Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 102

Chapter 102 - She Smiled at Me

Strolling through the campus, Ye Hao felt as though he had stepped back into a previous life. It had been ages since he last set foot in a school.

”I seem to be getting busier by the day,” Ye Hao remarked to the girl walking beside him.

“It beats doing nothing,” Tang Pianpian replied with a laugh.

“That's true.” Ye Hao nodded in agreement.

“I've got class in half an hour. I need to run back to my dorm to grab my textbooks,” Tang Pianpian said before dashing off toward her dormitory.

Ye Hao made his way to his own dormitory. Upon arriving, he found Xiao Laoshi still brushing his teeth, while Yuan Gaoxing and Zheng Xiaolong were lounging in bed.

”Are there no classes this morning?”

“It's still early,” Yuan Gaoxing said with a smile, looking at Ye Hao. “What brought you to school all of a sudden?”

“I was starting to think you'd dropped out,” Zheng Xiaolong chimed in, swinging a leg over the side of his bed. “Come here and let's catch up properly.”

“You're getting better at talking nonsense,” Ye Hao chuckled.

“A person without shame is truly unbeatable,” Zheng Xiaolong quipped, sitting up. “Going to class every day puts me in such a foul mood.”

“Weren't we just on a two-day break?” Xiao Laoshi cast a scornful glance at Zheng Xiaolong. “This guy just wants to spend all day in bed.”

“If only I could make money lying in bed all day, that would be the dream!” Yuan Gaoxing exclaimed, heading for the bathroom.

After wiping his face, Xiao Laoshi called out to Yuan Gaoxing, “Hey Gaoxing, can I borrow your hair wax?”

“Sure thing,” came the response from the bathroom.

Zheng Xiaolong, catching on to something, teased, “Laoshi, looks like you've got your eye on someone new.”

“Laoshi's been hitting it off with Kang Qing from our class. He's been bringing her meals for three days straight.”

“So, are you planning to declare your feelings to Kang Qing today?”

“I think the time is right,” Xiao Laoshi confirmed with a nod.

“Isn't that moving a bit too quickly?” Ye Hao expressed his surprise.

“In these three days, it wasn't just about delivering meals,” Xiao Laoshi explained, looking at Ye Hao. “I've been gauging Kang Qing's feelings, and I can sense that she likes me too.”

“Good luck,” was all Ye Hao could offer.

“We'll head out together later,” Yuan Gaoxing said, grinning.

“It's essential we bear witness to such a sacred moment,” Zheng Xiaolong chimed in, clearly intrigued.

Subsequently, Ye Hao and his three friends hurriedly grabbed a meal at the cafeteria before following Xiao Laoshi to the women's dormitory.

As they ran, Xiao Laoshi lamented, “Looks like we won't be able to play cards tonight.”

“That's not on us,” Zheng Xiaolong retorted with a smile. “I told everyone it was time to hit the hay last night, but you were the one who pushed us to keep playing cards until three in the morning.”

Xiao Laoshi managed a wry smile.

“He wouldn't have insisted on playing cards if he hadn't lost two hundred yuan yesterday.”

Xiao Laoshi was about to make a call when Yuan Gaoxing stopped him. Xiao Laoshi looked puzzled until Yuan Gaoxing gestured towards a nearby scene.

There, Xiao Laoshi spotted a young man delivering a KFC breakfast to a short-haired girl—Kang Qing, the very person Xiao Laoshi had mentioned earlier.

”What in the world is happening?” Zheng Xiaolong exclaimed, bewildered.

Xiao Laoshi stood rooted to the spot.

After observing the distant interaction for a moment, Ye Hao clapped Xiao Laoshi on the shoulder and asked, “Does Kang Qing chat with you like that?”

Xiao Laoshi shook his head, his expression tinged with bitterness.

Meanwhile, Kang Qing was laughing and talking with the boy, her eyes never straying from him.

“Let's go,” Ye Hao suggested.

