Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 473 Playboy Young Master

Chapter 473 Playboy Young Master

Villain Ch 473. Playboy Young Master 

Before Allen could even form a response, Zoe's voice sliced through the air like a freshly sharpened sword. She arched an eyebrow and gave voice to the disbelief etched across her face. "Wait a minute. Are we talking about the same Emma here? Emma Goldborne?" Her tone was laced with incredulity, as if the very notion of Emma's involvement in anything remotely sensible was akin to a unicorn sighting.

Allen affirmed with a nod. "Yep, that's the one. Emma Goldborne," he stated emphatically. His tone was a curious mix of pride and resignation, as if he had just admitted to owning a mischievous imp. "Mr. Jordan," he hastily corrected himself, "I mean, Dad, has no other daughters besides her," he clarified, throwing in a quick explanation.

Shea, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally chimed in. Her eyes bore into Allen, mirroring Zoe's disbelief. "But how could a stubborn girl like her suddenly act like that?" She questioned, her voice carrying a note of trepidation. She had her own reasons for being skeptical, her own history with Emma that had her treading lightly around this revelation.

Emma Goldborne was, after all, the wild card in this equation. Shea knew all too well that Emma had a penchant for recklessness, a devil-may-care attitude that often flirted with rebellion. In the worst-case scenario, Shea couldn't help but imagine Emma devising a devious plan to dismantle Allen's life and ensure that Mr. Jordan never recognized him as his son.

"Yeah, how could she suddenly change? She even deliberately created a character and came to you, remember?" Zoe's curiosity got the better of her as she leaned in closer to Allen, her eyes searching for answers in his reaction.

Vivian hummed, her fingers supporting her thoughtful chin. She furrowed her brows as she recalled the peculiar events. Out of sudden, she snapped her fingers. Her expression showed she just realized something. "Oh, I remember that. I thought she would challenge Allen," she chimed in, a hint of skepticism in her voice.

Allen, caught between the perplexing reality and the memories of his initial doubts, shrugged helplessly. "I don't know," he admitted, still grappling with disbelief. Emma's transformation had been nothing short of astounding, a complete reversal of his expectations. He couldn't quite wrap his head around it. "Well, she's kinda cute when she acts like that though," he confessed, a small smile playing on his lips as he remembered Emma's blushing face. There was something endearing about her newfound charm, even if it baffled him. It made him see her with different light.

Larissa couldn't resist poking fun at Allen. "Um, it seems someone is starting to build a sister complex~" she teased, playfully poking him with her elbow. Her mischievous grin hinted at the uncharted territory of sibling dynamics that lay ahead for Allen and Emma, whether they were prepared for it or not.

"Oh... I love the sister complex trope too! 'Having a caring and loving big bro is the dream of most little sisters, you know,'" Jane practically gushed with enthusiasm. But her expression soured in an instant, and she muttered with disdain, "Since most big bros act so annoying around their sis."

The girls exchanged puzzled glances, their raised eyebrows a silent testament to the sudden shift in Jane's tone. It was like she had a Jekyll and Hyde moment right there plus her weird fetish.

Jane, though, seemed unfazed by the strange looks she was getting. She simply smiled innocently and shrugged, as if she hadn't just flipped the emotional switch like a pro. "I just said what I wanted to say," she quipped casually, as if to suggest that her mercurial mood was just another day at the office.

Alice, eager to keep the conversation rolling in a less unpredictable direction, chimed in. "Okay, just forget about that. The important question for me is the same. When will we celebrate and where?" Her eyes gleamed with excitement, and she was clearly eager to get the party planning underway.

Allen, realizing that this was indeed the pressing issue at hand, responded with a nonchalant shrug. "I haven't thought about that yet. Dad asked me to keep this a secret until he takes care of the paperwork. Plus, I've got to sort out to move out from my apartment," he explained. Despite the practical concerns, a celebratory vibe lingered in the air, and he couldn't help but admit that the idea sounded appealing. He wanted to share this moment with his companions, paperwork and moving hassles be damned.

