Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.219 Identifying the new Dungeon

CH.219 Identifying the new Dungeon

(Lua. Lua, can you hear me? Are you free to talk for a second?) I decided to contact Lua first and ask her for her opinion about this discovery.

(B-Brian? Yes. Please give a second…. No! I lost it…) Lua answered, seeming a bit flustered.

(We can talk a bit later, if you are busy.) 

(No. Let’s do it now.)

(Let’s go to the factory. It will be easier there.) I said. “You guys, I’m going to the factory. Take care of my body, please.” I said to my monsters.

I still had all five of them out. 

Granmarg the Rock Monarch and Legendary Flame Lord were working on making the firebricks for my forge. Gemini Elf had gone back to digging to make the hole larger. Wingweaver and Celtic Guardian were free, so the two of them were to be in charge of taking care of my body.


“As you wish, Master. Come back soon.” Wingweaver said, as she sat down. “Please, rest on my lap. It will be more comfortable than the ground.”

… thanks, but no. I don’t know how Lua would react if I did that.

“Nah. I’ll just use my travel pelts.” I said, as I got them out of storage and set them on the ground. 

Wingweaver seemed a little let down that I didn’t use her lap, but still. Safety is a priority, so I'd rather do this. I want her to be able to fight if a monster shows up or something. I laid down on my pelts and entered the factory.

“Brian. What did you want to talk about?” Lua asked, after she realized her avatar in the factory.

“I fou… located a dungeon.” I was going to say found, but with Dungeon Founder being a literal title and meaning something else, I decided to change my wording. “I also got a system mission regarding it.” I added, as I sat down and pulled up the footage of the hole we dug, and the rock parts that we couldn’t influence with magic.

“A dungeon? Really? Do you have a natural talent for that or something? Also, what in the world is that hole? Did you find that as well?” Lua asked.

“... I kind of dug it with my monsters.” I admitted. “That is how I came across this rock that couldn’t be influenced by magic. Then Laura sent some sort of system inquiry about it, and in response, I got a system mission to find the entrance of that dungeon and see if the dungeon is rogue or not.”

“You dug it? Why?” 

“I needed some earth materials to make a blacksmithing forge. The Earl, possibly as a joke, recommended I go to the middle of the great forest and dig there. So I did. And that is how that happened.”

“So… you just randomly picked a spot in the forest that just happened to have a dungeon under it… You really must have some level of a sixth sense for dungeons.”

“... maybe. But what should we do?”

“No idea. Well, if the system wants you to find the entrance and find out if the dungeon is rogue or not, we should do that at least. Isn’t that what you told me? Do the system missions, as long as they aren’t too difficult?”

“Yeah. I did say that. And I was planning on doing the mission. But I was wondering, if you come here and Mia does the same that Laura did with me, will you also get the system mission?” I just need to know things like this. I want to know how much we can exploit the system for multiple missions with basically the same objective. We already have our missions regarding dhampirs, which overlap a bit, but that is honestly not that much. It is more like Lua’s is a continuation of mine. I have to do mine first, so she can do hers. Or, she can just cure the dhampirs herself, and then teach them true blood magic. 

“It wouldn’t work.” Laura said, after she realized her avatar.

“Oh. Well, that’s too bad. Can you explain why?”

“The system sees the matter regarding that dungeon dealt with. So unless you abandon your mission, it will likely not give out a second one. In some situations, like with difficult missions, like taking down powerful monsters or protecting areas from monster attacks, it might give multiple missions, but with this type of mission, it would not.” Laura explained.

“... yeah. You still need to explain how that works.”

“I just did.”

“I meant on a deeper level. Well, whatever. Don’t question the god system. It just works.” I concluded. “So I guess that means you have no reason to come over Lua. I’m kind of glad about that, actually. I don’t need to hold back at all.”

“... what are you planning?”

“I’ll just start a small forest fire, so I can hopefully find the entrance to the dungeon.”

“... why do I have the feeling it will be anything but small?”

“No clue. I guess you don’t trust me. Don’t worry. I’ll set it out afterwards.” I reassured her. “And then regrow parts of the forest, so I won’t cause too much damage.”

“... of course you would. But can you actually regrow a forest?”

“Yeah. I think so. Well, I’ve never really tried, but I don’t see why not.”

“... Understanding you is more difficult than learning a second attribute…”

“Maybe. How are you doing on that front, by the way?”

