Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 474 Romance, Like Writing, Should Flow Freely

Chapter 474 Romance, Like Writing, Should Flow Freely

Villain Ch 474. Romance, Like Writing, Should Flow Freely

"Now you know," Bella confessed with a blush creeping across her cheeks. She bit her lower lip and playfully bumped her fingertips together in a cute, self-conscious manner.

Allen nodded, offering a warm and reassuring smile. "Yeah," he acknowledged, understanding that Bella and Alice were navigating unfamiliar territory. "So how about we hang out again later," he suggested, his tone easygoing. "Just tell me when and where," he added, leaving the door open for them to take the lead in creating the next opportunity for connection.

Alice, however, couldn't help but cringe at the prospect of organizing a date in the real world. She let out a sigh, her tone tinged with self-deprecation. "Well, we can arrange when, but we don't know where is a suitable place to date in the real world," she confessed, her frustration evident. She couldn't help but feel a bit pathetic about the whole situation, and she wasn't alone in her sentiments.

A sense of trepidation had crept in. Bella and Alice were used to hanging out together, but the idea of creating a romantic atmosphere to get to know a man more intimately was proving to be a daunting task for both of them. Their fear of awkwardness and unintended humor was palpable, harking back to the time they had ended up joking around with Allen instead of pursuing a more romantic connection.

"Have you never dated before? Maybe had a crush or something?" Larissa asked, her curiosity getting the better of her as she leaned in, eager for answers.

Bella and Alice exchanged glances before shaking their heads in unison, their expressions revealing that the world of romance was largely uncharted territory for them.

Vivian, who couldn't quite wrap her head around the notion of Bella and Alice's inexperience, chimed in with a raised eyebrow. "Or maybe have you ever been interested in visiting a romantic place before?" she added incredulously. "I mean... you looked like you were pros when I met you at the Cyber building for the first time," she said, her voice filled with disbelief. The contrast between their first image and the truth was a source of amazement for her.

Bella pressed her lips together, contemplating Vivian's observation.

On the other hand, Alice cringed, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Uh… we aren't pros, ya know," Bella admitted with a chuckle, attempting to downplay their image as relationship experts. "But somehow we have to make a good entrance and a good impression on you," she said, sharing a knowing glance with Alice.

"Yeah, Alice is right," Bella chimed in with a huff, a hint of determination in her voice. She was unwilling to accept defeat, especially after making that embarrassing request in the game. "I mean, after asking that request in the game, there's no way we can simply admit that we are clueless noobs when it comes to romance," she declared, her words carrying a sense of pride mixed with resolve. "That sounds very sad," she added, her tone a mix of self-deprecation and determination.

The candid confession seemed to hit home for Shea, who shook her head in disbelief as she listened. "That does sound sad," she remarked, unable to hide her surprise. "Yet here I was thinking my daughter was the most pathetic one in romantic life, but you have changed my mind. Thank you," she added with a teasing grin, her words directed at Zoe.

Zoe, perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed by her mother's candid commentary, couldn't help but protest. "Mom!" she exclaimed, a hint of exasperation in her voice.

Shea quickly raised both hands in a placating gesture, a silent promise not to delve further into the topic. It was clear that Bella and Alice's revelations had given her a fresh perspective on the challenges of youngster romance, and she couldn't resist a playful jab at her daughter in the process.

"You are welcome," Bella responded casually to Shea, seemingly unfazed by any judgments about her love life that might be lurking in the background.

"Ehm!" Jane cleared her throat to grab their attention. With a mischievous grin, she offered her assistance. "I can help you create the right atmosphere," Jane announced confidently, her words piquing Alice's curiosity.

"Really?" Alice asked, intrigued by the prospect.

Jane nodded enthusiastically. "Yup!" she confirmed. "I have read and memorized a lot of fantasy romance stories, so I can create a lot of scenes and ideas according to what you need," she boasted proudly. A glint of mischief danced in her eyes as she added with a wink, "Including threesome scenes." She wore a confident smile as she continued, "All the scenes are right up here," she said, tapping her temple repeatedly to emphasize her extensive mental library of romantic scenarios.

