Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.206 Don’t exploit my weakness

CH.206 Don’t exploit my weakness

I woke up in the morning. Woohoo! Something abnormal. Waking up in the morning.

Well, that means I’m not evolving. Good. Let’s leave that for later. I’m not in a hurry to evolve.

After saying good morning to Ria, I jumped into the factory.

“Good morning, Brian.” Just after I got there, Lua also appeared there. I wonder if she knows that I’m here in the morning, or does she just come for some other reason. She is surprisingly good at catching me. I guess Mia might tell her about me coming here. And Laura might be in cahoots with them as well. Well, whatever. I enjoy seeing her in the morning.

“Good morning. How are you feeling? No level up sickness or anything right?”

“I’m feeling just fine. I even used the level ups on others yesterday, just so I wouldn’t get any bad reactions.” She answered.

“Oh. Good.” I said before noticing something wrong with her. Well, something was missing. “Your avatar. It doesn’t have wings.”

“It doesn’t?” Lua seemed to question, as she turned around, trying to look at her back. It doesn’t work that way, you know. She then moved her hands to her lower back where her wings came out, but there was nothing there. “... wow. How?”

“I guess you never updated your avatar. Your hair is still short as well.” I added.

“Is it?” Lua questioned as she felt her hair.

“Sure is. Do you want a mirror?”

“... do you have one?”

“I think I analyzed one a while back.” Mirrors were most definitely a thing, and I think I analyzed one back in Alewatch when I analyzed basically everything in the room I slept in. Back before I named Christina the DM.

I used it as a base to make a large mirror and placed the mirror against the wall that was next to the round table which Laura and Mia often sit at.

“... wow. That is amazing. This place really is strange.”

“Well, I could do that with Dungeon Founder outside as well, but here it costs no points, so it is nice.” I reminded her. “So, do you think you should update your avatar?”

“... Brian, a question.”

“Go for it.”

“Do you prefer short or long hair?”

“... do you need to ask? Have you looked at Laura? Why isn’t she here by the way?”

“I can be.” She answered, as she realized next to us.

“Well, that was fast. Were you busy with something?” I asked her.

“No. Just let you two be by yourselves first.” 

I turned back to look at Lua, and she had changed her avatar. She is getting better at it. 

She had grown her hair to even longer than it now was, her wings had appeared and her outfit was a bit different. It was still based on her adventuring gear, rip that clothing because it was turned into a dress, but now it had a hole in the back for her wings. It also seemed a bit closer to her skin than it was previously and her overcoat now only covered her shoulder and arms, leaving her midriff without itstill has a shirt covering that area. Just the overcoat doesn't reach it., and now she also didn’t have her hood.  But she hasn’t been having her hood up as often these days, when I visit the village. Even before the entire dress incident.

“... Do you like it?” She asked, noticing that I was gazing a bit too long.

“It’s … nice. But I think it might be a bit too tight, around your midsection. You might get some unwanted stares.” I warned her.

“But it's fine here. No one but you and I can come here right?” 

“Well, other than all of my monsters, Laura, Tahlia and Fantasia, no.”

“... I see. Brian, would you help me? Could you help me make something even better?”

“Sure. Let’s try.” I agreed. “Actually, Laura, did you run that experiment with Tailor of the Fickle and Lua’s unique skill?”

“Yes. We did try it with Maria. It does work. But whatever she is wearing at that moment will still be consumed by the dress making process.” Laura said.

“Will the monster be left … naked?” I asked.

“In basic underwear, not naked.” Laura answered. “Though that does also depend on the monster and what kind of equipment they have.”

“Brian? What are you talking about?” Lua asked.

“Making some OP equipment for you.” I answered. “I have a spell card called Tailor of the Fickle. It can swap the equipment from one person to another. Or in this case, from one of my monsters to a person.”


“But there is a problem.” I continued. “If the monster that that equipment originally belonged to gets unsummoned, the equipment will disappear as well. BUT if you happen to be able to fundamentally change said equipment, say make it into a dress, the equipment will stay even after the monster gets unsummoned.”

“Eh? Br-Brian? Are you saying that I can..?”

“That you could take the equipment from any of my monsters, use your skill and make said equipment into a dress which you can keep forever. Yes. That is exactly what I’m saying. And according to Mia, your skill keeps the properties and stats of the original equipment that would mean that your dress should be extremely defensive, as long as we pick the correct original piece.”

“... really? Would you do that for me? Brian. You … you need to stop that. You can’t just…”

“Why? It won’t cost me anything. Well, a few minutes of time, but other than that. In my opinion, that is a small price to pay.”

