There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 270: Let's Kill Him Tomorrow!!

Chapter 270: Let's Kill Him Tomorrow!!

Originally, the two sisters had an unspoken agreement not to inquire about the names of each other's lovers. However, Fairy Su couldn't resist any longer. Avoiding reality wasn't a solution, and eventually, drawing from her own relevant experience, she posed the deeply buried question to Mu Qingshuang: Is her man named Lu Xun?

When Mu Qingshuang heard this name, she fell into a deep silence. To be honest, she had guessed the truth, but she was unwilling to believe it. However, facing the merciless tearing off of the mask by her dear sister, the bloody truth unfolded before her eyes.

"No, no, his name is not Lu Xun." Mu Qingshuang tightly bit her lip, resisting without meaning. Trembling, she said, "I don't know Lu Xun. I don't know what you're talking about. He... his name is Lu, Lu..."

Even though she had her face turned away and Su Jingyi couldn't see her dear sister's expression at this moment, judging from her hesitant words and the slight trembling of her body, it was clear that her lover was indeed Lu Xun – that damned scoundrel!

For a while, in the vast backyard, a silent atmosphere pervaded. Despite the presence of two mature and beautiful women sitting in the pavilion, neither of them spoke a word. Their faces were filled with confusion and bewilderment. The happiness that should have surrounded them had disappeared, replaced by confusion and anger.

The most awkward thing happened suddenly and unexpectedly before them, and the sisters had no idea how to deal with it. However, this matter, which should have turned them against each other, did not ignite hatred between them—at least not yet. After all, both were victims of that damn man.

"This scoundrel! He's simply too outrageous!"

Su Jingyi stood up abruptly, becoming more and more furious as she thought about it. Through gritted teeth, she said, "I'm going to kill him right now!"

As she finished speaking, she raised her jade-like hand and coldly shouted, "Sword!"

In an instant, a silver light appeared on the horizon and flew into her hand.

"Wait for me to bring back his head," Su Jingyi said in a rage, ready to leave. However, Mu Qingshuang was frightened and quickly grabbed her arm, forcefully preventing her from leaving.

"What are you doing!" Mu Qingshuang anxiously said, "Do you have to take it to the point of death right away?!"


"At this point, you're actually siding with him!" Su Jingyi glared at her with anger, "This little scoundrel played us both in the palm of his hand. Cutting off his head is already mercy. I'd like to chop him into mincemeat and feed it to the wild animals in the mountains."

Mu Qingshuang bit her lips, her face filled with complexity. She said, "I don't care, but I've already given myself to him. He's now my man, my husband, my lord. If you kill him, I won't live either."



Su Jingyi opened her mouth, not knowing what to say under the raging emotions. Accompanied by rapid breathing driven by anger, her chest rose and fell incessantly. Then, Fairy Su silently put away the longsword, muttering to herself, "How could I not care? Do you think I can really not care? I can't bring myself to do it either."

"You scared me."

"I thought you were really going to kill him." Mu Qingshuang released her hand, sitting back in place with a complicated expression, murmuring to herself, "I didn't expect it to be such a situation. The most absurd and shouldn't-have-happened thing actually happened to us. But I still don't understand. From our descriptions, he clearly isn't the same person."

"I'm also puzzled."

Su Jingyi, with a stern face, sat beside Mu Qingshuang and said coldly, "He is very vulgar in front of me, shameless to the extreme. But in front of you, he is gentle and refined. This contrast is too much."

Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips, muttering softly, "I can't distinguish which one is the real him now."

"Regardless of true or false, the fact is that both of us were played by him." Su Jingyi said indignantly, "I must beat him up. I've asked him many times if there are any harlots outside, and he repeatedly claimed there weren't. But now, not only one, but two..."


"What do you mean?" Mu Qingshuang's face was twisted in anger as she glared at her fiercely. "How did I become a harlot? Jingyi, if you don't make things clear to me today, then our sisterhood will end."

"I just said it casually." Su Jingyi shrugged, and the corner of her eye glanced at her. She muttered, "Besides, I got him first. You came much later, and you even promised me that you wouldn't get involved with a man I'd been with."


"You've always been secretive. How would I know he's your man? If you had told me earlier, this wouldn't have happened." Mu Qingshuang refuted with irritation, "Now you're blaming it on me. You sure have the nerve!"

