Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.304 Spreading Flowers

CH.304 Spreading Flowers

Over the next few days, I kept up the schedule of improving the avatar dolls and practicing my draconic skills. My brief contact with being a dragon really helped in that aspect, as with me already having both skills, Laura was able to help me a lot more than she was able to before I had the skills. 

It is strange how the System works sometimes. With some skills, like Mana Control, Laura was able to basically use it, before I had the skill, but with others she cannot. I feel like it might have something to do with active vs passive skills, but Mana Control isn’t exactly passive either. Or maybe it has something to do with how common/necessary the skill is? Mana Control does seem to be the cornerstone of almost every other skill. Naturally all magical skills use it, but even plenty of physical skills get powered up by Mana Control.

Well, back to the skills. Thanks to now having the skills at level 1, I was a lot more successful at using the skills. With Draconic Body, I could spread dragon scales across most of my torso area, but moving towards my legs was still challenging. I also couldn’t bring them to my face, but I feel like part of that was just my own mental issue.

As for Draconic Magic, well, I did figure out how to make flames in my mouth, but I struggled to actually send them out in a way where they had any reach. I can cheat the racial skills up in level, by the way, so both were now LV.2.

As for the avatar dolls, figuring out that DNA Surgery affects them sped up the progress of making monster-type specific avatar dolls a lot. Sure, making a ‘blank’ avatar doll and installing a card into it to turn it into a type specific doll does cost a card, but I can get them easily enough. Different Dimension Capsule for the win.


The only problem was… well, it isn’t anything big, but… I do still want to make some archetype specific avatar dolls. … No. I don’t just want them for the Dragonmaids. 

… okay, I totally just want them for the Dragonmaids. But come on. They will be my personal maids. Of course they must look absolutely perfect, not just ‘good enough’. And by crossing data from the avatar dolls, and measurements I took off of Agunan’s humanoid form, I think I can make something that can perfectly host the human form of the Dragonmaids.

I do wonder? I combined Vampire Lord and Vampire Genesis into Genesis Vampire Lord.


That means that I should be able to combine the human and dragon forms of the Dragonmaids into some combined card, where the maids will be able to swap to their dragon form at will. But will a humanoid avatar doll be able to hold something like that? Maybe I need to make a full dragon sized avatar doll, fuse it together with a human sized one, and then have those host the Dragonmaids? 

Well, I’ll look into that later, when I actually combine one of my Dragonmaids with their dragon form.

“Hello again, Paulina. I’m glad you agreed to this little … arrangement.”

“Well, Father was instantly for it, as the request came from you.” Paulina responded. “But I do wish you’d have gone into more detail.”

“Sorry, but it is a secret, so I really didn’t want to write it in a letter. I’ll tell you about it now.”

I had gone to the Sawyer manor today. My goal was simple, planting some mana flowers.

Now why would I choose this place? … do you really need to ask that? Didn’t think so.

So I sent a letter via the letter exchanger to them yesterday, got a response that evening, and now I’m here. I asked for Paulina’s help, so we could convert a flower bed to hold the mana flowers. Or we can make a new one. And with Paulina having access to both earth and water magic, she will be a great help.

As for the other reason I picked this place. Well, I wanted a place I trust to hold the first bed patch. What better place than the Sawyer manor? You might say Alewatch and the Watchman house, but with Paulina here, she can look after the flowers. And she should do quite a good job, as she is skilled in magic.

The magic releasing device is also in its … experimental phase, so I can’t plant these flowers just wherever I want. I need a place where I know someone will check-up on them every day, and can get in contact with me if anything goes wrong.

I told most of that to Paulina as we were working with the gardener to pick out a spot to plant the flowers into. 

“... okay? I’ll make the hole.” Paulina said, before she focused a bit so she could use earth magic.


We need a hole first, so I can install… I shouldn’t use that word, even if it is true. I can put in all of the equipment the flowers need under them. 

Paulina just watched, as I put in 5 Pitch-Black Magic Stones, aka. magic stones with Pitch-Black Power Stone installed in them. They are what makes this entire operation work.


Then I ran some mana lines, which are basically the same as electricity cables, from the magic stones into the prototype magic releasing device. As I said earlier, still experimental. But it won’t blow up at the very least, so it is safe. It just might overheat and break, if it gets too much mana too quickly. 

I tried to limit that by using a different kind of mana cable than what I use at HomeBase. This one shouldn’t transfer mana as quickly, so the device shouldn’t overheat. And it is no problem for the Pitch-Black Magic Stones to hold onto the mana for some time, as long as they are empty by the time the next Spell Counters are made.

