Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 520 Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe In Ancient Devil Star Cluster

Chapter 520 Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe In Ancient Devil Star Cluster

The desolate plains of the outer rim star stretched before Lin Fei, a dusty expanse dotted with jagged rock formations. The air hummed with an oppressive energy, a stark contrast to the vibrant life force of the human realm. This was the frontier, the buffer zone between the human-controlled cosmos and the uncharted territory of the Ancient Devil Stars.

Days had bled into weeks as Lin Fei traversed the desolate landscape, his senses perpetually on high alert. His singular goal – demon cores – fueled his relentless pursuit. Every demon he encountered, from lowly imps to hulking brutes, met a swift and brutal end. The Divine Phoenix, perched on his shoulder, absorbed the essence of each core like a living furnace, its fiery plumage deepening in color with each kill.

One evening, as the twin suns of the star dipped below the horizon, casting long, eerie shadows, Lin Fei noticed a peculiar shift. The usually scattered demon patrols started congregating in the western region, a flurry of activity breaking the monotonous silence. Curiosity piqued, Lin Fei followed, his movements a blur as he utilized his advanced stealth techniques.

He wasn't spotted. As he reached the designated location, a sight unfolded that sent a jolt through him. A makeshift platform stood in the center of a clearing, surrounded by demonic figures radiating an aura of power. Across from them, three figures hovered – the unmistakable silhouettes of Star Lords.

Tension crackled in the air. Lin Fei, concealed within a shroud of invisibility, became an unseen observer. The negotiations, conducted in harsh guttural growls and clipped pronouncements, were tense. The Star Lords, their imposing presence a stark contrast to the scrawny demons, demanded entry into the Ancient Devil Stars.

The demon representatives, however, were adamant. They feared the Star Lords' power, their divine senses a threat to the intricate formations masking the cluster's true defenses. The Star Lords, with their vast resources and access to powerful artifacts, could dismantle those defenses given enough time and information.

The negotiations ended in a stalemate. The demons retreated, their message clear: trespass would be met with hostility. The Star Lords lingered, frustration etched on their faces. Lin Fei, unseen and unheard, saw an opportunity.

He emerged from his invisibility, his sudden presence causing a ripple of surprise amongst the Star Lords. One, a wiry figure with a goatee of crackling energy, regarded him with narrowed eyes.

"Who are you?" the Star Lord boomed, his voice echoing in the silence.

Lin Fei, ever the pragmatist, saw a chance to further his own goals. "I am a lone cultivator, seeking power," he declared, his voice steady. "I witnessed your predicament. Allow me to help."

The Star Lords exchanged wary glances. Lin Fei, a mere Divine Spirit Realm cultivator, offered himself as a solution? Yet, the potential benefits were undeniable. He could be their eyes and ears, infiltrating the heavily guarded cluster and uncovering its secrets.

"How do we know we can trust you?" another Star Lord inquired, a woman with fiery red hair and eyes that crackled with contained power.

"Simple," Lin Fei replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Equip me with the means to survive and escape undetected, and I'll provide you with real-time intel. A win-win proposition."

Intrigue flickered in the Star Lords' eyes. The gamble was risky, but the potential reward – a blueprint of the Ancient Devil Star's defenses – was too tempting to ignore. After a brief discussion, they agreed.

From their spatial rings, they produced an assortment of treasures. The most valuable – the Astral Eye – projected a holographic display allowing them to see through Lin Fei's perspective. Alongside that came a plethora of defensive talismans, potent enough to deflect even a Star Lord's casual attack, and escape talismans, a last resort against unforeseen threats.

Lin Fei, satisfied with the deal, accepted the treasures with a curt nod. "Then let's begin," he declared, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

The Star Lords observed him, a mix of hope and trepidation in their gazes.

Lin Fei's eyebrows shot up in surprise as the Star Lord with the crackling goatee elaborated.

"We're looking for someone," the wiry Star Lord continued, "a woman known as the Scarlet Star Slaughter Goddess, Yu Qing. Short in stature, with fiery red hair and eyes that could burn a hole through a lesser cultivator."

Lin Fei committed the details to memory. Short in stature, fiery red hair and eyes, a fearsome reputation as a cultivator. It was a useful tidbit of information, one he tucked away for later analysis.

"Leave it to me," he declared, his voice firm. "I'll infiltrate the heart of the Ancient Devil Stars and bring back any information – or if fate permits, the woman herself."

The deal struck, Lin Fei took his leave. A wry smile played on his lips as he activated the cloaking formations on his ship, rendering it invisible to prying eyes.

Back in the relative comfort of his vessel, he steered it towards the heart of the Ancient Devil Stars, a thrill coursing through him.

The Star Lords, meanwhile, observed his every move through the Astral Eye. This wasn't just a simple viewing device; it served a multitude of purposes.

