The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 69: Never Disobey Grandma

Chapter 69: Never Disobey Grandma

Victor was really upset, He was using Alex’s massage as a front to observe and command Tom while closing his eyes. He believed that this was just a normal reconnaissance, but he never expected Linda to cheat on him with a minor character like Titus. He didn’t know about this in his previous life, As Linda was courting someone else in secret when he met her at school, As Titus was already Eliminated.

Back then, Victor was tasked by the family to investigate the mysterious auction that happened once every four years.

Victor did his job perfectly, and on the night before the auction, he broke into Titus’s mansion with a family force and arrested him. The mansion was entirely searched after that.

Although Victor got some hefty rewards for his accomplishment. The girls and the treasures that were found in the basement were transported by the family to a secret location and he never heard of them after that.

But that accident didn’t end there. His role in the investigation has angered many parties including Linda and Titus’s father who held a high position in the family. There were others too though, a much stronger force that guided Titus behind the scenes. Their pride would have never allowed such an insignificant person like him to interrupt their plans. So they all worked together to frame him and get him kicked out of the family a few years later. And if it were not for his idiot brothers’ suppression after that, they might have killed him. But they enjoyed watching him being humiliated.

Now, he didn’t fear them, but the opposite. He will kill them one after another. Starting with Little Titus.

This time, he has sent Tom to that mansion just in case something went wrong. He was afraid that Lily might slip up or get into danger. And getting Tom there had many additional benefits like increasing Tom’s trust in the system and making Victor able to observe the situation.

He had to turn off the observation when he saw Linda and Titus together though, he was so disgusted that he almost threw up. And was not in the mood to watch at all. He didn’t expect such a scene at all.

He hated Linda to the core and intended to get revenge on her. But not now, as he had bigger plans for her and her family. And he didn’t want to disturb the general pattern of destiny too much yet, as knowing the future was one of his strongest weapons.

This situation is far more convenient for him. Instead of having to reveal the truth about the auction, that would let the family force him to hand over all the spoils. He would use Titus’s relationship with Linda as his killing shot.

Now all he has to wait. As he was sure that George has noticed Linda in Titus’s room.

His father was leisurely sitting on his chair while browsing the PLAYER’S DIGEST website. The best player news website around. Though it had an expensive subscription fee. He seemed to be really enjoying his time.

“Can I get my phone, and other possessions back now? My innocence has already been proved.” Asked Victor lazily, as he was getting bored, and had nothing to do after Tom finished his job.

“NO, not until everything is clear.” Scolded Mason who couldn’t sit still in peace. He was really angry as he felt that the father and son pair were playing him, but he could only wait with them as he had already read the reports about Jacob, and they were all correct. He confirmed that Jacob was the criminal who blew out the car without a shred of doubt.

But who was that mysterious mastermind? They refused to tell him before he gets here.

Alex didn’t seem to care about all the ruckus as she continued her massage in silence. But in fact, she was both nervous and curious. That Mason guy didn’t seem a good guy at all.

If he convicted Victor she may had to go back to jail and maybe warm Victor’s prison bed for years to come.

Victor has asked her to give him a shoulder massage. And it has already been an hour and she was getting tired, but she didn’t dare complain. If Victor gave up on her and sent her back, her enemies would surely find her and she would not get a chance to revenge for her father after the lifting of her curse.

Victor could feel her tired fists on his shoulders but he didn’t stop her. He was not sure, but from the information and journals he read in his previous life, he knew that Dark Scions were meant to be miserable in their life, not too much though.

If they got too happy, their happiness would be destroyed with everything related to it, and if they got too sad they might go on a crazy murdering spree.

So he had to keep her in an uncomfortable zone. Sometimes giving her candy and others feeding her shit. That is until he can find a way to fix her Fate if a method for that exists.

“Alex. Sit down and rest a little, you are getting sloppy.” Said Victor a few minutes later, making Alex sit down as she breathed a sigh of relief.

An hour later the door opened after a knock and George walked in slowly and saluted everyone respectfully.

“Master, the mission is complete. Unfortunately, the suspect has resisted arrest, so I had to use little force, but don’t worry, he is still alive. He is now resting in the next room.” He said, making Theodore smile in satisfaction, he knew what kind of “little force” George used.

“Let’s see the mastermind you are claiming is behind all of this mess.” Said Mason Impatiently as he left the room.

Everyone quickly followed him including Victor and Alex, who got curious after hearing their conversation.

