Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.313 Power of the Duelist

CH.313 Power of the Duelist

Brian POVAgain, just because POV changed between the chapters.

“... she really did it without any help…” I quietly muttered to myself, as I watched Alice’s monsters coming towards me. I was honestly super proud of her, but at the same time, the monster I wanted to summon didn’t get a turn. Well, maybe if another monster pops out before Exodia manages to close the fissure, I can use it.

I used telekinesis to lift myself to Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon’s back, so I could get Alice. I already heard from Kekri that she passed out due to mana exhaustion, so I wasn’t overly worried.

Taking Alice into my arms, I then used Telekinesis to bring both of us to the ground, while I also asked her monsters to keep watching the fissure for more monsters. It is actually somewhat interesting that the monsters stayed summoned, even after she passed out. Is it because Kekri is still active? Probably because of that, right? 

And it isn’t like I have a lot of data concerning how monsters act after their summoner passes out. I think the only time that has happened was when I went into level up sleep after the wyvern incident. At that time, Dark Magician got unsummoned after I passed out. At least that is what I heard from Alice. But then there was also him holding experience for me, so that might have been a factor that changed things. 

Wait. There was also that time Alice passed out when she fought the twin-headed hydra. That time she also passed out due to mana exhaustion, and Mana didn’t get unsummoned at that time. And that was before Kekri. So maybe I should conclude that mana exhaustion can’t cause monsters to be unsummoned, but level up sleep might.

I might have to look into that later, so I really have a better idea.

“... Hmmm..” Alice muttered something in my arms, as she was waking up. 

I shared a bit of my mana to her, just so she would wake up sooner. My zero attribute mana was great for that, as it would adjust to the attributes of the person I give my mana to, so I could give some to anyone I wanted. And while my Space magic, and the newer Draconic magic, did alter my mana slightly, it was still considered neutral/zero attribute mana. It didn’t have an attribute after all. It was just slightly adjusted to use magic that wasn’t attribute magic.

“Good morning, my Magical Girl.” I said to Alice, as she was waking up. She actually wasn’t in her magical girl dress any more, as being in it took a bit of mana. So after she ran out of mana, she reverted back to regular clothes.

“... I don’t think it is morning…” Alice responded.

“Doesn’t matter at this moment. Here, a Pitch-Black Power Stone. Get your mana back.” I told her as I handed her a full  Pitch-Black Power Stone, ready to give her 3000 mana.


“... thanks.” Alice said, as she received the Power Stone. After draining the mana from it, the stone disappeared, and Alice looked like she was feeling better.

“Did more monsters show up?” She then asked.

“One B-rank.” I answered. “Dark Paladin took care of it. The corpse is over there.” I pointed over where a wolf-type monster corpse was laid on the ground. It was a fire-attributed wolf monster, called a flare wolf. “But there is a chance one more will appear before Exodia has the fissure closed.” I added, just to remind Alice that the fissure was very much still open.

After just about 14 minutes, Exodia closed the fissure. No more monsters had shown up, so it was only one B-rank and one SS-rank this time. Not too bad. But I do wonder, will all of the released Chaos God Energy cause an outbreak of abnormally strong monsters in the surrounding areas? Because I feel like it might. I haven’t heard anything like that happening around Alewatch though. Maybe I should also go check out the spot where I fought the world treant? I might get some info on if that is a real possibility. And if it is, maybe I should make some sort of … security force that I can deploy to areas after a fissure. They would then go around eliminating some monsters, so that they don’t get out of hand. 

I guess that might make them my knight order, more than security force, but either way. Something like that might be handy to have access to. Sure I could have my monsters go there in avatar dolls, but having ‘real people’ might be better. And if I can get the Card Summoner extra skill on said real people, they will be able to summon monsters to help them, so that is an added bonus.

“Alright. Thank you for your service, Exodia. You can go now.” I told my ace monster. The fissure was closed, monsters were dealt with and everything is fine, so I can unsummon him.

After I dismissed him, Exodia’s body began to break apart into specks of golden light that then seemed to seep into the ground itself, almost like it was re-fertilizing the ground damaged by what happened. I didn’t ask him to do that, as I was planning on using Rain of Mercy for that, but I’ll gladly accept the additional service.


