Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.303 Avatar Dolls and Draconic Body

CH.303 Avatar Dolls and Draconic Body

The next few days were a doozy. I had an absolute ton of stuff on my plate, most of it in the form of the dark-skinned dragon lady jumping here whenever she felt like it. Which basically meant she was here all the time, except when she slept.

Of course having Lady Janina here was a great help for my avatar doll progress, and thanks to her, I improved them at lightning speeds. In just one day we turned the dragon avatars into something that could accept one of my cards and have that card ‘take-over’ the avatar. … but only if they look basically humanoid, as the avatars couldn’t have things like tails, or wings yet. 

So the next day we worked on adding the ability for the avatars to have wings, tails, etc. I decided to name these ‘second generation’ avatar dolls Dragonmaid avatar dolls, as that is why I made them. With them, I could take one of my Dragonmaid cards and just put the card into the cards slot in the avatar, and then my Dragonmaid would take it over and could use it as her body. With that, they could stay summoned for as long as they wanted. … or about 40 hours. Because there was one problem. 

The avatar dolls don’t regenerate mana as quickly as my monsters use it, so their mana will eventually run out. For how long they last seems to depend on the monster, with stronger monsters taking a bit more, and weaker monsters taking a bit less.

Now solving this issue wasn’t an issue. I could just make mana transfer devices that can take mana directly from the Citadel core using remote mana transfer. But instead, I decided on something else. I made a full room that was the ‘doll room’. Eventually, it would have charging stations for each and every avatar doll running around HomeBase, and after the doll runs low on mana, the monster will just have to return the doll there. 

And why would I do that? Well, I think it might be possible to maybe link my skill with a device that will do some fun things. … that explained nothing. What I want to see, is if I can make a device that can pull cards out of my Collection, give them to a mechanical arm or something that then place those cards into the card slot on an avatar doll. And of course remove the card and return it into Collection when the doll comes back for a recharge. This way, one doll won’t just be used by one monster, but can instead be rotated on by multiple monsters. 

I think that would be for the best, as otherwise I’d have a big problem. I just have too many monsters in my collection. If I try to dedicate one avatar for each, I’d need 1295 avatar dolls. And that is just at this moment, not accounting for future sets I’ll unlock. Of course that number isn’t impossible, but it is a bit much. Something in the few hundred range is a bit more what I’m looking for.

Of course this all relied on me being able to make something that could take cards from my Collection. For that, I turned to Laura and Tahlia. I can already take out a card from Collection via Tahlia, or as she is also known, Storage. I can transfer a card from the Collection to Storage and then take it out. So in theory, I don’t need a device that can pull cards out of Collection, as long as I can make something that can take stuff out of Storage.

… but admittedly, I don’t know which one is easier to make, so we’ll see which one it will end up being. The Storage one would be more versatile, so probably that.

Outside of the avatar doll project, I worked on training my skills. With Lady Janina and Agunan now both teaching me draconic magic, … and admittedly Lady Janina being quite a bit better at explaining things than Agunan, sorry, I was making leaps towards the skill.

Then there was the practice we did when Alice and Lua were here. The soul transfer practice. Now in a way, we had it easy, because all of our System Supports already had an idea on how it is done, thanks to Different Dimension Factory. And while we don’t go into the Factory quite the same as Agunan does, it is still a data point we can use.

We did struggle with detaching out souls from our bodies, but Alice did learn a neat trick. She was able to separate the two souls she has in her body into two different … well souls. Usually, they are very close together and do everything together, but with a bit of soul magic stuff, she was able to make a divide between the two souls. Then she could let one soul at a time control her body. It kind of reminded me of the duel Yugi and Atem had against Pegasus, where they did their soul swapping to avoid the mind reading.

Still, having access to this divine dragon as a teacher, and all I have to do is entertain her a bit. Definitely worth.

“The Draconic Body. In short, you will be able to transform your body into something that resembles our humanoid form, or eventually even into a full dragon. This will help both your defensive and offensive capabilities, as draconic bodies are quite a bit more sturdy than humanoid bodies.” Lady Janina told me. This was already something Agunan had told me previously, but I didn’t mind the recap. Also, Agunan never said I could potentially turn into a full dragon.

“Our first goal will be to get you to spread your scales, starting from the one covering your heart.” Lady Janina said.

“... may I ask why I’m here?” Ria asked Lady Janina.

“Your Vampiric Body Modification is similar to Draconic Body. The way they are used is almost identical. That will make you a good practice partner for Brian.”

“Wouldn’t Agunan be better?” Ria asked. I know Agunan did push her to better her Vampiric Body Modification, so maybe she assumed he could do the same to me.

“Perhaps. But I gave him a small job, so you will do. And we, dragons, don’t use System skills, so it is better if someone with a similar System skill does it instead.”

Oh? So that is why Agunan left today. I wonder what Lady Janina asked him to do? Well, I’ll just ask him later.

