Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.205 Celebration Meal

CH.205 Celebration Meal

“Alright. So everything is ready. Ria, do you want to start, or should I?” I asked, looking at our makeshift setup we made to act as a serving platter and a cask for all of the blood we were about to drain.

“You should go first.” Ria answered. “Let’s leave the big surprise for last.”

“Sure. Wait, did you never tell them?”

“Should I have? I thought you wanted me to keep it a secret, like most other things. … and I might have had to share if I did.”

“I don’t know if I should compliment you for being smart or chastise you for being greedy. Well, whatever. I guess I’ll start then.” I declared. “Mystik Wok, cook us a Crawling Dragon.”


Crawling Dragon was one of the dragons I had thought I might sell to Paulina and the rest of them for the party, so it is the one I cooked up. The other two I also considered were Cave Dragon and The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave. So if this thing tasted good, I might offer the three of them as options for Paulina, or whomever decides which one they take, to choose from.


The dragon was cut up into quite small cubes, before the cubes got fried on the large wok pan. Then they all fell onto the large makeshift serving plate, aka. some wooden planks that we put together. The pile was so large that some of it didn’t fit on the ‘plate’ and just ended up falling on the ground. 

“Alright. Now the sides. Mystik Wok, cook up Mystic Tomato.”


From it, came a tomato of some kind. It looked a bit like tomato paste, but it was still more or less a full meal in itself. But for us it was nothing more than a side to go with the dragon meat.

“Alright. Time for the big surprise then.” I said, trading the grayed out Mystik Wok and Mystic Tomato for another copy of Mystik Wok as well as a dragon which is about to have its blood drained. “Here you go, Ria.”

“Thanks. Oh? It’s a different dragon than last time.”

“Yeah. You know, I wanted a light attribute dragon instead of fire this time, so you’ll just have to use that.” I actually would have used a water dragon, but I don’t have any. And obviously the dragon I gave her wasn’t a Blue-Eyes. Something would have to fundamentally change in me for me to sacrifice a Blue-Eyes. 

“Alright. Everyone, look closely. Brian has agreed to offer us some dragon blood. Mystik Wok. Make us a blood drink with the blood of Hyozanryu!” Ria called out, adding a bit of theatrics. 


Hyozanryu was actually surprisingly small, being only about ten meters. I was expecting it to be larger, considering it is level 7 like Red-Eyes, but I guess I was wrong. The dragon got drained dry and all of the blood was guided into empty barrels by the dhampirs standing around.

Now, our feast is served.

“Lua, you should be the one to announce the start of our feast.” I told her.

“But you are the one that set it up.” She argued.

“I might be, but we are celebrating your evolution, so you are the guest of honor. And that means you will be the one to take the first bite and give the pre meal speech.”

“I … alright. I’ll do it.” She hesitated a bit, before agreeing.

“E-Everyone.” Lua began. Everyone stopped talking about the food I had prepared and even ignored the dragon blood that most of them had been staring at ever since Ria pulled it out of the dragon and turned to look at Lua. “I’d - I’d like to say something. I want to thank everyone here. Th-thanks to you, I was able to evolve and we will celebrate that. So … so please enjoy the feast Brian was willing to make for us. Let’s drink.”

… well, that was awkward. Princess or Monarch, I guess Lua will always be Lua.

With her permission given, everyone moved to take some of the food. I took out a small plate which was supposed to be used under the teapot of my travel tea set, piled some dragon meat and tomato chutney on it, and brought it to Lua, along with a teacup that I filled with dragon blood. I also gave her a small dessert fork to eat with. Remind me to buy more tableware when I’m back in the city. I have my storage, so I have no reason to not at least have some on hand. 

“Thank you. But what will you eat from?”

“I still have small saucers, so I’ll just use one of them.”

“But will that fit any food?”

“I think it will be enough. And I can just grab more when I run out. I highly doubt that we will run out of anything except blood. Well, the tomato stuff might run out, but I can just make more.”

And that is how our celebration meal began. As I guessed, we did run out of dragon blood, so I had Ria use another Mystik Wok, this time on The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave. Some said that the first dragon’s blood was better, but most didn’t dare to complain. According to Ria, neither was as good as the blood of Tyrant Dragon, which she has been drinking since we opened one up for the blood iron operation.


Also, because of the sheer amount of food, I ended up summoning some of my monsters to join us. Mainly the ones that had been taking care of Lua. Some partook in the meal, while others didn’t, but we still had a great time. In the end, we still had some dragon meat remaining, so I put the rest of it into my storage, so I could offer it as a taste test to Paulina.

“Please take care. And you might want to skip level ups for today, just to allow your body some extra rest.” I told Lua as we were leaving. “We will be back in three days again.”

“Yes. Brian, thank you, really. I know I’ve said it so many times already, but I feel like I have to say it again. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t come here to take care of me.”

“Of course I came. You take care of me when I’m sick and I return the favor. See you. B.E.S. Big Core.” I summoned our ride.