It allowed them to track his location, ensuring he hadn't veered off course, and more importantly, it functioned as a conduit for a spatial tunnel.

In essence, if needed, they could use the Eye to teleport themselves directly to Lin Fei's location. It was a failsafe, a desperate measure they hoped wouldn't be necessary.

Lin Fei, oblivious to the extent of their surveillance, navigated the treacherous landscape of the Ancient Devil Stars.

Each star held a different tribe of demons, each with their own unique customs and ferocity. He encountered hulking beasts with obsidian skin and glowing red eyes, nimble imps wielding wicked barbs, and even towering figures radiating an aura of dark magic.

His primary focus remained the acquisition of demon cores. The Divine Phoenix, a constant fiery presence on his shoulder, craved these sources of power.

Lin Fei, however, wasn't just a mindless hunter.

He observed the demons, their social structures, and their patrol routes.

All this information would be valuable bargaining chips later, should he need to leverage it against the Star Lords or anyone else for that matter.

One day, while traversing a particularly dusty wasteland, he stumbled upon a sight that sent a shiver down his spine.

A sprawling metropolis, carved into the side of a colossal mountain, shimmered in the distance. Banners bearing the insignia of a snarling demon head fluttered in the wind, and an oppressive aura emanated from the city.

This, he realized with a jolt, was no ordinary demon settlement.

It was a major stronghold, most likely the seat of power for a particularly powerful tribe. Curiosity, a dangerous companion, battled with caution within him.

This city held the potential for rich pickings in terms of demon cores, but it also harbored unknown dangers.

Lin Fei, ever the pragmatist, decided on a reconnaissance mission. He activated an invisibility talisman, its shimmering energy enveloping him, and cloaked himself in shadows.

The city loomed before him, a labyrinth of towering structures and bustling streets teeming with demonic life. This was a gamble, a chance to gather valuable intel and potentially acquire a significant number of demon cores.

Back on the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's cloaked vessel, a different scene unfolded. Wang Jian, reclining on plush cushions, savored a goblet of aged Celestial wine presented by a kneeling Cui Lan. The journey had been monotonous, punctuated only by fleeting moments of carnal pleasure with the beautiful women under his control.

"Another refill, Lan," he drawled, his eyes glinting with amusement. Cui Lan complied silently, her face a mask of forced serenity. The Eternal Slave Contract ensured her obedience, but it couldn't erase the simmering resentment that resided within her.

Meanwhile, the elders, their youthful beauty belying their immense cultivation, huddled over a holographic display projected from a shimmering orb.

This 'observational treasure,' as they called it, allowed them to scan the surrounding stars for signs of activity. It functioned in tandem with the ship's own array formations, providing a comprehensive view of the surrounding celestial bodies.

"Redstone Devils on Star X-12," announced Elder Mei, her voice crisp and efficient. "A relatively weak tribe, known for their reliance on mining and rudimentary formations."

Wang Jian grunted, his attention momentarily diverted from his goblet. "Noted. Anything more…interesting?"

Elder Lin, the eldest among them, adjusted her spectacles and leaned closer to the display. "Star X-37…intriguing. The readings suggest a powerful tribe with a strong affinity for darkness manipulation."

"Name?" Wang Jian inquired, a spark of curiosity flickering in his eyes.

"The Shadowspawn," Elder Lin replied. "A notoriously ruthless tribe known for their dark rituals and mastery of shadow magic."

As the information flowed, a pattern began to emerge. Each star held a different demon tribe, each with its own unique characteristics and power base. Wang Jian, ever the strategist, meticulously documented their findings. This intel could prove invaluable in the future, should he choose to exert his influence over this region.

Suddenly, a flicker of surprise crossed Elder Mei's face. "Master Wang," she exclaimed, "this is…unexpected. Star X-98 appears to be a stronghold of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe."

Wang Jian froze, the goblet halfway to his lips. Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe? The name sent a jolt of recognition through him. It was a bloodline he himself possessed, a legacy inherited from the mysterious Sky Martial Continent – his minor world within his own body.

Could there be a connection? Was this tribe somehow linked to the source of his power, to the strange continent that had been fused with his very being?

A wave of unease washed over him. This unexpected discovery was both intriguing and unnerving. He dismissed the women with a curt wave of his hand, the playful mood shattered.

Alone in the opulent chamber, Wang Jian paced, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The elders, sensing his sudden shift in mood, exchanged worried glances. They had never seen their usually arrogant and domineering master so…uncertain.

"Prepare the ship for a discreet approach to Star X-98," Wang Jian finally commanded, his voice tight with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. "We're going to take a closer look at this…Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe."

The elders, unaware of the significance this discovery held for Wang Jian, bowed in unison. The ship, cloaked in its veil of invisibility, hummed to life, its course charted towards this star.

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