Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 463 Allen's Anxiety

Chapter 463 Allen's Anxiety

Villain Ch 463. Allen's Anxiety 

The sun's early rays pierced through the curtains, casting a warm, golden hue across the room. The digital clock on Allen's bedside table read 06:41 AM, signaling that it was still a good twenty minutes before his alarm was set to go off. But sleep remained elusive for him, a distant hope as his restless mind refused to find solace.

He'd tried everything to lull himself to sleep. The night before, he'd burned the midnight oil, writing chapter after chapter of his stories in the hopes of exhausting his body and mind. However, even as fatigue settled into his bones, sleep remained stubbornly out of reach.

His eyes kept fluttering open every hour or so, as if his mind was too preoccupied with anticipation to allow him any respite. Tossing and turning, he couldn't help but wonder what the test results would reveal, and that nagging curiosity kept him wide awake.

Allen finally gave in to the inevitability of wakefulness and swung his legs over the side of his bed. With a languid stretch, he reached up to scratch his hair, even though there was no itch to speak of. A deep breath filled his lungs as he let out a sigh, feeling the weight of anticipation resting heavily on his shoulders.

Rubbing his face with both hands, he tried to shake off the remnants of fatigue that clung to him like a persistent shadow. The strands of his hair were haphazardly tousled as he ran his fingers through them, a futile attempt to tame his morning bedhead. But it was a task that occupied his hands while he gathered his thoughts for the day ahead.

With a wry grin, Allen muttered to himself, "I feel like a man who wants to confess to his crush." The sensation of nervous anticipation and excitement swirled within him, creating a peculiar concoction of emotions. He was on the edge of his seat, eager to uncover the results, yet simultaneously fearful of what they might reveal.

In an attempt to steady his racing heart, he took a few deep breaths and reached over to disable his alarm.

After his shower and a quick breakfast, he decided to pass the time by perusing the gaming forum. However, his thoughts were far from focused, and he found himself mindlessly scrolling through posts without absorbing much of anything.

Allen continued to scroll through the gaming forum, he couldn't help but notice a recurring name that dominated the discussions: Sophia. Players hailed her as a skilled healer, referring to her as the "goddess of life." Her reputation had been on the rise, bolstered by her acts of aid to influential players, including guild leaders and active forum members. Her quick ascent to fame had turned her into a prominent figure in the gaming world.

Sophia wasn't the only one making waves. Darren and Liam, with their exceptional craftsmanship, had begun to carve out their own legacies. Their unique creations were highly sought after by players in the market, setting them on a path to success.

Elio, on the other hand, had earned recognition for leading his group to the top of the dark tower, although their ultimate defeat meant the tower remained unconquered.

Fidgeting with his phone, Allen couldn't focus on the wealth of information in the gaming forum. His thoughts were preoccupied elsewhere, so he made the decision to close the forum and send a text to Alex.

Allen: I'll wait for you in the lobby.

Almost instantly, Alex's response chimed in.

Alex: OK. I'll be there in ten minutes.

Not wasting a moment, Allen gathered his essentials and swiftly made his way to the lobby. He had no time to dawdle; he was eagerly awaiting Alex's arrival. Alex's punctuality didn't disappoint, and just as promised, a car pulled up in front of the building exactly ten minutes later. Allen didn't hesitate and immediately hopped into the vehicle.

Allen slid into the back seat of the car, expecting to find Jordan there, but to his surprise, the seat was empty. As the engine roared to life, the car began to move, prompting Allen to inquire about Jordan's whereabouts.

"Where is Mr. Jordan?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity, directed at Alex, who sat in the driver's seat.

Alex's response was concise and to the point. "Mr. Jordan already went to the hospital, Allen. You'll meet him there," he explained.

With a nod, Allen acknowledged Alex's words, opting not to press for more information. Uncharacteristically, the remainder of the journey was marked by silence. Normally, Allen would engage in light conversation or introduce a trivial topic to break the ice, but not this time. Nervous anticipation had rendered him disinterested in casual chatter. His gaze remained fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window.

The car continued to glide through the streets, and Allen's tension was palpable. Alex couldn't help but notice his unease and glanced at him through the rearview mirror.

"You look nervous," Alex observed.

Forced to acknowledge his anxiety, Allen offered a weak smile. "I am," he admitted, his voice tinged with honesty. "This is the first time I've been this nervous," he confessed, and he never thought he'd experience such emotions before.

Alex returned his smile, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I get it," he said sympathetically. "After witnessing how your mother concealed your identity, this is undoubtedly a significant moment for you." His eyes remained focused on the road ahead as he continued driving. "You're fortunate to have a good halfbrother," he added.

"Yeah." Allen's smile broadened at Alex's words. He couldn't put into words just how grateful he was for Evan, who had mentioned Allen's name to Alex, ultimately leading him to this moment.

Allen couldn't help but dig deeper into the situation that lay ahead. He turned his attention back to Alex with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Did you tell Mr. Jordan everything you saw there?" Allen inquired once more.

Alex nodded affirmatively. "Every last detail," he replied. "I didn't leave anything out, including how your stepdad gave me the boot." He chuckled wryly. "He's not exactly the friendliest to outsiders," Alex added, his tone a mix of amusement and understanding.

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