“Yes. See you.” Lua said, as she waved to us, as we stepped into Big Core’s teleportation beam.

… I like how her wings flapped while she waved. It looked super cute.

“Brian, I must thank you now as well.” Agatha said as we dropped her off. “I know my daughter already did, but as her mother, I have to as well. Even if I had known about what happened, and I had no way of knowing, I couldn’t have done anything for her. Without you, she would have had to suffer alone while she was evolving, and I don’t even want to imagine that. So thank you. I’ll never be able to repay what you did.”

“Of course. I also owe my life to Lua, so I was also repaying her. And she also took care of me when I was out cold because of level up sickness.”

“Yes. I understand that, but still…”

“Just let it be, Agatha.” Ria interrupted her. “Brian will never accept your thanks. That’s just who he is. He does things because he feels like it.”

Wow. Ria. I didn’t think you knew me that well.

“I… yes. Will you still be taking me to the village and back?”

“Of course. Why would I not?”

“... I don’t know. I just thought that maybe…”

“Well, I will, so see you in three days, right?”

“Yes. We will see each other then.”

Maybe I should take Agatha to the TinaWood dungeon when we go there with Paulina. If she had Card Summoner, I could give her at least an Overdrive, if not Gradius, so she could go to the village easier after I leave this city.

I would have to make sure she won’t get lost with Gradius’ speed though. Or maybe I should just give her a decent sized bird monster instead. Something like Tornado Bird or Eagle Eye. Well, I’ll have time to consider it before she gets the skill.


“Brian! You are back.” 

“Hi, Alice. Were you waiting?”

“Everyone was. You’ll have to tell us all about what happened.”

“... well, that’s going to be a lot. Maybe just a lot, instead of everything.”


“... yes, Miss. As you wish.” I lied, knowing fully well that I won’t tell everything. Lua’s secrets aren’t mine to share. Sure Alice did hear about Lua having the system support, because we kind of had to reveal it back when I first brought Lua to the factory. Well, we didn’t have to as we could have attempted the factory trip later, but if we wanted to do it at that time, we would have to reveal it as the reason why Lua can go into the DDF, while Alice cannot.

But Alice doesn’t know about Lua’s unique skill. Or the evolution. And I’m not sure if I should tell her. I could, but also why? I’ll let Lua tell her once she is done in the village. And who knows, maybe Alice will have evolved by then?

A little later, I was in the Earl’s office telling him and Angelina about what happened. Again, I kept everything I could a secret, saying it was just level up sickness, not an evolution. 

When they asked how I found out, I told them that I had given Lua a card she could use to contact me. And when they asked how she could use it, if she was passed out, I told them that it auto activates, if she is passed out for too long. I know I could use something like Yata-Garasu to act as a messenger, and set cards could activate with a condition of someone being passed out for x amount of hours, so I would just need a card that can do both. Maybe Destiny Board? Okay, probably not.

After that, I went with Angelina to do what I promised Lord Garner that I would do. Use a level up on Jonathan. It was just one copy and I used it on his overall level, instead of any specific skill. And as promised, I was paid 5 gold coins for that service.

“Brian, can we open some packs?” Alice asked, as I returned to my room. She had waited for me there.

“Packs? Sure, but why?”

“You owe me a card, don’t you?”

“Do I?”

“Yes. From the road check. You never gave me one after it.”

“Oh. Oh yeah, I didn’t. So packs so you can pick something you like, right?”

“Yes. If we could.”

“Sure. Pack Opener, open.”

Daily Pack tokens: 100
Current Pack tokens: 115
Available packs :
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness
Pharaonic Guardian
Magician’s Force
Dark Crisis
Invasion of Chaos
Ancient Sanctuary
Soul of the Duelist
Rise of Destiny
Flaming Eternity
Daily Reprint Tokens: 100
Current Reprint Tokens: 115
Available Reprint sets:
Dark Beginning 1
Dark Revelation Volume 1
Dark Beginning 2

“So, what set do you want to open?” I asked.

“Is any fine? Last time you said…”

“Yeah. Any is fine.” I told her. Last time I said no Magic Ruler, as I still had sets I hadn’t fully completed, but not that I don’t have those any more, I don’t mind opening any of them just for fun.

“... could you recommend one? You know better what cards would be good for me.” Alice asked.

“Sure. What are you after? A new monster? A spell you can use in combat? Or maybe an install?”

“An install, if you are really offering one.”

“Well, it has been a few days, so I think you can manage one. And I do have one in mind. Do you want to try to get it from a pack, or should I just install it right now?”

“Let’s open a few packs first, please.”

“Sure. Rise of Destiny it is then.”

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Rise of Destiny’
[Yes] [No]

“Isn’t that my dragon? Why does it have a rider?” Alice asked.

“Yes it is. And it has a rider because this is a fusion monster. A fusion between a knight and a dragon.”