"It sounds interesting as long as you like it," Allen chimed in, his tone thoughtful and measured. He wanted to be supportive of Jane's willingness to help Bella and Alice but also wanted to emphasize the importance of letting things unfold naturally. "But I think it's not necessary to force it," he continued, repeating the sentiment he had shared earlier. It wasn't that he was against the idea of Jane's creative assistance; he just believed that romance, like writing, should flow freely, without being contrived.

As he spoke, Allen aimed to strike a neutral tone, careful not to undermine Jane's enthusiasm. He recognized that everyone had their own approach to matters of the heart, and his preference was for things to go with the flow, like water, rather than adhering to planned notes as if it were a scripted role-playing game.

To Allen, it didn't seem all that complicated. Spending time together, sharing experiences, and building a connection should naturally lead to opportunities for romance. As a writer, he understood that life rarely unfolded exactly as planned. In the real world, improvisation and adaptation were often the keys to success, and sometimes, the best moments were the ones that surprised them, taking them in directions they hadn't anticipated.

Jane quickly caught on to Allen's perspective. She knew that Allen often wrote stories that revolved around the hope for genuine, heartfelt connections, so she appreciated his stance. Wanting to find a middle ground, she proposed a solution. "In this case, what if you lead them, Allen?" Jane suggested, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. It seemed like a win-win solution for everyone involved.

Allen's eyes lit up with appreciation as he considered Jane's idea. "That's a great idea," he said, genuinely grateful for the suggestion. He was more than willing to take the initiative in helping Bella and Alice find opportunities to bond.

However, Bella couldn't help but voice her incredulity. "You mean like hanging out in a love hotel?" she asked, her disbelief evident in her tone.

Allen responded with a dry smile, shaking his head. "I think that's a bit too straightforward," he quipped.

Alice couldn't help but cringe at Bella's suggestion, her expression a mix of incredulity and embarrassment. Her eyes were fixed squarely on Bella as she questioned, "Of all things, why a love hotel?"

Bella, wearing a sly grin, responded with mock innocence. "Cause… we want to have s*x?" she replied with an exaggerated inflection, her tone dripping with disbelief. It was clear that she was poking fun at the absurdity of the idea.

Alice's cringe deepened, and she let out an exasperated sigh. "Now you make us sound like prostitutes," she complained, her frustration palpable.

Bella, recognizing that her playful comment had taken a bit of an awkward turn, quickly offered an apology. "Uh, sorry," she said, her tone sincere and contrite.

With the minor hiccup brushed aside, Allen took charge of the situation and outlined the plan. "Anyway, I'll give you guys some options later," he explained, his voice decisive. He wanted to ensure that they had a variety of choices that catered to their interests. "You can choose which one interests you," he continued, leaving the decision in their hands. "If you don't find a common ground, I will decide where," he concluded, offering a fair and balanced approach to their romantic rendezvous planning.

Bella and Alice, seemingly relieved that the conversation had returned to more comfortable territory, chimed in with agreement. "Deal," they both said in unison, their voices reflecting their readiness to explore new opportunities and step outside their comfort zones.

"Now, since everything has settled," Shea declared, her voice carrying a sense of finality. She was eager to move on to the next order of business. "Let's start our hunt and discuss the next event: guild betrayal, shall we?" she proposed, her tone shifting to one of anticipation.

The others nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of readiness.

Larissa spoke up first. "Sounds like a plan," she chimed in, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Then let's start with the Brovh City. I heard there are ghost type boss monsters there," Allen suggested.

The girls exchanged glances. "Well, I'm not a fan of the ghostly thing, but it sounds more fun than Black Castle," Vivian said.

"So, what are we waiting for?" said Zoe in excitement.

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