Alice also unsummoned her dragons, as well as Dark Paladin, and we returned to the city. When we reached the Wall of Revealing Light, I also deactivated it, thus truly ending the situation.

“So, how was it? Did that satisfy you, Lady Janina?” I asked, after Alice and I got on the wall, where our audience was.

“Yes.” Lady Janina answered. “But also no. Because now I know what I really want. That Golden Giant. Exodia. I shall battle against it.”

My heart probably skipped a beat as I heard Lady Janina say that. Her against Exodia. 

… Yeah. That doesn’t sound like a good idea. We’d probably break the planet at that point. Like honestly, I could see that happening. Maybe if they fought in outer space. Can Exodia survive in space? Probably, right? And what about Lady Janina? Can she? I wouldn’t be surprised if she could, but I can also see her not being able to. Space is quite dangerous, after all.

Now you might ask, how would I get into space? … come on. Are you serious? Do you forget my main mode of personal transport? Gradius is a freaking space fighter ship thing. It can fly up to space. … at least I think so. 

“My Lady? Are you seriously suggesting you could fight that thing? It was… it was like… an Enforcer sent her by the Goddess. IT had to be. There is no way you could fight it.” Lady Hunter said. 

Enforcer of the Goddess? That does sound like a good title for Exodia. Though I feel like that title would fit Obelisk the Tormentor better. Too bad I didn’t get a chance to summon him. Well, next time. And he might have been overkill against that giant bear.

“... I really don’t think that would be a great idea. You could very well destroy the planet, or something.” I told Lady Janina. “Also, I can’t summon Exodia that often, so I have to save him for the fissures.” I added that little lie, just to hopefully make Lady Janina stand down. 

“... I see… That is a shame.”

“Perhaps if you can enter the Factory like Agunan does, you could fight Exodia there.” I then offered. “There, my summoning time isn’t limited, so you can enjoy fighting him there. As well as any of my other monsters, like the Sacred Beasts.”

I honestly don’t have anything against Lady Janina fighting Exodia, other than the damage it likely would cause. But if that fight happens in the Factory, there will be no damage to anything I can’t easily fix.

“... if you really are that limited with the Golden Giant, I suppose that will have to do.” Lady Janina gave in. “But you must visit my real body so I can follow your soul to this… factory place.”

“Yes. I will do that as soon as I have a free day.” I promised. I then turned back to Lady Hunter to ask her a question. “Should we report about this to Marquis Oroco? And what do you want to do with the corpses of the two monsters?”

“.... Yes. … Excuse me, I meant no. It is not necessary for you to stay here to report, Lord Wood.” Lady Hunter quickly told me. “And please. Feel free to do whatever you wish with the monster carcass. You and Lady Watchman are the ones who took them down, so they do belong to you.”

“... okay.” I just accepted her proposal, as it sounded great to me. “Any dead? What about injured?” I asked.

“We had a few injured ran inside the walls after the bear monster appeared. They are being treated for their injuries. But we won’t know if anyone outside died until we do a sweep of the area.” Lady Hunter told me. “Inside the barrier, there were zero injuries.”

“... I see.” Should I stay here and wait for them to do that? Or maybe… Yeah. If I do that, I can also get to the good side of the local Lord. And I do have a few of them in Storage. “Then please take this.” I gave her one of the letter exchange boxes from my Storage. I’ve had Wilma and Karl making more housings for them, so I had a few in Storage. The other end was already set up in my office, aka. the Citadel core room. I then quickly explained to Lady Hunter what the box was, and promised that if Lord Oroco wanted to buy some of the materials from the SS-rank Ursa Major, I would give him a good discount on them. I also asked her to inform me if they found any dead people. As long as I get the message about it quickly, the flight to come over won’t take long, so I’ll just do a quick visit to resurrect anyone who died. 

… and to be honest, if someone died after we asked them to evacuate, it is kind of on them. Just because I’m the Goddess’s miracle worker, doesn’t mean that I can fix stupid.

After just a bit more chatting, and Lady Janina returning her soul to her real body, so I could take her dragon avatar into Storage, I summoned Gradius so Alice and I could return home. 

I was somewhat tempted to go over and check on Cailie, but I don’t have a flight plan to the Hero’s country, so let’s do that some other time.

After reaching HomeBase, Alice and I took a look at our status. Well, mine was completely the same as it was when I showed it to Lady Hunter, but Alice’s did have a few differences.


