Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.244 Those who Search for the Golden Giant

CH.244 Those who Search for the Golden Giant

ROAR! Translations for the later ones are in these. But you can't exactly translate a roar. It is a roar.

Everyone in the hall froze as they heard the roar. Some fell to their knees, while others took a closer hold of their dance partner, like Alice did.

As we were slowly recovering, a booming voice spoke in a language I couldn’t understand.

{Yth huven ekess queasvorwl irthir. Spol dout naoilti ekess udoka.}

It spoke in some language which I … wait, I know that language. I don’t understand it, but I know what it is. That is the draconic language, I’m reasonably sure.


(Yes. That was dragonic. I’m getting Lord of Dragons to the control platform so he can translate it for us.) Laura responded. She works so fast.


(Thanks. I’m counting on you.)

After I made sure I was having the message translated, I took a good long look around the room. Most people had begun recovering from the shock, and were standing back up, but some were still on the ground after their legs gave out from under them.

“Alice? Are you alright?” I asked Alice, who was still hugging me tightly.

“... what, what was that?” She quietly asked.

“A dragon’s roar, most likely.” I answered, based on the knowledge about the language that was spoken after the roar.

“A … A dragon?”

“Yeah. At least I think so.” I confirmed. “The speech after the roar. That was draconic. I don’t understand it, but I do recognise it, as my dragon monsters also speak in that language.” I explained. “I’m having Laura translate it with the help of some of my monsters.”

As I was telling Alice what I knew, a knight in full gear bursted into the room and after locating Thomas, he made a report.

“My Lord, Dragons! Dragons have surrounded the city!” He basically yelled out.

For a second, it looked almost like life left Thomas’ eyes, but he soon got the color back and began giving orders.

“I see. They also seemed to have sent us a message. Find out someone, anyone who can understand it. I need to know what the dragons are after.” Thomas ordered. “Have they made any moves yet?”

“Yes, my Lord. And no. They seem to have just landed, and then roared out what we heard.” The knight answered, before he ran out of the room. 

Thomas then stood up and addressed the room.

“Everyone!” He called to get our attention. “We have an emergency. Dragons have surrounded the city. The maids will soon evacuate you all into a shelter, so please stay calm and follow their instructions.” He told everyone. As he did, I heard some murmurs from the other guests, like: ‘they must be after the dragon we ate.’ and ‘they will kill us all for eating one of their own.’

But before those got out of hand, Thomas continued. “If anyone understood the call they made, please tell me.”

“I know what they said.” I stated as I stepped up, with Alice still clinging to my side. I just got the info from Laura, so I can translate for everyone.

“Ah. Brian. Then tell us. What do they want?” Thomas asked.

“The message was ‘We wish to acquire knowledge. Send your wisest to us.’, or something like that.” I repeated what Laura had just told me. Told to her by Lord of D.

“... are you certain?” Thomas asked.

“You know I have my sources, and they are trustworthy.”

“... I understand. Thank you for the translation.”

With Alice still holding onto me, I walked to where Lua was.

“Alice, can you let go now?” I asked.

“... okay…” She said, as she peeled herself off of me. As soon as she did, her legs seemed to give out, as she almost fell to the floor, but I caught her before she could.

“Wow. Careful.” I said, as I held her up.

“... thanks.” Alice said, as she once again took a hold of me.

“... so, Lua, what do you think?” I asked.

“... I don’t know either. I feel… I think we should run.” She admitted.

“Yeah. I want to agree. But … I don’t know.”

“Brian, you don’t have to be a hero.” She reminds me. “This isn’t your fault. It isn’t your mess to solve.”

“... true. But I can work as a translator, and my set cards will buy me at least a bit of time, so I feel like I should still try to answer the dragon's questions. And with Laura, I might have the most information available to me.” I reasoned, for both Lua and myself.

As we were speaking, the evacuation of the important people into some sort of shelter began. 

“Alice, go with your family.” I told her.

“... but…”

“Alice. We aren’t fighting a hydra. Or some monster. We are working with dragons. If this turns into a real fight, I won’t be taking any chances.” I told her. “So please, go to a safe place.”

“... alright. But Brian… take care of yourself.” Alice said, as she again let go of me, this time, her legs being able to carry her. She went to stand next to her mother, and their family was soon guided out of the room.

“Lua?” I asked, as I turned towards her.

“I’m coming with you.” She stated.

“I assumed as much.” I admitted. “Let me set a few cards on you then.” 