“... yes. If you really would do that for me.”

“Sure. Let’s try it next time I come to the village. It should be the day after tomorrow, unless something bad happens again.”

“Please don’t call my evolution ‘something bad’.”

“Oh. Sorry. Well, unless an emergency comes up. Also, you should probably experiment with your unique skill here. You can just use it over and over again, so you’ll learn how much you can control the finished product. Then just make new clothes for your avatar. That way, whatever you make from the monster's equipment will be perfect.”

“Sure. But where should I do it? I’d rather not do it in the open like this.”

“Laura? Any ideas?”

“I think one of the houses in the Vampire Kingdom should do just fine. Or we can give her an entire room to play with, if you allow that.”

“That should be fine. We aren’t out yet, right?”

“No, but running a bit low.” Laura warned. “But we should get more when Fantasia levels up.”

“Too bad it didn’t happen when I hit 70, huh.”

“Brian? You reached level 70?”

“Yeah. Yesterday evening.”

“We are the same level then.” Lua said.

“... I guess we are. Anyway, Laura can you deal with the room thing. Lua, sorry but as we are low, I won’t give you an entire room. But a house in the Vampire Kingdom room will be fine, won’t it?”

“Yes. And what would I do with all of the space one of these ‘rooms’ have? I don’t need that much.”

“No. I’ll still give you one. When Fantasia levels up. You can use it for anything you want. Maybe if you get a deck for your Card Summoner, you can have your monsters come there when you don’t have them summoned.”

“I … yes. Then I’ll take it. I just need to work even harder, so I’ll get Card Summoner leveled up as well.”

“Just don’t overwork yourself.” I warned. “You should take breaks and maybe go around seeing my monsters. I think Fantasia will be more than willing to accompany you during that. You know, just so you can pick what monster will have the best stuff for you to use.”

“You’ll let me choose?”

“Sure. Why not? I can also give recommendations, if you want. Though the only one I have at the moment is Vampire Red Baron. His armor is some sort of composite of blood iron and vampiric steel, so that would be good for you. Or something like the armor of BLS, but that is another thing entirely. Just find something you like and we can do that.” I told her.

“Sure. I’ll try to find something.”

After breakfast, it was off to the guild with us. Like most times, the guild was quite quiet when we arrived. But unlike the previous times, this time, we had some … interested parties.

The few parties that were there were pointing at us and saying things like: “That’s the dragon summoner.” or “Look at that harem master.” Hey! I resent that. I’m not actually romantically involved with any of them. Well, you could argue Alice because of that whole accidental proposal thing, but that still doesn’t make it a harem.

One younger adventurer was even brave enough to come up to me.

“Excuse me, sir, but are you the one that summoned a dragon?” He asked, looking a bit scared, but also excited. 

“Yep. Sure did. What about it?” I casually answered.

“... could … could you do it again? I’d like to see a dragon as well.”

“Sorry, but the guild, and the knights, don’t really like when I do it in town, so I really can’t.” I explained.

“oh… I understand. Sorry for asking.”

“Don’t be. Asking is never a bad thing.” I reassured him. 

… I kind of liked that kid. He reminds me a bit of Kurt. You know, that kid … why am I calling him a kid? He is like 15. Well anyway. The adventurer who had his hand burned by my Dark Magician card way back. In  But yeah. He does remind me a bit of Kurt. Because he, like Kurt, was willing to go out of his way to do something that might be dangerous and might make me angry. Well, not that I get mad that easily. 

“Sir, if possible, could you go see the guild master before you head out. He would like to see you.” The guild employee said, as we accepted the, for now, last safety check.

“... is this going to be another problem?”

“I- I don’t know. But the guild master did reprimand sir Caiden after last time, so…”

“Paulina, what do you think?” I asked for the ‘quest givers’ opinion.

“As long as it won’t take too long. But if what I think will happen happens, it will only be a few minutes.” She answered.

“Alrighty then. I guess we can see him. Can you take us there?”

“O-of course. Follow me please.”

A set of steps later, we were in the guild master’s office. It wasn’t too far from the one I saw in Alewatch, except that this one was a lot more messy. I guess Alexander really liked keeping his stuff organized.

The guild master was a large burly man, probably somewhere in his fifties. He had a decently long beard and short dark brown hair.  If he wasn’t over 1.9 meters tall, I would guess he is a dwarf, just based on his beard.

“Sorry for this, but I would like to take a bit of your time.” The guild master began. “Right. I’m the Guild Master of Sawyer city’s adventurer’s guild. The name is Gordon.”

Oh? Mr. Ramsey is the GM? … Okay, bad joke. They don’t really look alike at all.

