World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 119: Holy Mother Du Ge

Chapter 119: Holy Mother Du Ge

"Cen Ruibing, a student in Class Three of Grade One at Elite Middle School, has the identity of Shi Xiang in the Simulation Field. His role is the staff officer of the garrison in Xilin City. My skill is Unity, and my advanced skill is Heart of Convergence, which can gather the power of everyone in the team onto myself."

After hesitating for a moment, Staff Officer Shi clearly reported all his information inside and outside the Simulation Field.

After speaking, he smiled and revealed a feminine posture. "Uncle Du, is this sincerity enough? If you can give me more spiritual power, I can offer you more benefits after leaving the Simulation Field. We can discuss it later, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory price. This is a promise made in front of everyone. If I don't fulfill it, it will bring shame to the Cen family. Is this sincerity enough?"

Hearing her name and seeing her awkward smile, Du Ge was stunned for a moment. "You're a girl?"

"Yes, my male character has a pass rate of seventy percent." Shi Xiang resumed his masculine image and said, "In the background of the apocalypse, no one would choose to possess a woman. The restrictions are too great."

Damn it!

Du Ge couldn't help but think of Wang San, who portrayed a pervert so vividly in the previous Simulation Field. His eye twitched involuntarily. What has the Alien Star Battlefield turned the people of Qi Yuan Star into? Men don't look like men, and women don't look like women.


Women who have experienced several Simulation Fields have seen and experienced everything. After possessing a man, they want excitement. Most likely, they will discuss body structures with other women!

After all, only the top ten are broadcasted in the Simulation Field, and most people don't have the opportunity to appear on the big screen. In order to pursue enjoyment, they can do whatever they want in the Simulation Field...

The ultimate enjoyment in life is not a joke.

Only those who are determined to be in the top ten or have the ability to be in the top ten will maintain their integrity in the Simulation Field and not expose their ugly side!

The women in this world are probably more experienced in being men than men themselves. They are probably not suitable to be wives...

Du Ge had never considered this issue before.

Now thinking about it, it's really terrifying. Like this, there are still so many newborns every year. It can probably only be attributed to human instinct!

Does he have to look for love in the Simulation Field in the future?

It seems not.

Being in the top ten is as common as eating and drinking for him. If he really falls in love with a woman in the Simulation Field, it will be broadcasted live, without any sense of privacy. Moreover, the body in the Simulation Field is not his own...

Does he have to be a bachelor for the rest of his life in this damn world?

Thinking of this, Du Ge felt inexplicably melancholic.

"Uncle Du, is the sincerity not enough?" Seeing that Du Ge didn't react, Shi Xiang hesitated for a moment, leaned closer to him, and lowered her voice, "There are some things that are not convenient to discuss here, but I can guarantee that the conditions offered by the Cen family are definitely more generous than those few names you mentioned."

"Well, I understand." Du Ge smiled, "Sincerity is first judged by appearance, and then by comparison. There are not many participants who have come over yet, and I don't have many spiritual powers in my hands. Discussing these matters is meaningless for now. Staff Officer Shi, if we want to share more benefits, we must first expand the cake plate!"

"Uncle Du makes sense." Shi Xiang nodded, "I will inform the headquarters in the name of the regiment and release a broadcast to attract more people."


Shi Xiang contacted the Xilin City regiment through the onboard radio to explain the situation.

Du Ge took the opportunity to sign a proxy contract with the soldiers Shi Xiang brought and shared some attributes with them, allowing them to personally experience the pleasure of becoming transcendent.

Unlike Shi Xiang, these native soldiers hoped to drive away the mutant beasts and restore their beautiful homeland. Even the military felt panic as plants and animals continued to evolve.

Although Du Ge's proxy contract was domineering, it was a way to solve the problem.

By concentrating everyone's power, cultivating transcendent beings to maintain social order, and allowing civilization to continue in a harsh environment, it definitely met the expectations of the majority.

The worst result was making Du Ge an invincible god. But there can only be one such god. Compared to extinction, it was acceptable for humanity to have an additional god above their heads.


