Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.312 Alice vs. Ursa Major

CH.312 Alice vs. Ursa Major

“We have completed the evacuation.” Lady Hunter had flown to us to tell us the good news. “But we weren’t able to get everyone, as some refused to follow our orders.”

“That is fine. You did your best.” I told her. “And they might try to rush inside when… well, when the action starts. Try to keep a small door open for them. I’ll also have a small hole in the barrier that they can run through. If they don’t … Well, stupidity is something I can’t do anything about.”

“How long do we have remaining?” Lady Hunter asked.

“I don’t know.” I lied. “But you should pull back to the wall. It should be any minute now.” 

We were actually late for the fourth bell I told her about, but because I was going to be the one popping open this fissure, there was no real time crunch. And we weren’t overly late, so I could easily explain this away by saying that accurately anticipating a dimensional fissure is impossible, even for the Goddess and the System. And I’m reasonably sure that isn’t even a lie, as they only tell me it will happen on ‘insert specific date here’. No time of day or anything included.

After I confirmed that Lady Hunter was on the wall, I got ready to start. So I turned to Alice and said: “I guess it is time to pop this fissure.”

“I activate Dimensional Fissure.” I said to activate the Continuous Spell.


This was just going to be a quick test. In theory, this card should open up a dimensional fissure, as that is what it is called. Then as soon as it has opened one up, I can deactivate it, so I can fight without having that banish effect being active. And no. I don’t have to destroy Continuous Spells just because I want to deactivate them. Just like I can unsummon my monsters, I can just … deactivate the spell by removing it from my duel disk and returning it to my Collection. No Mystical Space Typhoon required.

Anyway. Enough funny facts, because I just opened up a dimensional fissure. Let’s get to work. First, I quickly deactivated Dimensional Fissure and returned it into the Collection. And despite that, the crackling purple mess before us didn’t disappear. Not that I was expecting it to.

“Wall of Revealing Light!” I quickly activated the best barrier card I have, making a barrier along the city walls. And with 10,000 HP being used to power it, the barrier should hold up to anything except direct attacks.


“Alright. Next is the big one.” I said, as I set out five cards on the light blade portion of my duel disk. I wanted to still have some slots open for other monsters, in case Alice needed help dealing with whatever comes out of that fissure, so I had fully activated my duel disk.

With the cards set and ready to go, I began a chant. It wasn’t actually necessary or anything, but ever since I chanted for the Sacred Beasts, I felt like Exodia deserved a chant as well, so I tried to come up with one.

“Oh, Forbidden One sealed away in stone tablets

I require your might to assist me in my endeavors

I break the chains that once bound you

As I’ve gathered your pieces to make you whole

So with all five pieces of your true might I summon you

Exodia the Forbidden One!”


Yeah, I know. It isn’t the best chant. But it is better than what I did earlier. And this is a lot more fun, even if only Alice got to hear my chant. I need some sort of voice amplification skill, so that those watching from further away can hear my chants as well. What is the point in chanting, if no one hears, right?

And this chant was arguably my most important one, as with it, out came my golden giant. From the pentagram of light, out stepped my over fifty meters tall monster. My truest ace monster, Exodia.

I wonder how the people spectating from the city wall are feeling about seeing it? I should ask Lady Janina later.

[Ami Janina POV]

“So that is the Golden Giant…” I said almost without thinking.

“My Lady?” The tengu next to me asked. Kiara Hunter was her name.

“Brian’s Golden Giant. He just summoned it.” I told her. “I’ve only heard of it, never seen it. And I can definitely feel why he doesn’t summon it more often.”

“... so the pressure is coming from it. I thought it came from that … purple blob.”

She wasn’t exactly wrong, as the dimensional fissure was also somewhat imposing. But the energy emitting from that Golden Giant. It was really something else. In a way it was similar to the energy I use, a mix of both mana and miasma, but this was even greater. It had something more. I don’t know what it is, but I could feel it.

“... it might be able to defeat me…” I muttered. I’m not completely sure if it could, but that energy. It really might be able to. 

Ever since my teacher passed away, I’ve not met anyone as strong as I am. I am the strongest. That is what I know to be the truth. Even the humanoids legends like the Hero were no match to me. And no dragon ever grew up to match my strength, as they couldn’t exceed their natural lifespan like I had. And because I had nothing to strive for, I don’t try to improve myself. Because why would I? What is there that can match up to me? I only did what was necessary. Living until a new dragon that could exceed the limits of a lifespan was born, so I could pass my knowledge to them and then move towards the other world.

