Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 521 Lin Fei's Actions On Shadowspawn Star

Chapter 521 Lin Fei's Actions On Shadowspawn Star

Meanwhile, within the sprawling demon city, Lin Fei, shrouded in his invisibility talisman, found himself navigating a maze of twisting alleys and towering structures. The air crackled with an oppressive energy, heavy with the stench of sulfur and the sounds of demonic growls echoing from unseen corners.

His senses were on high alert, constantly scanning his surroundings for any sign of danger. He observed towering muscular figures, their bodies adorned with gruesome tattoos, patrolling the streets. Smaller, gremlin-like creatures scuttled through the shadows, snatching scraps from overflowing garbage piles.

Lin Fei's primary focus remained gathering information and locating potential sources of powerful demon cores. He spotted a towering obsidian building, clearly the heart of the city, and made a mental note to explore it later. Right now, discretion was key.

He noticed a group of demons huddled around a glowing sigil etched into a crumbling wall. Curiosity piqued, he edged closer, careful not to break his invisibility. He overheard snippets of their conversation, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"The Shadow Tribute…it's overdue," one demon growled, his voice gravelly.

"The Shadow King won't be pleased," another chimed in, his voice laced with fear. "They say a sacrifice is being prepared…"

Lin Fei's eyes narrowed. Shadow King? Sacrifice? This was valuable bit of information.

Following them at a safe distance, Lin Fei weaved through the throngs of demons. The stench worsened, a sickening concoction of sweat, brimstone, and something far more disturbing - fear. It clung to the city like a thick fog.

He found himself approaching the obsidian building, its imposing presence dominating the skyline. The demons he'd been tailing entered through a colossal gate, its surface etched with grotesque, writhing figures.

Lin Fei contemplated his options. He couldn't just barge in, not without a plan. He needed more information, a better understanding of this Shadow King and the potential sacrifice. But where to start?

Suddenly, a commotion erupted from an adjacent alley. A group of human women, their faces etched with terror, were being dragged away by hulking demons. Lin Fei's blood ran cold. Humans? Here, in the heart of a demon-controlled city?

He darted into a shadowed alcove, the invisibility talisman muffling his movements. Curiosity, laced with a growing sense of outrage, propelled him forward. He peeked around the corner, his eyes widening in disbelief.

A sprawling marketplace stretched before him, a chaotic tapestry of sights and sounds. But it wasn't the demonic wares or the unsettling bartering that drew his attention. It was the people. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of humans.

Men, women, children – all clad in ragged clothing, their faces etched with despair. They bustled about, their movements sluggish, their eyes vacant. It was a scene ripped straight from a nightmare.

Lin Fei couldn't believe his eyes. These were the missing humans, the ones whispered about in hushed tones across the cosmos. He had stumbled upon a chilling truth: the Shadowspawn tribe was holding them captive.

But the further his gaze roamed, the more disturbing the scene became. The beautiful women, their faces pale and drawn, were bartered with a sickening casualness. Wealthy-looking demons haggled over them like prized possessions.

He watched, a knot of fury tightening in his gut, as a demon tossed a young woman a hunk of rotten meat. Her eyes, once filled with spirit, now mirrored the hopelessness that seemed to permeate the entire market.

Then he noticed it. The men. Unlike the women, they weren't kept under guard. They moved about freely, though their freedom seemed more like a cruel joke. They were left to mate with the women, to procreate and maintain a steady supply of humans for the demons.

Disgust and anger churned within Lin Fei. This wasn't just captivity; it was a twisted human breeding ground.

He clenched his fists, the invisibility talisman crackling with the surge of his power. He couldn't stand by and watch this horror unfold. He had to do something. Freeing these people, all of them, became his new mission.

But how? This was a heavily guarded city, and Lin Fei was just one man, invisible or not. He needed a plan, a way to strike a decisive blow against the Shadowspawn and liberate the humans.

He scanned the marketplace, his sharp eyes taking in details. Armed guards patrolled the perimeter, their movements predictable. The women were kept penned in a fenced-off area near the back, their guards more relaxed, likely because they considered them no threat. The focus was on controlling the men.

A sliver of hope flickered in Lin Fei's mind. If he could create a diversion, a large enough one, he could potentially free the women and use them as leverage to bargain for the men's release.

