Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 371 Old Habits Die Hard

Villain Ch 371. Old Habits Die Hard

Allen's eyes scanned the message that had popped up on his phone screen.

Kafra: Yes. Lust is our last advanced AI. It's not used to mimic your fighting style pattern, but we only train it to respond and provoke the players.

He frowned, perplexed by the seemingly random information that Kafra had shared. With a sigh, he contemplated how to respond. His fingers danced across the screen as he typed out a message.

Allen: But why does her response look like a player?

However, before he could press send, a wave of uncertainty washed over him. The accusation-like tone of his message made him hesitate. He realized he didn't actually know if his assumption was accurate or not.

The train's gentle rocking came to a halt, marked by a familiar ding sound, followed by an announcement over the intercom.

"Attention passengers, we have arrived at our destination. Please remain seated until the train comes to a complete stop, and be cautious when disembarking. Thank you for riding with us."

Allen hesitated, his thumb hovering over the send button. With a frustrated sigh, he decided to erase his message, letting his phone fall back into his pocket. As the other passengers began to shuffle out of the train, he shouldered his bag and joined them, stepping out onto the platform and finding solace on a nearby bench. He retrieved his phone once more, tapping open the app to order a Guuber ride.

Lost in his own thoughts, he remained unaware of the two figures watching him from a distance. They observed him closely, their eyes focused intently on his every move.

Bella's eyes widened as she pointed discreetly in the direction of a familiar figure. "Isn't that Allen?" she whispered to Alice, her tone a mixture of excitement and surprise. The chance encounter was unexpected, given that they had just finished meeting an old friend and were now unintentionally stumbling upon another.

Alice squinted her eyes to get a clearer view of the figure in question. "I think so," she replied, her curiosity piqued.

Bella leaned in closer, her voice hushed as they exchanged thoughts. "What do you think he's doing here?" she asked, her brows furrowed with genuine curiosity. The timing was intriguing, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the story.

Alice pondered for a moment, tapping her chin lightly as she recalled fragments of previous conversations. "I vaguely remember him mentioning something about heading out of town," she mused, trying to piece together the puzzle. Her memory served her well, connecting the dots from the past to the present.

A mischievous grin spread across Bella's face as a playful idea crossed her mind. "Want to give him a surprise?" she suggested, raising an eyebrow. The spontaneity of the moment was too tempting to resist, and she was eager to catch Allen off guard.

Alice chuckled, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Let's do it," she agreed, her adventurous spirit matching Bella's enthusiasm. With a shared determination, they set their plan into motion, slowly closing the gap between them and Allen.

As they approached from behind, they exchanged knowing glances, ready to catch him in the midst of whatever he was up to.

With a sly grin tugging at her lips, Alice moved closer to Allen, her mischievous intentions clear. She was determined to give him a playful surprise. Just as her hand was about to reach its destination—his eyes—a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught her off guard.

Before she knew it, Allen's instinct had kicked in. His reflexes were lightning fast as he caught her wrist, his grip firm and resolute. The abruptness of his action left Alice wide-eyed, her initial playful expression replaced with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. His swift movement had revealed a side of him she hadn't seen before, a fighter's instinct that brought a flicker of awe to her gaze.


Bella, standing beside them, also watched in fascination. Allen's swift reaction had injected a burst of excitement into the encounter, and her heart raced in response. She could feel the tension in the air, a mixture of surprise and anticipation.

As their eyes met, Allen's gaze bore into Alice's, his demeanor serious and intense. The weight of his stare seemed to pierce through her, a gaze that spoke of readiness and vigilance. In that fleeting moment, Alice and Bella caught a glimpse of a different side of him—one that held an air of vigilance and strength.

Slowly, Allen's expression softened as recognition dawned upon him. With a release of his grip, he relaxed his stance. "Alice, Bella, what are you two doing here?" he asked, his voice a blend of curiosity and relief. His initial reaction had been swift, an automatic response that revealed his instincts were always at the forefront.

Blindfolding random people was sometimes done by a criminal. The criminal usually targeted a person who traveled alone. They would blindfold the victim while the others snatch their belongings, then when the first criminal opened his hand, he would pretend to apologize that he had the wrong person and walk away. So, Allen knew how to be careful.

Alice blinked, her surprise slowly giving way to a smile. She had underestimated Allen's quick reflexes, and his guardedness had momentarily taken her aback. "Well, we accidentally saw you and were planning to surprise you," she admitted with a chuckle, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and warmth.

Bella nodded in agreement, her smile matching Alice's. "Yeah, but it seems like you're the one who surprised us," she added playfully. The encounter had taken an unexpected turn, but it had only added to the excitement of the moment.

Allen's lips curled into a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that. I guess old habits die hard," he admitted, his gaze shifting between Alice and Bella.

Alice's gaze shifted toward Allen's phone, catching a glimpse of his intent to order a Guuber. A mischievous grin tugged at the corner of her lips as an idea formed. "You want to order a Guuber?" she teased, her tone playful.

Allen looked up from his phone, meeting Alice's gaze. "Yeah, I was just about to. I figured it would be convenient."

Alice's grin widened, and she exchanged a knowing glance with Bella before turning her attention back to Allen. "How about you come with us? I brought my car," she suggested, her voice carrying a hint of enthusiasm.

Bella nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not too far from here. We can drop you off," she chimed in.

Allen considered the offer for a moment, his lips curling into a thoughtful smile. "Well, that does sound more fun than a Guuber ride," he admitted. 

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