When I heard of the human child capable of summoning dragons as powerful as অগুনান [Agunan], I got excited. Because those dragons weren’t his strongest summons. While the scout had only seen it by a glimpse, I had heard of this Golden Giant. The being more powerful than greater dragons.

Then I got to fight that Brian child. And even though I asked him to bring out his strongest beast, he didn’t bring out this Golden Giant. And while the three he brought out were impressive, and I could definitely see why অগুনান couldn’t defeat them, for me, they were only opponents until I realized how they gain their strength. From there, I could power myself up just as quickly as they power themselves up, and even exceed their strength gain. Because I can copy temporary power like that, no one that has to rely on temporary power will ever defeat me.

But this Golden Giant. It might be able to best me.

I could feel my body tingling. Not my avatar that currently held the active part of my soul, but my real body. It might be all the way back home, but I could feel the excitement radiating through my body. I want to fight this Golden Giant. I want a real challenge. A challenge like I haven’t faced since my childhood.

“... one day, I will fight you.” I spoke aloud my promise.

It got the attention of the people close enough to hear, but they soon got something else to focus on.

I suppose I should have expected this. With the amount of mana and miasma pouring out of that … dimensional fissure Brian called it, it is only a matter of time until that power solidifies into a monster.

Now, show me how you will deal with this, young Brian.

[Brian POV]

“Alice, something’s coming. Summon your monsters.” I told Alice, as soon as I realized that our opponent was about to appear. Our plan was that Alice would fight it, unless she needed help. And if she did, I do have a monster or two that I want to test out in a real fight.

“Alright. I activate Polymerization. I fuse together Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Meteor Dragon to summon Meteor Black Dragon.”


Alice began by summoning out the fiery dragon that I once summoned to impress a certain assistant guild master. And with its appearance, came a wave of radiating heat.

“Now I summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon. I then tribute my dragon to summon the Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon!” Alice called fourth her second monster.


Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon was quite the sizable dragon, standing at about 23 meters tall. It was actually just a bit bigger than the Meteor Black Dragon, which I found interesting. Still not quite as large as Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon though. Also, because Alice just had three dragons go on death cooldown, her Darkness Dragon should have 3300 attack at this moment.

“One more. I summon Dark Paladin.” Alice summoned her third monster.


And there is her third ‘ace’ monster. Or maybe I should call Dark Paladin Alice’s true ace monster. And with Book of Secret Arts and Black Pendant installed into Dark Paladin, Dark Paladin had a base stat line of 3700/2700. Add to that the 1500 attack it will gain from 3 dragons in the GY, and another 1000 for the two dragons on the field, and you have yourself a 6200/2700 monster. Definitely impressive, and likely capable of dealing with whatever happens to come out of that fissure.

And just in time as well, because something was starting to exit the dimensional fissure. A giant paw, with five extremely long nails was the first thing we could see. The nails were shining blue in color, as if they were filled to the brim with mana. Behind the paw, out came  a large arm, and after it, the rest of the body of a massive monster.

It looked like… well, it was a giant bear. Standing on its hind legs, it stood over 40 meters tall. Not quite as large as Exodia, but still sizable. Well, I guess if it dropped onto all fours, it would be a bit smaller than the behemoth Alice fought. It just looks bigger as it is standing on its hind legs.

(That is a Ursa Major, also known as the Star Bear.) Kekri was the one who identified the monster for us. (SS-rank. Immensely powerful, and it is known to use both Space and Light magic. Be careful.)

(Thanks Kekri. Brian, I think I can handle this.) Alice said.

(Go for it. I’ll come in if you need help.) I told her.

A mix of space and light magic, huh? I didn’t think monsters could use Space magic, so that is something. 

(Laura. Make sure we get all of that bear's attacks on record. I might be able to use some of them myself.) I reminded Laura. No way I was going to let info on Space magic slip between my fingers.

(I will. But you should take some distance, so you don’t get caught in the fight.) Laura told me.

(Yeah. That does sound like a good idea.) I admitted.

Taking a hold of my own body with Telekinesis, I quickly levitated myself a bit further away from the fight. Not too far, but far enough where I probably won’t immediately get caught in it.