George approached Theodore as they walked and whispered something in his ear making him frown a little then smile in satisfaction.

Mason didn’t see their little action. After entering the room, he stood there observing the blood-covered naked young man who sat on a cold metal chair. He had his hands tied and had a dirty rag gagging his mouth. He had disheveled purple hair and puffed eyes. He seemed a little familiar.

Victor looked at him from the back and smirked.

; ;

NAME : Titus Von Weise

LEVEL : 37


CLASS : Corrupt Bard


Strength : 25

Intelligence : 33

Agility: 50

Luck : 15

Charm : 25

Order: 13


Memories Fabricator, S

Discouraging speech, C

Quick Charm, C

Lower Sword Arts, F

The young man looked at Mason, pleading with his barely opened eyes. But Mason didn’t know anybody with such a bloated face and broken nose. But after some inspections, he realized that this guy was his nephew Titus Von Weise.

“Who did it, how dare you hit a direct heir,” Mason yelled as he turned to face George.

“How dare you hurt him you…” He wanted to add but was interrupted by Theodore.

“Your nephew has killed Jacob Rice to hide evidence about my son’s Nick’s murder. So I asked George to arrest him. George was acting on my command, so this was not against the family rules as Titus has resisted arrest. Right George?” Theodore asked for confirmation.

“Exactly master, young master Titus even demanded that you go there by yourself and beg him to come,” George replied while shaking his head in sorrow as if Titus was a naughty child who got what he deserved.

“You heard that?” Theodore said to Mason who was busy removing the underwear that was blocking Titus’s mouth. After that, he quickly fed him a high-quality red healing pill and cut the plastic cord binding his hands.

Titus got better at a visible speed. He immediately pointed at George and began to sob.

“Uncle, they are framing me. That butler just got to the mansion and began killing everyone and beat me without saying anything.” Titus said confusing truth with lies. They were framing him for real.

“Do you have any proof?” Mason faced Theodore and asked, only for George to hand him a phone playing the video of “Titus’s” entire crime.

Mason was unconvinced, “It may be someone who looked like him,” He said as he saw the footage of multiple different cameras. This was definitely his nephew.

“No master Mason,” said George. “Look here, some pervert has installed a camera on this street toilet, the police did an amazing job recovering this footage. Young master Titus entered here after burying Jacob. you can clearly see that red birthmark on his butt.” George added as he pointed to the phone then at the weeping Titus’s naked butt. “Can anyone fake that?” He asked, making Mason shut up in annoyance. The guy on the recording was really Titus. What an idiot, if you wanted to commit such crime make one of your men do it, He thought.

“It’s all lies. I never left the mansion that night.” Screamed Titus in despair, he was truly innocent. And that night he was in his study, waiting for the good news.

Titus could only look at Theodore and then at Victor. He knew that he fell into a deep trap. “Just you wait, after my father gets me out of this trouble, I will return and murder you and rape all your loved ones in front of your eyes. The guys behind me need me for the auction as I have their merchandise, and they would definitely help me.” He thought, not realizing that all of his “Merchandise” has already fallen in Victor’s hands.

“As your son said earlier Theodore, all of these are circumstantial evidence. Do you have anything concrete?” Mason turned around and said, intending to play ignorant. But Theodore’s response was beyond his wildest imagination.

“I always knew that nephew Titus disregarded the rules. But he has been getting more and more insolent lately. He even dared to disregard my mother’s orders” Theodore said making Titus look at him with hatred.

“So what if I did, what can she do. Just a bitch that thinks that she can act cocky for banging the patriarch,” He said arrogantly, making Mason feel a shiver through his spine forcing him to take a step away from his nephew.

“What did you do?” He asked with a shaking voice. Others didn’t know Ann’s real status, but as an elder of the inquisition hall, Mason knew better than anyone that she was the real head of the family and her orders are never to be ignored.

Titus didn’t answer, he just looked at Victor with a smirk. He would not easily implicate himself.

Theodore slowly approached Marcos's ears and said something.

“Your precious nephew has been banging Linda Cross despite mother’s order that no one can touch her in the family except her legitimate fiance, Victor. George found her hiding naked in the bathroom when he arrested Titus, He acted as if he saw nothing to avoid further trouble. He got her ID from her bag that she had tucked under the bed though, this would serve as evidence. I advise you to do the right thing, just arrest Titus here and take him to the island, if news about his affair got out, he wouldn’t be the only one in trouble.” Theodore whispered in a very soft voice that only Mason who has sweating like a pig could hear.