First of all, she was over level 100 now. That is because she got the extra skill Limit Break for soloing a SS-rank monster while being LV.99. I really do have to suggest some improvements to the System though. Because Alice has already ‘soloed’ an SS-rank monster, she really should have gotten Limit Break at that time. But because the System prevents the gaining of that skill until you are at the level cap, she didn’t. They really should have a way of having Limit Break as a dormant skill, which will automatically activate if/when you reach the level cap. Well, at least Alice got it now.

Also, her Giant Slayer skill leveled up. She did kill a giant monster after all. The level ups for her Polearm Technique and Fire Magic came from using Level Up! though.


Oh, and she of course got the Language Comprehension (humanoid), as promised by Aulis. Now Alice won’t have to use that translation spell when speaking with those that use a different humanoid language. She will still need it to speak in draconic though. 

… did she ever try if that spell works with monster speech? There were Language Comprehension (beast) and Language Comprehension (monster) if I remember correctly. Maybe she could try with Lumi, the blizzard tiger. 

Now I almost want to find out if I have a card that I can use to BS those Language Comprehension titles onto people. I could give both Einar and Eline Language Comprehension (beast) so they could understand their tigers. Or maybe I should look into skill orbs? I remember Laura mentioning them at some point. … or was it someone else? Well, either way, I know they were a thing the first Sage could make. The Saint made the EXP potions. I do remember that correctly, right? So because the skill orbs are a thing, HomeBase should be able to make them. Maybe I can make skill orbs for Language Comprehension. Or maybe even Card Summoner. Sure you can get Card Summoner from TinaWood challenge rooms, but that isn’t reliable. Skill orbs would be. So yeah, let’s look into that when I have some time.

Anyway, to my rewards. I of course got two new ‘decks’. Again, they aren’t actually decks, but the skill counts them as decks, so…

As a reminder, they are the and . 

They didn’t have too many cards that I didn’t already have, but they had at least some.

The Chazz pack had Inferno Reckless Summon, The Grave of Enkindling and Armed Dragon LV10.


The Armed Dragon was quite nice, but I’m not so sure about Inferno Reckless Summon. I guess it could be handy in some situations. Maybe. And I think The Grave of Enkindling could potentially be good. It could potentially be used on something like an arena, where two people are fighting. If they die, The Grave of Enkindling could resurrect them both. Maybe. I need to test it out first.

The Jaden pack had mostly some obscure E-Hero cards, like Clay Charge, Bubble Blaster, Bubble Illusion and Burst Return. As well as the fusion monster Elemental HERO Steam Healer.


I guess Bubble Blaster will be good, if I want to reverse engineer it to make a giant water cannon. And with the stats that we have, using what is basically a water bazooka to shoot at each other shouldn’t do that much damage, so we could actually have some fun with it.

I also unlocked the new set . And because I got a new set, how about a few packs?


Alright. So… Rescueroid and Decoyroid might be usable. As transport, I mean. The Paths of Destiny is a bit too much of a risk. Rallis the Star Bird gets more attack based on the level of the opponent that it fights, so it sounds cool on paper, but the monsters of this world don’t operate on a level system, so it likely wouldn’t work. Would work against humans though. Black Ptera is … a monster I will likely never use. Miracle Jurassic Egg sounds like breakfast, Destiny HERO - Blade Master is a mediocre boost to Destiny HERO monsters, Supercharge is Pot of Greed with extra steps and Fake Hero feels like what I am. Just a fake hero, relying on OP skills to carry me through my otherworldly life. 

Next pack.


Oh? An Alien? Am I bringing Aliens onto this planet? Well, I guess I already have been doing that, but this is more literal. Fear Monger is bad. Ambulanceroid goes well with Rescueroid, so I guess it is nice. Vehicroid Connection Zone is honestly a great fusion spell, if it wasn't limited to just Vehicroid fusions. The protection it gives is no joke. Destiny Mirage could be usable in some situations, but I still don’t really like Destiny HEROes that much. I’m much more of an Elemental HERO fan. Masked HEROes are also cool. But Destiny HEROes… I guess they have some good cards, like Plasma, Dogma and Malicious, but most of them are just … weak monsters with potentially useful effects. 

And then there is Cosmic Horror Gangi'el. Because why wouldn’t I get some giant alien tentacle monster?