Now Alice, let’s see what you can do.

[Alice POV]

“... so Light and Space magic… How should I..?”

(We need to pull it away from Exodia first.) Kekri reminded me. (We have to let Exodia focus on repairing the fissure.)

“Oh right. Then… Darkness Dragon! Attack that bear and get its attention. Let’s pull it away from the city!” I quickly ordered my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. “Meteor Black Dragon, you as well.” I added, as I wasn’t sure if only one dragon would do it.

I decided to keep Dark Paladin on stand-by until we get a bit further away. Unlike my dragons, he can block a magic spell quite easily, so if one heads towards the city, or Brian and Exodia, Dark Paladin can stop that attack.

My two dragons did a flyby and both attacked the Ursa Major with their breaths. Meteor Black Dragon breathed out flames, while Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon attacked with a breath of darkness. Dark and Fire. These dragons really are perfect for me.


The Ursa roared out, possibly annoyed from getting attacked. 

“Dark Armor!” I used Quick Cast to chant a spell that increased my defenses. A thin layer of darkness surrounded me and would defend me from attacks. I did this because when I fought the behemoth, its roars were in themselves an attack and did some damage to me. So having something to reduce some of that damage away will be good.

But I was wrong. That roar was just a roar, with minimal or maybe no mana in it, as I took no damage from it.

After their attacks, my dragons quickly turned so they could fly away from the Ursa Major. The Ursa swiped its paw in the air, an attack that had no chance of getting anywhere close to the dragons. But from the Ursa’s claws, a magic attack was launched. It looked like five blades of… something. They weren’t light, I know that much, so it was probably some kind of a Space magic attack. The blades of space flew straight, so they weren’t too difficult for my dragons to dodge. 


The Ursa let out another roar. This time, with some mana infused in it, so it did a bit of damage, but not that much. Then it got on all fours and began to chase after my dragons. 

Perfect. We are getting it away from the city, just as planned. I took into the sky with Mana Flight and chased after the Ursa.

As I flew, I took two more monsters from my Card Summoner’s deck box and got ready to summon them. I probably could do this without them, but Brian always says I shouldn’t take chances. 

After I decided we were far enough, I told my dragons to break to the left and right. They did just that, and then let out another set of breath attacks. Now, two more monsters.

“Appear, my two Magician's Valkyria!” 


My Magician's Valkyria might not be powerful monsters, but their effect was extremely strong. I don’t know why or how, but they drew attacks targeting Spellcaster-type monsters towards themselves. And when the two of them were out at the same time, the attack would first aim for one of them, then turn towards the other, then back to the first, then to the second and so on. Infinitely. Until the attack ran out of power and fizzled out of existence.

And while they couldn’t protect my dragons, their effect would protect them, Dark Paladin and myself. When I asked Brian why that is, he theorized that my race, Magical Girl, is treated as Spellcaster in the eyes of his cards.

The only weakness of Magician's Valkyria was that area of effect attacks would still work. But even with that, the protection they offered was more than handy. Maybe I can get a card from Brian that can stop the AOE attacks? I wonder if he has one?

With my dragons focusing on annoying the Ursa Major, and the Magician's Valkyria on standby ready to draw in its attacks, Dark Paladin and I were free to attack the giant bear. 

I pulled my steel and aluminum swordstaff from Storage, so I could attack with it. Brian still hasn’t given me the mithril swordstaff he promised, so I was still stuck with using this. From what I’ve heard, the sword part of the weapon is already complete, but the staff is still in the works. The Spellcaster monsters had already made multiple staves, but none of them was satisfactory, so they made another. And another. And because of that, I still didn’t have a mithril swordstaff.

Dark Paladin and I both charged out swordstaves with mana, ready to launch an attack. As more mana entered my swordstaff, it began to vibrate. This was the sign that my weapon was reaching its resonant frequency. Dark Paladin had told me about it. It was the point at which no more mana should be inputted into a weapon, as there is a high likelihood that the weapon will be unable to hold more, and will break. And steel isn’t that good at transferring or holding mana, so the amount I could input was quite low, only about 100 mana. Compared to the time I held Dark Paladin’s swordstaff, 100 was nothing. With his staff, I could input my entire mana pool into the weapon, and the weapon never reached its resonant frequency. But with his, I could also do something I couldn’t do with mine.

