
Chapter 541: The Heavenly Emperors Aid

Chapter 541: The Heavenly Emperor's Aid

In a small garden on Mt. Kunlun in the Sieve of Heaven, Yu Fuli sat by the side of a small pond, fishing in a relaxed fashion. Behind him stood Xiao Nanfeng, Zhang Lingjun, and Ao Zhou.

"That was what happened, Your Majesty," Xiao Nanfeng reported.

The moment he had returned to the Imperial Court, he had received a summons from the Hall of Martial Aspects. However, rather than head there immediately, Xiao Nanfeng brought Zhang Lingjun and Ao Zhou to seek an audience with the Heavenly Emperor first.

Xiao Nanfeng revealed everything that had happened on Thousand-Spirit Island without any exaggeration.

"A minor Buddha alone possesses the strength of a Golden Immortal? The Buddhas of Three Aspects really are recovering quickly," Yu Fuli said calmly.

"It's true, Your Majesty. If a minor Buddha alone bears such strength, what about the major Buddhas? What about the Present and Future Buddhas? The Buddhas of Three Aspects won't be easy foes," Xiao Nanfeng murmured.

"Are you afraid?" Yu Fuli gave him a faint smile.

"Not quite, Your Majesty, but the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's death has made me realize that I need to be cognizant of how the Hall of Martial Aspects is holding me back. I'd like to nominate Ao Zhou for the newly open position of Martial Aspect. Having another Martial Aspect's help will surely help me out," Xiao Nanfeng replied. This was why he had sought an audience with the Heavenly Emperor.

Yu Fuli glanced at Ao Zhou. "He possesses an ancestral dragon's blood, doesn't he?"

Ao Zhou's eyes widened as he turned to Xiao Nanfeng, but Xiao Nanfeng shook his head, indicating that he hadn't revealed that information to Yu Fuli.

"He did, Your Majesty," Xiao Nanfeng nodded. "In the Eastern Sea Draconic Palace, he was recognized by an ancestral dragon's specter and received the blood there."

"In that case, he does have adequate potential for the position." Yu Fuli nodded.

"Your Majesty, when Ao Zhou accompanied me to subjugate Thousand-Spirit Island, the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's wounded soul tried to possess him. Ao Zhou retaliated in self-defense, but some Martial Aspects now bear him deep enmity. It's a particularly dangerous situation for him, Your Majesty, so I'd like to request your protection on his behalf."

Yu Fuli replied calmly, "Ao Zhou has done nothing wrong, and no enmity is warranted. Be at ease."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ao Zhou immediately echoed.

With Yu Fuli's promise, the Hall of Martial Aspects would hardly dare press the matter in public.

"Lingjun, have you any other concerns?" Yu Fuli continued.

Zhang Lingjun was silent for a moment before she ventured, "Your Majesty, now that I know my mother was wronged, I want to claim her possessions and avenge her."

"Don't be too anxious. I promise none of the culprits will be able to escape," Yu Fuli replied.

"I dreamt of Mother a few days ago. She kept criticizing herself for not having found an adequate birthday present for you, Your Majesty, and bade me listen closely to you, to respect you on her behalf, but all I want to do now is to avenge her. I didn't know who the killer was before, but now I do. I wish to claim the killers' skulls to put her at rest once and for all! Your Majesty, I know you're thinking of the big picture, and there must be some reason you can't investigate personally, nor to correct the public perception of her supposed rebellion. Please allow me to do this on her behalf! I ask that you allow me access to her treasures so that I may take revenge and clear her name," Zhang Lingjun begged, her eyes red.

Yu Fuli stared at his fishing pole. His eyes suddenly glinted coldly, and his grip grew taut.

After a momentary silence, he commanded, "Leave!"

"Your Majesty..." Zhang Lingjun tried to continue making her case with teary eyes, but Xiao Nanfeng caught her by the arm and beckoned for her to stop. He could see that Yu Fuli had become greatly disturbed.

In the end, Zhang Lingjun could only sigh. "I understand."

The party of three walked out of the small garden.

After that, Yu Fuli put down his fishing pole and glanced up at the clouded sky. A tense silence dragged out before he said, "Issue an edict: the substitute Martial Aspects are to compete with each other over the course of a month in Yue'er's abode for the vacant Martial Aspect position."

"Understood, Your Majesty!" one of his attendants replied immediately.

In a hall on the island containing the Hall of Martial Aspects, Ao Shuai was having a chat with numerous men, all of whom were looking at him dourly.