“The most important part is learning how you spread the scales across your body. After that, the rest is just extending that same feeling to every part of your body. At least until the first long-time goal of covering your entire body with dragon scales is accomplished.” Lady Janina told me.

“... alright. And what comes after that?”

“Learning how to grow wings, a tail, claws, horns, or other such extremities that humanoids don’t have.”

… that sounds familiar. Ria was learning Vampiric Body Modification to grow out her nails or something, right?

“And as I said earlier, the final goal of the skill is turning into a full dragon, but don’t expect to be doing that before you are quite old already.” Lady Janina told me.

“I wouldn’t underestimate Brian if I were you, my Lady.” Ria said. “He is way too abnormal to follow even the standards you know.”

… I would argue, but using DNA Surgery, I probably could turn into a dragon right now.

Actually, I probably should do that. That might give me the feeling required to use Draconic Body. And maybe if I am a dragon, it will be easier to use Draconic Magic.

“... I should test that…” I muttered.

“Excuse me? What was that?” Lady Janina asked.

“Oh, nothing. I just have an idea.” I told her. “Ria, I think you might want to step out for a moment. I’ll call you back after the test.”

“... alright? I’ll be outside.” She told me, and left the practice room.

“Just what are you planning?” Lady Janina asked.

“Nothing much. Just this.” I said, as I put the single card into the bracer form of my ‘duel disk’. It is convenient that my terminal can hold a card even when it isn’t in a duel disk form, especially when all I need is one. “I activate DNA Surgery and declare Dragon-type.” I said to activate the card.


The changes in my body were immediate. Every part of my body began to quickly swell, as my body gained mass, to the point where I got afraid that my clothes would rip, so I quickly put everything but my boxers into Storage. I don’t mind sacrificing my undies, just so I don’t flash Lady Janina.

As my body kept growing, I also grew scales all over my body. And it didn’t stop there. My hands, while still looking like human hands, grew long sharp nails. My mouth turned into something more like a snout, my mouth growing longer and my teeth sharpening into razor sharp dragon fangs. From my head, a pair of horns popped out. That part was just a bit painful. Then from my tailbone, a tail grew out, and at the same time, a pair of wings appeared from my upper back.

By the end of my transformation, I looked like a small dragon. I was only about three-ish meters tall while standing on my back legs, so definitely small. My scales were a range of colors. Near my heart, where the red scale I got from Agunan was, my scales were a similar red to that, but the further the scales got from that, the more their color changed. At first, the scales turned a black color, until reaching my extremities. On my arms and legs, the black color then turned white over a gradient. Except my claws and wing membranes, which seemed to take on a purple color. 

… I feel like my colors are all over the place. Am I just so strange that I can’t even hold a solid color as a dragon?

I looked back at Lady Janina, and her avatar had gone through a similar transformation as I did. She was now a small western-style dragon, with bronze and gold scales. I was expecting her to be larger, considering her dragon form, but I guess this avatar is separate from her real body. The different body style is interesting though. I mean, she is a serpentine dragon normally.

{What did you do?} Lady Janina asked in draconic. She usually speaks… the humanoid language while in the dragon avatar, but she must have changed back since she is a dragon at the moment.

{I activated one of my cards, trying to turn myself into a dragon. And it seemed to work. But as it affects everyone close to me, you must have been caught up in it as well. That is why I sent Ria away.} I explained, before adding. {Honestly I didn’t expect it to work on you. I assumed the avatar wouldn’t be affected.}

{How can these ‘cards’ interfere with a dragon avatar?} Lady Janina asked. {They should be unaffected by all magic.}

{Well, they might be called Spell cards, well, DNA Transplant is actually a Trap card. Either way, it has something to do with Cha… actually, I’m not sure I can talk about that, even if it is with you.}

{And who would keep you from speaking about it?} Lady Janina asked. I sensed a bit of hostility in her voice, as if she was saying: ‘Who dares to deny me?’

{... I … cannot answer.} I quoted FMA Brotherhood and went with what I think might be the best choice I have.

{... Alright. I’ll let it be for now. But you better tell whoever it is that is keeping you from speaking that they need to stop.}

{Please don’t threaten me. I don’t like it.}

Whenever I am threatened, it makes me think I might need to fight said person. And I’d really rather not fight Lady Janina. I’m not saying I absolutely cannot take on her, but it would be difficult. But I think with Exodia and five Divine-Beast monsters, I probably could take on her. Especially if I kept spamming Spells and Traps at her. Even she must have limited amount of mana, so eventually I would win.

I deactivated my Continuous Trap, and felt the change in my body. I was quickly returning into my regular form. Lady Janina’s avatar did the same.

(You might want to check your status.) Laura told me when I was back to normal. (You got a new skill.)

I did as Laura said and looked at my status.


… Laura. I feel like you lied to me. That is two new skills. And a level up to my racial-unique skill. Well, I guess it wasn’t a complete lie. I did get a new skill, or two of them.

But I have to say, I didn’t expect to get two racial skills from the transformation. I think I’d call that super effective.

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