which was only golden blond, this one looked like actual gold thread. Just the shine on it was… something else. That part definitely added to her ethereal beauty. She didn’t have any horns, but then again, neither does her dragon form. 

But on her back, she did have a pair of wings. The leading edge was the same bronze as her body, but the membrane was in the golden color.

Covering all of that up wasn’t the golden dress she had on her dragon avatar, but instead something I would describe as ‘sport wear’. A sports bra, and shorts that were way too short. Well, they do cover the important bits, but still, they leave basically nothing to the imagination. I can always suggest that she get something to cover herself up more, but technically I’ve seen her naked a few times. Not like a dragon wears any clothes.

“Welcome to the Factory. How was the trip?” I welcomed her.

“That was hardly a trip. More of a jump really.” Lady Janina responded. “... but this place. It really is something. A mental landscape. Not many people can make something like this.”

“Could you?” I asked, out of curiosity more than anything.

“If I felt like it, yes. I’ve simply never seen the need to make one.” She answered casually. 

“Well yeah. I guess I could see a place like this not being necessary. Even I wouldn’t really have known what to do with it, if my monsters couldn’t freely roam this land.” I admitted. 

Sure now the Different Dimension Factory is a cornerstone of managing my skills, monsters, HomeBase, and everything else, but it could have easily been left to be just a place where I can interact with my monsters outside of summoning them. And if my monsters couldn't appear here, it would have been a space where I just interact with Laura.

“So, where is the Golden Giant Exodia? I believe it is time for our fight.” Lady Janina asked.

“... is it really that big of a hurry? How about a tour first?” I offered.

“Fight first. The rest can wait.” Lady Janina said.

I brought Lady Janina to a room I made specifically for this fight. Sure you might say making something like that is a waste, but when I reached LV.130 the other day, thank you Level Up!, Fantasia also leveled up to LV.5 so I had some empty rooms to use. And this way there wouldn’t be any collateral damage to anything in the Factory, which was a huge plus.


“... he isn’t here.” Lady Janina said, almost disappointed. 

“Yeah. Exodia is too strong to just roam this space naturally.” I told her. “I have to summon him here so he can exert his full power.”

That was actually true. Exodia couldn’t appear here, because he is five cards combined into one. And not like a fusion or anything else either. He is a game mechanic. I did try to combine all pieces of Exodia into one card by installing all of them into one, but that ended up failing. Because while I did manage to install both arms into Exodia the Forbidden One, when I attempted to add the legs, the card just disintegrated. 

So yeah. While the individual pieces of Exodia can show up here, the complete Exodia cannot, unless Laura or I summon him. And in a way, that is a good thing.

“Is that a problem for your use of the card?” Lady Janina asked. “As much as I wish to fight that Giant, I do not wish to put the world in danger for my own selfish desires.”

“Nah. It is fine. Here the normal rules don’t apply.” I told her. “Besides, the Goddess hasn’t warned me about any upcoming fissures, so we should be fine.”

“If you say so, then would you please summon him?” Lady Janina requested. She seemed quite… meek today. I wonder if something is wrong. Should I ask?

“Are you sure you are feeling alright? We can always do this another day if…”

“No!” She interrupted me. “Summon that Giant.” She demanded with a lot more force in her voice. Maybe the earlier meekness was something else then. Well, whatever.

“Alright then.” I said, as I got the five Exodia pieces out of Collection and activated my Duel Disk. “I’m just going to say this now, but after I summon Exodia, I’ll step outside. I don’t want to be caught up in your fight.”

“Do as you wish.” Lady Janina said.

With that info told to Lady Janina, I set the cards on my duel disk and began my chant.

“Oh, Forbidden One sealed away in stone tablets

I require your might to assist me in my endeavors

I break the chains that once bound you

As I’ve gathered your pieces to make you whole

So with all five pieces of your true might I summon you

Exodia the Forbidden One!”


After I confirmed that Exodia was successfully summoned, I quickly exited the room and headed for the Factory’s control platform, so I could enjoy the show from the monitors there.

“... I lost…” I heard Lady Janina muttering as I entered the room.

The fight between her and Exodia wasn’t the longest. Lady Janina had grown her avatar to match the size of Exodia, while still staying humanoid, so I effectively had two massive demi-god level beings punching each other with magic powered fists. And just the waves of power rushing out of each time they hit each other was threatening all of the Factory. I wanted to let them keep going, but even this place couldn’t take their fight, so I had to order Exodia to end the fight quickly. Exodia then proceeded to Obliterate Lady Janina, ending the fight. 

I did feel a bit bad having to end the fight that way, as Obliterate is basically a suicide attack by Exodia. He does always get unsummoned immediately after using that attack, based on the two times he has now used it. Sure the cards survived this time because of the divine sleeves, but even they couldn’t keep Exodia summoned after he Obliterated Lady Janina.

As for what happened with Lady Janina. Well to put it simply, her Factory avatar was completely annihilated by the attack. Lucky for us, it was just her avatar and it doesn’t seem like her soul took any damage, so she could just materialize a new avatar for herself.

“I’m sorry. I had to end your fight prematurely because the Factory couldn’t take it, so I had to order Exodia to … well, Obliterate you. I hope you can forgive me for that.”

“No. Don’t apologize. I should have first looked at our fighting arena. Of course even a mental plane couldn’t take this kind of energy. I should have reinforced it first. I was simply too excited about the prospect of fighting something as powerful as myself.” Lady Janina said. 

“Well, we can just do that again at a different time.”

“There is no point.” Lady Janina said. “I would lose every time.”

Wow. Pessimistic much? From my point of view, the fight was very much even until Exodia obliterated her.

“I can tell what you are thinking, and you are wrong.” Lady Janina said. “It wasn’t close. I wasn’t a real match. Even without your order, I would have ran out of energy before Exodia would. His strength… it feels like it is infinite, while mine still has limits.”

Infinite? Well, I guess that might check out. Actually, that brings up an interesting idea. Obelisk the Tormentor’s effect to gain infinite attack. Would that work against Lady Janina? Now that she can fight in here, maybe we should test that out. 

But not today. We really need to reinforce this place before any more Divine-Beast vs Divine Dragon fights take place here.

We spent quite a while talking about things. Just casual things, like soul magic. Well, more like soul moving techniques. This was because I was asking Lady Janina about it.

I had two reasons really. One, I just wanted to know for my own satisfaction. And it would be cool to be able to go to the spirit world. Agunan spoke about being able to go there with soul transfer.

The other reason was that I wanted ways of getting people without a System Support to be able to come here. Sure Agunan and Lady Janina can, but they are dragons using some crazy soul transfer stuff. I want something easy that anyone can do.

For that, I asked Lady Janina for a favor. I wanted her to make a spell that would allow her to move someone else's soul. She actually already had something similar to that, but it was for guiding souls. She used it to guide dragon’s souls to alternate worlds, like the spirit world. So she said she would try to modify it a bit, so that it could separate the soul, guide it to the Factory, then guide the soul back to the body and reattach the soul. This was going to be a huge help. And after I have that spell, I can just make an SAO style full dive helmet, scribe that spell into the helmet, add a magic power transfer device so it has a power source, and then give it to people I want having access to the Factory. In return for Lady Janina’s service, I told her she could freely roam any unrestricted places in the Factory and fight whatever monster she wished. … as long as she asked Laura or me before fighting any Divine-Beast. Not that I’m expecting similar results if she fights anyone except Exodia. Well, maybe against The Wicked Avatar, as that monster will always be 100 points stronger than the strongest monster on the field.


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