The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 70: Luna

Chapter 70: Luna

Akaichi A small chapter, There would be a lot of info dump in the next chapter to prepare for the next arc. so prepare yourselves.

And thanks you for the donations, they were really helpful.

Twenty minutes later, the car reached a luxurious restaurant. Its name was The Lovers Den. And despite what the name might suggest it only offered food. Very delicious food.

George quickly parked the car at the front door then got out and opened the door for Theodore.

“See, that’s how you must act from now on,” Victor said to Alex who was busy opening the door at her side.

She could only nod as she left the car and held the door for Victor respectfully.

Victor stepped down and looked at the restaurant with a smile while shaking his head, he knew this place well. Even in his previous life, his father would use every chance to eat here. It was not busy now, but at night this place would be fully booked.

“Follow me,” Theodore said to Victor as they slowly entered the building followed by George, who handed the keys to the parking valet, and Alex, who was looking around in astonishment. She lived all her life in an impoverished sect, so this was her first time entering such a lavish place. Although she was raised as a sect heir, her father was the type who believed hard life builds character. So he forced his opinion on his entire sect and made them live in modest houses.

A beautiful young woman came to welcome them in a hurry with a smile on her face. She was about 25 years old. She had long black hair, beautiful almond-shaped eyes, and a bulging belly. She was pregnant.

“You should have told me that you are coming here today.” She said to Theodore coyly.

“I needed to have lunch with my son Victor, so I just thought it would be a good chance to see you and come here. How are you and how is the baby?” He asked while scratching his head.

“We are fine, But you should come to see us more,” She said then turned to Victor,

“Ah, hello young master Victor, I am your father’s lover, call me Luna,” she said with a friendly smile.

“Ah, Hello miss Luna, Just call me Victor. I hope you give birth soon so that my father can make you my fourth mother,” Victor replied with a sincere smile, making Luna have a deep blush as she shyly nodded.

This woman Luna Black was his father’s lover. But not any lover, this one loves him for real, not for his money, and she has succeeded in capturing his arrogant heart.

She met him when he was passing one day by her food-selling stall one day. She happened to be attacked by some thugs at that time, so Theodore quickly helped her like a true gentleman after seeing her beauty.

Theodore expected the story to go, as usual, he saves the girl from the thugs, then she thanks him with a meal where he charms her with his money and they go to some hotel after that.

But this time he turned from the hawk to the pidgin, as he was captured after eating the first bite of the barbecue she prepared for him. After finishing the dish, he quickly offered to build her a restaurant. Her food was the best thing he ever tasted.

She was a little shocked, but she could tell from his expensive clothes that he must be very rich. So she asked him what he wanted in exchange, and she would never sell herself for money, he replied that he needed nothing. For the first time in Theodor’s life, he felt that he must act like a real gentleman, especially after seeing her doubting eyes.

After that, they met many times after agreeing to open a restaurant as a joint venture. Luna also slowly fell in love with this mysterious man, who after knowing that she was pregnant told her some truth about his family.

She was really upset at first, but after looking at her lover’s puppy eyes, she decided to forgive him. And they called their finished restaurant the Lover’s den. As it would be the place where they would meet when he was in town.

That was how she told the story to Victor back then, and he had no way to verify its content. But he could clearly feel the love she had for his father.

When he reached the island after the family massacre that time. When he found her. she was hugging Theodor as they lay dead on the ground with a bloody stone spear passing through both of their hearts. He could easily tell that she pointlessly used her body to shield his father.

For that reason, Victor respected her. As she also was one of the few who helped him before and after he was kicked out of the family.

Victor could only sigh as he remembered the past. This time, he will never let that tragedy happen again, and the culprit would pay a very heavy price.

“Let’s get some food, for now, I haven't tasted your cooking for some time,” Theodore said to Luna with a smile.

“Ok, just go to the first room, I will prepare this meal myself, I don’t want my future stepson to have a bad impression on me.” She said as she winked at Victor, then turned around and headed to the kitchen.

“George, take the pretty boy and get him some food. I will have a private conversation with Victor.” Theodore said as he headed upstairs.

Victor turned to Alex and nodded then quickly followed his father.

“Let’s go kid. There are some things I have to ask you about, and some things I have to teach you about being a good butler,” George said as he asked one of the waiters to get him a nice private room.

Soon they reached the VIP room, which contained a few couches and a wooden round dining table. Theodore quickly sat at the table and gestured to Victor to sit beside him on a luxurious wooden chair.

“First things first, who is that pretty boy, and why did you ask me to help him out of prison? He looked like a player. A very weak one, a level 0 or 1.” Theodore inquired as he looked at his son who was sitting down.

“Ah. He is the son of the Thunder sect’s master, there seemed to have been a coup in that sect and his father was killed, so he ran away from there.” Victor said as he monitored his father’s reaction, ”As for his level it was because he was cursed and couldn’t level up despite conquering a dungeon. It just so happens that the system store had some kind of new curse dispelling talisman. It was offered at a discount so I decided to try it on him after signing a contract. It stated that I would heal him and help him hide from his enemies if he accepted being my servant. The talisman worked and he has to follow me now.” He explained,

“I don’t mind him being your servant. As his situation is similar to George's back then, he also was kicked out of his family for being an illegitimate child. And I took him in and protected him then made him my butler. That caused our relationship with his family to turn sour though, and I lost the status of a future patriarch nominee, but it was completely worth it. George has saved my life no less than 10 times since then.” Said Theodore with a little smile.

 “I wanted to tell you about him because those guys from the thunder sect might have followed him here,” Victor said.

“The thunder sect is just a minor force, they have never held a council seat in their entire existence. Don’t worry, if they come here I will deal with them as this is my city. But that’s all I can do to help you, if you want to confront their sect you have to be a man and do it yourself.” Theodore said as he nodded in satisfaction. Victor’s actions were both brave and sneaky at the same time He really fitted his taste. His son seemed to have been acting weak to protect himself before.

Suddenly there was a faint knock on the door. And after asking for permission, Luna gracefully entered with a waiter who carried a tray full of very appealing dishes.

“I prepared those dishes, especially for you two. I hope you enjoy all of them. Now I will take my leave. If you needed me I would be at my office,” She said while winking at Theodore, and then quickly left the room with her assistant after arranging the dishes on the table.

“Let’s eat.” Said Theodore, who couldn’t hide the anticipation in his voice.

Victor nodded and began his meal with a smile.

It was really delicious.

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