“Well, I’m glad to tell you that I just casted my first successful light attribute spell.” Lua announced. “... but then I lost concentration when you contacted me…”

“Eh? Really? Congratulations.” I said. “And also sorry. But if you did it once already, I’m sure you can do it again. How about I drop by on my way back and you show me then?”

“Yes. I’ll show you. And I won our race, right?”

“... I guess you did. Outdone by my girlfriend. What else is new?”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“Don’t say sorry for that.” I countered. “It is my own fault. I was decently sure you were going to beat me anyway.”

“I … alright. If you say so.” 

After a bit more chit chat, we left the factory and went back to what we were doing.

“... Wingweaver, why am I on your lap?” I was getting a lap pillow from my fairy. No, you don’t get to be an angel at this moment. You don’t deserve that honor. You are acting like a fallen angel, so you shall be just a fairy.

“There was a monster appearance, and I wanted to keep you closer, so you would be safe.” She answered.

“... alright. And where is this monster?” I asked, as I pulled myself up to a sitting position.

“Celtic Guardian already took them down. The corpses are over there.” Wingweaver said, pointing out a group of 3 goblin corpses. 

… even here, in the middle of nowhere, there are still goblins. Well, whatever. I guess there really were some monsters, even if they were goblins, so I can’t be overly angry that Wingweaver took advantage of me. I’m still angry though. But just a little.

“And you thought a few goblins were so bad that you had to take my head onto your lap? Let me ask you this, if I go to the factory and ask Tahlia to play back the recording from my eyes and ears, what will happen first, the goblins appearing, or you taking my head onto your lap?”

Wingweaver didn't look me in the eyes, and I think there might even be some nervous sweating appearing on her face.

“I’m not that angry.” I told her. “Just don’t do it again, without permission.” 

“y-Yes, Master.” She said, as she lowered her head.

“So, how is the progress with the forge?” I asked Granmarg and Flame Lord. 

“We finished making the firebricks.” Legendary Flame Lord answered, pointing out a large pile of … somewhat regular looking bricks. I guess I just don’t have the eyes to separate them from normal stuff. “You should summon Kotetsu next. He can tell what kind of forge he prefers. The style, size, all of that.”

“Alright. Well, I’ll check this dungeon out first, and then I’ll call him. I might need one or both of you then, so go back for now.” I said, as I placed all of the bricks into my storage and unsummoned the duo.

Next, I collected the rest of the earthen materials that Gemini Elf had dug up during my time in the factory, and unsummoned her. There wasn’t that much to it, but she did find a small deposit of silver ore, so we might be able to refine that later. I could also just smelt silver coins for silver, so that isn’t really necessary though. 

Then I unsummoned Celtic Guardian, because I didn’t want him to get caught up in the fires that will soon rage in this area.

“I summon Tyrant Dragon, Dragonmaid Tinkhec and Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8.” I called out three fire dragons.


Why fire dragons? Well, that should be obvious. I’m going to burn down some trees. Why three of them? Because why not. And I want this done quickly.

“I think all three of you know, but I’m looking for a dungeon entrance. That is a part of the dungeon, so I think it is in that direction. Burn down all the trees, until we find it, but make sure the fire doesn’t get out of hand.” I ordered my dragons, while flying in the skies. How do I fly? Well, I was being carried in the arms of my fairy. Wingweaver is still not an angel.

My dragons did as ordered and all three of them let out a massive fire breath from their mouths. The trees that were once covering the ground to the point that the undergrowth was a bit limited were burning up at a speed that looked almost frightening. I really hope they won’t let the fires get out of control, or I’ll be in a ton of trouble. 

“Master. I think I found it.” Tinkhec informed me as she flew back to me.

“Really? Show me.”

Wingweaver, still carrying me, followed the purple dragon. That led me to realize something interesting about the way my dragons’ flames were burning the ground.

The area burned by Tyrant Dragon looked charred and ashy. The ground where Horus had been was completely black, almost like it had turned into something that isn’t even earth. And the one burned by Tinkhec still had some green mixed in, just covered under a layer of ash. Almost like she had purposefully left the bottom-most layer of vegetation be, and only destroyed everything that prevented us from seeing the ground. Is this just an individual difference? Or are the dragons trying to show off their strong suits? For Tyrant that would be just its power, I think. Horus has the mastery over black flames. And Tinkhec is maid, so she wants the ground to be in a state where it can easily be turned into a beautiful lawn or something like that. Sure we would need to brush off, or wait for the ash to settle, and then seed it, but still. The ground itself looked healthy and ready to go, unlike from what the other two left. I guess that does answer the question of how do dragons mow the lawn? They burn it down to the perfect length.

