The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 180. Name And Status

Chapter 180. Name And Status

By the way, do you have a name?


The discussion about what well do in the future has been going on for a while.

Now that we are less wary of one another, I ask the Dragon a question.

You see, its a bit awkward to address you as Dragon every timeIf you have a name like Kiki or Aka, I was thinking of calling you by your name

I do not have a name.

I was kind of expecting that response since I dont see her name anywhere on my list of party members.

Then do you want me to give you a name? Thats if you want one though.

Give me a name? You?

Yeah. I was also the one who came up with Momo and Kikis names.

For a few seconds, the Dragon blinks her eyes as if shes contemplating something.

Were you really the one who gave those two their names?

Yeah? What about it?

Is there something wrong with that?

Oh, of course, if you arent interested

Very well. Think of a name for me.


Why are acting surprised? Wasnt this your idea?

Thank god. I was afraid that she didnt want one or something.

Now, what should I name her

Since her scales are blue, lets not dwell on it too much and call her Ao from now [1]

However, I hope you understand that I wont accept a half-baked name.

Its almost as if she read my heart.

Hmm, then I guess Ao isnt an option anymore.

The thing is, Ive always been naming my companions based on their colors.

I want to be consistent.

Oh right, theres that.

Thenhow about Sora?


When the Dragon is in the sky, her blue-colored scales serve as camouflage. Sometimes, she assimilates so well with her surroundings that it looks like she has disappeared.

Although its still an unremarkable name, I thought it would fit perfectly with the Dragon since she loves to fly around in the sky.

Sorathe sky, huh

As if entranced, the Dragon mutters her potential name repeatedly and looks up at the sky.

She seems to be reminiscing about the past.

Very well. From today onwards, I shall be known as Sora. Address me as such moving forward.

O-okay. Im glad you took a liking to it.

I quickly check on the list of party members.


Party Members


Dark Dog LV 3


Creation Slime LV 5

Ichinose Natsu

Newtype LV 2


Carbuncle LV 2


Blue Dragon LV 38


Her name has been properly added to the list of party members.

Now that I look at it again, her levels really high.

Most of her stats are in the four digits. Im astonished by how much of a monster she is.

With all that out of the way, Sora, lets have you meet Ichinose-san and the others.

Hmm? Anything wrong?

No, nothing.

I think I just saw her grimace. Am I imagining things?

Now then, I should contact Ichinose-san through Mail.

I had Ichinose-san and the others wait at a remote location just in case the Dragon went on a rampage.

With Momos Shadow Migration, they can arrive here at a moments notice.

Im worried that Ichinose-san will throw up again.


-A few minutes later-

A stiffened up Ichinose-san is standing beside me.


Standing next to her, I can tell that shes trembling really badly.

What a pitiful state shes in.

I dare say that a newborn fawn would be faring better than her.

Its fine, Ichinose-san. Please calm down. As I mentioned in the Mail, my conversation with Sora went well.

I-I-I-I-I-I know that already. I-I-Im n-not s-scared a-a-at a-allUuup.

Ichinose-san blocks her mouth in an attempt to hold herself back from throwing up.

Yep, Ill consider it as progress since she didnt vomit right off the bat.

Rikka-chan, who is next to Ichinose-san, has a rigid smile plastered on her face.

S-so bigEven Im a little scared

Despite her fear, Rikka-chan steps forward like a man and beckons Ichinose-san to hide behind her using one of her hands.

Her other hand is on standby beside her waist in case she needs to draw her hatchet.

Rikka-chanWhat a warrior she is.

And then theres


In the far distance, President Igarashi is peeping at us through the gaps of some rubble.

In a sense, she appears even more frightened compared to Ichinose-san.

It seriously feels like my impression of her dignity and character has undergone a huge change between yesterday and today.

Well, it cant be helped.

Can you just come over?

W-will it be safe to do so? Are you sure I wont get eaten the moment I approach her?

She wontRight?

I glance at Sora.

I dont eat humans. They dont taste good.

Sora is apparently herbivorous.

She likes eating hay and fruits.

While we were waiting for Ichinose-sans arrival, I gave it a try and served her some hay rolls which I got from an agricultural cooperatives warehouse, and she ate them deliciously.

Im talking about those huge rolls of hay that tend to lie around in harvested wheat fields.

Theyre officially known as roll bales, I believe?

She must have been quite hungry as she made quick work of four of them.

By the way, each of them weighed nearly 300 kg.

I guess a Dragons stomach is different after all.

You see? Sora is saying that its fine, so come over here.

W-wait, dont pull me like that!

I grab her arm without her permission and drag her in front of Sora.

Shes trying to resist, but the difference in our status is too vast for her to overcome.