Su Jingyi frowned, and her temper rose. She snapped, "Can't I blame you? I had him long ago, and it was under your guidance. Now, without my consent, you secretly had a tryst with him."

"What do you mean by a secret tryst!"

"Explain it clearly, you shameless woman. How did I have a secret tryst? Did my relationship with Lu Xun start under your instigation? Did you teach me how to seduce him, how to initiate, how to overcome the panic in my heart? Did you teach me these things?" Mu Qingshuang angrily questioned.

For a while, the two sisters fell into silence again, realizing that, seemingly, they had become matchmakers for each other.

"Who is his other woman?" Su Jingyi asked.

Mu Qingshuang didn't know how to answer. She couldn't tell her that it's the little fox you cherish the most; she would definitely collapse after knowing. Moreover, the little fox is so innocent and carefree, she doesn't want her to be involved in this endless vortex and get hurt.

"I will never tell you."

Mu Qingshuang replied indifferently, "Just consider her non-existent, Jingyi. I'm not trying to spite you, but because I... I don't want to see her get involved. She belongs to the innocent and carefree type. I won't allow her to be harmed."

"Clearly, she's a rival, but you're protecting her so much." Su Jingyi muttered discontentedly.


"What about your rival? Who is she?" Mu Qingshuang asked.

Although I can tell you who my rival is, doing so will undoubtedly put you in danger. That demoness is a ruthless woman, in case she harms you, it will be too late to regret. Su Jingyi flattened her mouth and said lightly, "I can't tell you. But the reason I can't tell you is because I am protecting you. That woman is ruthless and kills without blinking."

"Kills without blinking?"

"It seems he doesn't refuse anyone who comes. Quite indiscriminate." Mu Qingshuang said irritably.

Su Jingyi glanced at her and casually said, "He even accepts widows. No fear of someone who kills without blinking."


"Yet he loves to sleep with widows." Mu Qingshuang, not one to coddle, asked nonchalantly, "Jingyi, why doesn't he sleep with you?"

"Mind your own business!" Su Jingyi seemed to have her tail stepped upon and was about to jump up in anger. She said coldly, "This matter between us won't be settled so easily."


"That's what I wanted to say." Mu Qingshuang shrugged, saying calmly.

When the two sisters remained silent for a long time, the anger in their hearts seemed to dissipate a bit. Mu Qingshuang lightly touched Fairy Su's arm with her elbow and murmured, "Are we still going to be open and honest best friends in the future?"

Su Jingyi sighed, her expression full of distress. She muttered to herself, "Actually, we were both deceived by him. If we fight against each other, we'll end up benefiting other women."


"But..." Su Jingyi looked at her, exhaling angrily. "I feel a bit unwilling."

"I feel unwilling too." Mu Qingshuang pouted, irritatedly saying to her, "Suddenly having two more rivals for no reason, just thinking about it makes me annoyed."

As the words fell, she muttered in a low voice, "What should we do now?"

"What should we do?"

"I just want to beat him up now." Su Jingyi's face turned dark, and she became furious. "It's convenient since he's meeting with me tomorrow. I'll ask him if there are other women outside. If he stubbornly denies it, I won't spare him!"

"Can you take me with you?" Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and said angrily, "I'll hide in the shadows. If he answers 'no,' I'll come out directly. Let's see how he has any room for excuses. At that time, when you're beating him up, I'll kick a few times on the side, venting the anger in my heart!"

After saying that, she hurriedly reminded, "Don't hit his face. Also, don't hit his waist and here. In any case, be gentle. If you end up hurting him badly, we'll regret it in the end."

Su Jingyi lightly bit her lip, speaking angrily, "I know."

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Jingyi felt that the spiritual mirror received a message. She immediately summoned it and saw three words written on it.

—"I miss you."

"Is it Lu Xun?"

"What did he say to you?" Mu Qingshuang asked curiously.

"See for yourself."

Su Jingyi handed her spiritual mirror to Mu Qingshuang.

After glancing at it, Mu Qingshuang immediately left the pavilion, rushed back to her room anxiously. Soon, Su Jingyi saw her good sister returning in anger, holding her own spiritual mirror in her hands.

"Exactly the same!" Mu Qingshuang gritted her teeth and said with resentment.

Hearing these words from her good sister, Su Jingyi was filled with intense hatred, "Then let's kill him /collection/257029

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