I looked at Dark Paladin. His swordstaff wasn’t just like it usually was. The blade on, it glowed with powerful mana. The mana even exceeded the normal size of the weapon, making a larger blade that was covering the real blade. It was a technique called Mana Blade. It could be done with weapons that are made of magical metals, like mithril and orichalcum. Sadly, steel wasn’t good enough at mana transfer to produce a Mana Blade.

But that doesn’t matter at this moment. I focus on myself, as I better my grip on my swordstaff. In sync with Dark Paladin, we rush at the Ursa Major, and we both use our swordstaves to strike at the bear. Mine leaves a reasonably deep cut, which would be dangerous for a smaller beast, while Dark Paladin’s blade cuts a deep groove into the beast, even cutting some bones.

The bear roars again, this time out of pain. Good. Now let’s…

“Pull back!” Dark Paladin calls out.

“Yes!” I agree, as something strange is happening with the Ursa.

On its usually dark hide, tons of small spots of light are forming. The light dots are making his hide look like a starry sky.

“My lady! Get behind me. I’ll block that attack.” Dark Paladin instructed me. 

I did as he asked, and levitated behind him. I carefully peaked over his shoulder, just to see the lights on the Ursa Major explode outwards, shooting out beams of light.

Dark Paladin blocked the ones coming towards us two, but my two Magician’s Valkyria weren’t so lucky. Their effect couldn’t block this attack, and they both were hit by a beam, causing them to perish. My two dragons were also hit, but as neither got a direct hit, or maybe just because they are more durable, they both were able to withstand the attack.

I quickly took a look towards the dimensional fissure, Brian and Exodia. Brian was levitating between Exodia and the Ursa Major, and it doesn’t look like anything had hit Exodia. Maybe Brian used a card to defend them? I probably should have done the same.

Quickly turning back to the Ursa Major, I got ready for my next attack. But as the bear’s hide was still shining with light, I don’t think approaching it is a good idea, so let’s do some ranged magic instead.

“Dark, make spheres of burning darkness and strike my enemy, Dark Burning Barrage!” This was the attack I decided to use. It was the one I used to finish off the behemoth. For a while, I couldn’t use it, but through training, I was now once again able to. I still couldn’t shoot as many of them as I had against the behemoth, but I was able to fire 10 Dark Burning Attacks at the same time. 

The Dark Burning Attacks hammered themselves one after another into the exact same spot on the Ursa Major, digging a deep wound into the beast. Then, without even a command from me, my two dragons flew towards the bear and unleashed their fire and darkness breaths into the fresh wound, deepening it even more. Following their attack, my Dark Paladin rushed in. With his swordstaff’s blade more that double its original size, because of the Mana Blade surrounding it, Dark Paladin flew into the wound and swung his swordstaff. One, two, three… multiple slashes were unleashed, and all inside the Ursa’s body. Each hurting the bear more and more. 

The bear was stunned from the pain, but I wasn’t sure if it was going down, so I prepared my next attack.

“Darkness, consume the light and abrogate my enemy,” I began my chant, but waited until I saw Dark Paladin fly out of the Ursa Major. I didn’t want him to be caught up in this attack after all. But as soon as I saw him fly out, I said the final words and shot out my spell. “Darkness Blaster!” 

Darkness Blaster was my current strongest spell, and the powered up version of Dark Blaster. Like Dark Blaster, I could put as much mana into it as I wanted, but it’s base cost was a lot higher. But in return, the power it gained per point of mana was also more, so it was my new finishing technique. 

My spell flew straight and hit the Ursa Major, piercing all the way through the bear’s body and exiting out the other side. 

The spell had exhausted my mana, so I was falling out of the sky, barely keeping my self conscious. But before I hit the ground, I felt something catch me. I almost expected it to be Brian, but the one who picked me up was Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. I was now riding on his back. 

I was just barely able to turn my head, so I could look at the Ursa Major. And between the internal slashed Dark Paladin released, and my Darkness Blaster, the beast was done.

It fell to the ground with a loud thud. 

“... I won.” I quietly said to myself. 

I did it. Again. This time, with no injury, and no help from Brian. I had taken down my second SS-rank monster. I could feel a smile spreading across my face, as my mana exhaustion caught me and I passed out.

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