What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 275 I'm Here To 'Claim' Her Back

I only realised that I got suckered into Lisa's fetish again when I found myself standing in front of the bedroom door.

Oh well, I don't exactly hate it anyway so I saw no reason not to indulge her play.

Plus, if I had to be honest, the immorality of it is also quite exciting.

Right now, Lisa and that Patrick guy should be inside the room used by Mary and Katsuki, the two maids in question currently busy elsewhere so we would have the room to ourselves for the next few hours.

I even intruded in Delmare's lesson with Mary for a moment to ask if she was ok with us using their room for this purpose and she also said exactly what Katsuki had told me. She confirmed that she would prefer me using their room for this rather than letting that man into my room, though I don't understand the reasoning behind it.

Unlike Odeta, Delmare knew what was going on and even gave me a questioning look as though asking me if I was alright with something like this.

I admit that it was indeed quite an odd fetish of hers but I'd be lying if I said this was the weirdest one that I've ever seen.

You don't want to know what other weird kinks people can have…

As for the other occupant of the room… Katsuki was busy in the kitchen with Odeta making the cookies that she promised.

Ehehehe… Cookies…


I'm definitely looking forward to eating them later, but right now I have a Mahun to cuck.

I opened the door to the room by a crack to peer inside, its well oiled hinges barely making a sound as it swung inwards.

Within the room was whom I expected to see, one of them being the poor guy that Lisa had managed to seduce and make fall for her completely and Lisa herself, neither noticing the door opening.

I thought Lisa would be trying to get him into bed straight away but apparently that was not the case.

The man was seated on a chair with his back facing the door while Lisa was wearing a new floral dress that I have never seen before. Most likely the guy bought this for her before they came here.

I have to say… That dress actually looks pretty terrible on her… Like really, really terrible.

I would normally say that Lisa looks great in anything she might wear, including when she's not, but in this particular case I would have to say that the dress was really bad.

Not only does the floral pattern not match her at all, the colour also made her look older and also really unflattering. The fact that I could see the slight look of scorn present in Lisa's eyes when she looked at her dress told me that she most likely had the same opinion about the dress.

That was how I knew for sure that it was definitely bought by that Patrick as a present for her.

You have really bad tastes, dude… No wonder you're having trouble with your love life… At least he knew that he was useless at picking out gifts but what possessed him to think he could pick a good dress for Lisa on his own?

And he seems to be really proud of it too, with how he was clapping quite enthusiastically when Lisa did a twirl in the dress. I can't help but sympathise with her when she has to pretend to like the dress.

"As I thought, it looks perfect on you, Marianne," He praised, not even noticing the barely hidden scorn behind Lisa's facade.

She giggled, "Oh my, do you really think so? I'm not that confident of my looks in this dress though."

"Nonsense! You are truly beautiful beyond compare! Why, this was the same kind of dress my late mother would wear!"

Oh… Oh no… Did he really just… He did, didn't he? Oh no…

I couldn't really see Lisa's face from here since her face was turned away from me but I was quite certain Lisa isn't pleased at being told that at all.

She turned back to him with a relatively forced smile on her face, "Hey… Patrick? Do you mind indulging me in one of my fantasies?"

That got his attention, "Oh? What fantasy?"

Her smile slowly changed to a more genuine one as she went towards the cabinet at the far end of the room to take out a length of rope.

"You see… I kind of like to tie things up so I was hoping that you would indulge me in this? Please? If this is too much for you, just let me know. I'm used to people running away from me after I reveal this to them…"

He didn't even hesitate before he readily agreed to Lisa's request, staying still as she went ahead to tie him to the chair.

She then smiled coyly at his direction and Patrick mistakenly thought that the smile was meant for him. However, she was looking just above his shoulder at the door so I knew this was her cue for me to enter.

Just as she started climbing up onto Patrick's chair to straddle him, I barged into the room and closed the door behind me, the sound getting Patrick's attention.

He tried to turn behind to look but was unable to due to the ropes tying him down.

Lisa quickly took a few steps back, her face morphing into one of fear as I approached her.

"A… Astrid? Wha… What are you doing here?" She cried, pretending to be afraid and calling out the fake name she prepared for me.

I see we're going for that kind of narrative, eh? Alright then~

I advanced on her until I was in front of Patrick, the Mahun looking up at me in confusion while I shot him a smirk of my own.

As though showing that he was beneath my notice, I strolled past him to get to Lisa who was still acting like she was scared of me.

I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards me, "What do you think you're doing here Li… Marianne?"

Whoops, almost said her real name there.

Lisa cowered, "A… Astrid… I… I told you, I don't want this… Let me go! I already found someone I can love!"

I turned to sneer at Patrick, "This Mahun? Please, I'm clearly a much better choice than he is. If you just let me have my way with you, I'll show you the best time of your life."

"N… No! I… I don't want that! I love him! I've fallen in love with him!"

"Hmph! Then I'll just show you by force!"

Truth be told, I was having a hard time not laughing when I saw Lisa's acting but I managed to keep myself together.

I pulled her towards the bed and threw her on top of it before climbing on top of her.

Patrick finally recovered and struggled against his restraints, "Hey! Hey you! Let go of her!! What do you think you're doing to my Marianne?!"

I turned to smirk at him, "What do you think? I'm just merely claiming back what was rightfully mine. Plus, she was never yours to begin with, she's mine~"

I then reached down and grabbed the collar of her dress, taking a second to make sure both of them could see what I was doing before I pulled back my hand and ripped the dress apart.

Lisa let out a soft scream as her chest came into view, though I could clearly see the relief in her eyes that she was no longer wearing that unflattering dress.

Patrick once again tried to break his restraints apart but it held firm, not even allowing him to rise out of his chair.

I grabbed Lisa's hand and held it above her head to pretend to restrain her while my other hand started to grope her boob. Her back arched and she let out a moan, obviously feeling pleasure from the contact.

"Ah, your body is so perfect, Marianne. Do you like it when I do this?" I purred.

"N… No!! Stop!!"

I lowered my hand and slipped it between her legs, "Oh? But look at this~ I barely touched you and you're already getting so wet~"

Inserting my fingers inside her, I could feel just how wet and aroused she was. Not to mention the fact that her cock was also fully erect right now.

"N… No!! Don't! Astrid, I beg of you! Please!!"

She may sound like she's begging me to stop but the way she was smiling up at me with half lidded eyes basically screamed at me to go further.

I felt my cock twitch in response so I pulled up the edge of my skirt to reveal my rock hard member.

"Now, now, Marianne. You're already so wet, which means you're looking for something to fill you up right? It just so happens that I have something right here that can help you with that~"

"No!! No!! Don't! Please don't!!" She begged, even though her face right now was one of clear euphoria.

My Infrid was taking advantage of the fact that my body was blocking her face from Patrick's view to show me her real feelings, so her words and expressions really didn't match right now.

"Stop it! Get off her you bitch!!" Patrick roared.

"Oh, calling me a bitch now? Now you've done it~ I guess I should really stop playing and just do it already~"

I pushed my hips forward and plunged my cock into Lisa's depths, causing her to let out a scream of pleasure.

Her pussy immediately clenched around me and I felt the tiny nubs along her walls come to life as they massaged my length.

Unfortunately, I was not able to enjoy the moment because the next thing I heard was the sound of wood breaking and I turned to see Patrick standing up from the broken chair, the rope that had held him falling onto the ground.


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