Unlike Alice, I never set any cards on Lua. I probably should have, but I just never did. So it was time to fix that.

The first card I set on her was, of course, Waboku. It is just that good. It will protect her from almost anything, in case the dragons target her for an attack. It will activate if anything targets her with intent to harm or kill.


Then, I added Dragon Capture Jar, because we are facing dragons. This one would auto activate as soon as Waboku’s effects ends, buying more time for us to act.


Then, I added Mirror Force, Spellbinding Circle and Negate Attack.


Now, for their conditions. Negate Attack and Mirror Force would activate with any ranged attack coming anywhere near Lua. Even if the attack didn’t ‘target’ her. This was one thing Waboku wouldn’t do, as it needs her to be the target of an attack. So Negate Attack should solve that. Mirror Force was the same, but it would only activate if Negate Attack had already activated. 

And Spellbinding Circle was the same, but it would block physical attacks. I don’t think there is any way it will activate, but it might. I think something like a dragon accidentally stomping on Lua could technically happen.

I also traded my own set cards, for the same set as what Lua now had. I don’t know if it is really necessary, but it might be. And they should be better for the situation on hand than what I had previously set.

After the evacuation of the nobles was complete, a small group of people left the Sawyer manor and headed towards the northern gate of the city. The largest of the dragons, and seemingly the one that had messaged us had landed there, and was now napping a bit away from the city walls. Well, at least it wasn’t attacking, so that is good.

As I said, our group wasn’t that large, consisting of some of the smartest people we could quickly gather. The dragon stated they wanted knowledge, so all we can try to do is send in the smartest of us.

Yeah, myself included for some reason. Okay, admittedly Laura is an amazing source of information, so me going makes sense. Also, I’m likely the strongest in the city, if not the country, so if this does turn into a fight, me being in right there will be for the best.

On my right, Lua. And on my left, Ria. Lua had used her skill to swap her clothing, so she was now in her ‘Grimson’ dress, with the mantle covering her head. While Ria was still in her maid dress, she had put the armored jacket over it. I handed it to her while I also swapped from my noble clothes into my more usual jeans, t-shirt and my own parasite jacket. I also made sure to instruct Ria to feed blood to her armor, so it wouldn’t drain her HP, as this was the first time she was actually wearing it, now that it was parasitic blood iron and all.

Other than us three, we had Thomas with us. He came because … well, he is the lord of this city. With him, came two smart girls. Two of his children, Mariina and Cressida. Mariina knows a lot about different magic related topics, and she is quite strong, so she was an obvious pick, while Cressida through her work as a civil official in the capital has read a lot of books.

And that was all. Well, other than the ten knights who were brave enough to be our escorts. 

The carriages we rode were the five golem carriages which Mariina had ridden from the Sage’s tower. Well, one of them now belonged to Thomas, but either way. We couldn’t actually use a horse drawn carriage, as most of the horses were … well, shaken.

But luckily we had these, so there was no issue. I could have summoned multiple Overdrive as well, but it is a fully armed and battle ready APC, so I really rather not. I don’t want to intimidate the dragons, or seem a threat to them. Let’s not provoke dragons, right?

We made our way through the city. With people hiding in their houses, or something, it was almost like a ghost town. It was honestly a bit eerie.

Once we reached the outer gates, we left the carriages inside the walls, and walked outside.

There, I saw four dragons just lounging around on the fields around the city, not much caring that they were crushing the just budding plants. Out of the four dragons, three were greenish in color and about 20 meters long. Aka. just about as large as my Blue-Eyes White Dragon is. But the largest of them, and the suspected leader of the dragons, was a large red dragon. It was a darker shade of red, something like carmine, or maybe burgundy. And in terms of size, it looked to be around 26 or 27 meters long. It was a bit difficult to judge, as the dragon was laying down, but that was my current estimate. Larger than my Shining Dragon, but not quite Ultimate Dragon size. If size means power, my Ultimate Dragons should be able to deal with this one.

But I’m not here to fight the dragons. 

While we walked towards the dragons, we also got a report from another three knights. Apparently, next to each of the other 3 major gates, there were also three dragons. So in total, with the four here, and the nine split between the other three gates, a total of thirteen dragons were here.