Mason took a deep breath then looked at his nephew who was glaring daggers at Victor. And sighed.

To the astonishment of everyone in the room, he took the dirty underwear from the ground then shoved it back in Titus’s mouth. Before slapping him unconscious in one move. He didn’t want him to utter any other stupid words. This has got too much out of hand. And this idiot boy couldn’t do one thing right.

“I decided to continue this investigation on the island, so I will take my leave with the suspect now.” He said while giving Theodore then Victor a threatening look. He will back for revenge, he thought. Unfortunately, his nephew’s journey ends here. He would be lucky if he could keep his life.

Mason didn’t dare mess with Ann. That woman is very dangerous. In the family, breaking the rules would get you kicked out or killed. Offending Ann would make you wish you were dead.

Mason slowly grabbed the unconscious Titus and dragged him out of the station to a fancy car, where he threw him to the back seat, then left while cursing in silence.

Baron quickly followed in distress. He didn’t care about Titus. He had to get back to the mansion to check on everything, If the auction was delayed because of this he wouldn’t be able to keep his head.

Lea who was watching from afar with her father, couldn’t help but laugh loudly. And only stopped when Harold slapped the back of her head.

Soon, Victor’s stuff was returned to him by the station’s Captain with an apology, and with the help of his father, all the evidence on Alex’s crime was lost somehow. So she became a free (wo)man again.

It was noon when they left the station to find Harold and Lea waiting for them at the door.

“Congratulations,” Said Harold to Theodore. Who nodded his head in satisfaction.

“You did right this time, and Lea did an amazing job. I will make sure to get you a nice promotion,” Theodore said as he looked at Harold and Lea with a warm smile.

Lea didn’t even look at Theodore but at Victor. She didn’t notice earlier, but he looked very charming.

she slowly skipped as approached him like a little girl in love.

“Victor, about your proposal last night, I believe we can discuss it in detail over dinner,” She said, making Victor feel electrified in shock.

“Shit, this stalker has set me as her love target. I shouldn’t have teased her,” He thought as he looked at Lea then at his father who was giving him a very dangerous look.

Lea was in fact, Theodore’s daughter and Victor’s half-sister. And that was the only reason why she could keep her silly head on top of her shoulders to this day. And her step-father Harold got many promotions for this reason. It was Theodore who covered for them from the shadows.

Theodore once loved Harold’s wife and Lea’s mother, Nicole. but that woman was too headstrong and refused to stay with Theodore after a night’s stand as she felt that it was a mistake and she was waiting for her loved one, Harold, who went to study in the police academy in another city and would return a week later.

But to her surprise she got pregnant. After giving birth, she told Theodore that Lea was his daughter. He confirmed that with a test.

Theodore kept a good relationship with Nicole as they had similar tastes. And they agreed not to tell anyone about this secret and to take it to the grave as Lea didn’t have a pure bloodline.

The truth was hidden, but the test files were left in the family’s archive.

“Sorry to disappoint you officer Lea, But I have turned to the other side,” Victor said as he grabbed Alex and gave her a deep kiss on the mouth. Making her freeze in shock, and making his father have the urge to strangle this shameful son of his. But he sighed in relief as he knew that this was Victor’s method to get rid of Lea.

“Oh!” Lea said in surprise not knowing what to say, This was the first time she confessed to someone and he turned out to be gay.

Theodore quickly took the chance to escape. This daughter of his was a real pain in the ass.

“We have some important business now. See you later Harold.” Theodore said as he dragged Victor who in turn dragged Alex into the black car that George has already started.

Lea looked at the speeding car in distress, What to do?

“I wouldn’t give up!” She thought. She would turn Victor back and make him hers, she decided firmly.

Victor who sat on the back seat slowly gave Alex’s hand a hard pinch to get her out of her frozen state.

“Don’t think that I would really like you. I might do that if you were a girl. But you are not. And I am still straight. I was just using you as a shield to get rid of that girl,” Victor said as he adjusted his clothes. Making Alex snap out of her dreams and draw in her sorrows again.

She promised her late father not to reveal her true gender. But would Victor really love her if she told him the truth? She wandered

“Let’s go have lunch. I have some important things to tell you,” Theodore said after clearing his throat.

“OK,” Said Victor as he messaged Lily that he was out of prison and would be having lunch with his father, she should not worry about him.

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