Next pack.


Fossil Excavation is just worse Call of the Haunted. Black Stego is another dinosaur, but at least it is decent. It might make for a good monster to use as a practice partner. To take the part of wild monsters, I mean. Actually, what else would I have meant? It is just that Black Stego has 2000 defense, so it is quite sturdy, while the 1200 attack isn’t that high, so it won’t like one shot people. Well it will for low level people, but for people around level 40, they should survive one hit. Babycerasaurus I already have from Dinosaur’s Rage structure deck. Crop Circles is just bad. D - Spirit is unnecessary for me. But with Neo Space, I can make a Neo Space room in the Factory, so I guess that is fine. And I can use Chrysalis Dolphin to get myself a Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, so that isn’t too bad either.

Next pack.


Oh? An Ultimate Rare Dark Neos? That’s nice. Shame I don’t have either of its materials yet. Overload Fusion is also good, though I was also just about to get one as a reward for the fusion challenge, so getting one here is a bit of a letdown. Common Soul is another unnecessary card. Unnecessary for me at least. Royal Writ of Taxation is just… straight up bad. Ambulance Rescueroid is a decently good fusion and it should even be able to resurrect people. … wait. That is decently good? That is amazing. Maybe I should make Ambulance Rescueroid into a real vehicle that Lua can drive. She can have her own super ambulance. And last but not least Destiny HERO - Defender. He is quite sturdy if I want a test target for some attacks. But also, his effect might be a good way to get extra pack tokens, not that I really need any more. But I’m sure Laura will still put the Defenders to work, so she can reduce the time the Butterfly Dagger loop has to be run.

Next pack


Well, would you look at that? The first Rare repeat in pack 5. Well, at least there are some new cards to make up for it. Mausoleum of the Emperor is kind of cool, and I might have a use for it. Maybe. Orbital Bombardment is … not as good as it sounds. It is usable, but for a card called Orbital Bombardment, you’d expect a bit more. Contact is cool, but I have Neo Space so I likely won’t need it. And Synthetic Seraphim could maybe be useful in some situations.

Next pack.


And by pack 6, all but one card are repeats. Welcome to the world of being a pack opener. Well, at least Bitelon is somewhat strong. It looks a bit… strange though. Some might call it scary, for me it is strange. It shouldn’t be able to fly with those wings. They are way too small. Oh. In case you were wondering. I have Sabersaurus from the Dinosaur’s Rage Structure Deck. So I guess technically this was the first Sabersaurus from this set, so therefore not a repeat. 

Either way, next pack.


Nice. Got the Dark Panther to go along with Dark Neos. Still need a Neos though. Spell Calling is … well, maybe I could find a way to use it. I think I could. If I have Alice or Lua destroy a set Spell Calling with MST, I might be able to get a copy of any Quick-Play Spell I want. … but then again, I can just do that with Different Dimension Capsule, so nothing new here. 

Well, the two Alien monsters are new. Maybe I can turn one floor of HomeBase’s dungeon into an Alien floor. That might be cool.

Next pack.


Submarineroid and Wonder Garage are new. I wonder if Submarineroid is large enough that a person could fit inside of it? And maybe I could use Wonder Garage to make some sort of… well garage. For things like carriages as well as the vehicles I’m planning on making.


A Super Rare. Not bad. Too bad I already have an Ultimate Tyranno, again from Dinosaur’s Rage. But because it is an SR, I’ll take it.

One more. Last Pack.


I got the Neos! Nice. Sure it isn’t that great, but it is required for all the Neos fusions, so super happy to have it in my Collection. Also a second Neo Space, so I can use one for the Factory and still have one for outside the Factory use.

Overall, I’d say I’m more than happy with my new set. Got some great stuff from it. The big hits have to be the Vehicroids. They gave me a bunch of ideas on what I could make. Well, it is all really just vehicles, but still. Making things like an off-road ambulance and installing Ambulance Rescueroid into it honestly sounds like a great plan.

Maybe I should look into making things like ambulances and fire trucks? I might be able to sell them to nobles who want better fire/rescue equipment in their cities.

… then again, hiring a skilled mage might be cheaper, so maybe not. But it is still a cool idea and I might do it, even if it won’t really make me any money. But that will have to be another one of those projects I do when I have the time.

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