… yeah. Perhaps I shouldn’t consider fighting them. With that many, there is no way I can keep them all from destroying the city and killing a massive amount of people. Even if I can summon 7 dragons, well 9 if I also use my hands… Then Ria and Lua can both summon 2… okay, we actually could summon thirteen dragons between the three of us. But still. There is a good chance that there will be indirect damage caused to the city, if we cause a 13 vs 13 dragon fight. 

That still isn’t plan A, by the way. But it might be necessary as a backup plan. Or more like the backup to the backups backup. So plan D. Plan dragon.

Well, with the backup plan made, we approached the dragons. I honestly almost wanted to put a barrier around the city, just to keep it safe, but again, better not risk any aggravating moves. If this does turn into a fight, I’ll just set up the barrier then.

As we got close to the dragons, the large red dragon raised its head. Maybe it wasn’t actually napping and only looked like it was.

{Sva annyo. Wux xiekivi re zyak birk.}At last. You people are so slow.

The dragon spoke to us. With Laura translating for me, I know about what it said. It was complaining that we were slow, or something.

I would love to respond, but I don’t speak draconic. So instead, I activated my duel disk and set a card on it. 

“Lord of D.” I said to summon the monster. I had already told the others about it earlier, so they were not surprised, but the sudden summoning did cause the other three dragons to raise their heads.


{Si i'singue, persvek wer goawy di sia Ith.}I apologize, in the place of my Master. Lord of Dragons responded to the four dragons. With Laura, I again knew what he said. 

The three smaller dragons did look at my summon with their eyes somewhat wider than what I think would be usual, but the large red one didn’t seem to care. Instead, he simply spoke up.

{Yth re vorqir for irthir zahae vi aurixtor vemcin. Jaci annisha fogah cetai sahri persvek wer tibe ekess wer ruhahe. Tir wux vucot tivol?}We are looking for knowledge about a golden giant. He appeared three days ago in the forest to the west. Do you know anything?

After the dragon spoke up, Lord of D. translated his message to us.

… wait. A golden giant… three days ago… It can’t be, right?

As Thomas, Mariina and Cressida spoke amongst themselves, not really knowing anything, I asked a question with Lord of D. translating for me.

{Ornla coi tepoha coanwor persvek vi ethima vhira area di wer tibe, creol 1400 kilometers de tenpiswo?}Would it have been in a burned down area of the forest, some 1400 kilometers from here?

{Vucoti ti di nomenoi ‘kilometers’ wux renthisj di, oli axun. Wer wyogale tepohada osri coanwor ethima vhira ini draushum docar, kagh tangis osri wer aurixtor vemcin annisha, creol dragons jahen unexena mobi.}I know not of these ‘kilometers’ you speak of, but yes. The location had before been burned down by dragon fire, and even before the golden giant appeared, some dragons were settled there.

…. Fuck! … This mess is all my fault. Damn you, Exodia. … Okay, blaming Exodia isn’t fair. This is 100% on me.

I asked a few more questions, with Lord of D. translating, from the dragons. But the consensus I got was that they were looking for the golden giant, Exodia, because they suspect that Exodia killed the dragons who had settled in the area, and then to flaunt its victory, it had shown its strength by lighting up the sky above the dragon coast.

… yeah. I absolutely should have checked what was to the west. … I guess this shit is on me, and it is for me to solve.

See, even the system agrees. Even if I don’t really like this mission.

Mission: Deal with the Dragons
Goal: Protect Sawyer city from the dragons
Info: Dragons have come to Sawyer city looking for the monster you foolishly summoned. Make sure they don’t destroy the city or kill anyone.
Reward: What? You expect a reward for an issue you yourself caused. Not happening.
Punishment, if you fail: No Dragon-type monster cards, or cards that mention the Dragon-type, made by Pack Opener, can be used for the next six months.
This mission is forced and cannot be refused.

Wow. Thanks system. I love you too. 

But honestly, I likely would have done everything in my power either way. I have people I care about in this city, and I don’t want to let it be destroyed just because I ‘invited’ some dragons here.

But apparently, my complaining worked, because before I closed the mission window, the reward changed.

Mission: Deal with the Dragons
Goal: Protect Sawyer city from the dragons
Info: Dragons have come to Sawyer city looking for the monster you foolishly summoned. Make sure they don’t destroy the city or kill anyone.
Reward: Fine. You can have Language Comprehension (draconic) as a reward. Just don’t expect rewards for cleaning up messes you yourself caused in the future.
Punishment, if you fail: No Dragon-type monster cards, or cards that mention the Dragon-type, made by Pack Opener, can be used for the next six months.
This mission is forced and cannot be refused.

