Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 251: First Clash

Chapter 251: First Clash

Buggy faces Kaido and they stare at each other without saying anything. Everyone's attention is on these 2 so every fight stops right now. The weaker guys gulp their saliva because of the high tension in the air.

"You have taken care of my guys while I'm gone, Kaido," says Buggy while grinning.

"Worororo, you were gone for too long so I get bored," says Kaido.

"It sure nice to get bored," says Buggy as he releases his C-Haki.

"It sure is," says Kaido while releasing his C-Haki too.

Their C-Hakis clash in the air between them and creates strong dark lightning-like effects. The effects are stronger than when Kaido clashed against Cricket. The current clash is strong enough to knock out a lot of men on Onigashima.

Those who get knocked out are from Beasts Pirates, Orochi's group, & Oden's group. None of the Clown Pirates get knocked out, even the weakest member. Their willpowers are strong enough to stand against the C-Haki clash.

Well, Buggy has trained his crewmates' willpowers over these last few months. He doesn't want his crewmates to get defeated just by mere Conqueror Haki burst. Advanced C-Haki is another thing, but the burst is something that they should be able to handle.

To train them against it, Buggy has used his C-Haki on them every day. They needed to brace themselves and firm their heart to defend themselves. At first, many of them get knocked out but slowly the number is reduced until none get knocked out.

This training actually doesn't give them resistance to C-Haki, it toughens their willpower. When they saw their crewmates who didn't get knocked out, they get jealous and get more motivated. They do whatever they could to not get knocked out and it worked.

Now, the Clowns' willpowers are strong enough to not get knocked out by a mere C-Haki burst or clash. Their strong willpower also makes it hard for them to lose their morale. Although it doesn't make them able to use C-Haki because not everyone can have it.

Still, it makes Buggy wonders why there's no one else who trained their crews to resist C-Haki like him. C-Haki users are very rare in the world but they are common at a higher level. Almost all who stand at the top have C-Haki, after all.

It really confused Buggy because the training method is very easy. But maybe there are some things that he doesn't know. That, or maybe other people just don't care whether their crewmates can resist C-Haki or not.

Other strong crews also have too many members, after all. So it must be very difficult to train them all. But well, it doesn't matter for Buggy because they are his rivals, so it's good for him if they are weak.

Kaido & his men don't realize that the Clowns are not affected by the C-Haki. They aren't really putting attention to something like this. But it is a big mistake because they also don't realize that none of the Clowns has been defeated. The Clowns' low number becomes an advantage at something like this.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" asks Buggy while cocking his right fist and coating it with A-Haki.

Kaido grins and coats his spiked-metal club with A-Haki too. Then Buggy detaches his fist and sends a strong punch with it. Kaido also swings his metal club to counter Buggy's detached hand punch.


Their attacks clash and a big shockwave is created by it. The shockwave is so strong that it pushes many people back. C-Haki clash also appears and knocks out more people.

Buggy & Kaido then clash many more times at high speed. Their clashes are very strong too that the things around them crack & get destroyed. Floor, pillars, walls, furniture, everything around them breaks apart.

Both of them don't even use advanced Haki yet, but their clashes are strong enough to cause a similar effect. It shows just how strong these 2 are. The people in the surroundings even need to back away because of their clashes.

They keep clashing without evading anything, they just counter each other's attacks. It goes like that until Buggy suddenly evades an attack from above that Kaido made. He slides to the left and then jumps toward Kaido.

Buggy detaches his fist but keeps it close to his arm. Then he punches at Kaido's lower jaw with his flying uppercut. Buggy doesn't use advanced A-Haki yet on his attack but it can send Kaido flying high to the sky.

Kaido crashes onto the high rooftop and destroys it. He moves past the rooftop, creating a big hole there. Then some moments later, Kaido returns at a very high speed. His metal club is ready to strike at Buggy who waits below.

Buggy can see a trail of dark lightning-like effect behind Kaido's metal club. So he knows that Kaido is very serious about this attack. Kaido uses advanced A-Haki on this attack so it can crush him.

But Buggy is very calm and just looks at Kaido who descends like a lightning. Then when Kaido almost reaches him, Kaido swings his metal club at Buggy. The metal club moves fast toward Buggy's head but he still doesn't move.

A moment before the metal club touches him, just a few centimeters away from his head, Buggy finally makes his move. He just moves his body to the left a little because Kaido strikes from Buggy's left side.

Kaido's metal club passes Buggy's head & body by a small margin. Buggy moves just enough to avoid the advanced Haki that Kaido uses too. He can use such a simple movement because he has used his advanced O-Haki and seen a glimpse of the future.

Kaido's club that moved past Buggy then hits the floor. The impact of Kaido's strike is really no joke. He destroys the floor until it caves in a few meters deep & some meters wide. The shock also pushes everyone in the surrounding away and destroys the things around them.

"You evaded it," says Kaido with a surprised tone.

"It's not that hard, after all," says Buggy.

Kaido then grins and says, "It seems this place is too small."

"If you say so," says Buggy as he gets ready to fight again.

"Let's change our location," says Kaido.

After saying that, Kaido swings his club from the side horizontally. Buggy counters it with his fist but suddenly he sees a flash from below. He suddenly gets hit by Kaido's tail that comes from below and hits his lower jaw.

Buggy is sent flying up very fast toward Onigashima's rooftop. Then Kaido jumps up and transforms into his dragon form. He flies up to follow Buggy, leaving everyone else on the bottom floor with all the destruction they caused.

Oden who has just recovered from his tiredness and runs to them is too late to join the battle. Kaido & Buggy have gone to the rooftop when he is running so he needs to go up if he wants to join. But it seems he doesn't need to go there because he sees someone on the 3rd floor.

"Orochi," says Oden with a hateful tone.

That's right, Oden sees Orochi on the 3rd floor, hiding from the war. Now his target changes from Kaido to Orochi. He believes Buggy can take care of Kaido while he'll take care of Orochi & the gang.

Oden rushes to the 3rd floor, leaving the others on the bottom floor. Those on the bottom floor are still not resuming the war. They are still in a daze after seeing Buggy's clash against Kaido.

But then, some people finally wake up, causing the others to wake up too. They all look at their enemies again and get ready to fight. Both sides have rested for a short time, so they are fully ready to go all out again.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 275 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 286 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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