Again, as I was putting in all the hardware, I explained all of this to Paulina. I then reminded her that either she, or someone else, should inspect the mana cables at least once per week. And the Pitch-Black Magic Stones about once per month, but more often early on. 

“Alright. That is all in. Paulina. Can you cover it all up with dirt?” I requested.

“Is that fine? This stuff is… expensive, right? And you want me to bury it in a flower bed?”

“... didn’t you listen at all? It is necessary, so yes. I do want you to bury it.”

“It just… feels wrong.” Paulina said, before she chanted a spell that would refill the flower bed, and make it ready for the flowers.

I then got out some magic flower seedlings. We could grow them from just seeds, but these are a more sure case. And my Storage can hold ‘living’ plants, as it doesn’t see plants as living. Unless they are plant monsters, or something like that.

“Alright. That should work.” I stated, as we had all the flower seedlings planted, watered and so on. 

“It will. I’m sure of it.” Paulina said.

“Well, don’t I have a lot of trust.”

“For a reason. You know that, don’t you?”

“... I see your point. I’ll pay you for this later, but for now, you can have this as an early reward.” I told Paulina, as I got a little gift out from my Storage.

It was an experimental magic staff I made. I wanted to test if I could fuse two objects together using Polymerization. So I had Wilma make one staff out of metal, while my monsters made one out of world treant, and then I fused the two together into a ‘super staff’. 


Now again, I was using Paulina as my guinea pig. I can do all the factory tests I want, but at some point, some mage will have to pick up the staff and use it. Sure I could have Alice do it, but she is a bit too special. I don’t want her to break the staff as soon as she gets it. 

… and I don’t want to show her my hand. Now that I know I can Poly objects together, I can make even better plans for the ‘Best Swordstaff in the World’ project. I can just make multiple that are great individually and then fuse them together into one super weapon.

At least that is the current plan.

“... this staff? What is it made of?”

“A mix of a few metals and some … greater treant wood.” I lied a bit, just so Paulina wouldn’t freak out.

“... I guess considering you, that isn’t too strange.” Paulina said. “I just don’t understand the structure at all. How can someone make this?”

“I just did. Also, like the flowers, it is still experimental. So do you think you could write up a report about it? How it feels to use and all of that?”

“... okay? I will.”


With that taken care of, I was ready to leave. Well, I did have tea with Thomas and Ellinora first, but after that, I was done.

Also, for the mission to spread the flowers, I got a few cards.

Spread the Flowers
Flowers planted in Sawyer city at the Sawyer family estate
Reward: Aromage Jasmine, Aromage Cananga, Aromage Rosemary and Aromage Bergamot

A few Aromages to be specific. It is nice to have more humanoid Plant-type monsters.


After I got back to HomeBase, I began working on the next experiment. It was time for HomeBase to stop just floating and start actually moving.

That was because the dimensional magic spell that was going to make HomeBase had been completed, as well as added into the Citadel core. 

I activated the spell and then headed outside. I wanted to see the effectiveness myself. I headed to an area of HomeBase where I was planning to turn into some sort of an airstrip/helipad for take-offs and landings, and summoned a monster to ride.

“Dragonmaid Sheou.”


I decided to call my Dragonmaid, as she is cool, and I haven’t summoned her dragon form since that one time I summoned her while we were clearing HomeBase.

I got on the dragon’s back, and we took off. I had her fly a bit away from HomeBase, so we would be outside the dimensional magic spell.

As I turned back to look, I could still see HomeBase. This was actually by design, as the hiding spell wouldn’t affect me, Agunan, Alice, Lua or Ria. Basically anyone that has a HomeBase access device.

“... okay. Let’s temporarily disable me being able to see through the barrier…” I muttered, as I navigated Dungeon Founder to do just that.

After I did, HomeBase disappeared from my sight. It just… vanished. 

I had Sheou fly around where I knew HomeBase was, but from any angle, including above, you really couldn’t see it. 

Then to test the other part of the barrier, I activated Rain of Mercy so I could get some rain. I had the Rain rain straight on to where HomeBase should be.


This was to test if weather effects, like rain, would reveal the unseeable HomeBase. But as it was designed, the dimensional barrier moved the rain to below HomeBase, while the visual parts of it made sure you couldn’t see that happening.

I was happy with how it was working, so I can definitely approve of the work my monsters put into designing it. 

I then made myself again able to see HomeBase, and ordered Sheou to fly me back. After landing, I unsummoned her dragon form, and summoned her maid form instead. For no other reason than I can.


After a quick visit to the Citadel control room, aka Citadel core room, I returned to my own room. I took a nice position on my bed, and jumped into Different Dimension Factory.

I have some monsters to reward.

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