There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 271: Shura Field

Chapter 271: Shura Field

The night in the deep mountains and old forests was always so quiet.

In Lu Xun's small house, the little demoness sat at the table copying ancient poems, while the little fox listened attentively to the stories. Scenes from the past seemed to replay.

"Alright, alright. Today's story ends here. We'll continue tomorrow." Lu Xun lifted his teacup, took a sip, and looked at the little fox, who had a satisfied yet longing expression. He smiled and said, "We agreed to tell only one part a day. You can't be as shameless as your sister."

The little demoness suddenly looked up and glared at Lu Xun fiercely, "Hey! How am I shameless?"

Lu Xun just smiled and didn't say much. He walked out of the house to get some fresh air. In no time, the little fox came out, swaying her three furry tails behind her. She gently hugged Lu Xun's waist, sniffed his scent, and silently let go, standing aside.

"Why aren't you inside keeping your sister company?" Lu Xun asked.

"She won't talk to me."

The little fox pouted and raised her head to look at him, "Big villain, I want to kiss, just like last time, grabbing my mouth and sucking hard."

Recalling that experience, the little fox blushed, her body trembling slightly. Before, she had only given a simple peck, but after experiencing a real kiss, it was like opening a door to a whole new world, filled with interesting details.


"Next time, next time," Lu Xun said helplessly. "I'll let you kiss until you don't want to anymore."

The little fox pursed her lips and said coquettishly, "How could I get tired of such a thing? Let me kiss you for a lifetime, and I'll be willing."

In the following time, Xuan Shi rubbed against Lu Xun, hugging him until she was satisfied before swaying her tail back to her own room. Lu Xun, in the blink of an eye, returned to the side of the little demoness, looking at her crooked and twisted characters. He couldn't help but feel a bit amused.


"You've been practicing writing for quite some time. Why hasn't there been any improvement?" Lu Xun casually picked up a piece of paper, looking at the messy content. He knew she was practicing calligraphy, but to others, it might seem like child's doodling.

"Just say I'm dumb, why beat around the bush like this?" The little demoness Xuan Yin pouted, saying grumpily, "Since you find me stupid, why don't you go outside and find someone smarter? Let's go our separate ways. You walk your sunny path, and I'll walk my lonely bridge. From now on, we won't bother each other."

Hearing the little demoness' complaining words, Lu Xun smiled and hugged her into his arms. Looking at the charming and tender little demoness, he gently said, "Although your handwriting is indeed not great, my wife's eloquence is getting better and better. What's with these separate paths, sunny roads, and lonely bridges– so smooth and natural. Are you aiming to be a top scholar?"

"That's all thanks to your good teaching."

Nestled in her husband's arms, the little demoness seemed to forget her previous bold words. Feeling his sturdy and strong embrace, experiencing an indescribable sense of security, she couldn't help but have stirring thoughts from the depths of her heart.

"Tomorrow... are you leaving again?" the little demoness asked softly.


"Arranged by your master, I don't want to go, but I have no choice. Wife, do you have any way?" Lu Xun asked with a bitter smile.

Xuan Yin sighed, squirming in his arms gently, "Master likes to have the final say. Once she decides something, it's almost impossible to change. If anyone dares to go against her wishes, the consequences are quite tragic. Both the little fox and I have suffered a lot. Since it's arranged by master, you just have to obediently comply."

"Can only do that."

Lu Xun sighed, cautiously saying, "Wife, about the big demoness outside, could she fall in love with a man?"

"How would I know."

Xuan Yin lightly pursed her lips, quietly untied the green ribbon around her waist, and suddenly opened the sides of her sleeping robe. Breathing with a hint of urgency, she murmured, "Regarding her matters, Xuan Shi and I dare not inquire, but I feel that Master probably doesn't like men. After all, she severed the seven emotions and six desires long ago."

As her words fell, the little demoness looked up at him and asked coquettishly, "Why are you suddenly asking this? Could it be... could it be that you're interested in my master?"

Seeing the enchanting look in Xuan Yin's eyes and her blushing face, Lu Xun knew that this little lady was about to start again. To heat up the atmosphere, he nodded eagerly and suddenly lifted her, whispering in her ear, "Your master is so mature and charming, with such a plentiful bosom, perky butt, and slender jade legs... Your husband can hardly control himself."

With a simple sentence, emotions surged between them. Xuan Yin stared her beloved husband and said flirtatiously, "You really dare? You actually put your bad thoughts on Master. If you have the ability to take her down, I, Xuan Yin, will volunteer to serve you together with her, but I'm afraid... my husband doesn't have this ability."