A bit passive aggressive, but I’ll accept that. I can already ‘understand’ draconic with Laura and my summons, but that should help me be able to speak it as well.

“Lord of D. tell them what happened in the forest. You may tell them everything.” I ordered my monster. I think honesty is the best thing. 

While Lord of D. was telling the dragons how the dragons they must have sensed were dragons I summoned, and how the golden giant is also a monster I summoned, I was quickly explaining all of that to Thomas and the others.

“... so, the dragons came here searching for a creature you summoned?” Thomas confirmed.

“Basically yes. You should all go back inside the walls. Just let me handle this, okay? I think I can turn this around, by just explaining the facts to the dragons. And it shouldn’t turn into a fight.” I answered.

“... but if a fight does break out, won’t you need help?” Mariina asked.

“No, not really. Honestly speaking, you might get in the way.” I answered.

“... alright. We will pull back to behind the walls.” Mariina understood my point. Maybe showing off Ancient Gear Golem helped. “But if you need assistance, give us a sign and I'll help.”

Soon, I was all alone. Well, with Lord of D. I got Lua and Ria to also retreat. It just is better this way.

{Munthrek. mareex wer draushum sia ekgos ocuiet persvek wer tibe. Wer iri mrith ternockic di aussir kagh sidric di maof. Sjek wux shilta tir batobot, si nishka jikahshi wux.}Human. Summon the dragons my scout saw in the forest. The ones with scales of white and eyes of blue. If you can do that, I shall believe you.

After hearing the facts, the dragon made a demand. He wanted me to summon my dragon, or in this case dragons. At first, he wanted me to summon Exodia, but after I explained that I wasn’t allowed to summon him without permission from the Goddess, and that I couldn’t get one at this time, he changed his request to this. Apparently even the dragons respect the Goddess.

But honestly, I didn’t know some dragon scout spotted me when I had my dragons out. I wonder, why didn’t my Blue-Eyed dragons react to it? Could they not sense the other dragon, or maybe they just knew that dragon was no real threat? Could be either reason, I guess. Not like Blue-Eyes, especially Ultimate Blue-Eyes has many worthy adversaries. 

Well, because this is how it went, I really had no choice. I opened my collection and got out the Blue-Eyed dragons. All five of them. Well, the five I had summoned at the same time. I’ll assume those five are the ones he wants to see, and as I’ve said, I don’t mind showing them off, as long as I have permission.

I had Lord of D. tell the dragons as much, before I began summoning the dragons. With all of them previously summoned, I only had to set them out on my duel disk and say their name. Well, first I had to extend the ‘extra monster zones’ from my duel disk, which I usually didn’t have out, so I would have enough space for all of the monsters.

“Come forth Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon and Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon!”


As I kept on summoning my dragons, the look in the eyes of the local dragons changed. Especially for the ‘smaller’ green dragons. Their eyes looked like they would pop out of their heads.

{Si ocuir. Si keelon batobot svabol wux yentada ui likely wer visupra.}I see. I admit that what you said is likely the truth. The red dragon said, seemingly acknowledging my story, so I made a request for the dragons, again, translated to them by Lord of D.

“Thank you. In that case, could I ask you to leave this city and the human-lived areas, and head back to your home? Everyone is quite nervous with you being here.”

{Thric.}No. The dragon answered in the negative. {We'thon si tepoha yora svabol si confna ekess yor, si banprivi geou ti jaseve. Ti halkvri wux shala ve ekess slathalin ir di nomenoi draushum. Sjek wux ultrinninan, yth geou jaseve.}While I have learned what I came to learn, I simply will not leave. Not until you allow me to fight one of these dragons. If you win, we will leave.

Well, that’s not good. …but they will only leave if I win? Then what about..?

“What will happen if you win?” I asked.

{Yth geou mahhn jaseve, oli yth nishka ahfven wux mrith udoka lae hesi kehlash.}We will still leave, but we shall take you with us as our prize. {Yth geou xurwk wux mareex sotiri, halkvri yth re saeetha.}[We will make you summon monsters, until we are content. The dragon said something quite ominous. 

Planning to just take me? Well, I don’t think my Ultimate Dragons will lose, so bring it on. I’ll take you down no matter what.

“I accept your terms.” I said to the dragon. I’m not at all sure if that was a good idea, but I kind of have to agree. If I don’t, well, I don’t really know what will happen. So my only choice is to fight.

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