Larissa's concern was palpable as she leaned in slightly, her eyes fixed on Allen. "Are you okay telling us this news?" she asked, her voice laced with worry. She hadn't missed the fact that this was the secret Allen had been keeping during their conversation the previous day.

Allen, however, flashed a reassuring smile in response. "It doesn't matter," he assured her. "I've asked for permission," he added, letting them know that he had already cleared it with Jordan and thought the consequences carefully.

Vivian, on the other hand, couldn't contain her curiosity, especially when the topic of moving came up. She leaned forward, eager to learn more. "Where will you live next? Goldborne's mansion?" she asked with genuine interest, wondering what kind of accommodations awaited her friend.

Allen nodded affirmatively. "Yeah," he confirmed, confirming Vivian's suspicion.

Jane's gasp was dramatic, and she quickly covered her mouth, as if her words had surprised even herself. "Wait… does it mean that you will become a playboy young master after this?" She blurted out, her eyes flickering with a mixture of amusement and teasing. "I mean, you have slept with all of us," she added with a sly grin, her gaze shifting to Allen. Her words were playful, but there was a hint of truth to them. Allen was undeniably handsome, and his newfound status might attract even more attention from the fairer sex.

Allen, however, couldn't help but feel a tad flustered by Jane's comment. "Uh... Not all... I haven't done it with all of you," he stammered, flashing an awkward grin as he tried to clarify. He was acutely aware that the situation was not as scandalous as Jane was making it sound, but he wasn't about to correct her in front of everyone.

Bella and Alice, apparently on the same wavelength, joined in with their own awkward smiles. "Yeah," Bella chimed in, nodding in agreement.

"Not all," Alice echoed.

Larissa cast an incredulous gaze at Bella and Alice in quick succession. "I thought you guys already did," she exclaimed, her disbelief and shock evident in her tone. "I mean, you guys once said that you would make your move immediately," she added, clearly expecting them to have acted on their previous declarations.

Bella sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "We did say that," she admitted with a touch of resignation. "But doing that is harder than saying it, you know?" she explained, her voice laced with a hint of complaint. It was clear that the reality of the situation had proven more challenging than their initial bravado.

Alice chimed in with a mischievous glint in her eye. "She's right! How can we get him in the mood?" she asked, pointing at Allen and directing her gaze toward Larissa.

"Yeah! You know we suck at romance," Bella chimed in, defending herself and Alice. She nodded emphatically, her frustration evident. "We can joke around, but it's difficult to create a suitable atmosphere for intimacy," she admitted with a sigh. The complexities of romance were proving to be quite the challenge.

A trace of melancholy crossed Bella's face as she continued, her voice tinged with a touch of humor despite the disappointment. "I even practiced with a body pillow for that," she confessed, her tone shifting to one of mock sorrow. "But I failed," she added with a dramatic sob, eliciting a sympathetic cringe from the others.

Alice, not one to be outdone, jumped into the conversation with her own tale of romantic woes. "I've been practicing with dating VR games!" she exclaimed, her expression turning pale and sad. "But I got rejected, even by the easiest NPC," she confessed in frustration, her voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and chagrin.

The girls exchanged knowing glances and a collective cringe as they listened to Bella and Alice's failed attempts at romance. Some of them shook their heads in a mix of sympathy and amusement, clearly empathizing with their friends' struggle.

Inside, Allen couldn't help but cringe himself, though he kept his reaction hidden behind a carefully neutral expression. He wondered, 'Why are you guys talking about that in front of me like nothing?'

Clearing his throat, he decided to chime in, his voice carrying a hint of gentle advice. "Well, you should have told me," he began, addressing Bella and Alice. "I mean, it would be better if everything happened naturally, not made up," he explained, his words reflecting his desire for genuine connections and relationships, both in real and virtual world.

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