L-let me goTo begin with, why am I here? Without knowing anything, I was dragged here. The Shadow beneath me engulfed me without warning, and the next thing I knew, I was here

Hm? Momo, you brought her here against her will?


When I ask Momo who is by my feet, she tilts her head as if to say, What? I wasnt supposed to?


I see nothing wrong with what she did.

Momo is just a dog, so please dont take it to heart.

Why does it feel like my treatment is getting worse and worse? Arent you blatantly favoring that child over me?

Naturally. After all, Momo is my precious partner.

Wan! (Hows that!)


If someone asks me who is more important, Momo or President Igarashi, Ill choose Momo without any hesitation.

President Igarashi trembles in anger upon hearing my reply.

Y-youre really a terrible person to work with

Ill take that as a compliment. Also, you dont look too good there. Are you feeling tired?

And whose fault do you think that is!? Yes, youre right! Im tired! I didnt get to have an ounce of sleep yesterday because I was so busy calming down the residents and casting Enchantment over and over again! It was so much work that the level of Fatigue Resistance went up! That trash of a fatherand by that I mean Fujita-sanand Grandpa Ken asked me so many questions afterwards. Everythings been going wrong ever since I got myself involved with you

Serves you right. Dont forget that youre the one that provoked us first.

Unable to come up with a retort, President Igarashi unwillingly quiets down.

To some extent, its true that we can speak peacefully here with Sora thanks to President Igarashis effort.

If she had not taken control of the crowd, the panic would have continued, and the residents would have impeded our progress in various ways.

Ill have her continue working hard for us in the future.

Alright, alright. Anyway, why was I summoned here? As I said earlier, Im a busy person, mainly because of you.

Sorry, but this is something that only Igarashi-san can do.

Something only I can do?

Yes, I want you to Appraise Sora.

?But didnt I already Appraise her yesterday?

Things are a little different now. She has become a member of my party, so we might be able to figure out more about Soras status. More importantly, however, Sora doesnt seem to be aware of the existence called Status.


Behind me, Ichinose-san and Rikka-chan express their surprise.

This is something that I learned while I was speaking with Sora earlier on.

Right, Sora?

Indeed. Not to mention Skills, Ive never heard of Occupations and Skill Points either.

? Kudou-san, who have you been talking to since earlier?

Eh? Oh, right. Ichinose-san and the others cant hear us through Telepathy.

I take a glance at Sora.

Sora, can you apply Telepathy to Ichinose-san and

Youre the only human that I acknowledge.

Im honored and all, but wouldnt it be inconvenient if you cant talk to them while youre at the party?

It wouldnt matter with you here. Whats moreNu!?

Suddenly, Sora turns and looks towards Ichinose-san.

To be more exact, shes staring at Ichinose-sans rifle.

That gunWas it this girl that shot my eyes yesterday?

And what if I say yes?

I activate my skills and enter alert-mode.

She might be holding a grudge over being shot in her eyes.

Hopefully, we can talk this through

Unexpectedly, Sora laughs

Very well. Ill also allow this girl to speak with me.


H-huh? I-I think I heard a voice in my head just now

Both Ichinose-san and I get confused.

Based on her reactions, it seems like Soras Telepathy reached her successfully.

You dont resent her?

Resent? Why would I resent her?

W-well, your eyes

Her right eye, which was shot by Ichinose-san hasnt fully healed yet.

Theres still an ugly scar on Soras eye.

I dont particularly mind what she did. It was my fault for being careless. Acknowledge the strongthat was what he taught me.

T-that so

A strength-based hierarchy?

I dont really understand the values and beliefs of Dragons.

Regardless, it seems like Sora has given Ichinose-san her stamp of acknowledgement.

When I tell her that

Wow, thats great.

Her reaction is almost the same as mine.

Although Sora has yet to acknowledge Rikka-chan and President Igarashi, as long as Ichinose-san can receive Soras Telepathy, communicating between party members shouldnt be an issue any more.

This will do for now.

Now, lets return to the main topic.

Weve derailed a bit. The point is, Sora didnt know about the existence of skills and status until now.

Didnt knowbut hasnt she clearly been using them?

I nod in response to Ichinose-sans question.

Yes, she has. It seems like she knew about what her powers she had beforehand.

She knew what powers she had, but she didnt know that she could visualize them in the form of a status plate.

The same can be said for Kiki and Aka.

Im guessing that the concept known as status did not exist in the world where Sora and the others came from. The same goes for skills, occupations, skill points, and job points.

Thenstatuses and skills became a thing only after the world changed?

I nod yet again, this time at Rikka-chans words.

From the perspective of Sora and the others, status is simply a way to visualize the powers which they had from the beginning.

I always assumed that status was something from the monsters world, but that doesnt appear to be the case.