"Martial Aspects, this was how Silverfrost died. You won't let this stand, will you?" Ao Shuai asked.

"Don't worry. We're all loyal to the Eastern Aspect. Silverfrost might be a bit weaker, but he's still our brother. We'll surely take revenge for him."

"Silverfrost was cut apart by the two Golden Immortals, but his soul was surely imbued into his silver dragon pearl. Unfortunately, the two Golden Immortals grievously wounded his spirit as well. Ao Zhou was able to take advantage as a result."

"The Hall of Martial Aspects has a treasure that can restore the truth. When we catch Ao Zhou, we'll ensure that we have an unassailable case against him."

"Xiao Nanfeng won't be able to protect Ao Zhou, and neither will Princess Lingjun. Ao Zhou will die!"

The Martial Aspects were all outraged by the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's death.

Just then, an official hurried into the hall. "Martial Aspects, the Eastern Aspect has commanded that Ao Zhou not be pursued."

"What? Why?" the Martial Aspects demanded.

"A judiciary official presented evidence that Martial Aspect of Silverfrost was gravely wounded by two Immortal spirits before his soul attempted to possess Ao Zhou and was devoured by Ao Zhou in self-defense. The judiciary judged that the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost attacked Ao Zhou in malice, not only attempting and failing to kill an official of the Imperial Court, but also being killed in self-defense as a result. Ao Zhou was deemed innocent!" the official reported.

"What? What right does the judiciary have to interfere with Martial Aspect business? How dare they?! The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost has been a loyal official of the Imperial Court and earned tremendous merit—is this how his death is to be remembered? Ao Zhou, innocent? This is ridiculous!"

"Come on. We'll go press the judiciary about this. What right do they have to interfere with Martial Aspect business?!"

"The judiciary is overreaching!"

The Martial Aspects all stood up in a huff.

"Martial Aspects, please calm down. The notice from the judiciary bears the imperial seal of the Heavenly Emperor," the official continued.

The Martial Aspects' anger was abruptly reined in. All the Martial Aspects choked; they were suddenly struck by a coughing fit.

If the Heavenly Emperor had made a pronouncement, then none of them would be able to question his will. The Martial Aspects hissed, frustrated beyond belief.

With the Heavenly Emperor protecting Ao Zhou, who among them would dare to kill him?

"It must be Xiao Nanfeng's fault. He ignored the Hall of Martial Aspects' summons and rushed off the see the Heavenly Emperor instead. He must be responsible!" Ao Shuai declared.

The other Martial Aspects snarled.

"Ao Zhou, innocent? Very well, then. Innocent though he may be, I'm sure he'll be all alone at some point," a Martial Aspect murmured.

The others nodded. Even if they couldn't take Ao Zhou down publicly, they were still able to assassinate him. He surely wouldn't last long, no matter what.

"The Eastern Aspect also said that all substitute Martial Aspects are to compete for supremacy in the Palace of the Moon for a month," the official continued.

"In the Palace of the Moon? Starting when?" Ao Shuai's eyes lit up.

He intended to claim that opening for himself.

"Three days later," the official replied.

"Master, if you want to become a Martial Aspect, we'll all send our subordinates to join you and help you rise up," a Martial Aspect said.

Ao Shuai nodded in glee, but the next moment, he frowned. "No, something's wrong. Why is this contest happening in the Palace of the Moon?"

"What do you mean, Master?" a Martial Aspect asked.

"Severe restrictions have been imposed on the Palace of the Moon. Only True Immortals or below may enter, and Ao Zhou has become a True Immortal. Not only that, Xiao Nanfeng managed to trick Father into giving him a recommendation to induct a substitute Martial Aspect, and he can appoint Ao Zhou as one. The Palace of the Moon contains countless purple-furred monsters that pose a tremendous problem for us, but Ao Zhou can borrow Zhang Lingjun's Palace of the Moon token. He's going to have a decisive advantage!"

"Ao Zhou? Not only did he kill the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost, he's trying to claim his position! We won't let that happen!" the Martial Aspects declared.

Ao Shuai narrowed his eyes. "If Ao Zhou were to become a Martial Aspect, we wouldn't be able to make a move against him. Keep a careful eye on him. Make sure to search Ao Zhou's body carefully. You can't let Xiao Nanfeng's black fog cursed effigy follow it in, and you definitely can't allow Ao Zhou to become the new Martial Aspect."

The Martial Aspects nodded.

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