Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 252: The War

Chapter 252: The War

On the bottom floor of Onigashima, the war still rages on. Both sides are giving their all to defeat their enemies. They all go for the kill and no one shows mercy to their enemies. It's kill or gets killed in this war.

The Clowns also give their all and attack any enemy in their sight. But they don't just attack blindly, they attack strategically. They work together with their crewmates to increase their winning chance.

The ones on the front will strike and hold their enemies in close combat. But they won't exert too much energy to avoid getting exhausted. They will try to save their energy but will still go for the kill if they have the chance.

While the ones in the front hold their enemies, the ones in the back will provide support. They will shoot those who get held or those who try to disturb the ones who are fighting. Their guns have a very long range of attack and high accuracy, so they can shoot from afar.

Over these last few months, the gunners trained their skills through the crew's continuous wars against Beasts Pirates. Their skills have improved tremendously in these wars. They rarely miss their shots even in the chaos of war.

It's not only their skills that have been improved, their guns also have been improved. The guns' shapes might be strange in this world because their designs come from Earth's modern world. The bullets are also different from the ones in this world too because they're pointy instead of round like balls.

Ruff made these weapons based on Buggy's idea which he got from his old world. Although Buggy doesn't really know the weapons' mechanisms, Ruff could still make them. Ruff also kept improving the weapons until now so they've become very strong.

With such weapons & skills, the gunners have become forces to reckon with. Furthermore, most of them have O-Haki, making them more dangerous. A few of them have A-Haki, so they can also hit devil fruit users.

The frontliners fully believe in the gunners' skills and just fight in the front without any hesitation. They aren't worried that they'll get shot by their crewmates. Something like that won't make them worry because the gunners will never shoot if they aren't sure.

The Clowns' combined attacks make the Beasts Pirates & Orochi's men overwhelmed. They had never seen such a strategy since they become pirates. Furthermore, the Clowns' weapons are just too good, including the frontliners' weapons.

This strategy is actually normal, at least Buggy thinks so. Fighters in the front while rangers in the back is a normal strategy on Earth. At least that was what was shown in the games that he knew in his past life.

It is an effective strategy, but Buggy is very confused as to why no one in this world uses it. They don't use the gunners' range advantage to shoot from afar. In the series, he always sees rangers attack in the front instead from the back.

Well, maybe many of them actually attack from the back but he didn't really put attention to them. However, he often saw that rangers runs to the front instead of staying in the back. Then they'll get defeated easily and die.

Buggy thinks that gunners are underestimated and underdeveloped in this world. Well, it's a world where swords will win against guns, after all. It is such an unbelievable thing and will never happen on Earth. The sword users will die before they even get closer to the gunners in direct combat on Earth.

But it is possible in this world because people's power growth can surpass any weapon here. If they are strong enough, they can even evade a gunshot at point-blank. Hell, they can even block gunshots with their bodies without getting any injury.

That's why gunners always need to upgrade their guns while improving their skills too. Buggy knows it very well so he ordered Ruff to keep improving their crew's guns including their ship's weapons.

Just like how swords have their grades, guns also have theirs. There are no clear grades for guns, but each type of gun has different power so they must have their grades. Buggy is confident that their guns have high grades although he doesn't know how high they are.

Bullets also have grades based on their power and uses. Even a gun can create different effects & damage based on the bullets that the user uses. That's why Buggy asked Ruff to make some types of bullets with different purposes.

Right now, the Clown's gunners use bullets with the highest penetration power. These bullets can even penetrate weak A-Haki. They are the most suitable bullets to be used against Beasts Pirates who have many Zoan devil fruit users.

Zoan users usually have tougher bodies than non-users. Normal bullets work on them, but the damages aren't lethal. These bullets will surely penetrate their bodies and give them lethal damage.

Weak A-Haki users also get injured even though they've protected themselves with A-Haki. If their A-Haki isn't tough enough, then the bullets will pierce it. But the bullets can't pierce A-Haki at the Clowns executives' levels because they are too tough.

So now the gunners' shots have killed many enemies. But the Beasts Pirates just have too many members. Not to mention Orochi's men also join this war, making the enemy's number increase a lot. The frontliners also have killed many enemies, but their number doesn't seem to reduce.

Cricket who watches from the side as Manba treats him also realizes it. The Clowns' killing speed is fast but the enemy's number is still high. Then he realizes that the samurais are having a hard time fighting their opponents.

The samurais just rely on themselves to defeat their opponents. They aren't as strong as the Clowns to begin with and they don't have a good strategy too. They also prefer fighting alone because they are more used to it.

"We can't rely on the samurais to reduce the enemy's number faster. Sure they are stronger than the enemies, but they are weaker than our men. We need to change our strategy for now," ponders Cricket.

"Why don't we use that now?" asks Manba while still treating Cricket.

"That, huh? Alright," says Cricket before he gathers his crew's attention.


The Clowns who hear it nod without hesitation and the frontliners retreat. Seeing them retreating, the samurais also choose to retreat. They don't know what the Clowns will do but it is surely dangerous.

The Beasts Pirates who don't care about the Clowns' strategy chase the ones who retreat. But they regret it immediately when the gunners shot them. These shots are different from before because the bullets create big explosions that engulf a lot of the Beasts Pirates.

As if the exploding bullets aren't enough, the Clowns' frontliners throw some grenades at the enemies. Some gunners also change their guns into bazookas & hand cannons. The clangs of swords suddenly change into the booms of bombs.

The Clowns attack anywhere as long as there are enemy crowds there. They just spam their attacks without any care about their ammo. Their aim is to reduce the enemy's number so they can spend all their ammo.

When their attacks finish, the enemy's number really reduces a lot. Now, there's only less than half of their initial number. Many of the survivors are also injured by the explosion, so it will be easier.

The Clowns grin while the others are shocked by such development. Such strong weapons will surely shock everyone even Queen who is also researching weapons. This war has come to the Clowns' favor in an instant.


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 276 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 287 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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