Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 88

Tang Siyu went back to the bathroom and took another bath. He chose a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with a round neck and sat down on the sofa, wearing them tightly.

She was curling up, holding a glass of water when the cold door opened, her heart immediately tightened.

Xing liehan came over with a car key in his hand and threw it in front of her. "Wash the car for me and clean it up a little."

Tang Siyu wanted to cry, but she did vomit, which can't be denied.

"Good! I'll wash it later. " Don Siyu answers him stiffly, afraid to look him in the eye.

Xing liehan looks at her expression of self abandonment and leaves with a smile like a smile.

Xing liehan goes downstairs and arrives at the garage. His assistant gives Tang Siyu the key to his car. He picks it up and sits in Tang Siyu's red Porsche cross-country car. He starts to drive in the direction of his company.

Tang Siyu was depressed at home for a long time. After drinking two cups of boiled water, his stomach felt better. He was depressed. Seeing the car key on the desk, Tang Siyu breathed a sigh. It seemed that she had to wash the car for him.

Cold not Ding, Tang Siyu found a thing, her bag?

I don't think she left her bag in the banquet hall!

Tang Siyu hurriedly pushes Xing liehan's home to look for it again, but she doesn't find it. She thinks she'll be in the car. So, she rushes downstairs to find the black sports car. When she opens it, she feels a smell floating out. She covers her mouth.

It's strange that Xing liehan can be so disgusted. Sure enough, the taste of wine is so strong that she can't even get rid of it herself.

She saw the bag in the back seat, picked up the bag, sat in the driver's seat, adjusted her position, opened the window, then drove out of the parking lot, went to a nearby car wash shop to wash the car.

When Tang Siyu went to turn the key, there were many people looking at her. She was young and driving a top sports car. What's the identity of this girl?

Tang Siyu took his bag and sat down in a nearby coffee shop. He took out his cell phone and watched the news for a while. Unexpectedly, she was praised by the media and received a lot of praise.

For the famous thing, she also let it be and didn't want to hype herself.

At this time, she heard her cell phone ring. She picked it up. It was called by praying for cool. She vaguely remembered that Xing liehan appeared in the hotel.

"Hello, pray for the cool." She picked it up.

"Siyu, were you OK last night! Is it better now? " Ask for the cool.

"I'm fine! I had a sleep last night and I'm fine now. " Tang Siyu replied with a smile.

"Do you know Xing liehan? What is your relationship? " That end prays for cool curious to ask.

"We We... "

"Are you dating?" Pray for the cool and ask some lost questions.

Tang Siyu sighed and prayed for cool. Besides, Xing liehan was so domineering. Plus, she could feel that praying for cool was interesting to her. If she admitted at the moment, she would make friends with praying for cool.

She had to admit it cheekily, "yes! I'm dating him. "

That end prayed for cool to be silent for a while, if be another man, he still can strive for her affection, but the other side is Xing liehan, he really does not have this bottom spirit and self-confidence, he smiled at that end, "Siyu, you are a good girl, I bless you."

"Thank you for the cool."

"You're welcome. We can still be friends!"

"Well! I'm very happy and honored to have a friend like you. " Tang Siyu said, for a while, he didn't know what to say.

"I have something else to do. I'll hang up first and come out for a cup of tea when I have time."

"OK! Go ahead and do it! "

Hung up the phone, Tang Siyu slightly relieved, thinking of what happened last night, she was so upset that she wanted to die, how could such a funny thing happen?

In the end, she would like to thank the man for bathing himself and fainting.

Tang house.

Tang Yiyi's recent life is very difficult. She is almost following mufei's figure, but mufei is also hiding from her, so she feels very tired and painful.

Qiu Lin saw her daughter's pain in her eyes, and she suddenly got angry. She thought it was better to call all the parties to solve this matter in front of her.

She then said to Tang Xiong, "you call Siyu back for dinner tonight. At the same time, you call Siyu to call mufei back. Let's make this clear. Otherwise, Yiyi will die of grief."

"What is there to say? The children's feelings are left to their own disposal. " Tang Xiong knew that it would be very difficult for Tang Siyu to do so.

"She is your daughter, Yiyi is also your daughter. She is in agony now. Who caused it? Isn't that your eldest daughter, Tang Siyu? You can't be partial to her. "

Tang Xiong sighed a little, "how about calling mufei and Siyu over?"

"I want them to make it clear face to face, what to do in the end! Murphy must make a statement in front of Tang Siyu and us. ""What's the point of forcing Murphy like this? You know what he liked at first was Siyu. "

Qiu Lin was angry. "Do you call or not? If you don't, I'll move out with my daughter."

After all, Tang Xiong was afraid of his wife. He had no choice but to say, "OK! Let me make a phone call and have a look! "

"Now." Qiu Lin sat beside him with a calm face.

Tang Xiong picked up his mobile phone and dialed Tang Siyu's number.

Tang Siyu is holding her cell phone in a daze. Leng buting sees the number. She picks up, "Hello, Dad."

"Siyu! Are you free recently? Go home and have a meal! " Said Tang xiongchao.

"Er! I'm free at noon. " Tang Siyu didn't want to take her son back, but her father asked her to go back to dinner. While her son was at Xing's, she could go home and deal with it.

"Do you have Murphy's contact information? Can you call him back for dinner, too? "

"Dad! Why do you want me to call? " Tang Siyu is a little annoyed.

"Because Yiyi can't find his people all the time, she wants to see him, and mufei has been hiding from her. If you call, maybe he will agree to come home for dinner."

"What's the point of asking him back?" Tang Siyu retorted.

"Siyu, try it and take mufei home for dinner!" Tang Xiong is pleading with her, "if I'm a father, please tell Murphy to go home and have a meal for me!"

Tang Siyu knows that Qiu Lin must be pushing her father around. She has a strong character. Her father usually listens to her. She doesn't want to embarrass her father, so she responds, "OK, I'll try. If he doesn't go, I can't help it."

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