"Dare not, dare not."

Lu Xun didn't lose his wit, denying repeatedly as he carried her to the bed. "Your master is too terrifying. I'd rather have the little fox, and I dare not take on that snake demoness."

"Little fox?"

"Absolutely not the little fox!"

Xuan Yin glared at him, seriously warning, "Although we often fool around, you must not make any moves on the little fox. Otherwise, not only will master be furious, but I will also be angry."


Lu Xun casually responded, then gently placed her on the bed. Swiftly, he undressed until only his underwear remained, then smoothly slipped into the blanket.

They gazed at each other for a long time, and the little demoness shyly turned her face away, burrowing and arching in his embrace.


The quilt was forcefully shaken, obscuring the view.


In the vast mountains...

Su Jingyi and Mu Qingshuang were sitting in a pavilion on the mountainside. While drinking tea, the two sisters listed all the wrongdoings of a certain person.

"When do you plan to give yourself to him?" Mu Qingshuang asked.

"Not killing him is already good enough. He even wants my body," Su Jingyi tightened her eyebrows, responding coldly, "The more I think about it, the more angry I become. When he held me, uttering all sorts of embarrassing sweet words, I thought he was sincere. I even believed it."

Bringing up this matter, Mu Qingshuang's face was also filled with annoyance. She muttered, "Just after I gave myself to him, he also made various promises to me, but..."

Speaking of this, Mu Qingshuang looked at her good sister beside her and said, "You will eventually give in. Right now, it's just a matter of not being able to face it. If he holds you in his arms, whispers sweet words in your ear, you'll forget the resentment in your heart. Unable to resist, you'll take off your own clothes."


"How could I easily forgive him?" Su Jingyi retorted angrily with a dark face: "That's just you!"

Mu Qingshuang shrugged, answering lightly, "I might as well tell you the truth. I can't resist his sweet talk. As long as he says sweet words to me, I simply can't hate him. I don't know why. Clearly, there was a time when I was very annoyed with him. However, he suddenly hugged me, and I forgave him on the spot. Then, I kissed him."

Well, wasn't I the same?

Clearly, I harbored all kinds of resentment towards him, but as soon as I saw him and heard those sweet and cloying words, all that remained was my attachment to him.

Su Jingyi bit her lip, feeling emotionally chaotic. "We sisters were thoroughly deceived by him. Not only did he take away our hearts, but he also took our bodies. Sometimes, I wonder, what did I see in him? Why is it so hard for me to let go?"

"Have you figured it out?" Mu Qingshuang asked.


Su Jingyi shook her head, staring blankly at the vast mountain range, and her emotions began to overwhelm her, "If someone had told me that my future husband would be twenty years younger than me, I would have definitely sneered. But unexpectedly, that's how it turned out."

"I'm not much different."

Playing with the tea cup in front of her, Mu Qingshuang whispered, "I actually got into bed with a man over twenty years younger than me."

For a while, the two sisters fell into silence.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Jingyi suddenly raised her head, looked at the azure sky, and said slowly, "It feels like he's coming."

"Then I'll hide."

Mu Qingshuang quickly tidied up a bit and hurriedly hid.

After a while, a silver light appeared on the horizon, landing next to the pavilion in the blink of an eye.

"Aunt Su."

"Why did you change locations today?"

Lu Xun put away his flying sword and walked towards the pavilion.

Seeing her little scoundrel before, Su Jingyi's heart would always be filled with happiness and urgency, but at this moment, all that remained for her was resentment. She only wished to beat him up right now.

Obediently sitting next to Aunt Su, Lu Xun reached out to hug her into his arms and gently said, "Aunt Su, I miss you so much."


Su Jingyi snorted, quickly breaking free from his embrace. She stared at him coldly and questioned, "I'll ask you one last time. Are there other women outside?"

It feels a bit unusual.

Before, wasn't it the case that after meeting, they would passionately start kissing? Why did she suddenly come at me today?

"What's going on?"

"Why are you asking such a question out of the blue?" Lu Xun didn't sense any tension in the air. He once again embraced this charming and full figure into his arms, smiling and saying, "Aunt Su, let me tell you like this. My heart can no longer accommodate a third woman."

"Is that so?"

Su Jingyi glared at him with anger, teeth clenched, and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure!"

Lu Xun straightened his chest and said earnestly, "If you don't believe me, then I swear—"

"No need."

"Look over there."

Su Jingyi pointed somewhere.


Following Aunt Su's indication, Lu Xun looked there with a curious expression.

At this moment....

Mu Qingshuang walked out, looking at him /collection/257029

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