Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 464 The Results

Chapter 464 The Results

Villain Ch 464. The Results 

Allen couldn't help but laugh at the thought. "Yeah, he's a real piece of work," he remarked with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

Observing Allen's mood lightening up a bit, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. "Well, after all this is over, if you turn out to be Mr. Jordan's son, you can finally cut ties with your stepdad," he suggested.

Allen nodded in agreement, his gaze now fixed on the hospital building, which was drawing closer. "Yeah," he replied, determination in his eyes.

Soon, the car came to a halt. Allen swiftly exited and made his way into the hospital, his heart racing with anticipation. Following Alex's instructions, he headed straight for the elevator and selected the floor where he had taken the test before. The doors of the elevator slid shut, and he felt a sense of unease creeping in.

When the elevator finally reached his destination, the doors opened, revealing the familiar surroundings of the hospital floor. Allen took a deep breath and stepped out, his every footstep echoing through the quiet hallway.

Allen approached the receptionist's desk with a sense of urgency, his nerves still on edge. He cleared his throat before addressing the receptionist.

"Excuse me," he began, "I'm looking for Mr. Jordan Goldborne. Can you tell me where I can find him?"

The receptionist smiled kindly and nodded. "Of course, sir. Mr. Jordan Goldborne is in room 305. You can go that way, turn left, and follow the signs to room 305. He's currently with Doctor Alaca."

"Thank you," Allen replied with a grateful smile. He couldn't wait to finally meet Jordan Goldborne and get the answers he had been seeking for so long.

Allen walked through the seemingly endless hallway of the hospital, each step felt like an eternity. His heart raced with a mix of nervousness and excitement, the anticipation of finally meeting Jordan building up within him. The fluorescent lights above flickered faintly, casting an eerie glow on the sterile white walls, which only added to his unease.

Finally, he arrived at the door labeled "Room 305." Allen stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart and collect his thoughts. He knew that this moment would bring him closer to the truth he had sought for so long.

With a steady hand, he raised it to knock on the door, a mixture of anxiety and eagerness coursing through him. The sound of his knuckles rapping against the door echoed through the hallway.

-  Knock! – Knock! – Knock!

"Come in." A voice from inside the room responded with a warm invitation to enter. Nervously, he turned the doorknob and pushed the door open, revealing the room beyond.

Inside, his eyes quickly settled on the figures of a doctor and Jordan. In Jordan's hand, there was a piece of paper, and his expression was undeniably grim.

The sight of Jordan's serious face sent a chill down Allen's spine, causing him to momentarily freeze in the doorway. It was as if the weight of the unknown had suddenly pressed upon him, making it difficult for him to take another step forward. His legs felt heavy, and his breath caught in his throat as he anxiously waited for Jordan to speak.

"Mr. Allen?" The doctor's voice was soft yet inquisitive, interrupting the heavy silence that hung in the room.

Allen snapped out of his momentary paralysis and took a deep breath before stepping fully into the room. His hand moved swiftly to close the door behind him, shutting out the outside world. Questions swirled in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder if this unexpected meeting with a doctor had something to do with the results of the test he had been anxiously waiting for.

"Yes," Allen replied cautiously, his voice betraying a hint of concern. His eyes shifted between Jordan and the doctor, searching for clues to the purpose of their gathering. It was all so puzzling, and he couldn't help but feel a growing unease settle in his stomach.

Jordan remained composed, his stoic expression unchanged as he extended the paper in his hand toward Allen. The tension in the room was palpable, and it seemed like an eternity before Allen finally took the paper from Jordan's grasp.

As his eyes scanned the document, Allen's heart pounded with anticipation and dread. He moved quickly through the words and numbers until, at last, he reached the section that held the answer to his burning question. The room was filled with an agonizing silence as he absorbed the result written at the very bottom of the page, and the weight of that revelation settled heavily on his shoulders.

"99.9% DNA match."

Relief washed over him, and he felt an overwhelming sense of elation that he could hardly contain.

Jordan's solemn facade melted away, revealing a sly smile that danced in his eyes. It became evident that the stern expression he'd worn earlier was nothing more than a playful act, a way to tease Allen in his moment of anticipation. They shared a brief, knowing look that conveyed the depth of their connection, one that didn't rely on words to understand.

In this moment of triumph, Allen realized that he had found something precious—a bond with a father he never knew he had.

Allen slowly lowered the paper, his eyes shifting from the miraculous result before him to the man who had always been in his life but had remained hidden in the shadows until now. He gazed at Jordan, but it was no longer the familiar "Mr. Jordan" he saw. It was something more profound—a connection that had eluded him throughout his life.

In that moment, Allen finally saw him as his father, the missing piece of his identity that he had spent a lifetime searching for.

A rush of emotions flooded through Allen—joy, gratitude, and a profound sense of belonging. This was the culmination of a lifelong journey, the realization of a dream he had long believed to be impossible.

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