Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 186: Sixth Official Livestream! (3)

Chapter 186: Sixth Official Livestream! (3)

Chapter 186 – Sixth Official Livestream! (3)

“Vacuum Tube Maglev Train”

Pointing at the text, Chen Yu read, “Produced by the China Railway Construction Corporation in 2150.”

[It’s really a train!]


[There are another hundred or so years to go. My son will be able to ride it! I’m happy!]

[All hail China.]

[This prosperous age is like a wish...]

[I know it’s a Vacuum Tube Maglev Train, but where’s the tube?]

[Where’s the tube?]

[Where’s the tube? +250]

“It seems that everyone’s guess is correct.” Facing the camera, Chen Yu spread his arms and said, “The review product for this episode is really a train. Moreover, it is the rumored Vacuum Tube Maglev Train. Now, the problem is...

“Where’s the tube?”

After turning around to close the train door, Chen Yu walked deeper into the train while explaining, “If it is merely a simple means of transportation, then I can announce that today’s livestream is a bust. However, as far as I know, it is actually a piece of industrial equipment similar to the island-building ship.

“Combined with the name we just saw, we should be able to infer what this product is for.”

Stopping his footsteps, Chen Yu turned around to look at the camera and calmly said, “Aside from functioning as a maglev train, it is highly likely that this product is also an engineering vehicle capable of constructing the maglev train pipelines.

“If my guess is correct, then everyone will get to see a far more shocking construction scene than when we reviewed the island-building ship.”

While saying so, Chen Yu continued moving forward. “The train’s control room should be at the front of the train. We’ll return to it later. For now, we’ll see what the rest of the train compartments looks like.”

Under the camera’s recording, Chen Yu arrived at the end of the first carriage and opened the hatch.

“This should be the living area for the train captain and staff members. The decoration here is more luxurious, and the carpet is softer.”

After entering the second carriage, Chen Yu narrated his observation, “The inner width of this carriage is nearly 30 meters, and the height should be 10 meters. I have a difficult time associating this thing with the train carriages I know of. Even a basketball court only has a width of 15 meters. This carriage is basically a combination of two basketball courts.

“As you can see, there are several bedrooms in this carriage, and the front of the carriage seems to be a living room. There’s also a kitchen area here plus several bathrooms. If you follow this staircase here, you can even go up to the second floor...”

Walking up to the second floor, Chen Yu crossed a fitness area and pushed open a glass door. Immediately, a bright light assaulted his eyes.

“...Damn. They actually used up such a large space for a swimming pool...”

[You call this a train?]

[I suspect this is an entertainment club.]

[A swimming pool on a train. Goddamn...]

[People in the future really know how to live...]

[I’m a train driver. I want to cry now.]

[Host, are you still in Beijing? I’m almost there! My train just left Inner Mongolia!]

[Jealousy, makes me infertile.]

Approaching the pool, Chen Yu crouched down and visually measured its depth. He then exclaimed, “The depth is roughly 2.5 meters. You really can do whatever you want if you have sufficient space.

“As everyone can see, this carriage should be the living quarters of the crew. There isn’t much to see here, so let’s go to the third carriage.”

Going back downstairs, Chen Yu walked through a long aisle and arrived at the end of the carriage. Just as he was about to hatch, an alarm going “Beep! Beep!” suddenly rang out.

[The passenger compartment has yet to be unfolded. Entry prohibited.]

Seeing the text prompt flashing across the door, Chen Yu stepped back in hesitation. “There is a passenger compartment beyond this, but it hasn’t been unfolded yet, so we can’t go in. Once this train fully unfolds, just how long will it become? Combined with its 30-meter-width...

“I suspect it can carry an entire town’s worth of people on it. Amazing.”

After sighing in admiration, Chen Yu turned around and walked through the first and second carriages. He then entered the corridor leading to the maglev train’s cab.

Unlike the living quarters, the corridor was very narrow. Its width did not exceed two meters, and thick metal walls flanked both sides of the pathway. The ceiling was also only three meters high. It was a sharp contrast to the spacious living quarters.

Chen Yu actually felt slightly uncomfortable walking through this narrow corridor.

The corridor extended for at least 15 meters, and it ended at a sealed door. After pushing open the door, Chen Yu finally entered the maglev train’s cab.

The space in the cab was slightly smaller than that of the living quarters. However, it lacked the various rooms found in the living quarters. It was just one big hall, so it looked much more spacious than the two carriages he visited before.

What was even more surprising was that the cab’s ceiling was actually made of a single pane of glass. The glass allowed one to have a clear view of the outside environment.

Previously, the windshield that Chen Yu and Little Peach looked through was also part of this glass panel.

“Viewers in front of the screen, this is the driver’s compartment. This place really gives off a technological feeling.”

Stepping to the front of the cab, Chen Yu looked around and said, “This place is so high-tech that I can’t even see any instrument panels or control panels.”

“Fortunately, I found it...

The camera angle shifted, and a familiar crystal ball simultaneously appeared in the eyes of four million viewers–an artificial intelligence access key!

“It just so happens I didn’t show everyone the whole artificial intelligence binding process during the island-building ship’s livestream. Let’s make up for the missed opportunity now.”

After saying so, Chen Yu quickly approached the crystal ball and placed his hand on the oval sphere.


The next moment, the crystal ball lit up with a silver glow. A virtual image composed of the characters “工” and “人” then appeared.

It was none other than the China Railway Construction’s logo!

[It’s really China Railway Construction!]


[This belongs to the railway corporation! We can’t let UP bind with it!]

[That’s right. It still isn’t too late to grab it.]

[Toss some nukes! The train is ours once we blow up the host!]

“Activating processing server, please wait.

“Activation complete!

“You are currently using the Maglev General Construction Level 3 Engineering Vehicle, which was produced by the China Railway Construction Corporation in 2150. Please name your ‘auxiliary system.’”

Hearing the electronically synthesized voice, Chen Yu pondered for a moment before answering, “Dimwit.”

“...” Little Peach, who was originally looking around the cab in excitement, suddenly froze.

For some reason, she felt this name held ill intentions toward her...

“Naming successful.”

After 10 seconds passed, the logo inside the crystal ball changed into the figure of a human.

“Hello, sir. I am ‘Dimwit.’ Please set your authority. Authority levels are divided into operation level and work level.”

“Set it to the highest authority.”

“Operation level—Chief Conductor’s authority. Please confirm.”


“Please open your eyes and let Dimwit collect your iris data.”

After going through a few simple procedures, Chen Yu successfully bound himself with the highest authority, solidifying his ownership over this product.

“Similar to the island-building ship, we’ll have the AI give us a detailed explanation of the product,” Chen Yu said as he directed the camera toward the crystal ball. “Dimwit, start the introduction.”

“Yes, Chief Conductor.”

A moment later, several images and videos appeared out of thin air. The electronically synthesized voice also echoed throughout the hall.

“The Maglev General Construction Level 3 Engineering Vehicle is a full-featured maglev train that combines construction, maintenance, and transportation. It is mass-produced by the Railway Construction Corporation in 2150. While in the construction and maintenance modes, the vehicle’s full length is 294 meters, width is 29.43 meters, and height is 9.6 meters.

“When in transportation mode, the vehicle’s full length is 950 meters, and it can carry up to 8,800 passengers. Its base speed is 5,000 kilometers per hour, the engine propulsion acceleration is 9,000 kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed is 14,000 kilometers per hour.”

Although the artificial intelligence’s introduction was still on-going, Chen Yu and the livestream’s four million viewers had long since become dumbfounded...

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