World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 118: Beloved friends and family

Chapter 118: Beloved friends and family

Du Ge changed the broadcast content and attracted all the players to gather around him.

His business department, marketing department, and agents in various communities rapidly expanded in Yong'an City during the day, seizing the human resources below.

After all, the number of survivors is limited.

Once they become his subordinates, others cannot take them away.

The more people they develop through Brother Hu's agent method, the stronger their power becomes.

The agents of the agents also think so.

Some agents who couldn't seize human resources in Yong'an City have already started organizing personnel to expand to the counties outside Yong'an City.

Their extraordinary power gave them the courage to face mutant beasts, and the temptation from power made them fearless...

With their efforts, Du Ge's trading network quickly spread.

This is also the reason why Du Ge was able to quickly rise from 15th place to 1st place.

Once the profit model is formed, it will snowball and grow bigger and bigger without external interference, eventually becoming a behemoth.

Moreover, Du Ge chose the trade model that is the easiest to replicate and spread, the direct sales model. As the top of the pyramid, he really only needs to sit still to become the world's number one.

Besides, what is a greater act of kindness than saving the world by surviving?


Du Ge gave more attributes to the technicians at the broadcasting station for self-protection.

Du Ge, Yao Tong, and Bao Benwei each brought ten security personnel and stationed them at the largest intersections outside Yong'an City.

Other small entrances into the city were also arranged by Du Ge to have people on guard.

Du Ge now has so many attributes that he can easily arm a large team of transcendent beings.

Each team communicates with each other through a radio station.

Du Ge's speed now is basically similar to the backstabbing in the previous simulation field. As long as he detects any enemy situation, he can provide support at any time and is not afraid of missing anyone.


Chief Shi and his two hundred soldiers arrived in Yong'an City six hours later.

By then, it was almost dusk.

Perhaps Du Ge had increased his luck, and Chief Shi happened to be patrolling the area he was guarding.

Seeing ten armored vehicles rushing over along the road, Du Ge didn't let the security team take action. He directly turned into a black shadow and easily overturned more than ten armored vehicles.


Chief Shi's keyword is unity, and his awakened skill is called Unity of Hearts, which can gather the strength of everyone in his team onto himself.

The team is immortal, and the power remains forever.

This time, he possessed the body of a staff officer, randomly obtained the keyword of unity, and awakened the skill of Unity of Hearts. He was truly a lucky chosen one and rose to first place on the same day.

In the early stages, hardly anyone's attributes could surpass him.

If he eliminates more high-ranking players in the early stages and takes their attributes, the first place in the simulation field will be in his hands.

Therefore, Chief Shi pretended to be Du Ge in a high-profile manner, publicly broadcasting his secret code, hoping to attract more people. He couldn't wait to come to Yong'an City to eliminate Du Ge and increase his own attributes.


The only attribute that Unity of Hearts enhances is strength, not all attributes. Therefore, Chief Shi's physical fitness can only withstand the strength of thirty people.

Even if he gathers more people, his muscles would probably tear apart when he throws a punch.

If he wants to bear more strength, he must improve his own attributes. This time, he brought two hundred people with him, most of whom were backups.

Chief Shi already regarded Du Ge as his prey.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful Du Ge is, he cannot gather the strength of more than thirty people within three days.

To ensure just in case, he even planned to cover with firepower first.

But he didn't expect that as soon as they met, the armored vehicles were overturned. He didn't even see what it was that flipped his car...

When Chief Shi crawled out of the car, he was greeted with another round of beatings.

In front of Du Ge, the thirty-person strength that he was proud of was completely useless.

He couldn't even capture the opponent's movements.

And the two hundred soldiers he brought were disarmed as soon as they got out of the armored vehicles.

While beating him, the opponent even had the spare energy to take away the soldiers' weapons...

Seeing this scene, Chief Shi's heart completely sank.

Considering that the opponent didn't kill him, he raised his hands and completely gave up resistance.


"Convinced?" Du Ge stopped in front of Chief Shi and asked with a smile.

"Convinced." Chief Shi looked at Du Ge with a bitter expression. "Why didn't you kill me?"

"Because keeping you is still useful!" Du Ge smiled.

Chief Shi remembered Feng Zhong and Wang San who followed Du Ge in the previous round, and then thought about his second place ranking. A new hope sprouted in his heart. "Cooperation?"

"Yes, cooperation." Du Ge nodded.

Afraid that Du Ge would hear his ranking and have the intention to kill him, Chief Shi cleverly changed the topic. "How did you flip the five-ton transport armored vehicle?"

"Of course, it's because the keyword is awesome!" Du Ge smiled and turned around to call the security team. "Brothers, show our new guest the speed and strength of our team."