“Yeah. No problem. What did you need?” I asked.

“Straight to business then. I like that. First of all, allow me to apologize in the place of my assistant master. He has some … history with adventurers that cheat on their quests, so he can be a little … unadaptable when an abnormal like you shows up.”

“... alright. Apology accepted. Even if calling me abnormal sounds almost like an insult.”

“Don’t even.” Paulina cut in. “We all know you are abnormal.”

“Perhaps I am. So was that it?” I asked the GM. “Or are you actually going to rank me up like your assistant promised?”

“Yes. That as well. I hope you understand that he has no authority to do that. And even I would likely struggle getting permission for it. Simply put, even though I understand you have power way beyond your rank, you haven’t been a guild member for long enough. There is a certain expectation for adventurers of B-rank and above by the general public, so we do have to be somewhat more careful when we grant those ranks. So I truly hope you understand when I say that ranking you up at the moment is simply not possible. Even if my foolish assistant did promise it.”

“Yeah. I kind of expected that.” I admitted. I never really took the AGM’s bet seriously. I just wanted to shut him up. “So, anything more?”

“Yes. I have just one question. The hydra. You did defeat it, didn’t you?”

“... are you doubting me? Even after the little show I put up last time?”

“No, no. Of course not. I more that believe you could do it, considering the report about the wyverns. But you know, Leila told me that you said that the two girls next to you were the ones who actually fought the hydra. So would you clarify, was it you, or the two of them?” The GM asked.

“They are the ones that took down the hydra.” I answered honestly with no hesitation. “I just helped with the aftermath, like setting out a forest fire and dismantling the hydra.”

“... hmm. I see…” He muttered before speaking up. “You two,” he asked Alice and Ria. “What are your guild ranks?”

“I’m D-rank.” Alice answered, getting out her guild card.

“I’m not a guild member, as I can’t join.” Ria said.

“Really now? A D-rank and a non member. Miss, might I ask why you can’t join?” He asked Ria.

“A dhampir cannot join unless they are stable.” Ria answered. “I’m still in the process, so I cannot join.”

“I see. A dhampir, huh. You keep some interesting company.” He said, turning back to me. “Are you not worried about being sucked dry?”

“Why? I know Ria wouldn’t, so I have no reason to fear her. And if she tried, I’d just have to overpower her. Kind of necessary as I’m the one watching over her for the approving process.”

“... overpowering someone who can fight a hydra? Well, if you say so. But let’s get back on point. Miss…” He began, focusing his eyes on Alice.

“Alice. Alice Watchman.” Alice realized what he wanted and introduced herself.

“Watchman? … I see. Well, Miss Watchman, if you really do have the power to fight a hydra, having you as a D-rank is bad for the guild. How would you feel about taking a rank-up exam?”

“Yes please!” Alice agreed.

“Good. As for you, Brian, would you allow us to turn your current quest into the exam?” The GM asked.

“Sure.” I agreed before thinking it over. “Wait, are you just using this as an excuse to send an observer with us?”

“Tisk. Smart as well. Yes, I was. Is it really that detestable? Are your techniques that secretive?”

“... no. Not really. But I just know how it will go. Anytime I show it to someone new, they always have the same reaction. And honestly, the guild doesn’t need to know about it. Sure it won’t matter even if you do, but still.”

“I see. I shall arrange another exam for the miss then.” He said.

“... Brian.” Alice got my attention. “Can’t we do it? Please.”

… no. That’s illegal. You can’t just turn your eyes into stars. I have a weakness for starry eyes. Just ask Laura. She would know.

“... Guild master, say I allow this observer. Who would it be?” I asked.

“I would do it myself, considering the situation.” He answered.

“And everything you find out during that time, regarding me at least, would be kept a secret at a level where only other guild masters will know about it, right?”

“If you would like it that way. I know some of your information is already guild master locked, so we can add to that.” He answered.

… he is good. He knows how I operate. Between not telling the guild about B.E.S. Big Core and letting the starry eyes Alice down, I know what is the lesser thing. I’ve already told plenty of people about Big Core, so what is a few more? Having Alice be sad is way worse than that.

“... fine. I’ll accept turning this quest into Alice’s rank up exam. As long as you are the observer.” I agreed with the GM’s offer.

“Thank you, Brian!” Alice jumped into me and hugged me.

“Thank you for agreeing. Give me just a few minutes and we can go.” The GM said.

Well, I really hope I won’t regret this. Let’s just hope the GM will keep his word. I think he will. Probably. And if he doesn’t, will it really matter? Probably not.

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