Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.245 Blue-Eyes vs. Local Dragon

CH.245 Blue-Eyes vs. Local Dragon

“So, do you have one you prefer?” I asked the large red dragon. “You can fight with any of them.” Of course, I had to have my Lord of D. translate it to draconic, so the dragon would understand me.


Because of the dragon’s request, I had summoned my strongest lineup of dragons.

Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon and Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon. 


And because the dragon was the one who demanded the fight, I felt like it would be appropriate to let him choose who he wants to fight. If I really would have to kill him, I think my Ultimate Dragons, yes all three of them, would be the correct choice, but he just asked for a fight, not a deathmatch.

{Si geou ergriff slathalin wer lorkorilti. Spol persvek dout lorkorilti draushum ekess ehaism ve.} [I will only fight the strongest. Send in your strongest dragon to face me.] The dragon demanded.

Okay. Strongest it is then. Technically, that would be Shining, but Shining needs other dragons in the GY, or in my case, on the ‘death cooldown’ to gain more strength. And as I currently don’t have any of my dragons on death cooldown, like I did last time in the forest because I used them as materials, Ultimate Dragons are currently stronger than Shining. 

Now, if this fight was to turn into something even more serious, I would likely use Card Destruction with a large amount of dragons in my hand. That way, I could instantly put them on ‘death cooldown’ to buff my Shining Dragon enough that he can take on anything, but I hope that won’t be necessary.


“If you want to fight the strongest, then Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon it is.” I told the opposing dragon, while I ordered the OG Ultimate Dragon to fly a bit forward. Of course all of the Ultimate Dragons have the same attack, so that is technically a lie, but I’ll just go with this for now.

{Zyak nomeno ir ui wer throdenilti versel. Axun. si tir sense vi unthrumagoklii vers crodr coita mamiss. Origato udoka slathalin.} [So this one is the most powerful. Yes. I do sense a massive power inside its body. Let us fight.]

“WAIT! Wait! Wait! Just a second!” I requested the dragon. “Let me put up a barrier to protect the city first!”

{Tir coi qeelak!} [Do it quickly!] The dragon roared back, seemingly not willing to wait any longer.

Alright. Even just a few seconds should be enough. I got a trap card out of my collection, set it in one of the spell/trap zones of my duel disk and activated it.

“Wall of Revealing Light.”


I had already used this card a few times, most recently when I was playing with Mariina’s golem, so I knew it would work for this. I used 3170 HP, the max I could use, to make a barrier which overlapped perfectly with the outer wall of the city. Laura helped with the precise targeting, so that was nice. And Health Conscious kept me from having to pay the HP cost, so I was still full on HP.

After that, I also activated Spirit Barrier. I’m outside of the Wall of Revealing Light, so that won’t protect me, so I thought that having Spirit Barrier protecting my HP would be nice. 


This, even if a ‘practice fight’ is still a fight between dragons, so there is no way there won’t be any collateral damage. I do feel bad for all the farmers whose crops are going to get destroyed, but when I asked the dragon if we could fight somewhere else, he almost just attacked me right then.

And I think one or multiple of my monsters working together will be able to fix all of the damage this battle will cause. Hopefully. And if not, I’ll just mass produce food with Mystik Wok to make up for the destroyed crops.

Before they began their fight, the other nine dragons who had been gathered at the other gates flew over to the north gate, and set themselves down on the ground behind the three green dragons. They came in sizes ranging from about 12 meters to 19 meters. None quite as large as the green ones, not to mention the even larger red I was about to fight. They also were of different colors. Green, blue, yellow and even a white one. A local white dragon, but it didn’t have blue eyes, instead having a golden eye color.

While the local dragons did that, my dragons took their positions as I ordered. Shining and Twin-Burst were making sure to protect the Wall of Revealing Light. As long as it is just indirect hits or effects from the two clashing, the Wall should hold just fine. And because Twin-Burst cannot be destroyed by battle, it should be able to just fly in front of like a breath attack and just take it. While Shining has the effect to negate targeting stuff, so he can take care of the other attacks. Neo and Alternative Ultimate are on stand-by, in case the other dragons do something.

The local red dragon and my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon were floating in the air. They were both staring each other down, waiting for the ‘audience’ to take their seats before they began. But seemingly happy that we had settled down on our ‘seats’, they both let out a massive roar to signal the start of the fight.

The red dragon rushed at my Ultimate, while Ultimate flapped his wings to get higher into the air. While doing so, Ultimate seemed to be gathering energy in one of its heads, preparing for a breath attack. The Red turned to chase my ultimate, but again, with a small flap of its wings, Ultimate Dragon lowered its altitude and let out the breath attack it had charged from its left head. I think Ultimate planned at least part of that, so that the breath wouldn’t hit either the ground or the Wall of Revealing Light.

