USSR 1941

Chapter 148: company commander

  Chapter 148 Company Commander

   Shulka woke up from his sleep in a daze, and found that several actors were chatting and eating.

   "Comrade platoon leader!" Seeing Shulka get up, the actor handed over a dry military uniform and said, "Change on, I've got a set for you! There's also food..."

   "Thank you, Comrade Okunev!" Shulka didn't ask much, and took over the military uniform and got wet... In fact, he had almost been replaced by clothes that had been dried by body temperature.

  Sitting at the table and looking at the beef in the lunch box, Shulka laughed: "The food is good, much better than before!"

   "It's actually the canned beef we seized!" The veteran said, "They said they would leave these cans to us!"

   Shulka understood who the veterans were referring to by "they", which generally referred to the garrison in Odessa.

In fact, the garrison in Odessa does not need to be like this. When it comes to the battlefield, there is no such thing as who saves whom... Everyone is fighting for the Soviet Union. To put it more bluntly, it is fighting for survival. The 9th Army helped Odessa Sa, Odessa also helped the 9th Army, which is an interdependent relationship.

  However, if they were really surrounded by the enemy in this small city and couldn't advance or retreat, and when they were almost desperate, they suddenly rushed out a support army to rescue them, that feeling is still understandable.

   What's more, the beef was indeed seized when the main force of the 9th Army broke into the middle zone, but they didn't pick it up at that time.

   Later, Shulka learned that there were so many cans and bread scattered in the middle that the people of Odessa had to be mobilized to collect them... When the Romanian army fled, these supplies were scattered everywhere.

   Of course, what you collect is not only food, but also ammunition, cars, artillery, and firearms.

  This is not to say that Odessa is short of supplies, the problem is that Odessa must save supplies to send to Kyiv.

While Shulka was chewing beef, the long legs seemed to suddenly remember something, and said to Shulka: "Comrade platoon leader, Comrade Major came here once, he didn't wake you up, let you wake up." After that, go to his headquarters!"

   "Comrade Abramvich!" Shulka complained vaguely while biting the beef, "Can't you tell me after I finish eating the beef?"

   "Yes, Comrade Platoon Leader!" Long Leg touched his head and replied, "I'll tell you after you finish eating!"

  Shuerka rolled his eyes and put on a look of lovelessness, which only made the soldiers laugh.

  Major Gavrilov's headquarters is in the school, just walk up one floor.

When Shulka walked into the headquarters, Major Gavrilov was signing documents. Seeing Shulka come in, Major Gavrilov nodded, signed the last few documents, and then He stood up and invited Shulka to sit beside him.

   "Comrade Shulka!" Major Gavrilov said: "The operation was a success, except that the Italian expeditionary force broke through our blockade..."

   "Italian Expeditionary Force?"

"Yes!" Major Gavrilov nodded and said, "They arrived on the second day of our offensive, when our main force had already won a decisive victory in the middle zone. Break out before the battle line stabilizes!"

   This is impossible. At that time, there was still a long gap between the 9th Army and the follow-up troops, and it was not difficult for the Italian army to break through.

"That's it!" Then Major Gavrilov got up and took out a set of military uniforms from a drawer, and said, "Congratulations, Comrade Shulka, you are already the commander of the third company, and we think you are fully capable of commanding This army of heroes!"

   "Company commander?!" Shulka was caught off guard.

"Yes!" Major Gavrilov then took another piece of information from the staff officer and handed it to Shulka, explaining one by one: "This is the information from the third company, and your military certificate. You'd better fill in the information inside..."

   "Yes, Comrade Major!"

   "If you have any questions, you can ask Comrade Pukarev!" Major Gavrilov said: "He is your deputy company commander, and he has been a deputy company commander for some time. He has more experience!"

   "Yes, Comrade Major!" Shulka replied.

   This made Shulka a little embarrassed, because Pukarev used to be Shulka's platoon leader.

   But Shulka soon learned that he didn't have to worry about this at all, because Pukarev already knew this.

  So when Shulka passed the door of Master Pukarev's dormitory in his military uniform, Pukarev stopped him.

   "Shulka!" Pukarev stepped forward to give Shulka a hug, and said, "I'm so happy for you, Shulka! Look, I was a young boy not long ago, and now I am my superior!"

   Before Shulka could respond, Pukarev continued: "Don't expect me to salute you before you put on your military uniform!"

   "Of course, Comrade Pukarev!" Shulka replied.

   "Then..." Pukarev said, "Go and put on your new military uniform, I can't wait to salute you!"

  The two laughed at the same time.

  The communication between men in the Soviet Union was often so simple, and the original subordinate-subordinate relationship was quickly reversed after fighting.

  When Shulka returned to the dormitory with the military uniform in his hands, the others hadn't noticed yet, and they still focused on the beef.

  Shuerka changed into the second lieutenant's military uniform next to his bed without making a sound, and then put on the military cap squarely...

  At this time, the actor noticed Shuerka's military rank, and couldn't help but look at him in a daze. Others also turned their suspicious eyes to Shurka.

Then, when they realized what happened, they couldn't help cheering up, and they piled up one after another like a pile of arhats, and Shulka, who was pressed down, couldn't help crying... He didn't die in the hands of the enemy and almost died In the hands of my brother.

   It took a while for the soldiers to let go.

  The actor excitedly pulled Shuer up, who was almost crushed into an internal injury, and said, "Comrade platoon leader, are already a second lieutenant?!"

   "Comrade Okunev!" The veteran interrupted the actor: "If you are a second lieutenant, you shouldn't be called 'comrade platoon leader'!"

   "That's..." Everyone looked at Shulka expectantly.

  Shuerka nodded and replied: "Yes, I am your company commander!"

   The soldiers cheered again.

  At this time, there was a "huh-hum" sound outside the door, and everyone turned their heads to look, but it was the old company Davydov, so they immediately fell silent.

   Davydov gave them a hard look, as if to say... Is it that unpopular for me to be a company commander?

   But of course he didn't say that, he just patted Shulka on the shoulder and said, "I'm the commander of the second company, don't take all the credit, leave some for me... You bastard!"

  The soldiers laughed again with a "coax".

  (end of this chapter)

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