Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 370 Emma Goldborne [Part 2]

Villain Ch 370. Emma Goldborne [Part 2]

Emma couldn't help but exhale a long breath. "You're like a persistent NPC in one of my games," she quipped, her lips curving into a wry smile.

Kafra's grin widened, clearly taking the comparison as a compliment. "Well, I do have a reputation to uphold," she replied, her playfulness evident.

Emma's gaze shifted from the VR device to Kafra, who had effectively halted her intentions before she could even reach for the equipment. A mild irritation bubbled within her, but Kafra's unwavering stare made it clear that this wasn't going to be a simple matter to dismiss.

Her arms crossed defiantly, Emma met Kafra's gaze with a mixture of frustration and curiosity. "And what's your reason for intervening this time?" she retorted, her tone edged with annoyance.

Kafra's expression remained firm, her resolve unshaken. "You can't log in anymore, Miss Emma," she stated firmly, her eyes locking onto Emma's with a hint of seriousness.

Emma's brows furrowed in response, her confusion evident. "What do you mean I can't log in? Is this another one of my father's decrees?" she asked, a trace of displeasure creeping into her voice.

Kafra nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Your father's exact words were, and I quote, 'Emma, don't mess up the gameplay or meddle with the villains. Just observe the players and enjoy the game as they do'," she recited with a touch of humor.

Emma's irritation grew, her arms tightening over her chest. "But why? It's not like I'm causing any harm. I was just having a little fun," she argued, her tone still tinged with annoyance.

Kafra's expression softened slightly, as if she understood Emma's perspective. "Your father believes you have a tendency to abuse your power. And, well, considering you're one of the creators behind this game, it's better if you don't interfere directly with the gameplay. Just watch and see how the players tackle the challenges," Kafra explained gently.

Emma's lips formed a pout, her displeasure evident. "That sounds incredibly dull. I mean, I was just pretending to be a boss monster. It's not like they would have found out," she retorted, her tone a mix of frustration and defiance.

Kafra's gaze held a hint of amusement, but her response remained unwavering. "Your father knows you too well, Miss Emma. He's concerned that your creative impulses might take over, and that could impact the balance of the game," she stated matter-of-factly.

With a huff, Emma slumped back in her chair, a mixture of irritation and resignation washing over her. "Fine, fine. I won't log in. But I won't promise I won't be tempted to cause a little chaos," she muttered, her annoyance still lingering.

Kafra chuckled softly, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Just remember, the real adventure lies in watching how the players shape this world. You might be surprised by what unfolds," she said with a wink.

Emma rolled her eyes playfully, her frustration dissipating in the face of Kafra's persistent wisdom. "Alright, alright, I'll play by the rules... for now," she conceded, her lips curling into a begrudging smile.

Kafra's response was simple yet effective, a single word that carried the weight of her assurance. "Good," she affirmed, her expression calm and unruffled.

It was evident that Kafra wasn't an average employee; she was directly under Emma's father, making her impervious to Emma's usual attempts at negotiation. This immunity from Emma's influence meant that Kafra held a unique position in Emma's world—one of respect and, sometimes, frustration.

Curiosity tugging at her, Emma leaned forward slightly. "So spill, Kafra. Did my dad rat me out for trying to log in again?" she inquired, her tone laced with a hint of mischief.

Kafra's response was swift and surprising. "No," she replied, flashing her phone screen to Emma. It was a chat message from Allen. Emma's curiosity piqued further as she read the message.

Allen: Kafra, is Lust one of the monsters with advanced AI?

Emma couldn't help but click her tongue in mild annoyance, her gaze turning elsewhere as if to avoid admitting her intentions. "Of course, he would ask you," she muttered, a faint grumble underlying her words.

Kafra's lips curled into a sly smile, her amusement evident. "Well, he's proven to be quite perceptive. Maybe you should be careful not to give away too much," Kafra teased, her tone light yet pointed.

Emma's response was a playful eye roll, her lips forming a smirk. "Right, I'll concede that he's sharper than I thought," she admitted, a begrudging acknowledgment mingling with her words.

Standing up from her seat, Emma's casual demeanor remained intact as she shared more intriguing details with Kafra. "After all… Dad invited him and his group for dinner. Soon or later we will meet in the real world and I've got a little plan brewing for our future encounter," she mentioned casually, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes.

Kafra's raised an eyebrow, her expression intrigued yet cautious. "And what kind of plan are you hatching now?" she inquired, her gaze narrowing as she observed Emma with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Emma's response was a sweet and secretive smile, her words laced with anticipation. "Oh, just a little competition. I'm sure Allen and my dad won't mind a bit of a friendly battle," she stated with a casual shrug, her voice dripping with innocence.

Kafra's gaze sharpened, her curiosity unabated. "A competition, huh? Are you planning to make Allen fight against your father?" she asked, her tone a mix of disbelief and intrigue.

With a teasing glint in her eyes, Emma offered Kafra nothing more than a tantalizing smile. "That is a secret for now. But don't worry, you'll find out soon enough," she replied coyly, her playful tone leaving the conversation with a sense of mystery.

As she turned to leave, Emma couldn't resist adding one final remark, her voice a sing-song. "See you later, Kafra~" she chimed, leaving Kafra with her curiosity piqued and a hint of apprehension lingering in the air.

Note: Emma pic is in my discord channel.

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