The breath attack however did not hit the red dragon, as he quickly moved out of the way.

{Zyak, wux re sva gekip somewhat vern. Si jalla anyui persvek cirau.} [So, you are at least somewhat serious. I should answer in kind.] The red dragon said something ominous and opened its mouth, drawing in power as if he was preparing for a breath attack of his own. 

But being high in the sky, if Ultimate dodges that attack, the fire, or whatever else would come out, would likely annihilate an entire field.

“Attack back with Ultimate Burst!” I commanded my dragon. 

Like the red dragon, my Ultimate Dragon quickly began gathering power into all three of its maws, and after just two more seconds, both dragons let out their breath.

From my Ultimate Dragon, a white beam of light, and from the red dragon, a concentrated beam of red fire. At least I think it was fire, but I guess it could be plasma or something. The two beams collided in midair and after a second of mixing together, the energy in the middle of that collision exploded. 


I was expecting an ear bursting sound, but it honestly didn’t hurt my ears at all. It was extremely loud, but my hearing didn’t feel to have taken any damage at all, possibly because of Spirit Barrier. I then quickly turned to look at the Wall of Revealing Light, and while it clearly took some damage from the explosion, it was still in one piece and in fact looked to be actively repairing the slight damage it took.

“Good…” I quietly said. The wall held up. I was a bit worried, but I guess it only took an indirect hit.

{Edrok. Nomeno draushum ui versel. Si shilta gethrisj shio ekik.} [Good. This dragon is powerful. I can go all out.] The red dragon said something quite ominous, as it surrounded itself in a red aura, which soon caught on fire. The red dragon was now a fiery red dragon, covered in bright red flames.

Then, it once again charged at my Ultimate Dragon. But this time, my Ultimate Dragon didn’t even attempt to dodge, instead going straight in and facing the red dragon head on.

The two dragons clashed, sending a pressure wave mixed with the red dragon's fire through the air. While I took no damage from it, even a few hundred meters away from the dragons, I could still feel the heat from that red dragon. My Ultimate must be taking at least some damage, as it is basically hugging the red dragon right now.

While the two dragons grappled for supremacy, my Ultimate Dragon began once again pulling energy into all three of its heads. Reacting to this, the red dragon did the same. Are they really planning on breathing at each other at point-blank range?

But I was slightly wrong. Instead of focusing all three of its breath attacks into a single beam, my Ultimate Dragon let out a separate attack from each of its heads. While the middle one did a point-blank crash with the red dragon's breath, the other two hit the red dragon into its sides, causing massive damage. Sadly, just the single breath from one head wasn’t enough to take on the red dragon’s breath, so my Ultimate took plenty of damage to its center head, but the head was still there, even if it did get charred.

The red dragon hadn’t fared too bad either. Even with the two attacks to its sides, the flames covering its body had dispersed most of the damage, leaving only minor marks on its actual scales.

The dragons kept up their grapple match, trying to claw each other, kick each other and even bite each other. But in every clash, my Ultimate Dragon was just a bit stronger. Three heads just gave it enough of an advantage where it was the one ‘controlling’ the fight. Normally, you would say that means that Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon will win, but there is one thing you might not account for. The opposing dragon was on fire. And while it didn’t take any damage from the fire, my Ultimate Dragon did. This fight had turned into one of attrition. If the red dragon could keep up the close range fight, without taking any huge hits, my Ultimate Dragon would eventually lose. But if my Ultimate could land one or two powerful attacks, it would be the winner.


Another explosion from the dragons attacks boomed out. My once clean and white Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was now covered in dark soot. Meanwhile, the red dragon was fairing a bit worse. It had entirely lost its left arm to one of my Ultimate Dragon’s triple breath attacks. While the flames covering its body had cauterized the wound, the red dragon had lost its balance and had to retreat to fight from a further distance. It was now only a matter of time until Ultimate would win, as it did have the advantage in firepower while they fought at a range.

{Mardrek!} [Surrender!] My Ultimate Dragon yelled at the red dragon, but the red dragon didn’t seem to agree. This might have been the first time I’ve heard my Blue-Eyes speak. Sadly, it is quite difficult to discern female and male dragon voices, so I couldn’t confirm BE’s gender from that. Well, I know she is female though. At least I think I know.

{Nurti! Wux zklaen tepoha ekess amid ve!} [Never! You must have to kill me!] The red dragon responded with something that sounds like something a dragon would say. Fight to the last breath, and never surrender.