Now that I think about it, Momo often makes gestures which suggest that shes tinkering with her status, but Ive never seen Aka or Kiki making such gestures before.

I really shouldve noticed earlier.

Hm? But she can see her status now, right? Isnt Appraisal unnecessary?

Not quite, Aisaka-san. Although its true that Sora can see her status, its not easy for her to convey everything to us through Telepathy.

Oh, so thats why.

Using Telepathy alone, its difficult to convey accurate information about skills and their effects.

To be honest, its hard to understand what Soras saying since she speaks little and doesnt like explaining things to others.

The biggest problem, however, is that Sora herself may be misunderstanding what her skills can do.

As an example, lets talk about her Claw Attack.

Sora describes the skill as a technique which allows her to cut through things with her claws.

Shes oblivious as to how destructive it is, how much area the attack can cover, and whether or not it comes with a side effect.

In other words, shes currently using her skills based on her wild instincts.

On the other hand, if we were to properly Appraise her skills and search up the details using The Right to Question, there wont be any holes in our understanding of her skills, allowing Sora to have an accurate grasp of what her skills can do.

It may take some time, but its more reliable this way.

Thats why we need your help, Igarashi-san.


President Igarashi stares at Sora for a moment.

Then, she takes out a small notebook from her pocket and begins jotting down information.

I can certainly access more information compared to yesterday.

As I thought.

My prediction turned out to be correct.

Oh, thats right.

I should use this chance to learn more about the skills and statuses of Momo, Kiki, and Aka.

I dont think President Igarashi would give us false information at this point.

(Is it okay for you guys?)


(Furu furu)


Ive obtained their approval.

I just realized, but this will be my first time seeing their status.

Im excited to see how they compare.

I request President Igarashi to Appraise the trios statuses as well.

The results that she writes down on the paper surprise me very much.

This is how their statuses look like



Blue Dragon

LV 38

HP: 1400/5200

MP: 550/2300

Strength: 1200

Endurance: 800

Agility: 2500

Dexterity: 1200

Magic: 2200

Magic Resistance: 1100

SP: 176

Unique Skills


Claw Attack LV10, Breath Attack LV10, Dragons Scale LV10, Extreme Flight Speed LV10, Enemy Detection LV3, Coercion LV5, Roar LV5, Berserk LV4, Enhanced Breath Attack LV8, Super Enhanced Breath Attack LV7, Enhanced Claw Attack LV7, Enhanced Dragons Scale LV7, Enhanced Flight Speed LV8, Crisis Detection LV3, Telepathy LV3, Reduced MP Consumption LV3, Attention Cutoff LV2, Increased Range LV5, Thought Resonation LV4



Creation Slime

LV 5

HP: 220/220

MP: 120/120

Strength: 1

Endurance: 98

Agility: 1

Dexterity: 1

Magic: 1

Magic Resistance: 300

SP: 30

Unique Skills


Shock Absorption LV7, Enhanced Shock Absorption LV2, Slash Immunity LV7, Softening LV7, Mental Distress Tolerance LV10, Enemy Detection Invalidation LV10, Mimicry LV7, Thought Resonation LV1, Petrification LV1, Enlargement LV1, Kin Absorption LV4, Kin Recognition LV4, Remove Stench LV10, Gross Eater LV7




LV 2

HP: 40/40

MP: 80/80

Strength: 10

Endurance: 11

Agility: 18

Dexterity: 21

Magic: 11

Magic Resistance: 12

SP: 24

Unique Skills


Combat Support LV3, Support LV4, Support Magic LV3, Reflection LV7, Thought Resonation LV1, See Through LV1, Grant Curse LV2



Dark Dog

LV 3

HP: 422/422

MP: 85/85

Strength: 130

Endurance: 112

Agility: 480

Dexterity: 210

Magic: 110

Magic Resistance: 120

SP: 36

Unique Skills



Biting LV4, Scratching LV2, Ramming LV2, Offroad Dashing LV4 [2], Enhanced Olfaction LV2, Enemy Detection LV4, Crisis Detection LV4, Fear Resistance LV4, Stress Resistance LV4, Hunger Resistance LV4, Solitude Resistance LV4, Agility Reinforcement LV1, Thought Resonation LV2, Shadow Manipulation LV7, Shadow Weapon LV4, Shadow Migration LV2, Shadow Infiltration LV5, Strengthened Wolf Pack LV4, Roar LV4, Dark Bullet LV1


It turns out that Momo possesses a unique skill.

[1] Ao means blue in Japanese.

[2] Running through an uneven path.

TN: Some of the skills names are kind of strange. I tried my best to translate them, but if you have any suggestions (or corrections which you wish to point out), please tell me down in the comments!

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