Shi Xiang's report was sent back, but Colonel did not immediately respond. However, when all the soldiers who accepted the proxy contract endorsed Du Ge, the Colonel had to believe that the so-called Qi Feihu had indeed found a way to deal with the mutant beasts.

Half an hour later.

The Xilin City Broadcasting Station changed its tone and publicly acknowledged the achievements of the Chaoyang Research Institute, calling on all surviving people to stay in place and not risk going to Yong'an City, waiting for the transcendent beings to come and save them.

That day, regardless of the danger, the Colonel led his troops to rush to Yong'an City overnight.The emergence of the Transcendent meant the collapse of the existing social order once again. The martial power he had relied on before was no longer worth mentioning. He had to ensure that he became a first-level agent to maintain social stability.


The broadcast from West Forest City, which first refuted and then admitted, immediately caused a great stir among the contestants in the Simulation Field.

Except for those whose Keywords were particularly unsuitable for long-distance raids, most capable candidates began to find ways to converge on Yong'an City.

After all, that was Du Ge!

It hadn't been a month since the last Simulation Field, which he ended, and now he had found the main storyline again. If they were late, they might not even get a sip of soup.

They didn't want to be eliminated in a muddle again!

Damn Du Ge!

Can't people experience the Simulation Field normally?

Twice now, the things taught in school were completely useless, and it was impossible to develop...

Damn it!

Complaints aside.

Every dreamer dared not stop moving closer to Du Ge...

Of course.

In a big forest, there are all kinds of birds.

There were those who were content with their fall, who completely ignored the so-called broadcast, still entertaining themselves in the Simulation Field, taking advantage of the stronger features of the Keywords than ordinary people, and enjoying life in the Simulation Field.

There were also many stubborn ones who believed that Yong'an City was a trap, and Du Ge couldn't have found the main storyline so quickly. They were still developing their Keywords in an orderly manner, enhancing their strength, trying to turn the tables at the last moment, and finally make a big splash.


In short.

In the following days, everyone who came to Yong'an City tasted unexpected joy.

Over the days, Du Ge's trade network had a wider range, and the attributes from various agents were growing exponentially on him.

Even if there were any slow, dizzy, chaotic advanced skills, they couldn't hurt Du Ge at all.

After all.

In addition to his own strength, Du Ge also had the loyalty of the agents. At critical moments, when he was injured, someone would jump out to take a bullet for him.

Those bodyguards responsible for taking bullets were given super high agility by Du Ge, as well as stronger recovery ability. Plus their 360-degree protection for Du Ge, even the stealthy Keywords couldn't break through such a protection circle.

Moreover, even the most talented students couldn't catch up with Du Ge in just a few days.

The gap between them and Du Ge was as wide as heaven and earth.

Every candidate in the Simulation Field, without exception, couldn't escape Du Ge's clutches...

Facing such a powerful Du Ge, the candidates were almost desperate.

The last Simulation Field was just fine.

Du Ge's growth was traceable, and Mr. Zhao and Qiao Pingjiang almost defeated him in the end.

If it weren't for Mr. Zhao's cleverness in releasing the BOSS in advance, and relying on the strength of the Qiao Family to fight steadily with Du Ge, they might have won.

But in this round, Du Ge was almost an unsolvable existence, even more BOSS than the BOSS. Having such a person in the same examination room with them was simply to destroy their confidence.

Fortunately, the result was good. This time Du Ge didn't kill anyone, and kindly let everyone enjoy a wave of benefits, allowing everyone to regain some balance and find reasons to comfort themselves.

The reason Du Ge was so powerful this time was not because of himself, but because he took advantage of the loopholes in the Simulation Field.

Moreover, Du Ge, who had benefited, did not monopolize it, but thought of sharing it with everyone, which also won the favor of most people.

In this selfish and cold-blooded world, Du Ge's selfless behavior was as kind as a saint.

No matter what the ranking, the mental power was real. With a few dozen more points of mental power, they would have an advantage in the next Simulation Field.

(End of Chapter)

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