{Zyak qe coi.} [So be it.] My Ultimate Dragon said and began charging up another burst of breath. 

The red dragon did the same, gathering all of the flames from around its body into its mouth. This was going to be the last attack. One would win, one would fall. Well, both might fall, as well, but I somewhat doubt that.

“GO! Ultimate Stream!” I called to my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. I really didn’t need to, but I thought it would be cool to call out the final attack.

Once again, the two breath attacks collided. They formed a clash zone, which showed that the power of the two attacks was almost equal. But the red dragon’s attack soon began to fade, and my Ultimate Dragon’s attack pushed it back until the Ultimate Burst fully connected with the red dragon's body. After making contact, the clash of the beams exploded in the red dragon’s face, letting out one final boom to end the match.

Then the red dragon’s body crashed into the ground and stayed there, unmoving.

“BRIAN!” I heard someone calling for me. 

I turned towards the gate and saw both Lua and Ria running towards me. Just a bit behind them were two knights, perhaps trying to keep the two from running out of the barrier.

Possibly because of her higher strength, or because of her flickering step skill, Ria was the first to reach me. She looked like she was about to tackle me, but seemingly realized that it might be a bad idea at the last second, running a bit past me before stopping instead.

Next up, Lua did what Ria didn’t dare to do and jumped and hugged me. I took her into my arms and held her against my chest.

“Brian. Brian, are you alright?” Lua asked.

“Yeah. Of course. Not like I was the one fighting.” I said, as I turned to look at the grounded red dragon. It hadn’t moved at all since it crashed down on the ground. 

Did it die? Maybe I should go and check it out? I need to get these dragons to return home, and I would prefer if all of them could return, so I don’t turn these dragons against me.

The red dragon was strong. While it couldn’t match my Ultimate Dragon, I think it is somewhere around 4200/4000 in terms of stats, if I were to compare it to a Yugioh card. I think so, at least. And if these other dragons are even relatively close to that, they should be around Blue-Eyes level at least. So around 3000/2500, probably higher.

“Lua. I want to go check that dragon. Will you come with me?” I asked.

“Yes. I won’t leave your side again.” She said, as she took my right hand into her left.

“I’ll come too.” Ria added, as she took a position on my left side. It seemed like she also wanted to take my hand, but she hesitated a bit and ended up just standing to my left.

While my two humanoid companions took their positions, my white dragons also moved to surround me from all sides. Shining Dragon took a position in front of us, Neo-Ultimate to the front right, Alternative Ultimate to our front left, the battle damaged OG Ultimate was behind us slightly on the left side, and Twin Burst was to our back right side.

The other twelve dragons, who had arrived with the large red one, all backed off from the red dragon's body, as I approached with my dragons. They seemed to give permission to me to approach, as none of them tried anything, or even looked hostile. … Well, it is a bit difficult to say as they are dragons.

“Lord of D. Go confirm if that dragon is dead or not.” I requested my monster.

He did as ordered and walked right next to the red dragon.

After a few moments, he turned around and gave me the news.


“... I see. Then the job is not over yet.” I said, as I pulled out some cards.

“Brian?” Lua asked.

“I can’t have a dead dragon on my hands. If he isn’t the strongest dragon, there might be an even stronger one coming after me.” I told Lua. “It will just be easier if he survived, and I can do that, so I will. And if he gets aggressive again, I’ll just kill him again. No holding back this time.” 

Yes. I did in fact hold back. Somewhat. I could have used equip spell cards, like Dragon’s Treasure, Mage Power or Fairy Meteor Crush.


Had I used those, my Ultimate would have likely won a lot easier. But I think that might not have been fair in this situation, and I really didn’t want to kill this dragon, unless absolutely necessary.

Well, what is done is done. Now all I can do is resurrect this dragon. Well, at least I think I can do it. But first, I have to heal it at least a little. Otherwise it will just die again as soon as I resurrect it.

“Dian Keto the Cure Master.” I used my spell card. 


“Please heal that dragon to the point where I can resurrect it.” I ordered the woman who had appeared from the spell. As she worked, the dragon’s wounds healed, but its arm didn’t grow back. No issues. I think I can grow it back with Super Rejuvenation. 

After she finished the healing, the Cure Master disappeared just as quickly as she had appeared.

Then I held the second spell card and activated it. “Monster Reborn. Resurrect that red dragon.”


A few seconds after I activated the card, the red dragon began to move again. After shaking its head a bit, the dragon opened its eyes.

{si … Si Nelithika. Kii mi si takh?} [ I … I died. Why am I alive?] The dragon seemed to question its own livingness, so I ordered my Lord of D. to explain to him how he is alive, and to ask him to leave like he promised. As my summon explained that, I noticed a clear change on the faces of the other dragons that had come here with the red dragon.