“No. I need to find out what this is all about,” Xiao Laoshi said, his face etched with anger, and he strode towards Kang Qing.

“Kang Qing,” Xiao Laoshi called out firmly when he was just three meters away.

Upon seeing Xiao Laoshi, Kang Qing greeted him with a smile, “Laoshi.”

“And who might this be?” the boy asked, eyeing Xiao Laoshi cautiously.

Xiao Laoshi, still clutching the breakfast, didn't need to say a word—it was obvious what was happening.

“I've mentioned him to you. When you were away for three days, Xiao Laoshi from our class kindly brought me breakfast. Otherwise, I would've gone to class hungry,” Kang Qing explained to the boy beside her.

“He's the honest guy you mentioned,” the boy said, a light of recognition dawning on his face as he reached out to shake Xiao Laoshi's hand. “Hello, I'm Sun Ming, a sophomore.”

Xiao Laoshi was overcome with sadness.

“Laoshi, let's go,” Ye Hao said quietly, approaching Xiao Laoshi.

Xiao Laoshi realized that anything more he said would be superfluous.

“Laoshi, what's wrong?” Kang Qing asked with concern.

Upon seeing Kang Qing's expression, Zheng Xiaolong couldn't resist asking, “If you don't like Laoshi, why lead him on?”

“I didn't lead him on,” Kang Qing replied, her voice tinged with hurt.

“Mind your language,” Sun Ming interjected, his tone unfriendly.

“If you weren't leading him on, why did you let him bring you food every day?” Yuan Gaoxing chimed in, defending Xiao Laoshi.

“Xiao Laoshi brought me food. Was I supposed to throw it away?” Kang Qing retorted, her face clouded with frustration. “I told him after the first time not to bring me food anymore, but he kept insisting. What was I supposed to do?”

Yuan Gaoxing and Zheng Xiaolong were taken aback by her words.

It turned out to be Xiao Laoshi's unrequited affection.

The situation was painfully awkward.

Yuan Gaoxing and Zheng Xiaolong quickly whisked Xiao Laoshi away.

Ye Hao stayed behind, noticing Zhang Lan coming downstairs.

“What are you doing here?” Zhang Lan asked Ye Hao, her voice filled with surprise.

“I came with Laoshi to confess to Kang Qing,” Ye Hao explained, gesturing towards her. “But it turns out it was all one-sided.”

“I thought you were here to meet me,” Zhang Lan said, her lips pursing in disappointment.

“I didn't leave with them; I've been here waiting for you,” Ye Hao replied.

“Is it the same, though?”

“In the end, yes.”

Zhang Lan then addressed Bai Hehua, “Bai Hehua, we'll head out first.”

Without waiting for a response, she and Ye Hao walked shoulder to shoulder toward their classroom.

Bai Hehua watched them go, a look of envy on her face.

How she wished she could be in Zhang Lan's place, but she knew it was an impossibility.

A bitter taste filled Bai Hehua's heart.

Zhang Lan could have invited Bai Hehua to join them, but she wanted some alone time with Ye Hao, so she declined Bai Hehua's offer to accompany them.

“Where have you been these last few days?”

“I had some things to take care of.”

“What things?”

Ye Hao just smiled.

“Can't you share with me?”

“I can't.”

“Just a hint?”

“No.” Ye Hao continued to refuse kindly.

“Okay.” Zhang Lan didn't press further and changed the subject. “I have a question for you.”

“What's that?”

“Do you believe in ghosts?”

“I do.”

Zhang Lan's eyes widened in astonishment. “Why would you believe in them?”

“Is there a problem?” Ye Hao glanced at Zhang Lan.

“I just thought you wouldn't believe in that sort of thing.”

“I'm not an atheist.”

“Fair enough.”

“So, what made you bring this up all of a sudden?”

“Yesterday, during my anatomy class, I saw the female cadaver we were dissecting smile at me.”

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