The more than ten members of the security team smiled and moved around, and in a short while, with the cooperation of ten people, they righted the overturned armored vehicle that Du Ge had flipped.The soldiers were left dumbfounded.

Staff Officer Shi was taken aback, "Are they all Simulation Field players?"

"No, they're all ordinary people." Du Ge smiled, "I have hundreds of subordinates like this. So, cooperating with me, you're getting a great deal."

Staff Officer Shi was shocked, "What are your Keywords?"

"Do you need to know what my Keywords are?" Du Ge chuckled, "All you need to know is that I'm invincible in this Simulation Field. Rankings no longer have any meaning. The reason I called you here is to form a good relationship and cultivate more talents for our country."

"Rankings have no meaning?" Staff Officer Shi was getting more and more confused, "I don't understand what you're saying."

"Because I've found a loophole in the Simulation Field, this round's results might be invalidated." Du Ge laughed, "If you're willing to pledge your loyalty to me, I can even let you experience being the number one in the Simulation Field right now, and you can gain an extra 30 points of mental power."

"Du Ge, the premise of cooperation is honesty. We're not fools, there's no need to trick me, right?" Staff Officer Shi glared at Du Ge, "What do you mean by letting me experience being the number one in the Simulation Field? Can you control the rankings?"

"Yes, indeed!" Du Ge laughed, "Otherwise, how could I say I've found a loophole in the Simulation Field?"

"The Simulation Field is provided by Pan-Universe Entertainment. It has been flawless for two hundred years, and you just happened to find a loophole." Staff Officer Shi said, "And also, an extra 30 points of mental power, do you think I'm a fool? I was the number one in the Simulation Field before..."

"Oh?" Du Ge was taken aback, he didn't expect to have hooked a big fish. He looked at the other party with suspicion, "When was this?"

"This morning." Staff Officer Shi thought about how he was just beaten by Du Ge and his momentum suddenly weakened.

"So what's your current ranking?" Du Ge asked.

"Second." Staff Officer Shi's voice was even lower.

Du Ge suddenly remembered his dual Keywords, which would hide half of his mental power when he left. He felt a jolt in his heart, realizing that he had made a mistake. He tentatively asked, "How much mental power were you rewarded when you were first?"

"5 points of mental power." Staff Officer Shi said.

"Only 5 points?" Du Ge frowned.

"It's only been two days since the start, how much do you expect to be rewarded?" Staff Officer Shi said.

"I was rewarded 30 points." Du Ge said confidently, "30 is 30. If the detected value doesn't match after leaving, then it's a bug in the Simulation Field. It has nothing to do with me. However, I also reminded myself not to make this low-level mistake again."

"Damn!" Staff Officer Shi choked, thinking about Du Ge's strength and speed just now, and looking at his subordinates, he didn't want to say a word. With such high attributes, it's indeed possible to be rewarded 30 points.

"Your life is in my hands, I have no need to lie to you. If you don't agree to cooperate, I'll have to kill you." Du Ge shrugged.

"Du Ge, I didn't say I wouldn't cooperate!" Staff Officer Shi squeezed out a reluctant smile.

Du Ge coughed, "In exchange, after you gain 30 points of mental power, you need to trade 10 points to me. That's not too much, is it?"

"If you can really increase my mental power by 30 points, giving you 10 is not too much." Staff Officer Shi glanced at Du Ge and snorted, "The premise is that you let me increase by 30 first. Honestly, I don't believe at all that the simulator of Pan-Universe Entertainment would have a loophole."

"So, you agree to trade with me?" Du Ge asked.

"Yes." Staff Officer Shi nodded.

After some operations.

Staff Officer Shi stared at his personal interface, standing there dumbfounded. He looked at Du Ge blankly, blinking non-stop, "The Simulation Field really has a loophole?"

"Yes! So I said, this round's ranking has no meaning." Du Ge said righteously, "Since the ranking has no meaning, I plan to intercept everyone and give everyone a chance to be number one."

"There are still more than 400 people in the Simulation Field. If you take 10 points of mental power from each person, when you leave, won't you have more than 4000 points of mental power?" Staff Officer Shi widened his eyes, "Is this your plan?"

"What do I need so much mental power for? The Simulation Field is so big, not everyone will trade with me." Du Ge laughed, "Before leaving the Simulation Field, I will distribute all the mental power to my beloved friends and family, to cultivate more high-quality talents for the country."

"..." Staff Officer Shi was silent for a moment, then moved closer to Du Ge, pointing at himself with a flattering expression, "Du Ge, Uncle Du, look at me, is there a chance I could become one of your beloved friends and family?"

"To be my friend, you need to be honest first." Du Ge smiled at him, "After all this time, you haven't even told me your name."

(End of Chapter)

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