USSR 1941

Chapter 149: Military ID

  Chapter 149 Military Certificate

  In the military rank system of the Soviet Army, starting from the rank of second lieutenant is a veritable officer.

  Actually, big men can be considered officers, because in fact, many big men serve as company commanders...there is a lack of command personnel, so the military rank cannot keep up.

  But if there is a military officer certificate as proof, it is a second lieutenant.

   It was a small book with a size of 75MM*110MM, with a total of 17 pages.

Compared with the previous "warrior card", the information filling in the military officer card is more strict... The "warrior card" is to fill in information such as name, enlisted troops, and arms at will. The photo does not matter, and many people even have this only There is no evidence.

  Military ID is different, it needs to fill in time of birth, place, family details, etc.

   This makes Shulka worry...Birth time, place, family information?

   Shulka's eyes were darkened and he didn't know anything.

   If there are no acquaintances around, Shulka can still fill in the air, but now he knows that the actor is his fellow...

   "Comrade Okunev!" Shulka called the actor aside: "I need your help with something!"

   "Yes, Comrade Company Commander!" The actor stood up and responded, and then whispered: "Comrade Company Commander, you should say 'There is a task for you to complete'!"

   "Okay!" said Shulka, "I can't remember that..."

   As Shulka said, he handed over his military ID: "My mind is blank, I don't remember anything!"

  Since the actor always thought that Shulka lost his memory because of a head injury, Shulka went along with the flow and followed suit.

  The actor didn't have any doubts, he just looked at Shulka with a slightly sad look, and then said: "January 19, 1922, Lobnia, father..."

   So Shulka got this information, he is an only son... which seems to be a good thing, because then there is no need to worry about being found out by siblings.

   After receiving the equipment information, Shulka asked Pukarev to make a list, and he only needed to copy it.

  The photo can only be blank.

   First of all, it is not easy to find a photo studio that is still open during the war.

  Secondly, even if the photo is found and taken, it is very likely that the photo will not be available... The reason is very simple, the troops will be transferred to the front line or other places to perform tasks at any time.

  Shuerka was right, because the troops were sent to the battlefield after only a day's rest in school.

   To be precise, it was not a battlefield, but was ordered to garrison the Odessa middle line of defense. (Note: The outer line of defense consists of the 25th Infantry Division and the 95th Infantry Division of the former Odessa Army)

   This is again the garrison's "gratitude" to the Mechanized 9th Army... As I said before, the middle defense line is only 6 to 8 kilometers away from the city of Odessa, which allows them to return to Odessa to rest in rotation when night falls.

  But you have to walk.

   This made the soldiers a little puzzled.

   "Comrade company commander!" the actor asked Shulka: "We have a car, why can't we go back by car?"

  Pukarev answered this question for Shulka: "Our supply lines are being blocked by the Germans. We must do our best to save supplies. Do you know how much gasoline we will consume if we go back to Odessa by car every day?"

  The actor stopped talking after hearing this.

   "You can choose to stay overnight at the defense line!" Pukarev said: "Or walk back to the barracks!"

   Of course the soldiers chose the latter, because when they returned to the barracks, they could at least have a good sleep on a dry bed to relieve fatigue, otherwise they would have to stay in the muddy water of the position.

  The main task of the troops in the middle line of defense is to build fortifications, including using the equipment seized from the Romanian army and the German army.

  The main task of the Ninth Army is still the latter. The former is mostly done by volunteers from Odessa. The soldiers only need to tell them how to do it.

   Shulka believes that these tasks are not very necessary, because it is unlikely that the German army will attack Odessa again, but Shulka does not know what the German army will do next.

  Until the third day, when Shulka was directing his subordinates to build the fortifications, Major Gavrilov walked up to Shulka and said, "They have crossed the Dnieper River!"

   "What?" Shulka wasn't sure what Major Gavrilov was talking about.

   "Germans, and Romanians!" Gavrilov said: "They did not retreat, but continued to advance east!"

   "East?" Shulka asked suspiciously: "Then their supplies..."

"The Southern Front!" Major Gavrilov said. "When they were attacked by the Germans, they didn't even have time to blow up the warehouse. There are other places... such as the transfer station. At least 20 large warehouses were left intact. into their hands, the Germans used this batch of supplies to complete their deployment!"

   "They put their forces on the east bank of the Dnieper?"

"Not exactly!" Gavrilov replied, and then picked up a branch and drew a sketch on the ground: "Brest, Kyiv, the Dnieper River...they used the Pripyat Marsh and the Dnieper River in our A line of defense has been established to the north of China!"

   Then Shulka understood that after the German army had no hope of encircling Kyiv, they hoped to cut Ukraine's main Kyiv army from the center so that they could not reinforce other places.

other places…

   Shulka turned his eyes to the center and said, "Moscow?"

   "Yes, Moscow!" Major Gavrilov nodded: "They are targeting Moscow!"

  Shuerka said something bad in his heart.

  The defense of Moscow should have started in October, because by this time the German army had surrounded and annihilated the Soviet army in Kyiv and successfully withdrawn.

  Then it will enter winter in early November... In fact, it is already cold and windy in October, and the snow on the ground has reached a thickness of 1 meter after November.

   That is to say, the cold winter came to Moscow just over a month after the German army arrived in Moscow and started its offensive. This is obviously one of the main reasons for the reversal of the final battle situation.

   But it is only the end of July, even if the German army was blocked by the Soviet army and did not arrive in Moscow until September, it would be a full month longer than in history.

  One month, in addition, the German army will also transfer the main force of the Army Group South to Moscow, which is likely to change the outcome of the Moscow campaign.

  Thinking of this, Shulka's face suddenly turned pale.

  He originally thought that saving Kyiv and the Southwest Front Army with his historical knowledge would have some positive impact on the war, but he didn't expect it to be counterproductive!

  However, even if it happens again, Shulka may still choose to do so.

  Because, he can't sacrifice himself to complete the victory of the Moscow Defense War!

  (end of this chapter)

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