
Chapter 540: The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost

Chapter 540: The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost

As more and more of the black smoke emanating from the boulder containing the limestone cave was absorbed by the Taiqing Grandmaster's praying mat, the boulder became more and more transparent. Before long, it shattered in a cloud of black smoke that the praying mat rapidly sucked clean.

The praying mat continued to float in the air, while Zhang Lingjun continued to meditate within a cloud of red fog above it.

"What? That praying mat managed to absorb that entire limestone cave? How can it be so strong even after ten thousand years? It must be cursed!" Ao Zhou exclaimed.

Xiao Nanfeng interrupted Ao Zhou immediately and shot him a pointed glance. "The Taiqing Grandmaster is present. It's not your place to criticize it."

Ao Zhou hesitated, seemingly confused, until Ye Dafu nudged him and explained everything. Ao Zhou's eyes widened as his expression turned serious.

"Ao Shuai has already informed the Hall of Martial Aspects about the entire affair. Should I go into hiding for now?" Ao Zhou asked in worry.

"Remember this: the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's death is unrelated to you, and you even took revenge on his behalf. You are innocent. You can't hide. If you do, that's when they'll deem you the culprit and issue a bounty on you. The whole world would be after you then—that's far more dangerous than the alternative," Xiao Nanfeng replied, describing the facade that they would uphold.

"What?" Ao Zhou blanched.

"You can't flee. You have to face any accusations head-on," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

Ao Zhou's eyes twitched. In the end, he could only nod.

Just then, a beam of violet light shot toward them from afar, so quickly everyone was taken aback.

"A Golden Immortal!" Ao Zhou cried out.

The violet light descended on Thousand-Spirit Island in a plume of dust, which slowly dissipated to reveal a purple-robed man. Electric arcs surrounded the man's body, and an incredibly strong aura emanated from him. He was far stronger than the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost.

"Violetfrost, you're finally here!" Ao Shuai exclaimed, rushing forward.

The Martial Aspect, crackling with lightning, strode toward the coffin nearby and saw the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost lying within. His features distorted in rage. "Master, how did Silverfrost die?"

Ao Shuai recounted what had happened, then added, "I've received word that, in the Imperial Court's sea of fortune, the golden dragon of fortune corresponding to Silverfrost has dissipated. He's truly dead."

"Bastards!" the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost cursed.

He suddenly turned to Ao Zhou and shot over, forcing Ao Zhou to stumble back.

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost snarled, "You're Ao Zhou? You killed my brother? Die!"

"I didn't!" Ao Zhou cried out.

He wanted to explain, but the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost didn't give him an opportunity to explain himself. He reached out for Ao Zhou.

"Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, do you dare kill an official of the Imperial Court?" Xiao Nanfeng demanded.

He strode forward to protect Ao Zhou, but the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost arced around him like a bolt of lightning and caught Ao Zhou by the neck.

"Save me!" Ao Zhou cried out.

Although he had just become a True Immortal, he was still far weaker than the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost. He froze, completely unable to move. He could sense that the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost could kill him at that very moment.

When Xiao Nanfeng saw that he couldn't stop the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, he immediately walked up to Ao Shuai instead. "Ao Shuai, you've violated my commands multiple times. Now, you've even cajoled the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost into attempting to kill an official of the Imperial Court. I deem you a traitor conspiring against the Court, to be executed immediately. Do you accept this judgment?"

"Of course not! Xiao Nanfeng, you malign me time and again!" Ao Shuai thundered.

"I am the commander in charge of this mission to subjugate Thousand-Spirit Island, and you nothing but a minor general. My commands are not to be taken lightly, and I even issued you a writ to retreat from Thousand-Spirit Island immediately. You are in flagrant violation of my commands by returning—and I told you then that those in violation would be executed. Not only did you return, you've even cajoled the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost into attempting to kill an official of the Imperial Court. Don't you deserve to die?" Xiao Nanfeng demanded.

"Xiao Nanfeng, you're being far too presumptuous!" the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost retorted.

"Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, I'm handling affairs related to my mission. You have no right to interfere," Xiao Nanfeng replied acidly.

"Say that again," the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost hissed, crackling with lightning. A wave of killing intent surged toward Xiao Nanfeng.

Even so, Xiao Nanfeng held his head up high, fearless. He replied, "Am I mistaken? You rushed over here out of nowhere, capturing one of my generals and even daring to threaten me. Rest assured that I will make your actions known to the Heavenly Emperor. Of course, you can try to kill me here and now—but do you dare?"

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost frowned. Indeed, he wouldn't dare do so out in public, and he knew that Xiao Nanfeng had an avatar. He wouldn't be able to silence Xiao Nanfeng immediately.

"As the commander in charge of this mission, I'm within my rights to punish my subordinates. As for you, on what grounds do you interfere? You might be a Martial Aspect, but that doesn't mean you have the authority to do whatever you want, to kill officials of the Imperial Court at will," Xiao Nanfeng challenged.

"Ao Zhou killed the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost and deserves to die!" the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost retorted.

"Where's the evidence? Whether or not Ao Zhou has done so will be revealed in due time. Ao Shuai's testimony alone gives you no right to act."

"And if I insist on killing him?" The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost's gaze glinted.

