Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 89

"All right! Bring Xiaoxi back with you. "

"Xiaoxi may not come back. She is with my friend!"

"That's fine, too!" Tang Xiong thought that when he brought Xiaoxi back, the atmosphere was not good either! No demands.

Tang Siyu remembers Murphy's phone number. She is familiar with those numbers. She hesitates and dials Murphy's phone number.

"Siyu, is that you?" The soft voice of Murphy sounded.

"It's me! I have something to tell you. My father just called me and asked if you would go back to tangzhai for dinner. " Tang Siyu conveyed his father's meaning.

Murphy was a wise man. He understood at first. He sighed, "if you want me to go, I will go back with you."

"If you don't want to marry Tang Yiyi, you'd better make it clear to her, and don't let her resentment spill on me." Tang Siyu is tired of this.

"Where are you now?"

"I wash the car nearby."

"Well, I'll wait for you in the parking lot under the building, and I'll accompany you back to tangzhai." Murphy agreed.

"Good!" Tang Siyu answered and hung up.

Ten minutes later, she went to pick up the car. Xing liehan's car was washed very clean. Tang Siyu paid the money and drove downstairs toward the community. The parking lot downstairs and Murphy's car were waiting there. Today, he changed into a white Porsche car and ran. When he looked at the black Bugatti car coming up, he was shocked. Xing liehan was back?

The sports car slowly stops in the parking space next to him, and Tang Siyu is the one who steps down from the driver's seat. The envy of Murphy reaches the extreme in an instant. Does Tang Siyu and Xing liehan really live together? Did Tang Siyu wash his car?

Tang Siyu came up to him and said, "let's drive each other!"

"Why? Take my car! " Murphy looked at her affectionately and said.

"No, you go first! I'll come later. " With that, Tang Siyu stepped forward to Xing liehan's sports car, opened the door and sat in.

Even if the man let her wash the car, she will drive his car out today! Although it's a little too ostentatious, it's better than taxi.

Before Murphy's car moved, he saw that the black sports car turned around from the front and drove out in a very low-key and aggressive way.

As long as he thinks that Tang Siyu is driving in the driver's seat, his heart is suddenly very strong. It seems that this woman has a momentum that he can't control, and his sports car closely follows behind him.

So the driving of two roadsters one before and one after the other attracted a lot of sidelights in the street. Some good people recorded their videos in front of the traffic lights and sent them to the network. The powerful network immediately attracted a lot of eyeballs. Even the media and the news home page immediately changed this content and generated a lot of hits.

When Tang Siyu's car arrived at the gate of the Tang house, she still parked the car outside and didn't drive into the courtyard of the Tang house, so that her father wouldn't see her driving this sports car today.

Murphy's car stopped behind her, and the two sports cars seemed to compete for beauty. Tang Siyu came down from the sports car, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and a pair of flat shoes, which made her slim and slender, with perfect curve, long hair and waist, and her beautiful goose egg face, pure and attractive.

Mufei's eyes couldn't be moved away, and he found that Tang Siyu had a more fascinating charm for men than she used to be green and astringent.

Tang Siyu and Murphy walk into the hall together. When Murphy appears, Tang Yiyi, who is waiting on the sofa, rushes directly to Murphy and pours into Murphy's arms fiercely. "Murphy, you will see me at last."

However, she forgot that Murphy was willing to come here not to see her, but to see Tang Siyu.

"Yi, don't do that." Mufei plans to pull Tang Yiyi away from his arms.

Tang Yiyi hugged her tightly. Murphy used some strength to pull her hand away from her. Then he held her shoulder and sat her down on the sofa.

On one side, Tang Siyu picked up her mobile phone and was watching her news. Now there are many new websites about her on the Internet, all of which are praising her performance in Ye you concert and being named as a domestic Piano goddess. This is also the result of Tang Siyu's accumulation of water. Her interest in piano has been growing since childhood. These years, she has been practicing and playing to make herself The level of is increasing instead of decreasing.

"Murphy, you are here. Some days are gone." Qiu Lin was very enthusiastic at once. "Yi can miss you."

"Aunt." Mufei called Qiu Lin, and Tang Xiong came out of his study. "Mufei, here you are."

"Murphy, I want to talk to you. Can I have a chat with you alone?" Tang Yiyi is holding mufei's arm and can't wait to be alone with him. His eyes are more affectionate.

However, mufei's eyes fell on Tang Siyu and he did not answer.

At this moment, Tang Yiyi really hopes that Tang Siyu will be more sensible, and it's best to disappear from Tang's house. Because with her, she lost all attraction in front of mufei. Tang Yiyi bit her lips and begged mufei, "mufei, please, give me ten minutes, OK?""Good! Let's go for a walk in the garden! " Murphy sighed in response.

Qiu Lin is also happy for her daughter. It seems that mufei still has feelings for her daughter. Tang Xiong sits next to Tang Siyu and asks about the little guy.

Qiu Lin's grudge fell on Tang Siyu and went to the kitchen to ask the servant to make lunch.

In the garden, Tang Yiyi stands beside mufei excitedly, and she hasn't walked out ten meters. She can't wait for her back to surround his waist, and a small face clings to his back. "Mufei, I miss you so much. Don't you hide from me anymore, OK?"

Murphy pulled her hand away and gently pushed her away. He leaned down to look at her. "Yi Yi, I know I'm sorry for you. Please don't look for me anymore. I don't want to see you, but I hope you can understand that it's impossible between us."

"Impossible? Why not? Because Tang Siyu? Where on earth can I compare with her? " Tang Yiyi said very loudly, as if he was going to give this sentence to Tang Siyu.

Murphy's eyebrows tightened a little. "Yiyi, it has nothing to do with her. Besides, she is your sister."

"But she never regarded me as her sister. She knew that I liked you. When I came back to China, she took you away. What kind of sister is she?" Cried Tang Yiyi.

"Siyu didn't take me away, but my heart came back to her. It has nothing to do with her. Don't blame her."

Murphy explained in a deep voice.

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