{Fronah. Rannox skatuch kagh dalth ekess wer tilabil svabol shinalta tenpiswo.} [Everyone. Return home and describe to the elder what happened here.] The red dragon commanded the other dragons.

At first, the others looked at him with questioning looks on their faces, not that I really know what that looked like, but after a quick roar from the red dragon, they quickly took air under their wings, took to the skies and headed west towards the everforest. Or whatever that giant forest is called.

But the big red dragons stayed there, unmoving.

{Human. May I ask something?} The dragon spoke up, speaking in a language I could understand without having to have Laura or Lord of D. translating it to me. And judging by the look on Lua and Ria’s faces, they must have understood him as well. Why speak draconic if you can speak humanoid?

“That is already a question, but go for it.” I gave permission in my slightly snarky way, which I sometimes use.

{Why would you bring me back?} The dragon asked.

“... because it was easier to bring you back than to potentially deal with an even stronger dragon than you. A single life is easy to fix, but were you or some other dragon of similar power to attack cities looking for me, tons of people would die for no reason. I don’t want that.” I told him. “So it was simply easier to resurrect you, and believe that you would keep your word. But had you not kept your word, I’d have killed you and all of the other dragons with no hesitation.” I added, trying to make my voice sound as cold as I possibly could for that last part.

{I understand. You really are one of superior quality.} The dragon said.

“... I don’t think so. I’m just dumb, greedy, selfish, and most importantly, I make rash decisions.” I admitted. “Besides, shouldn’t you be heading home with the others?” I asked.

{That, I cannot do. I lost. I lost a fight I myself started. I died, only to be brought back by the one whom I had challenged, and the one whom had bested me.} The dragon said. {At this point, human, I must ask. What will you do with me? My life is now yours to control. Will you kill me? Strip my body of the valuable materials it holds and sell off each part of me?} The dragon said something quite grim, before continuing. {Or, would you allow me to be your servant. Dedicate myself to you, for the rest of your life?}

… wow. Well, that is something. A servant dragon? … yes. Of course yes. There is no other choice, right? I’m not going to turn down a dragon servant.

“If those are my options, I shall let you stay by my side as my servant.” I said, trying to sound more cool and less excited. “I do not want to waste the life I returned to you by killing you now.”

{Thank you, human. No, Master.} The dragon said. {Accept my dedication.}

After he said that, a heat wave enveloped my body. It didn’t feel aggressive, or like it would actually burn me, but more like power rushing into my body. It also seemed to only affect me, as Lua who was standing right next to me didn’t seem to react at all.

{Master, my dedication has been given to you.} The dragon said. {I look forward to working with you.}

After he said that, the mission window popped up.

Mission: Deal with the Dragons
Mission Complete
Reward: Language Comprehension (draconic)
... I guess you did good. But no going around causing messes, just because you expect a reward when you clean it up.

Thanks system. I love you too. And honestly, I didn’t do this on purpose.

Because I got a new skill, I took a look at my status. Well, it is more of a title, than a skill.


… okay. A few things. First, I leveled up. And there are some plusses at the end of both my HP and mana. The one after my defense comes from my armor, by the way.

The Language Comprehension (draconic) is from the mission, so the other one must be from the dragon. And I’m guessing it is the cause of the plusses at the end of my HP and mana.

I opened the description for the Dragon Life Dedication.

A dragon had dedicated their life to you. As such, you are able to use their HP and mana as if they were your own. You cannot be harmed by the dragon who has dedicated their life to you and they will do whatever you order them to do.

… okay. So that’s how it works. And I’m guessing the reason I have +1000 and +1255 is because that is how much HP and mana the dragon currently has.

{Master. Would you give me your permission to rest? I’m quite tired and injured from the battle.} The dragon asked.

“Sure. Go for it.” I gave permission. “But I can also heal you.”

{It is my Master's choice. If you wish to heal me, I shall accept your assistance.}

“Lua, want to try healing a dragon?” I asked.

“... I guess so. But I’m not sure if I can heal an entire dragon.”

As she walked to the dragon, I went ahead and unsummoned my own dragons. The life dedication thing means I can subdue the dragon with just a word, so that should be fine.

… wait. Dragon? Why am I calling him ‘dragon’? He has a name right? I should ask.

“Dragon, what is your name?” I asked.

{My name? It isn’t something easily spoken in human tongue, but please call me Agunan. That is the name I go by when I interact with other humanoids.}

“... I see. Agunan. Well, Agunan, welcome to the team.” I said. “My name is Brian, by the way.”

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