Dealing with Xiao Nanfeng was troublesome, and he had already made his intentions clear. He was leaning toward getting rid of Ao Zhou immediately.

Xiao Nanfeng stopped trying to argue with him. He looked toward Ao Shuai with killing intent.

Ao Shuai blanched. He didn't fear Xiao Nanfeng, but he did fear the cursed effigy within the black fog, which could easily possess him and cause him to explode.

"Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, protect me!" Ao Shuai shouted, flying toward him.

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost immediately defended Ao Shuai.

"Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, do you intend to hinder me from executing my mission? You may not be able to do so," Xiao Nanfeng challenged.

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost was well aware of Xiao Nanfeng's backers. He was confident he would be able to defend against the cursed effigy within the black fog, but didn't dare risk it.

He looked toward Ao Zhou, whom he still held in his hand. "You claim that Ao Zhou is an official of the Imperial Court. Why am I unaware of this?"

"Ao Zhou was appointed a guard captain in the princess' manor half a year ago, and this is his token of authority. Check it if you don't believe me," Xiao Nanfeng replied, passing a token over.

Ao Shuai inspected it and gaped. "This token is authentic! How could this be?"

Ao Zhou himself was taken aback. When had he become an official of the Imperial Court? Why didn't he know about it?

"You!" the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost thundered.

"Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, if you intend to kill an official of the Imperial Court, then make your move. As for Ao Shuai, for repeatedly violating my commands and conspiring against the Imperial Court, he shall be punished as well!" Xiao Nanfeng shouted.

Ao Shuai instantly panicked.

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost's eyes turned cold. He was about to continue speaking when a female voice spoke from afar, "Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, why have you caught my subordinate? Do you think I'm an easy target to bully? If you dare kill Ao Zhou, I'll report the matter to the Heavenly Emperor immediately and expose you for bullying his grandchildren."

Everyone looked up toward the source of the voice. Zhang Lingjun had awoken from her meditation and was staring coldly at the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost.

"Princess, I'm taking revenge for the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost. None can interfere with the proceedings of the Hall of Martial Aspects."

Xiao Nanfeng jumped in. "I am a Martial Aspect myself. When have the Martial Aspects gained such authority as to be able to kill suspects without any need for investigation beforehand?"

"Xiao Nanfeng, don't make life difficult for yourself," the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost warned.

"Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, if you kill Ao Zhou, then I'll kill Ao Shuai," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"You dare—!" the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost hissed.

This was too risky. He could easily kill Ao Zhou, but if Ao Shuai were to die as well, that would be a losing proposition.

Ao Shuai had no choice but to jump in to defend himself. "Violetfrost, calm down for the moment. The Hall of Martial Aspects contains relics that can uncover the truth of the situation. It won't be too late to execute him then."

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost fumed. "Ao Shuai didn't incite me to kill an official of the Imperial Court, and certainly cannot be deemed a traitor."

He tossed Ao Zhou to the ground with such force as to disorient him.

"Since you've released Ao Zhou, Martial Aspect of Violetfrost, Ao Shuai certainly has done nothing traitorous," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

Both sides stepped back. With Ao Zhou freed, Ao Shuai's life was secured as well.

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost sniffed. He walked up to the coffin and reclaimed the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's body, then turned. "Master, let's go!"

Ao Shuai glared at Xiao Nanfeng before nodding. He was growing angrier by the second and had no intention of remaining behind on the island.

He beckoned his subordinates before flying off toward the horizon alongside the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost.

"I was half-scared to death," Ao Zhou wheezed, shuddering. "They weren't planning to listen to reason at all!"

"Strength trumps all else," Xiao Nanfeng replied wryly.

Ao Zhou nodded, a series of complex emotions flashing across his face. "What's with this token? How did I become a guard captain of the princess' manor?"

"Because I arranged for it beforehand, of course. I did the same with Ye Dafu, Croak, Warble, and the others."

"What? Why didn't we know about it?" Ao Zhou exclaimed.

"Why would you have needed to? I was just preparing a protective talisman for all of you in advance. I stand out too much in the Imperial Court, so I knew I couldn't give you positions in my manor. That's why I asked the princess for her assistance. You should thank her."

"Thank you, Princess!" Ao Zhou said immediately.

"Worry not. So, what just happened?" Zhang Lingjun asked curiously.

Xiao Nanfeng described everything that had happened to date.

"What? Not only did you manage to claim the spirits of Thousand-Spirit Island, you even killed four Golden Immortals?!" Zhang Lingjun exclaimed.

"More like they killed each other, and that praying mat of yours was of incredible utility. I barely did anything," Xiao Nanfeng replied, shaking his head. "Princess, might I ask if the Taiqing Grandmaster is still around?"

"He left long ago," Zhang Lingjun replied.

Xiao Nanfeng breathed out in relief. Then, he smiled. "With the Taiqing Grandmaster's assistance, you must have advanced greatly, Princess."

"I did get an incredible boost to my cultivation. I'm about to undergo a tribulation," Zhang Lingjun related, nodding.

"A True Immortal's tribulation?" Xiao Nanfeng asked, surprised.

"That's right. I've been suppressing my advancement since. I intend to undergo the tribulation immediately."

Xiao Nanfeng nodded seriously. "Princess, we shouldn't stay here for long. Let's do so somewhere else. Will that be alright?"

Zhang Lingjun nodded. "Very well!"

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