“... I see. Maybe I should ask for it next…” Alice said, before she wrote down something in one of her notebooks. This one had pink covers. I know she often writes things in the red one, so I wonder what the difference is? Maybe that is just one she writes things about my cards in?

Anyway, next pack.


“A necklace? Is that what you wanted? Also, isn’t that the dragon you used against Mother?”

“Yes, yes it is. Nicely spotted. But no, I wasn’t looking for that necklace. It really isn’t that good.”

“oh. Well, that’s too bad.”

“Speaking of a necklace, why don’t you wear the one I gave you?” I asked, referring to the Black Pendant necklace I gave her.

“I just don’t want to lose it, so I don’t.”

“Ah. I see. But you know I can just make a new one if you do lose it.”

“But I want to make sure to keep it safe.”

“... alright. Do as you wish.”

Next pack.


“Another of those lizards… I wonder how strong it is?” Ria commented about Element Saurus.

“About as strong as Element Valkyrie.” I answered. They have the same attack stat, after all.

“... I see. I wonder if I can beat it?”

“Do you want to try?”

“Maybe someday…”

Well, maybe someday then. Next pack.


“A machine dragon? It looks strong.” Alice commented.

“Do you want it?” 

“... no. At least not now. And that dragon can’t fly, can it?”

“No, I don’t think so."

"… well, maybe eventually.” She said before noting something down again.

Okay then. Well, next pack.


“There we go. We got it.” I declared as I saw the cards in the pack.

“Monster Reincarnation? I don’t want to question it, but how would that help?”

“Not that one. Well, that is nice as well, but the one I wanted for you is the one on the left of that.”

“Serial Spell? What does it do?”

“You’ll see. Soon.” I answered. I knew the answer already, as Laura did run an experiment with it in the factory, but it will be more fun if she finds out naturally. “So, do you want it or not?”

“If you recommend it, of course I’ll want it. But I just wonder, what will it do?”

“Oh, you will like it. I promise.” I told her. “But let’s do it after dinner, so you can go straight to bed after the install, alright?”

“Sure. If you think that is for the best.” Alice agreed.

During dinner, I was given a letter. It had come from a place I didn’t expect, the armor shop. The contents were simple. We, Ria and I, were asked to come in for a test fitting. Our order wasn’t ready yet, but better to test the fit when it can still easily be altered, instead of when everything is done. The dinner then turned into a quick lesson on how I should respond and in the end, I asked one of the maids to write a response which stated that we would be visiting tomorrow afternoon. After we come back from what will be the last road safety check.

After dinner, we regrouped in Alice’s room. It was basically the same as the one I was using, except there was no secondary sleeping setup on the floor. 

I should probably mention that Paulina was also with us, for her daily level ups. And to look over the install.

“You ready?” I asked.

“Yes. Please do it.” Alice answered.

“Alright. Install.” I held the card up to her and said the word.

Her reaction was just what you might expect. I don’t know who was the dumbass that decided that the installs would cause pleasure? Why does it have to be sexual?I'm not making fun of myself. I'm making fun of the industry standard of making everything sexual.

“Status open.” Alice said, after the install had completed.

Name: Alice Watchman
Race: Human
Level: 38
HP: 510
Mana: 1640
Strength: 205
Defense: 315
Magic: 1355
Card Summoner LV.2 (extra)
Magician’s Power LV.5 (extra)
Multicasting LV.1 (extra)
Dark Magic LV.6
Mana Control LV.7
Magic Boost LV.5
Quick Cast LV.4
Fast Mana Recovery LV.5

And there it is. Her new skill. Multicasting.

“Wow. Another extra skill. Thank you Brian.” Alice said.

“Multicasting? It is somewhat rare, but most sages do have that skill.” Paulina told us. “It allows for the casting of multiple spells at the same time. Good for you, Alice.”

“Thanks. I’ll be sure to learn how to use it.”

“Good. Alice, you might want to skip out on a level up today, or at least just use one. Just to avoid any level up sickness.” I told her. “We still have that one road safety check to do, and your grandpa does want it done quicker than slower.” I reminded her. “So if you are sick tomorrow, I might have to go without you.”

“... yes. I’ll just use one.” Alice agreed.

“Good night.” I said to the … not sisters. Aunt and niece. They could go for sisters though.

“Good night, Brian.”

“Good night.”

I, with Ria, walked back into my room. And now it is level up time for us.

For myself, I went with Mana Control. Just to hopefully help in learning Space Magic. For Ria, I leveled up Flickering Step. It is her lowest level skill, tied with body modification which she is still learning and Card Summoner which I can’t level up. And she did ask for it, so she could move faster when she charges at an enemy.


Well, two things of note here. First, Ria has exactly 1000 strength. Nice.

Second, I reached level 70. I really hope I won’t evolve or something. Well, I do kind of want to evolve, but not right now. I have things to do and I can’t just sit out for a full day. Well, I guess we will find out tomorrow. And Laura did say that some don’t evolve even before LV.99, so that is definitely possible. 

Well, we shall see, so good night for now.

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