Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 187: Shocking Construction Plan

Chapter 187: Shocking Construction Plan

Chapter 187 – Shocking Construction Plan

[Is this AI bugged?]

[A top speed of 14,000km/h...]

[Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!]

[How scary...]

[Newton: China isn’t under my control.]

[What’s our target? Railway Construction: Beyond the speed of light!]

[There’s no way this speed is achievable, right?]

[Isn’t the theoretical top speed of maglev trains 4,000km/h?]

[Logic doesn’t work in Transdimensional Review’s channel.]

[Rather than the train’s speed, shouldn’t we pay more attention to its construction capabilities?]

Amidst the hustle and bustle in the bullet comment section, the train’s AI completed the introduction’s first phase and had begun the second phase.

“When in construction mode, the vehicle’s length will shrink to 294 meters. The construction process is split into four steps, of which the first two will be conducted simultaneously.

“One: The threaded carbon alloy drill bit will be activated, and it will be used to drill an 18-meter-radius hole underground. The recommended depth is 750 to 1,200 meters below sea level.

“Two: The soil and rock collected by the drill bit will be compressed under high pressure. The compressed debris will then be expanded by the front bezel to form a temporary vacuum pipeline to prevent soil from refilling the tunnel.

“Three: After the temporary vacuum pipeline is constructed, insert the necessary amounts of iron, copper, gold, manganese, zinc, and twelve other metals and rare-earth metals into the material reserve compartment. These materials will then be used to strengthen and lay tracks on the temporary pipeline.

“Four: Ultra-high pressure air pumps that are connected with the surface will be constructed at intervals of 200 kilometers...”

The explanation of the train AI was monotonous and complicated. However, with the help of pictures and videos, Chen Yu and the livestream’s audience were still able to get a general understanding of the vacuum pipeline’s construction process.

Overall, the process wasn’t very complicated. The only part that Chen Yu took note of was the third step—inserting the “necessary amounts” of iron, copper, gold, and other metals and rare-earth metals.

Procuring these materials would be a challenging endeavor for Chen Yu. However, if he didn’t have these materials, he wouldn’t be able to complete the maglev train’s vacuum pipeline.

After silently pondering, Chen Yu touched the crystal ball and paused the AI’s introduction. He then looked toward the camera and said, “Government officials, I’m sure you guys are watching the stream, so you should’ve heard what the AI just said. I require large amounts of metals to construct the vacuum pipeline. So, to let the review progress smoothly, let’s make a deal.”

After saying so, Chen Yu walked to the right side of the hall and sat on a leather sofa. Crossing his legs, he continued, “I think this transaction is beneficial to both of us. The transaction’s content is simple. You guys will provide me the materials and venue needed for the review, while I will construct a vacuum pipeline with a speed limit of 5,000 kilometers per hour for you.

“My current location is Beijing. Um...”

After pondering for a moment, Chen Yu snapped his fingers and said, “Let’s head to Shanghai. The distance between Beijing and Shanghai is over a thousand kilometers. Once the construction is completed, I’ll lease this 22nd-century maglev train to the government for free. Of course, its ownership will remain with me. What do you think of this transaction?”

As soon as Chen Yu was done speaking, the bullet comment section of the five livestream rooms immediately exploded.




[I need to drink some dichlorvos to calm down.]

[Government: ???]

[Heaven-sent fortune.]

[UP, you’re the ruler of the world!]

[If it really is opened to the public, we can ride on it as well.]

[Seeking to find out the psychological state of the various countries right now, lololol...]

[As a blind person, I’m very excited to see this scene.]

[As soon as this route is opened...]


At the same time, inside the special situation team’s office in Beijing...


The middle-aged team leader slammed his palms onto the conference table, his face flushed with excitement. Even his body was shivering uncontrollably.

Anyone could easily estimate the value of a route with a speed limit of 5,000 kilometers per hour.

This was especially true if this route led from Beijing to Shanghai!

In the world of economics, there was a term called “economic externality.” It referred to a cost or benefit caused by a producer not financially incurred or received by that producer.

Meanwhile, if an externality generated a beneficial effect, then it would be called a positive externality. Naturally, if an adverse effect was caused, it would be considered a negative externality.

Meanwhile, transportation, particularly the construction of railways, was a typical economic behavior with major externalities.

If one expanded their view to the whole world, they would find that any country’s development trend was directly proportional to the development of their transportation systems. Meanwhile, the fewer hindrances there were in a transportation system, the greater the positive externality generated would be.

On a smaller scale, an improved transportation system would increase the country’s GDP. On a larger scale, an improved transportation system could even drive the country’s overall economy, technology, production, industry, culture, construction, population and employment flows, and international influence.

These positive externalities were incalculable and immeasurable...

This was also why China had been constructing railway systems for the past several decades, regardless of the losses incurred.

These lifeless railways were the pillars supporting the entire country.

Now, however, a maglev train capable of traveling at a speed of 5,000 kilometers per hour and carrying up to 8,000 passengers had just fallen into the country’s lap from the sky...

With shaking hands, the middle-aged team leader pulled out his pill box and gulped down three pills. He then took deep breaths to calm himself.

Once the maglev train was in operation, even if they ignored the tangible benefits it could bring and only used it purely for research, the results they could obtain would still be enough to revolutionize the development of science and technology. This was especially true for the development of materials science.

Although it would be incredibly difficult to reverse engineer the maglev train, even if they made a small step toward recreating the technology, it would still be considered an enormous harvest.

Besides the two points mentioned above, Chen Yu’s behavior could be considered a major breakthrough for the government.

One minute later, the middle-aged team leader calmed down, picked up his communicator, and stepped out of the conference room.

He was going to contact his superior.

Under the escort of four security guards, he arrived in an isolated room. Before he could even make the call, however, his communicator rang.

The team leader’s spirit tensed up as he hurriedly connected the call.

“Coordinate with all of Target A’s actions! I’ve already made the necessary arrangements on Shanghai’s side. Coordinate with the analysis department to plan out a route and send it to Target A.”


They were in a critical period now, so both sides conducted their call clearly and concisely.

After concluding the call, the middle-aged team leader returned to the conference room. Seeing that everyone in the room still remained in a daze, he loudly said, “Staff teams one, two, three, four, and five are to halt all current tasks. I want an underground route going from Beijing to Shanghai planned in three minutes.”

“Yes, sir!”

Sweat started soaking Big Sis Wu’s forehead as she quickly tapped her fingers across her customized tablet.

“Contact the railway department. Have them send all railway and high-speed railway maps to the staff teams for reference.”

“Leader, your authorization.”

After completing the authorization, the middle-aged team leader continued, “Notify the field teams closest to Transdimensional Review. Have them carry wireless fax machines and head to Lotus Mountain Forest Park now! They must arrive within 10 minutes!”

“Yes, sir.”

“Block all foreign communication from now on. That includes the Observer Foundation as well.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Notify the 224th Army in the north and have them enter a state of emergency. Make sure they’re ready to cooperate with the Special Situations Office at any time. Relay this message to the higher-ups as well. Once the authorization key has been released, transfer it to my personal communicator. I want to contact the 224th Army.”

“Leader, your authorization...”


At this moment, many government agencies were operating at frighteningly high efficiency.

Meanwhile, Chen Yu stood up from the sofa and approached the crystal ball. He then reached out to the crystal ball while saying, “It should take some time for the government to make a response. Since I’m free right now, let’s start the engineering vehicle.

“Dimwit, start the vehicle.”

“Starting. Please hold on, Chief Conductor.”

Three seconds after the train AI responded, the two headlights at the front of the train lit up and shined forward like laser beams...

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