“Master, is this it?” The dragon asked. She had landed next to a square made of stone, which had a set of stairs leading down into the ground.

“... probably. I guess I’ll go and see.” I said. “Thanks, you three. Great work.” I said to my dragons. “... sadly, you can’t enter, so I’ll unsummon you all now.”

The staircase was tall and wide enough that a medium sized monster could fit through it, but my dragons are a bit too large. A smaller dragon, like Alice’s Pitch-Dark Dragon could fit through though.

{Mareex udoka tenamalo crodr.}

{Yth geou ethim nomeno renba, zyak Pliso shilta ahfven coi svern.}

My dragons said something before I unsummoned them, but as that duo couldn’t actually speak a language I can understand, it was left a mystery to me.

“Master, they said they wish to be summoned again inside the dungeon, so they can help you conquer it.” Tinkhec translated. 

“... alright. Well, if it is a rogue dungeon.” I promised, and unsummoned the dragons.

“... actually, how will I even find out if this dungeon is rogue?” I muttered, as I placed my dragons back into the collection.

(That is quite simple for you.) Laura said. (By using Dungeon Founder, we can see all of the basic information of any dungeon you go into.)

(... wait, I can? Nice. Easy mode for the win.) 

Well, I guess nothing more to it, that to go in. Wingweaver is still fine on time, so I’ll just keep her as my guard.

After a bit of walking down the stairs, we found a large room. As in, a really large room. Just with a quick estimation, this thing is about 50 meters tall, over 500 meters long and 200 meters wide. And filled to the brim with insect monsters.

Huge spiders, massive ants and ten meters long centipedes. At least I had noticed them before we got caught up in a spider web or something.

“... thank god I’m not arachnophobic. Or would it be entomophobic? I guess both.” 

“Master, I don’t mean to alarm you, but the monsters noticed us. I’ll put up a wall, but we might want to retreat for now. Please do what we came to do. Light Wall.” 

“...Yeah. I will. Dungeon Founder.” I don’t need to say the name of the skill to open it, but it just felt correct.

Dungeon Founder
[TinaWood Dungeon]
You are currently in an unknown dungeon
Would you like to analyze public dungeon information
[Yes] [No]

It’s a little different than usual. Usually it just shows TinaWood Dungeon, and I curse at the useless sub menus, but this time, there is something different.

But I don’t have time to care about that, I just pressed yes and hoped for the best.

Dungeon 27_001
Core Status: Rogue
Miasma Status: Unknown
Monster Status: Unknown

… alright. So it is rogue. Good to know. As I thought that, my mission completion window showed up.

Mission: Identify the Dungeon
Mission Complete.
Reward: Tournament Packs , , , and have been unlocked as promo trades.
Mission: Conquer the Dungeon
Goal: Eliminate Rogue Dungeon 27_001. This can either be done by yourself, or someone you take to the core.
Reward: Pack Opener (unique) will level up.
Note: If an uninvolved third party eliminates the dungeon, no reward will be given out.

… okay. Complete one mission, get another one right after. I don’t know how easy eliminating this bug infested hole will be, but that reward thought. I really want it. My Pack Opener hasn’t leveled up since … I think it was back when I named Christina the Dungeon Master. After I took down the sword-horn bull in the dungeon.

But I’ll leave for now. If there are multiple rooms of this size, even with my summons, it might take a while to clear this place.

And considering where this dungeon is, I don’t think anyone else will come and conquer it.

“I’m done for now. Let’s head out.” I said to Wingweaver and we retreated. 

While most of the monsters lost interest in us after we left, some tried to follow us, but Wingweaver dealt with them. But to be honest, they seemed quite strong, as Wingweaver’s spell didn’t one shot all of them, requiring another shot. Maybe some of the monsters were B-rank. If that entire dungeon is filled with B-rank monsters, it is even better to retreat for now.

As I accomplished everything I wanted to do today, and I decided to leave the dungeon and regrowing the forest for later, I unsummoned Wingweaver and summoned Gradius instead. I flew over to the dhampir village and stopped there. I want to spend some time with Lua, and speak to her about the dungeon. No factory required.

“Hey Lua. I’m here to see you.”

“Brian, you really didn’t need to.” She responded. “... but I’m glad you did.” She quietly added, but I still heard it. “What happened with the dungeon?”

“I located the entrance and confirmed that it is a rogue dungeon, completing the mission I told you about.” I informed her. “Then I got a new one to eliminate it. Either myself, or escort someone there, so they can eliminate it. I wanted to discuss that with you.”

