What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 274 Bringing The Prey Back

Somehow, I managed to end up five Creas richer.

Don't ask me how, it just happened… I wasn't even trying that hard to win either and I had been fully prepared to lose that one Crea I first put in.

I decided to quit while I'm ahead since I know I could very quickly lose double that amount if I were to get overconfident and continue playing.

On the other hand, Lisa was still going at it, she had even managed to get so close that the guy was now draping his arm over her shoulder, oblivious to the fact that this position only allowed her to pickpocket him with ease.

I had been concerned that he would realise that his things were missing and then draw the obvious conclusion that it was Lisa who had stolen his money.

The concern went out the window when Lisa started ordering drinks from the bar to get him to think that's where his money for the night went.

I might have felt sorry for him if it wasn't for the fact that he was clearly trying to get into Lisa's pants.

Especially when I heard him declare that he would happily leave his current wife for her if she wanted it. I think that was the specific moment that made Lisa decide to confirm him as her target.

"You are so beautiful, Marianne," The idiot said creepily, not even realising that Lisa had given him a fake name.

She giggled, "Oh my, you are such a charmer~ Would you want another beer?"

"Uuhh… I… I… Yes, give me another one! Haa… My wife never lets me drink… You're so much better than her, Marianne… You're beautiful, you understand me, you're just so perfect… I'll get rid of my current wife and marry you instead! How about that?"

"Oh my, have you fallen for me that much, Mister Patrick?"

"Yes! You're just too perfect, Marianne! If I let you go today, I will never forgive myself!"

"Mmm~ To think I would have someone desire me so strongly… That's certainly a first for me. How about we go back to my place?"

The man's eyes actually widened to the size of saucers, "E… Eh? Ri… Right now?"

"Of course~ That way we will have somewhere private where we can get to know each other better, right? Or does Mister Patrick have no interest in doing that?"

"N… No! That's not the case at all! I… I was simply worried that you might think I was being too forward!"

"Kukuku~ Not at all~ In fact, I would very much prefer my darling be more assertive~"

I have no doubt that was meant for me to hear and not him, Lisa must have realised I was listening in on them.

But is she really planning on bringing him back to our place? Hmm… I suppose it's safer than going to his room and she does have that memory wiping potion.

The man quickly stood up from the table, even forgetting about his winnings that were still left on the table.

"Let… Let's go! I will definitely not say no to you!"

"Kukuku~ In that case, could you meet me outside? You might want to take some time to collect all your winnings while I visit the washroom~"

"Of course! Of course! I will wait for you outside! Please don't take too long!"

"Oh, I won't~ I'm looking forward to this, after all~"

Lisa peeled herself away from him before moving towards my direction.

I realised that she wanted to talk to me before she went off with him so I stood up and started moving in the same direction as her albeit at a slower speed.

She caught up with me after we were out of sight from that poor sap and immediately latched herself onto my arm.

"Ahhhnnn~ Aster~ I feel so hoooot~ Just knowing you were watching and listening in made me so wet and hard~ Can you feel it?"

She took my hand and brought it to the area in between her legs, letting me feel the dampness on her panties as well as running along the length of her throbbing hard rod.

I felt my own member twitch in response but I managed to maintain my self control to ask her, "So… What are you planning to do?"

"Ehehehe~ I was thinking that I would bring him to our room, tie him up, then Aster would burst into the room and fuck me right in front of him~ How about that?"

Odeta scoffed, "I don't understand why you even need to do that? If you don't like that guy that much, just beat him up!"

Ah… Odeta thought Lisa was doing this because she had something against that guy and therefore wanted to do something to make him upset. She doesn't realise that Lisa's doing this because it was her fetish.

She might know why people have sex and the meaning behind it, but she still isn't familiar with the idea of fetishes I see.

As for Katsuki… I have a feeling that she knows what was going on and I suspect Mary was behind her education of the subject… If not Mary, then I would guess that it's most likely her old family.

"Miss Lisa, might I request that you do not let such a vulgar and abhorrent man into Mistress's room? If you wish, you can use my room instead."

I tilted my head at her, "Doesn't Mary use the same room as well? Wouldn't she be upset about this?"

"Not at all Mistress. She is already aware of Miss Lisa's tendencies and I believe she also foresaw such an event as well."

Right… That confirms it… Katsuki definitely learned this from Mary.

Lisa shrugged, "I'm not picky, I just need a room that I can use to have Aster fuck me in front of him~"

I tilted my head at her, "I'd thought that you would need some time to get someone ready for you to cuck… Not get them ready within a few hours…"

"Oh~ That's usually the case actually. Even the first one I brought over for our first time together took about a week for me to prepare before I felt he was ready to be cucked. This guy in particular is a special case even amongst the people I've seen~ I'm pretty sure his marriage has grown stale and he's desperate for someone to love him to the point that he will do anything to get it. That's why I don't need that much time to prepare him for us~"

The way that Lisa described him makes it sound like she's preparing some kind of animal for slaughtering. Then again… I suppose this can be seen that way.

It seems like I wasn't the only one who thought that was the case since Odeta also spoke up, "Oh! If you need help draining his blood or disposing of his body, I can help with that!"

Katsuki shook her head, "Odeta, Mistress and Miss Lisa are not trying to murder the little man. They're just going to make him suffer a little bit before letting him go."

"Ehhhh… Why not? He was being mean to Lisa the entire time right? We should just throw him overboard!"

Lisa giggled, "Oh you're so fun, Odeta~ You don't need to worry about me, Aster and I will take care of him~ Speaking of which, I should go get him now before he runs off somewhere and gets suspicious of where his money went~"

My Infrid then skipped off merrily to meet with the guy outside the casino.

Odeta turned to me after Lisa went out of sight, "Can I watch, sister Aster?"

I quickly shook my head, "Umm… Please no…"

"Ehhh?! Why not, sister Aster?! I wanna see how you would bully that guy! Can I? Please, please, please?"

"Umm… You'll have to wait until you're older, Odeta…"

That excuse felt so weak I fully expected Odeta to refuse to listen to me.

Thankfully, Katsuki once again came to my rescue, "Odeta, would you like to learn how to make cookies for Mistress? I can teach you if you would like."

Odeta immediately lost interest in Lisa's fetish and turned to my Inugami maid, "Really?! Alright!! Let's do it! Let's do it!"

Unnngghhh!! Cookies!! I want!!

If I had to choose between sex and cookies, I'd definitely pick cookies twelve times out of ten! Especially cookies handmade by Katsuki!

Hey, they're really delicious ok! They're worth it!

Just as I was thinking if I should tell Lisa to call this off so I could eat cookies instead, Katsuki bowed her head to me, "You do not need to worry, Mistress. The cookies shall be prepared and ready for you when you are done playing with Miss Lisa."

"Ahhhh! You're the best, Katsuki! I love you!!" I squealed.

I couldn't help but also went ahead to hug her tightly to my chest as well.

Her demeanour quickly fell apart the moment I did so.

"E… Eh?! Mi… Mistress! Awawawa! I… I'm happy that… No! Really happy Mistress feels this way but… Awawa…"

Ahhh~ She's so cute! I just want to cuddle her forever~

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