It was a risky gamble, but the alternative – watching these people remain slaves – was unthinkable. He retreated back into the alleys, his mind racing. He needed the right opportunity, a moment of weakness in the Shadowspawn's defenses.

The following hours were a blur of observation and strategizing. Lin Fei scoured the city, a silent wraith flitting through the shadows. He studied patrol routes, guard placements, and the overall layout of the city. The obsidian building remained his primary target, but his focus had shifted to liberating the humans.

He needed an advantage, a way to even the odds.

One evening, as he perched on a gargoyle overlooking a bustling street, a flicker of energy caught his attention. It emanated from a sprawling mansion, its dark architecture a stark contrast to the surrounding shoddy buildings. It reeked of power, a clear indication of an influential demon's residence.

With a surge of curiosity, Lin Fei darted towards the mansion, his senses on high alert. As he neared the perimeter wall, he felt a surge of unexpected energy – a faint human aura.

Surprise jolted him. Humans in a demon's residence? It defied logic. He cautiously inched closer, his gaze fixed on a well-lit window on the upper floor. Through the sheer curtains, he saw a sight that sent a jolt through him.

A young woman, no older than twenty, sat by the window. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing a face of exquisite beauty. Her eyes, though filled with a deep sadness, held a spark of defiance.

Lin Fei's heart pounded in his chest. This wasn't just any human; she was undeniably beautiful, a stark contrast to the haggard faces he'd witnessed in the marketplace. A cynical thought flickered in his mind – perhaps this was the demon's prized possession, a human trophy kept for his own amusement.

He dismissed the thought, focusing on the woman.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fei deactivated his invisibility talisman. He materialized on the rooftop, his sudden appearance startling a pair of patrolling demons guarding the mansion.

Before they could react, Lin Fei unleashed a torrent of golden flames, courtesy of the Divine Phoenix perched on his shoulder.

The demons, caught off guard, were engulfed in the inferno, their screams muffled by the qi of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei, his heart hammering, landed gracefully on the balcony outside the woman's window. He rapped on the glass, his expression a mix of concern and urgency.

The woman's head snapped towards him, her eyes widening in shock. Fear battled with a flicker of hope in her gaze. Lin Fei, maintaining a facade of righteousness, spoke in a voice laced with empathy.

"I come in peace," he declared, his tone sincere. "I am a cultivator, here to help liberate the humans enslaved by these demons."

The woman, hesitant at first, studied him intently. His words resonated with a deep longing within her. Could this be their chance, their long-awaited salvation?

Desperate for hope, she unlocked the window, allowing him to enter. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"My name is Lin Fei," he replied, offering a reassuring smile. "I understand you're not alone. There are others here, are there not?"

The woman, whose name was Chen Liaqi, confirmed his suspicions. Several other women, all beautiful like her, were held captive in this mansion. They were the demon lord's trophies, paraded and admired.

As Chen Liaqi recounted her harrowing experience, Lin Fei listened intently. His initial cynical thought about saving only the beautiful women was solidifying. He pictured them, grateful and indebted to him, readily offering their bodies and loyalty. A cruel smile played on his lips, a secret he kept hidden beneath his mask of heroism.

"There is hope, Chen Liaqi," he declared, his voice firm. "I have a plan to weaken the demons and give the humans a fighting chance."

He then outlined his two-pronged strategy – using his stock of holy water to contaminate the city's water supply, rendering the demons weak, and setting up a city-wide array that would suppress their demonic bloodline cultivation. With their power diminished, the humans could rise up and fight back.

Chen Liaqi's eyes sparkled with newfound determination. This was their chance, she believed, their one shot at freedom. Lin Fei, a beacon of hope in this dark city, had presented them with a fighting chance.

"We can help," she declared, her voice ringing with newfound strength. "The other women and I, we know the layout of this city, the routines of the demons. We can be your eyes and ears."

A twisted sense of satisfaction bloomed within Lin Fei. Chen Liaqi's unwavering belief in his fabricated heroism was a powerful tool he could exploit.

He envisioned a future where these women, eternally grateful for their rescue, would readily offer themselves to him. After all, saving just a few beautiful women sounded infinitely more appealing than liberating a whole city of humans.

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