“... let me guess. You want me to eliminate the dungeon and be the founder of it.”

“You catch on quick. Yes.”

“... I don’t think that is a good idea.” Lua said.

“Why? I don’t see the problem.”

“The problem is that dungeon founders are treated as nobles. And it isn’t the easiest thing to hide. Sure your sleeve covers it up at the moment, but what about when it doesn’t?”

“... Are you sure? I really don’t think it is that bad?”

“Yes. You really should just do it yourself. The dungeon is already … nowhere close to anything. So at most, it will be your own personal playground, because no one else can really get to it, so you should keep it.” Lua said.

“... Alright. I understand. But you will still help me clear it, won’t you? And you will be there when I reactivate it?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“Light, luminate around me, Shine ball.” Lua casted a light magic spell in front of me. A small sphere of light appeared. It wasn’t overly bright, but it could definitely light up a dark room, and it was much brighter than a candle at least.

“Nice. You did it.”

“... thanks. … but I can’t keep it stable yet.” As Lua said that, the light wavered a bit. It looked like a wrongly wired lamp, which quickly flickers on and off.

“I’m sure you’ll make it stable soon. Did the skill appear on your status yet?”

“No, not … wait? It’s there? It wasn't the last time I looked.” As Lua said that, the ball of light vanished, likely because she lost concentration.

“See. You can do this. I believe in you. And now you can level it up, so that might make learning even easier. Just don’t level it up too fast, so it won’t get out of hand.”

“Yes. Let’s both do our best. I’m sure you can figure out space magic as well.”

“Yeah. I hope so… Swordsmanship as well. Speaking of that, are you planning on practicing with your mace?

“Yes. I …”

After a bit more chit-chat, I jumped back into Gradius and returned to Sawyer city. I was tempted to stay with Lua, for a few reasons, but I said I’d be back today, so I’d better get back.

The main reason I wanted to stay was my level. I’m level 78 at this moment. So after I use a level up, I’ll be level 80. And that could, technically, result in an evolution. And having Lua by my side when I evolve would reassure me a lot. 

During dinner, I did tell everyone that I got the materials for my forge, but I kept the existence of the dungeon a secret for now. The forest doesn’t actually belong to the country and is in “no man’s land” so I don’t have to. It was also Lua’s suggestion to keep the dungeon a secret, just so no more heat lands on me. 

Of course I got some questions on how I could make firebricks that quickly, but I just said my monsters are masters at their craft, so they can do it. And that isn’t even a lie. I’m sure a master earth and fire mages working together could make some firebricks in an afternoon.

I did also warn everyone at the table about my potential evolution. I think most already knew about Level Up! either directly or having heard it from Angelina, so it didn’t really matter. That led to Alice pointing out that she will also hit level 50 today, so she might evolve as well.

Now I’m wondering, what level is Paulina? Alice has been using level ups on her as well, right? So that would mean Paulina should be about 30 levels up from where she was when we first met. So even if I assume she was only around 30, she should have gone above 50 at least. She is probably between 60 and 70, like Ria. Well, Ria is 70 even, at the moment.

“Brian, you as well Alice. I hope you can stop using that … level up before my birthday.” The Earl said. “I don’t want either of you sick on that day, or the days leading up to it. That is fine with you, isn’t it?”

Yeah. I guess that is fair. But the BD is still 10 days away, so we are safe for now. Well, some of the early guests coming in will start to arrive in the coming days, but other than that, we should be fine. So I guess we will stop five days before. … I won’t reach level 99 before the party. That’s too bad.

After dinner, it was our customary evening rituals. Baths, writing Ria’s ‘journal’, writing a letter to Christina, magic practice and a bath.

And, of course, level ups. I went with Telekinesis today, just to match it with Unity. Also, both my magic and defense are 995. Tomorrow they will break 1000.

Lua got a level to Vampiric Body Modification, as recommended by Vampire Grimson.


Well, I located a dungeon today. That’s something. Tomorrow… Well, I’m not sure. If I don’t evolve, I guess I’ll complete the forge. I think I can do it here. Probably.

Oh. Actually, tomorrow is another blood delivery day, so we will be doing that. Again, assuming that I’m not sick. And since Agatha now has Luster Dragon, maybe she should ride it to the village. Just making sure she learns how to fly safely. And then I can make the forge in the village. Mayne even build one in the village, if I have leftover materials. I know Granmarg and Flame made a lot of them, but I’m not sure how many we need.

Well, I’ll look into it. Good night for now.

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