Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 265 265: Part 1: The Glade Wars X

The moment he crossed into the Glade, the man with the hand axes responded by flinging one of them in Cole's direction. Cole responded directly by slashing down, only for the axe to disappear and the man to reappear with a spinning back kick, that smashed into Cole's jaw, dislocated it, caused cracks to appear as his very skull was shattered and his body flung to the side to smash into one of the pillars headfirst, pulping his head in the process as Cole's vision went dark.

Neral gave a startled yelp as such a disparity in abilities or just the attack itself was not something either he or Cole had been expecting. The man gave an annoyed huff, as if crushing Cole's skull with a kick was the expected end of anybody who would decide to stand against him, his strength was worrying and he had gone for the head making him one of the most lethal and precise opponents Cole has ever had. It was obvious he has done his homework but maybe not completely, the blow was devastating and it practically brought Cole to the brink, the very edge of loosing a life and being disqualified from this event, even after he had inserted himself into it.

But [Demonic Constitution] saw this new injury as a challenge. As it rapidly healed Cole it made sure to make his skull bone more durable, weaving an element of Cole's [Gravity] skill into it as it healed Cole so that now ,blunt force trauma would be negated a bit by gravity. It was a process, eventually [Demonic Constitution] would be able to fully apply the skill into all of it's healing giving Cole a passive defensive ability that reflected every damage sent his way….at least the physical kinds.

The man threw one of his axes into the sky, ignoring the weapon as it gathered light, absorbing it rapidly into its form, while the man smashed his fist into one of the five Darklings attacking him. They all looked different, and all of them gave off the same boss vibes as the others Cole had faced. But the five here looked like a human, a dwarf, an elf, a giant, and a fairy with massive butterfly wings as they attacked. And true enough, they were stronger than the other bosses.

The man's fist smashed into the skull of the dwarf darkling, blasting it backwards as it's body rolled head over heels to smash into another one of the pillars. That was exactly when the axe that he had thrown into the air came down and he grabbed it with ease, turned around and slashed. Reality seemed to tear itself in half as beam of solar light slashed the area in front of him, burning and eviscerating everything for almost 200 meters and catching the fairy darkling in it's blaze as he turned it to dust, leaving only it's dormant core behind.

The power to put down a darkling nest core in one strike, this was Cole's level of power, a real challenge has come to Pangea. Cole used [Spectral Rover] to appear in front of the man, as went for a sweeping quick that the man jumped over. Cole transitioned into a Scorpion kick, the back of his heel coming down into the man's chest. However he crossed both axes to defend himself as a Sonic boom was released and he was pushed back, his feet digging furrows into the earth.

Cole got to his feet and smiled to the darklings present and to the man, then be bowed as a sign of respect before saying. "I admit trying to sneak attack and impose myself into your fight earlier was just poor showmanship of me, but I'm a demon, we don't really care about all those things and just want to win. But you've showed me the folly of my ways, and you are worthy, so I will fight you with all of my strength."

"How is it that you're still standing?" the man asked, as Cole raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you know who I am?"

"What has that got to do with the fact that your stupid head is still attached to your body? You know what I don't care, and I don't want to know. I'll give you once chance since you're the outsider here, get the fuck off my Base and perhaps I will not humiliate you so badly before I strip your flesh from your bones and bake you under the flames with the power of the sun." Cole blinked then turned to Neral in shock.

"He really doesn't know who I am Neral, and he is threatening me...wow I've got to be honest, I did not expect that. Perhaps I've gotten a little too arrogant for my own good Neral, what do you think?" Cole asked the Cyber dog as the darklings grouped up, all of their focus now on just Cole, and it was obvious to both Cole and the Man that these things knew, just who the fuck Cole was.

"Well Master the universe is large, you can expect everyone to know who you are. Should I make an introduction?" Neral asked, but he didn't get a chance to as the man attacked again, his body flashing forwards in an instant to bring him in front of Cole as his axes slashed down with ferocity on top of Cole's skull.


However he was blown backwards, his body flipping in the air, as a shimmering dome of [Gravity] hung around Cole. The man cursed and spat to the side, an annoyed look on his face as Cole gave him a nonchalant look and summoned [Black Malakai] from where it had fallen out of his hands after the man had attacked him. The black blade slammed into its master's palm with a sizzle of dark red and black lightning as Cole's golden and red eyes turned pitch black.

"Since you don't know who I am, come then, I will give you an Introduction that you will never ever forget in your life. And by the time I'm done, you will bow, and you will serve. Come boy! I don't have all day!"

[Wrath Drive]

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